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  • WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪

  • Hey, wow... ♪

  • Here's how

  • Come and read

  • Between the lions

  • CHORUS: ♪ Come on

  • Come in

  • Begin

  • The world awaits

  • WOMAN: ♪ Between the lions

  • Between the covers of a book

  • It's time to look between the lions

  • Behold the tales beyond the tails

  • CHORUS: ♪ Behind the door

  • Become, explore

  • Come in between the lions

  • Begin between the lions

  • Be here between the lions! ♪

  • LIONEL: Whoa, cool.

  • Nothing But Lug Nuts.

  • THEO: Up against the tree.

  • Stand up straight, Leona.

  • There you go, okay.

  • Okay, now, step away.

  • Wow, Leona!

  • You are getting so big!

  • Wow, I am!

  • I'm getting big.

  • Did you hear that, Lovey?

  • I'm getting so big!

  • Hmm?

  • Oh, thank you.

  • Lovey says, "Congratulations."

  • ( laughing affectionately )

  • Theo! Lionel! Leona!

  • Oh, listen!

  • I have great news!

  • Yeah?

  • Your Aunt Purcilla and Uncle Otto

  • just had three brand-new cubs!

  • ( laughing )

  • How about that, huh?

  • Boy, talk about a pawful!

  • Oh, yes.

  • Now, listen, Aunt Purcilla asked me

  • if I would mind flying down

  • to help her for a few days.

  • I told her yes.

  • I'm sure you can manage

  • without me for a few days.

  • THEO: Sure, Cleo, sure!

  • No problem!

  • Lionel?

  • Hmm? Wha...?

  • Oh, uh, uh, uh, yeah!

  • Yeah, what Dad said.

  • Leona?

  • Oh... oh, oh, oh.

  • Lovey says you can go away.

  • I'm a big girl now.

  • I'll be okay.

  • Lovey said that, did she?

  • Yep, yep.

  • That's what she said, mm-hmm.

  • Boy! I'd better get the staff together

  • to plan how we'll handle things

  • while you're gone.

  • I'll see you in a bit, huh?

  • Okay.

  • BOTH: Nosey, nosey, nosey!

  • ( laughing quietly )

  • See you in a bit, honey.

  • Oh, hang on a second, Dad!

  • I'll help you!

  • Oh, thanks, Lionel!

  • LIONEL: Yeah, sure!

  • Leona.

  • Now, you know your dad will be here

  • to take care of you.

  • And I'll only be gone for a couple of days.

  • I know, Mama.

  • It's okay.

  • Okay. I'll go start packing now.

  • Okay.

  • I love you, Leona.

  • I love you, Mama.

  • ( laughs quietly )

  • ( licks )

  • ( laughs quietly )

  • ( music begins playing )

  • My mama, she feeds me and washes my fur

  • The first thing I see every morning is her

  • The last thing I kiss every night is her face

  • My mama's the very best one. ♪

  • My mama reads stories and sings like a bird

  • And knows how I feel when I don't say a word

  • My mama is cozy and nosy and great

  • My mama's as bright as the sun

  • But Mama... but Mama is going away... ♪

  • Good thing I'm big now, and I'll be... okay. ♪

  • ♪ ♪ ♪

  • My mama, she's funny, and so nice to me

  • She runs for a bandage when I cut my knee

  • She never makes fun when I make a mistake

  • She says, "No one's perfect, you know." ♪

  • But my mama's perfect! ♪

  • She's perfect! It's true! ♪

  • How else could she always know just what to do? ♪

  • When my head is hot, she's as cool as a lake

  • but warm as a fire when it snows. ♪

  • But Mama... but Mama is going away... ♪

  • Good thing I'm big now,

  • And I'll be... ♪

  • ( voice breaking )

  • Okay. ♪

  • ( song ends )

  • Hmm?

  • What's that, Lovey?

  • What?

  • Uh-huh.

  • Yeah.

  • Uh-huh.

  • Well, I'm almost all packed.

  • Oh... snack for the plane.

  • Leona!

  • Look at you all dressed up like Mama.

  • Yeah, uh... Mama?

  • You can't go yet.

  • Oh, Leona.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • Lovey has something very important

  • she's telling me, right, Lovey?

  • Oh, Lovey.

  • Uh-huh.

  • I see.

  • Well, I guess I'd better wait, then.

  • That's true.

  • Yeah... What?

  • That's right, Lovey.

  • That's right, Lovey.

  • All right, all right!

  • And now, Martha Reader and the Vowelles

  • are cutting a rug

  • with the short "u"-- "uh"-- sound

  • in the word "bug"!

  • ( '50s rock 'n' roll playing )

  • ( sings repeated short "u" sound )

  • ( echoing Martha )

  • ( song continues )

  • MONKEYS: "Bug"!

  • ( song ends; cheering and applause )

  • Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny!

  • Ooh, I love that word!

  • Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny!

  • And now a word from star of stage, screen and television...

  • "Buddy."

  • ( wild cheering and applause )

  • Thank you, thank you!

  • You are so good!

  • Thanks, buddy.

  • No, thank you, thank you.

  • No, thank you.

  • No, thank you!

  • Oh, he's so good!

  • ( singing a cappella in '50s doo-wop style )

  • ( all speak short "u" sound )

  • Hey! Hold on!

  • Oh, Click!

  • Hmm?

  • Would you please put me

  • in this book, Nothing But Ducks?

  • It would be my pleasure, Dr. Watson.

  • Executing command.

  • Everyone!

  • Everyone, drop what you're doing!

  • ( Watson screaming )

  • ( crash )

  • ( Watson grunting )

  • Sorry!

  • Yeah.

  • Wow.

  • Okay!

  • Now, look, uh... Cleo is going away

  • for a couple of days

  • so I may be calling on some of you

  • to pitch in to help do the things that she usually does.

  • I've made a list!

  • Hmm?

  • Oh, hey, look at that.

  • This is the list?!

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Wow!

  • Well, uh, I hope I can count on you all!

  • No problem!

  • Oh, sure!

  • Affirmative.

  • Great-- thank you, thank you!

  • Okay-- now, I think

  • it would be a good idea to practice, huh?

  • So let's see what's first on the list, here.

  • Um... "Pack Lionel's lunch."

  • Well, you know, I... I thought

  • maybe we ought to put the really important stuff

  • on the top of the list.

  • I would like to volunteer

  • to take Cleo's place in packing Lionel's lunch.

  • Well...

  • Okay.

  • You want to take my mom's place?

  • Oh! Come on!

  • Let's go practice, huh?

  • ( stammering ): Buh... buh...

  • but... Dad... I... oh... Dad?

  • ( licking chops )

  • So, Leona...

  • Uh-huh? Yeah?

  • What is Lovey telling you

  • that's so important?

  • Well, uh, Lovey says that you can't go.

  • ( gasps )

  • I can't go?!

  • Uh-uh.

  • Why not?

  • Well, because where you're going

  • it might be raining

  • and if it's raining, you'll get all wet

  • and then you'll get a fever

  • and a runny nose, and a sore throat

  • and "liongitis," and, well...

  • it's just probably best you don't go at all.

  • That's what Lovey says, huh?

  • Yeah. That's what she says.

  • ( sighs )

  • Leona, do you think

  • that maybe Lovey feels sad because I'm going away

  • and she's going to miss me a little?

  • Uh... uh... I don't know.

  • I'll ask her.

  • Uh, Lovey?

  • Okay.

  • ( whispering )

  • Okay, Lionel, I think we have everything here

  • for Click to pack in your... lunch box.

  • But, Dad...

  • What?

  • ( shudders )

  • I was just admiring it!

  • I don't know about Click packing my lunch.

  • I mean, Mom is really very experienced.

  • I'm not sure this is a job for a beginner.

  • I have a very advanced lunch box-packing program.

  • Aw, let her try, Lionel.

  • Just tell her exactly what your mom does.

  • Okay.

  • Mmm... let's see.

  • Every morning...

  • Okay, Lionel-- the usual, I assume?

  • Mmm... yes, please.

  • Buffalo baloney between two slices of mutton loaf.

  • Ah...

  • Easy on the mustard.

  • Yeah!

  • A bottle of Watering Hole Fizz.

  • Mmm-mmm...

  • And last but not least, meat pie for dessert.

  • ( panting )

  • And don't forget to throw your bone to the hyenas

  • so they stay away from your lunch.

  • Ah, thanks, Mom.

  • You're welcome.

  • BOTH: Hugga-wugga-wugga!

  • Task completed!

  • I have placed your usual consumables

  • in your lunch box.

  • Whoa!

  • Pretty good, Click.

  • Hey, she did all that during the flashback!

  • Hugga-wugga-wugga!

  • Hugga-wugga-wugga!

  • Well, well, go ahead, Lionel.

  • Hugga-wugga-wugga.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • ( laughs feebly )

  • Hugga...

  • Uh, hugga...

  • Hugga-wugga...

  • Oh, no, no, it's no good!

  • It's not the same.

  • Click's not Mom.

  • Oh, man!

  • Mom hasn't even left yet and I miss her already.

  • Me, too.

  • Boo-hoo, boo-hoo.

  • Oh, Dad, I don't know if I can handle

  • this separation thing.

  • Okay, look, I'll help you through it, son.

  • Hey, what do you say we do

  • the next thing here on the list, huh?

  • It'll help you feel better.

  • Aw, okay.

  • ( laughing )

  • Attaboy!

  • Aw, let's see here... it says:

  • "Theo and Cleo dust the shelves."

  • HEN: Theo...

  • Theo, I would like to volunteer

  • to dust the shelves with you

  • in place of Cleo.

  • You?!

  • Yes, I would.

  • Well, uh, gee, I...

  • I don't know, Information Hen.

  • I mean, Cleo is my dusting buddy!

  • Well, I know, but...

  • She's really very experienced.

  • I'm not sure this is a job

  • for a begin... n...n... er...

  • Well, okay...

  • Sure!

  • Why not, huh?

  • I'm honored.

  • I'm so honored!

  • Oh... later.

  • Hugga-wugga-wugga.

  • ( imitating snare drum )

  • ( imitating snare drum )

  • ( imitating snare drum )

  • ( imitating snare drum )

  • ANNOUNCER: A fiery horse, a cloud of eraser dust

  • and a hearty "Hi-yo, Hiho, away!"

  • with his trusty sidekick, Russell Upsome-Grub...

  • ( whip cracks )

  • Does that seem odd to you, Lone, hmm?

  • Yep.

  • They must never filter that pool.

  • Why, that place is full of swine.

  • Russell, we mustn't judge.

  • Somebody may be someone's mother.

  • Bonsoir, fellows.

  • I don't know if you want to come in.

  • The place is full of pigs.

  • I told you.

  • The problem is the sign

  • the mayor made me hang.

  • Ruined my business.

  • Hiho, shine some light on this.

  • ( Lone reading )

  • Well, that explains it, Russell.

  • Maybe we should just, uh... eat in.

  • Couldn't you help that sentence

  • with a bit of rearranging?

  • ( Hiho whinnies )

  • ( whip cracks )

  • ( Lone reading )

  • Scramez-vous!

  • ( squealing )

  • I admit, this is better than lying in mud.

  • Who was that banana- nose-masked stranger?

  • I don't know.

  • I didn't get a chance to say thanks

  • or make a banana split out of his nose.

  • Why must you always yell in that poor horsey's ears?

  • ( cheering )

  • Excellent!

  • Gawain here once again at Blending Fields

  • where two brave knights in armor

  • will charge together at high speed

  • and make a word!

  • Competing today we have Sir T...

  • And Sir Ug.

  • Blend on, dudes!

  • ( cheering )

  • ( both arguing )

  • Tug! Excellent!

  • That's Gawain's word for today!

  • And this is Gawain saying it's time to pull the plug.

  • But we'll see you next time on...

  • BOTH: One, two, one, two...

  • What are you doing?

  • Oh, we're exercising our, um...

  • Uh... wings?

  • Yeah-- song cue.

  • ( music begins playing )

  • When mother said "Be still" to me

  • ♪ I guess I went too far, I haven't moved since 1892 ♪

  • They picked me up and brought me here

  • and here, my friends, we are

  • ♪ I'm stuck here like a paperweight with you. ♪

  • Must I just be a bust? ♪

  • It hurts me that they're taking me for granted. ♪

  • BOTH: No, we're taking you for granite.

  • ♪ I simply gather dust, my plaque has gone to rust

  • ♪ I trust I'll live my life here where I'm planted. ♪

  • ♪ ♪ ♪

  • Oh, must I just be a bust? ♪

  • If I had wings, my heart and soul would both be soaring

  • Oh, yes, I have a lust to fly like leaves upon a gust

  • My good sense out the window and my hair a little mussed

  • To see if being free is really worthy of the fuss! ♪

  • Oh, must I just be a bust? ♪

  • ( song ends )

  • ( slurps )

  • ( sighs contentedly )

  • So, Leona?

  • What does Lovey have to say about missing me, hmm?

  • Well, Lovey says she's going to miss you.

  • Oh! Well, I'm going to miss you too, Lovey.

  • You're going to miss Lovey?

  • Oh, Mama, you're big.

  • Leona, even when you're big

  • it's okay to miss someone you love

  • when you're apart.

  • It... it... it is?

  • Mm-hmm, yes.

  • I have a book about a mom who takes a trip

  • that I think Lovey might like me to read her

  • before I go.

  • Why don't you ask her?

  • Oh, I... I don't have to ask her.

  • I think she'd like it very much.

  • Wouldn't you?

  • Yes, come on, let's go.

  • All right, now, Theo.

  • What exactly is it that you and Cleo do

  • when you dust shelves together?

  • Okay, uh, let's see.

  • Well, when Cleo and I dust, we...

  • we each have our feather dusters and... and we... we...


  • Nosey, nosey, nosey.

  • ( laughing quietly )

  • Nosey, nosey, nosey.

  • ( chuckling )

  • ( gasps )

  • Okay, let's do it.

  • Oh, I'm ready, I'm ready.

  • All right... here we... okay...

  • Yeah, yeah, okay, uh...

  • Yeah, hmm, all right...

  • Well this is different-- a talking feather duster.

  • Uh, okay, uh, now the "nosey, nosey" part.

  • Okay.

  • No! That's no good! It's no good!

  • Aw, it's just not the same without Cleo here!

  • Cleo!

  • Oh, I'm going miss you!

  • I'm going to miss you, too!

  • ALL: Me, too!

  • Hey! Hey, wait a minute!

  • Lovey said she was going to miss her first!

  • I'm going to miss all of you, too.

  • Now, before I go

  • I promised I would read a story to Lovey.

  • I think you all might want to listen to it, too.

  • Yeah, because it's a story

  • about a mama who went on a trip.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • Yes, well that sounds appropriate.

  • Okay, okay.

  • "I Miss You, Stinky Face"

  • written by Lisa McCourt and illustrated by Cyd Moore.

  • CLEO: "...said Mama on the phone."

  • MAMA: I'm coming home today...

  • CLEO: "...said Mama..."

  • MAMA: ...on a big silver airplane.

  • MAMA: If that airplane forgets how to fly...

  • MAMA: If I have to land in the middle of the desert...

  • MAMA: Then I'll search that jungle for a cheetah...

  • MAMA: If the cheetah doesn't want to leave the jungle...

  • MAMA: Then I'll find the speediest shark in the ocean.

  • MAMA: If the shark tries that...

  • MAMA: If the spaceship lands that far back in time...

  • MAMA: I think there's enough room on the driveway...

  • "The end."

  • That... that's so touching.

  • ( nose honks )

  • Yeah.

  • ( honking )

  • ALL: Yeah.

  • ( honking )

  • Mama, don't you have to go?

  • Yes, I do, Leona.

  • Well, then go.

  • What?

  • I want you to call me on the phone

  • like the mama in the book.

  • That was fun!

  • Okay, I promise I will.

  • Okay!

  • Well, everyone, I guess I better be going.

  • OTHERS: Bye! Good-bye!

  • Wait! Wait! Wait!

  • I'm really going to miss you, Mama!

  • And I'm really going to miss you, Fuzzy Face!

  • ( car horn beeping )

  • That's my taxi!

  • I've got to run! Bye!

  • OTHERS: Bye! Good-bye! So long!

  • Okay, Mama. Bye.

  • ( all sigh )

  • ( phone rings )

  • Hello.

  • Cleo!

  • She's calling from the cab!

  • ( others call out at once )

  • Quiet, quiet, quiet!

  • What's that? What's that?

  • A little tree that smells like a pine forest?

  • No! Really? Wow!

  • There are games and stories at the Between the Lions Web site:

  •, or America Online keyword: PBS Kids.

  • ( chuckling )

  • Oh! Watch a child get wild about reading and feed a hungry mind.

  • Be a designated reader.

  • ( roars )

  • Feed me, Dad, feed me.

  • Okay, Lionel!

  • "Dinosaurs lived..."

  • ♪ ♪ ♪

  • [Captioned by The Caption Center WGBH Educational Foundation]

  • CHORUS: ♪ Between the lions... ♪

  • Between the lions... ♪

  • WOMAN: ♪ Come in between the lions

  • Begin between the lions

  • Be here between the lions! ♪

WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪


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B2 中高級 美國腔

我們一家都是獅 (S2E19) 但是,媽媽,但是…(Between The Lions: But, Mama, But...)

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    Simba wang 960426 發佈於 2024 年 03 月 06 日