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  • WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪

  • Hey, wow... ♪

  • Here's how

  • Come and read

  • Between the lions

  • CHORUS: ♪ Come on

  • Come in

  • Begin

  • The world awaits

  • WOMAN: ♪ Between the lions

  • Between the covers of a book

  • It's time to look between the lions

  • Behold the tales beyond the tails

  • CHORUS: ♪ Behind the door

  • Become, explore

  • Come in between the lions

  • Begin between the lions

  • Be here between the lions! ♪

  • I got it, I got it.

  • LIONEL: Kick it here.

  • I've got something to show you.

  • Uh... one, two, three...

  • Nice one, oh, yeah.

  • Oh, that was beautiful.

  • Watch this.

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Dad...

  • you can't use your hands in soccer.

  • Son, I...

  • ( whistle blows )

  • Foul-- hands.

  • Leona, Lionel, you know that playing soccer

  • in the library is taboo.

  • Wh-what's "taboo"?

  • Playing soccer in the library.

  • No, no, I mean, what does it mean?

  • It means it's not allowed.

  • But we won't hurt anything.

  • There's plenty of room.

  • You might think you won't do any harm, Son

  • but you never know what might happen.

  • He's getting that look in his eye again.

  • If we don't go soon

  • we'll be here all afternoon

  • getting a lecture.

  • Oh, no.

  • You're right, Dad-- we're sorry.

  • We'll just scoot outside.

  • You know, this reminds me of a story.

  • Look, I want you both to hear it.

  • I saw it in this stack somewhere.

  • Let's see here...

  • Ah, here it is, come along.

  • Here we go.

  • Oh...

  • ( reading )

  • Ha!

  • But I guess you already read that.

  • I'll just pick it up.

  • All righty.

  • Now, this story is called

  • Because a Little Bug Went Ka-choo!

  • by Rosetta Stone

  • illustrated by Michael, uh... Frith.

  • Sounds good.

  • Yeah.

  • ( clears throat )

  • ( Theo reading )

  • Ow!

  • ( clucks weakly )

  • ( clucks angrily )

  • ( muttering )

  • ( muttering )

  • ( siren blaring )

  • Whoa!

  • Oh, bother.

  • ( yelling for help )

  • ( clucking excitedly )

  • ( confusion of voices )

  • ( band playing )

  • ( screaming and crashing )

  • ( elephant trumpets )

  • ( chuckling )

  • That was a really good story, Dad.

  • This story is a good example

  • of how there's more to reading than just reading.

  • Reading gives you something to think about, too.

  • Now, what do you think the message of this story was, hmm?

  • ( yelling )

  • Leona, honey, please pay attention to Daddy.

  • ( yelling grows louder )

  • ( continuing lecture as yells and screams continue )

  • And now, a baboon in a maroon balloon

  • reading From the Earth to the Moon

  • shouting "Wahoo!"

  • ( shouts )

  • ( snickering )

  • I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this

  • but what is it?!

  • Actually, it's my real hair.

  • Oh! Get into the groove

  • as Martha Reader and the Vowelles croon

  • the double "o"-- "ooh"-- sound in the word "boot"!

  • ( rhythm and blues music playing )

  • ( Martha singing "ooh" sound, then Vowelles repeat "ooh" )

  • MONKEYS: Boot!

  • ( cheering and applause )

  • WOMAN: Boot.

  • Oot.

  • ( making "r" sound )

  • Root.

  • Roo.

  • ( making "m" sound )

  • Room.

  • ( making "b" sound )

  • Broom.

  • ( cheering )

  • GAWAIN: Excellent!

  • Gawain here once again at Blending Fields

  • where two brave knights in armor

  • will charge together at high speed and make a word.

  • Competing today we have Sir Br...

  • and Sir Oom!

  • ( cheering )

  • Blend on, dudes!

  • BOTH: Broom.

  • ( cheering )

  • Broom? Why am I doing it?

  • You missed a spot.

  • "Broom"-- excellent!

  • That's Gawain's word for today.

  • And this is Gawain saying see you soon.

  • See you next time on...

  • ( music begins playing )

  • WOMAN: ♪ In a dirty and dusty old room

  • Lived an unhappy bride and her groom

  • So the lass put a "b" where the "g" used to be

  • And she swept the place clean with her broom! ♪

  • ( music ends )

  • ( makes "z" sound )

  • ( makes double-o, "oo" sound )

  • ( makes "m" sound )

  • ( each continues to pronounce letters )

  • ALL: "Zoom."

  • ANNOUNCER: Flying off the shelf once again

  • it's the continuing

  • daring and dangling Adventures of Cliff Hanger!

  • Today's adventure, number 17--

  • "Cliff Hanger and the Balloons."

  • CHORUS ( singing ):

  • We find Cliff Hanger where we left him last--

  • hanging from a cliff.

  • ( branch breaking )

  • All of a sudden, a bunch of balloons floats by.

  • Balloons?

  • Ah, balloons!

  • Poor, marooned Cliff roots around in his backpack

  • and soon locates... his trusty survival manual.

  • Using his expert decoding skills, Cliff begins to read.

  • Hmm, "baboons"...

  • Ah, here we are, "balloons."

  • CLIFF ( reading ):

  • Has Cliff Hanger made his escape at last?

  • ( balloons popping )

  • CHORISTER: ♪ And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger. ♪

  • So you can see how things could happen

  • whether you intend them to or not.

  • Because one thing causes another thing

  • which causes another thing

  • which is why...

  • ( unknown object whizzing through air )

  • Please, Leona, I'm almost finished.

  • Which is why you shouldn't play soccer in the library.

  • ( Cleo yelling )

  • What was that?

  • ( thud )

  • ( groaning )

  • LIONEL: Are you all right?

  • Cleo?

  • What are you doing?

  • ( yelling and crashing )

  • Sorry.

  • ( all moaning and groaning )

  • ( stuttering in disbelief )

  • THEO: Did this happen because...

  • the cubs played soccer in the library?

  • I didn't do anything.

  • Actually, it was you, Theo, dear.

  • Me?!

  • ( dramatic chords play )

  • ( quietly ): Did I cause that music, too?

  • What music?

  • ( chords repeat )

  • MAN: ♪ Swami Smarmy Marmy

  • That's this swami's name

  • And reading what the future writes

  • Is Swami Marmy's game! ♪

  • I see...

  • ( quavers )

  • I see...

  • Yeah?

  • Oh! What do you see in the future

  • O great and wise and sassy Swami Marmy?

  • "Oops."

  • Oops?

  • ( eerily ): Yes, "oops..."

  • with an exclamation point!

  • That is what the future has written.

  • ( eerily ): So... be on the lookout for "oops"...

  • with an exclamation point!

  • Y-y-yeah, I will!

  • I'll be on the...

  • ( squeaks ): Okay!

  • ( mambo music playing )

  • Oop! Oop!

  • ( crystal ball rolls, then crashes )

  • Oops!

  • WOMAN: Oops.

  • ( making "l" sound )

  • Loops.

  • Loop.

  • Loo...

  • ( making "s" sound )

  • Loose.

  • ( gasps )

  • The Monkey Pop-Up Theater!

  • ( crowd murmuring )

  • ( tango music playing )

  • ( monkeys singing )

  • ( tango music continues )

  • ( monkeys singing )

  • ( moon singing )

  • ( monkeys singing )

  • ( monkeys jabbering, audience applauding )

  • ( set crashes )

  • ( laughing )

  • And now, Fun with Chicken Jane.

  • Today:

  • ( music begins playing )

  • WOMAN ( singing ):

  • ( squawks )

  • ( squawks )

  • ( grunting )

  • ( clucking excitedly )

  • ( grunting )

  • ( squawking excitedly )

  • v-a-m-o-o-s-e.

  • Va... moose.

  • ( crash )

  • ( squawking )

  • ( squawking loudly )

  • BOTH:

  • ( squawks sadly )

  • ( music begins playing )

  • WOMAN ( singing ):

  • ( squawks sadly )

  • And now, a word from W.N.B.A. superstar...

  • Shoot.

  • ( monkey hooting )

  • Okay, come on.

  • Nice move.

  • ( grunting )

  • ( crowd cheering )

  • ( monkey thuds on floor )

  • Shoot.

  • ( grunts )

  • Two points, heh, heh.

  • ( groans )

  • D-d...

  • ooh...

  • dle.

  • Doo... dle.

  • Doodle.

  • Doodle.

  • ( whooshing )

  • Doodle, doodle.

  • N...

  • Noo... dle.

  • Noodle.

  • Noodle.

  • ( slurping )

  • Noodle.

  • ( burps )

  • ( audience applauds )

  • Once again, it's magic time

  • with the Great Smartini!

  • Hey, thank you, goofy little announcer bunny!

  • And now, how about a big round of applause

  • for my...

  • cool and...

  • groovy Marmy?

  • The remarkable Smarmy Marmy Smartini!

  • ( applause )

  • Thank you my sonny boy, Great Smartini.

  • You are too kind-- too... too.

  • And you, Marmy, are a hoot!

  • And now I, the Great Smartini, will perform

  • my amazing, trouser-defying double "o"-- "ooh"-- trick!

  • Marmy, may I have two words

  • that have the double "o"-- "ooh"-- sound in them, please?

  • Here, sonny boy, are the words

  • "noodles" and...

  • "oodles."

  • ( applause )

  • Oh, thank you, Marmy!

  • Thank you.

  • And now I'll put these words into my smarty pants.


  • All right, and now I will say a magic word.

  • "Oobracadoobra."

  • And now I will do my magic dance.

  • ( to hip-hop drumbeat ): Ooh! Ah!

  • Dance in smarty pants, yeah.

  • Ooh! Ah!

  • Dance in smarty pants. Ooh! Ah!

  • All right, let's see what we've got.

  • Ooh... oodles of noodles!

  • ( cheering and applause )

  • Can I get a whoop-de-doodle

  • for the noodles?!

  • Whoop-de-doodle!

  • Whoop-de-doodle!

  • ( applause continues )

  • Come on!

  • How did this happen because of me?

  • I was reading a book when it happened.

  • That's right.

  • I saw the whole thing.

  • Oh, Gladys.

  • ( clucks )

  • Take this down for posterity.

  • What?

  • Here's how it happened, I promise it's true

  • 'cause a dad took a book about a small bug's ka-choo.

  • Everyone crashed with a mighty ka-boom--

  • a mighty ka-boom that shook the whole room.

  • The mighty ka-boom was a bursting balloon

  • the hot air balloon of Lord Bootsie Baboon

  • a lovely balloon that was colored maroon.

  • What was it, then, that burst the balloon?

  • A rocketing monkey by name of McFloon.

  • What sent McFloon flying high in the air?

  • A plummeting book sent him shooting up there.

  • Whence came that book?

  • Well, you may ask it.

  • It fell from Lord Bootsie Baboon's balloon basket.

  • The name of the book was From the Earth to the Moon.

  • Lord Bootsie was planning to go by balloon.

  • You see, Bootsie Baboon was reading the book

  • when a ladder of monkeys was snagged on a hook

  • of the anchor that trailed beneath the balloon--

  • the maroon-hued balloon of Bootsie Baboon.

  • When that ladder of monkeys snagged on that hook

  • that's when Lord Bootsie let go of that book.

  • The ladder of monkeys, a hen was there, too.

  • It rolled 'round the library, raced right on through.

  • The monkeys were up there to do some repairs

  • on the balcony rim, right next to the stairs.

  • The reason the ladder was rolling around?

  • Because a computer was knocked to the ground.

  • This frightened the chicken; the chicken jumped on.

  • And away with a whoosh, the ladder has gone.

  • ( monkeys jabbering )

  • What bumped the computer?

  • That's my fault, you see.

  • I bumped into it when Marmy bumped me.

  • ( laughs )

  • Whoops!

  • CLEO: And the reason she bumped me?

  • It happened when our dear Smarmy Marmy picked up a pen...

  • ( grunts )

  • ( laughs )

  • a pen that had fallen from up on a book

  • that was up on a stack from which a dad took--

  • I promise it's true--

  • the story of how a small bug went ka-choo.

  • ( Leona sighs )

  • That is what caused all the hullabaloo.

  • Wait... wait, wait.

  • Let me get this straight.

  • Are you trying to tell me that here's how it happened?

  • THEO:

  • Down in the library I put my pen down.

  • I put my pen down on a big stack of books.

  • Then I pulled out a book from deep in that book stack.

  • Because I did that, I knocked the pen off.

  • Because it fell off, Marmy bent down to get it.

  • Oh.

  • THEO: She picked that pen up when it fell on the floor.

  • Now, because she did that, she bumped into Cleo

  • who was crossing the library doing a chore.

  • Because she bumped Cleo, she sent some books flying.

  • Because they went flying, a computer got bopped.

  • Because it got bopped, it frightened a chicken.

  • She jumped in the air with a squawk.

  • Because she jumped up, she hit a tall ladder.

  • Because it got hit, it started to roll.

  • Because it was rolling, some monkeys ran after it

  • but that ladder was going too fast.

  • Up in the air, a library patron--

  • the famous explorer, Lord Bootsie Baboon--

  • was floating along making no trouble

  • reading a book, From the Earth to the Moon.

  • Floating along, making no trouble

  • floating along in his hot air balloon.

  • It's his favorite color, the color maroon.

  • Because he was floating right over the ladder

  • Lord Bootsie's anchor got snagged on its top.

  • Because it got snagged, the ladder went backward

  • and no one could make the thing stop.

  • It yanked on the anchor, pulled on the basket

  • which gave poor Lord Bootsie a terrible jerk.

  • Down went his book and it fell on a sawhorse.

  • A monkey was taking a break from his work.

  • Because the book fell, the sawhorse went down.

  • Because it went down, the monkey went up.

  • Because he went up, that monkey, McFloon

  • punched a big hole in that hot air balloon.

  • Oh!

  • And Bootsie Baboon's balloon went...

  • ( explosion )

  • ka-boom!

  • What a ka-boom.

  • It shook the whole room.

  • That mighty ka-boom, so big and so loud

  • took monkeys and chickens, the whole crazy crowd

  • Bootsie and Cleo and bits of balloon

  • and threw them all over the main reading room.

  • ( confusion of voices )

  • Sorry.

  • That's okay.

  • And that's how it happened.

  • I guess that it's true.

  • Just because I pulled out Little Bug Went Ka-Choo.

  • How many dads would go to so much trouble

  • to teach their cubs a lesson?

  • Well, um...

  • I am never going to forget that lesson.

  • I, uh...

  • Daddy, you are so smart.

  • ( kisses )

  • Oh, yes, thank you, uh...

  • Well, it... it certainly was a lot of trouble, wasn't it?

  • ( crowd agreeing )

  • ( laughing )

  • Oh, hey, why don't you kids go... go outside

  • and play some soccer while I deal with the mob?

  • Thanks, Dad.

  • Uh, patrons... patrons.

  • You're patrons.

  • I... uh...

  • Oh, Theo, how many times have we talked about

  • taking a book from the center of the stack?

  • ( grunts )

  • I hope you learned your lesson.

  • Well, you're never too old to learn.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • Which reminds me of a story.

  • It's in this book right here...

  • PATRONS: No, no, no!

  • What?!

  • And now, Walter and Clay Pigeon play kazoos.

  • ( kazoos hum Beethoven's 5th Symphony )

  • It's a gloomy day for Beethoven.

  • Ugh!

  • ( pigeons continue playing )

  • There are games and stories at the Between the Lions Web site:

  •, or America Online keyword: PBS Kids.

  • CLEO: If you want a child to get wild about learning

  • get him wild about reading.

  • Be a designated reader.

  • Oh, hey, what's that one?

  • That's an industrial steam locomotive.

  • ( imitates train whistle )

  • [Captioned by The Caption Center WGBH Educational Foundation]

  • CHORUS: ♪ Between the lions... ♪

  • Between the lions... ♪

  • WOMAN: ♪ Come in between the lions

  • Begin between the lions

  • Be here between the lions! ♪

  • CLEO: Between the Lions is funded in part by...

WOMAN: ♪ Hey, now... ♪


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B2 中高級 美國腔

我們一家都是獅 (S2E18) 為什麼狒狒的氣球會發出「Ka-Boom」的聲音!(Between The Lions: Why The Baboon's Balloon Went Ka-Boom!)

  • 10 0
    Simba wang 960426 發佈於 2024 年 03 月 06 日