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  • Tiny is reasonably being beat up by his siblings everyday for being a small weak liar

  • His mother stops them. Then we get a cool fact:

  • Jake is their father.

  • But this isn't surprising,

  • Jake is everyone's father.

  • Jake is your father.

  • Tiny sneaks out to prove to his siblings that he's cool and independent

  • They don't believe him

  • Then he starts lying

  • They believe him less

  • "Hey Tiny! They kill kittens that don't get adopted."

  • Says his sister Ruby, immediately getting adopted

  • He believes this, without asking his kind mother

  • Or even considering the fact that his siblings are literally always doing things to make him miserable and scared

  • He then goes back Into the forest to get beat up by Tigerpaw

  • What an unforgettable experience...

  • Tiny tries to take off his Twoleg collar in a suspicious alley with a dog tooth

  • But accidentally just makes himself look edgy instead

  • "What's up with that?" asks somebody

  • "I killed a dog," says the undersized kitten

  • "Sounds about right! Do you want to be our king?"

  • So Tiny renames himself Scourge

  • Finalizing his journey to become the edgiest cat alive and start sitting around all day solving other cats' problems

  • He's angry all the time though

  • All he can think about is getting beat up by Tigerpaw

  • A couple of weeks later Brokenstar and his bros break into Twolegplace and Scourge literally murders one of them

  • Things go on as usual and eventually, his siblings show up

  • "We are starving." say Socks and Ruby

  • "Sucks to be you!" says Scourge, giving them food anyways

  • So one day Tigerstar walks into his house, led by

  • one of Brokenstar's minions and asks him to be a backup dancer in his upcoming show.

  • Instead of helping Tigerstar, he kills him in front of everyone.

  • Hooray, I Guess.

Tiny is reasonably being beat up by his siblings everyday for being a small weak liar


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B2 中高級 美國腔

我為大家劇透 鞭子的興盛 (貓戰士漫畫)(I spoil The Rise of Scourge for everybody)

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    WarriorsCatFanWhiteClaw 發佈於 2024 年 02 月 19 日