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  • I am very proud of my son.


  • Hello, I'm Joaquin Oliver.

    你好,我是 Joaquin Oliver。

  • Six years ago I was a senior at Parkland.


  • Joaquin is making a difference.

    Joaquin 正在改變世界。

  • Many students and teachers were murdered on Valentine's Day that year by a person using an AR-15.

    在那一年的情人節,許多學生和老師被一個人使用 AR-15 步槍謀殺了。

  • Joaquin Oliver, that voice you just heard on the phone was one of them.

    Joaquin Oliver,你剛才在電話中聽到的聲音就是其中一位受害者。

  • My body was destroyed by a weapon of war.


  • I'm back today because my parents used AI to recreate my voice to call you.

    我今天回來是因為我父母用了 AI 重塑我的聲音來打給你。

  • In February 2018, the 17-year-old went to school and never came home.

    2018年2月,這位 17 歲的男孩去了學校,再也沒有回家。

  • Ever since, his parents have been fighting for stricter gun control.


  • We are calling for a nationwide strike of American students.


  • Their latest effort?


  • Resurrecting his voice and the voice of others.


  • Hi, this is Uzi Garcia.

    嗨,我是 Uzi Garcia。

  • I'm a fourth grader at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, or at least I was.


  • Hi, this is Ethan Song.

    你好,我是 Ethan Song。

  • I was killed by an unsecured gun at my friend's house.


  • At, you can have the AI voice clones or audio deepfakes of various kids killed by gun violence place calls to your elected officials.


  • Artificial intelligence is becoming a good friend of us.

    AI 正在成為我們的好朋友。

  • This all may seem pretty weird to you, like an episode of "Black Mirror."


  • It did to me too.


  • So I had to find out how this tech is giving voice to the dead and what that means for the living.


  • But you don't care. You never did.


  • It's been six years and you've done nothing.


  • What's amazing about Joaquin's AI voice is how little audio was needed to create it.

    Joaquin 的 AI 語音的驚人之處在於創建它所需的音訊非常少。

  • Take me through that first time you hear this voice.


  • It was exactly like him, and it was so impactful and it was so deep that I wanted more.


  • It felt like he was still here.


  • Oh my God, 100%.


  • Joaquin's voice was created using an AI voice generator from ElevenLabs.

    Joaquin 的聲音是使用 ElevenLabs 的 AI 語音產生器創建的。

  • You upload existing audio files and then the machine learning models create an artificial voice that can sound quite similar to the original.


  • Type in the text of the message and the voice says it.


  • Hello, I'm Joaquin Oliver.

    你好,我是 Joaquin Oliver。

  • To make this, all you need is a few seconds of someone's voice without much background noise.


  • Not a problem when you're alive and can grab your phone to record, but...


  • We have to collect every single audio because not all the time you can listen well, because maybe the music is behind or maybe there's noisy because they were talking a lot of them.


  • Finally, Manny found a short clip that worked.

    最後,Manny 找到了一個可以用的短片。

  • It's the first time outside in days.


  • As you can see, no serious flooding.


  • Oh, look at the tree.


  • And the Olivers, which started an organization called Change the Ref to fight for stronger gun protection, wanted him to speak to those they feel bear some responsibility for his death.

    奧利佛夫婦成立了一個名為「Change the Ref」的組織,以爭取更強有力的槍支保護,他們希望他與那些他們認為對他的死亡負有部分責任的人談談。

  • We have been in offices from senators, members of Congress.


  • We have been ignored. Let's bring another voice.


  • The voices of the dead.


  • The voices of the murdered.


  • But as we've seen with deepfake audio clones of dead celebrities, the eerie thing here is that you can put any words into someone's mouth.


  • When you recreate someone's voice, you can create that voice, but you don't know what they would actually say right now.


  • Oh, we know. - How do you know?

    哦,我們知道。- 你們怎麼知道的?

  • I'll tell you why I know.


  • Do you have a best friend? - I do.

    你有最好的朋友嗎?- 我有。

  • Like a friend that you look at her or him and you know exactly what she or he are thinking, and you don't need to say anything. You got it. That's Joaquin and me.

    就像一個朋友,你看著她或他,你就知道她或他在想什麼,而你不需要說什麼,就會懂。Joaquin 和我就是這樣。

  • But not only that, keep in mind that our son was 17 years old, a very vocal, into social media, communicating the whole time loud and clear.

    但不僅如此,請記住,我們的兒子當時 17 歲,在社群媒體上非常活躍,自始至終都大聲且清晰地進行交流。

  • We're not pulling out phrases or statements that wouldn't belong to Joaquin.

    我們不會刪除不屬於 Joaquin 的話語。

  • Manny and Patricia said they drew on Joaquin's previous social media posts when writing the message.

    Manny 和 Patricia 表示,他們在撰寫這則訊息時參考了 Joaquin 之前的社群媒體貼文。

  • When you combine these new AI tools with someone's digital trail, you can create a digital legacy that would've seemed unimaginable even a few years ago.

    當你將這些新的 AI 工具與某人的數位軌跡結合時,你可以創建幾年前似乎難以想像的數位遺產。

  • It's powerful.


  • But it can also seem...


  • There are some that will say, "This is creepy bringing back a voice of a child who died."


  • It is, I mean, of course, it's creepy.


  • Not worse than a 19-year-old holding an AR-15 inside a school.

    不會比一名在學校持有 AR-15 的 19 歲青少年更糟。

  • That's way creepier than that.


  • This is a United States problem, and we have not been able to fix it.


  • If we need to use creepy stuff to fix it, welcome to creepy.


  • New AI tools have stunned us, but they also strike fear in us that they could be inevitably used for evil.

    新的 AI 工具讓我們震驚,但也讓我們擔心它們可能不可避免地被用於邪惡的事情。

  • What if Joaquin's voice was used to spread misinformation or hate speech?

    如果 Joaquin 的聲音被用來傳播錯誤訊息或仇恨言論怎麼辦?

  • See, you have to take the risk. We have to take the risk.

    你必須冒這個險。 我們必須冒這個險。

  • You will see other families' loved ones' voices too.


  • So this is done in a very responsible way.


  • Like we want this to happen. We want this voice out there.


  • I mean, we are sad and miserable most of the time, but sometimes you want like a small victory and keep it, and this is a small victory.


  • All of the messages for the campaign state that the voices were created with AI.

    活動的所有資訊都說明這些聲音是 AI 創造的。

  • The rise of new generative AI tools like ChatGPT and ElevenLabs make it more accessible for anyone to create a bot of their dead loved one.

    ChatGPT 和 ElevenLabs 等新型生成式 AI 工具的興起,讓任何人都可以更輕鬆地為已故親人創建機器人。

  • But that's not the intent with Joaquin's voice here.

    但這並不是 Joaquin 聲音的本意。

  • I don't wanna recreate Joaquin.

    我不想重塑 Joaquin。

  • That technology will keep increasing and bringing more and more things to life that maybe they can recreate Joaquin exactly the way it is.

    這項技術將不斷發展,讓越來越多的東西變得栩栩如生,也許他們可以按照原樣再現 Joaquin。

  • I don't want that. That's not gonna bring Joaquin back.

    我不想那樣。那不會讓 Joaquin 回來的。

  • That's not true. That's a fantasy.


  • Instead, the goal is to use the technology to build support for a cause and to help a 17-year-old boy who had a dream that he never got to fulfill.

    相反,我們的目標是利用該技術為一項事業提供支持,並幫助一名 17 歲的男孩,他有一個從未實現的夢想。

  • He randomly out of nowhere, asked me, "Papi, how do you wanna be remembered?"


  • So I asked him back, "How do you wanna be remembered?"


  • He said, "I wanna be remembered big, like Lennon, like Mandela, like Ali."


  • We can let more people know about Joaquin because of technology.

    我們可以讓更多人因為科技瞭解 Joaquin。

  • We can reach more and more people.


  • And yes, the tech also had another benefit.


  • That was more a moment of wow, I got a chance to listen to his voice again, will say that it filled my heart voices and it brought me a smile.


  • Act now, we'll find someone who will.


I am very proud of my son.


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