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由 AI 自動生成
  • What do you notice about these images and videos?


  • A Spanish woman is going viral on social media right now for making $10,000 per month with all the flexing on Instagram 10,000 a month may not seem that impressive, but the catch is she isn't real.

    一名西班牙女子因在 Instagram 上大肆炫耀自己每月能賺 1 萬美元而在社交媒體上走紅。 1 萬美元的月收入看起來並不驚人,但問題是她並不是真的。

  • All these women are A I models.

    所有這些女性都是 A I 級模特。

  • Some will see opportunity but the reality is many people's lives are about to be disrupted in a major way.


  • Job loss is only the beginning.


  • The scams coming are far more sinister.


  • Oh And we can't forget about A I girlfriends.

    哦,我們不能忘記 A I 女朋友們。

  • We begin our story with Aitana.


  • I saw this news story the other day about Aitana making $10,000 per month.

    前幾天我看到一則新聞,說 Aitana 每月能掙 1 萬美元。

  • Initially, I didn't think much of the story until I started doing more research into the effects this will cause on men more on this in a minute.


  • Here is Aitana being created on a computer.

    這是在電腦上創建的 Aitana。

  • She was perfectly crafted to attract attention which it appears is working.


  • The article claims she makes around €1000 per advert and recently became the face of big a sports supplement company.

    文章稱,她每個廣告的收入約為 1000 歐元,最近還成為了一家大型運動補品公司的代言人。

  • This is when I realized that this is much bigger than someone's hobby of creating A I models.

    這時我才意識到,這比某人制作 A I 模型的愛好要重要得多。

  • Her IG story today is promoting the brand Aloe, which appears to be an apparel brand.

    她今天在 IG 上為 Aloe 品牌做宣傳,這似乎是一個服裝品牌。

  • Many people don't like the word influencer already.

    很多人已經不喜歡 "影響者 "這個詞了。

  • Just wait until A I models are influencing people to buy their protein powder or merch.

    就等著 A I 模特影響人們購買他們的蛋白粉或商品吧。

  • She doesn't look that different from images you'd see on Instagram reality subreddit.

    她看起來與你在 Instagram 現實子論壇上看到的圖片沒有什麼不同。

  • Her Instagram has grown to nearly 100 and 80,000 followers.

    她的 Instagram 已經擁有近 100,000 名粉絲。

  • The past few years, we've seen many fake gurus utilize bots to grow their numbers on Instagram.

    在過去幾年裡,我們看到許多虛假大師利用機器人來增加他們在 Instagram 上的人數。

  • But is that ironic that we're now seeing bots utilize humans to grow their numbers and income?


  • I'd be really surprised if an A I model was actually influencing product sales, but she's getting paid as if she is one day a well known Latin American actor texted to ask her out.

    如果一個 A I 模特真的能影響產品銷售,我會感到非常驚訝,但有一天,一個知名的拉美演員發短信約她出去,她就好像真的在影響產品銷售一樣,還拿著工資。

  • This actor has about 5 million followers and some of our team watched his TV series when they were kids.

    這位演員擁有約 500 萬粉絲,我們團隊中的一些人小時候還看過他的電視劇。

  • Says Cruz I think a new fetish has been unlocked for some men, the A I girlfriend experience.

    克魯茲說,我認為有些男人已經開啟了一種新的癖好,那就是 "A I 女友 "體驗。

  • So the biggest story on the internet this week is that artificially generated girlfriends are a thing.

    本週互聯網上最熱門的話題就是 "人工生成女朋友"。

  • The problem I foresee is scammers being able to use the idea of a girlfriend experience to scam lonely men.

    我預見到的問題是,金光黨們可以利用 "體驗女友 "的想法來詐騙孤獨的男人。

  • This already happening with the popular only fans, girls having a team of men handling the messaging of their account.

    這種情況已經在 "大眾粉絲 "身上發生了,她們的賬戶有一個男人團隊在處理資訊。

  • So it's lonely men, messaging some dude who's the manager thinking they're actually getting a response from their dream Instagram girl.

    於是,孤獨的男人們就會給某個經理人發資訊,以為自己真的得到了 Instagram 上夢寐以求的女孩的迴應。

  • An example of this is Karen Marjorie, an influencer who created an A I of herself.

    凱倫-馬喬裡(Karen Marjorie)就是一個例子,她是一個有影響力的人,她創建了一個自己的 A I。

  • Karen A I is a voice space chat bot.

    Karen A I 是一個語音空間哈拉機器人。

  • That is an A I version of me.

    這就是 A I 版本的我。

  • I've turned it into an A I girlfriend where basically instead of me talking to you right now, you're actually talking to me on your phone, but it's not, not my voice.

    我把它變成了 A I 女朋友,基本上現在不是我在跟你說話,而是你在用手機跟我說話,但那不是我的聲音。

  • It's an A I generated voice.

    這是由 A I 發出的聲音。

  • That sounds like me.


  • This article claims she has 2 million followers on Snapchat and a 98% male audience who bombarded her with requests and messages.

    這篇文章稱,她在 Snapchat 上擁有 200 萬粉絲,98% 的男性閱聽人都向她發出了請求和資訊轟炸。

  • That feeling when her turns from a great movie into a documentary.


  • It's also used off of 2000 hours of my youtube channel and I've uploaded all those videos to create the complete personality.

    它還使用了我在 youtube 頻道上的 2000 個小時,我上傳了所有這些視頻,以創建完整的個性。

  • I want you to guess how much she could have charged for those 2000 hours.

    我想讓你們猜一猜,這 2000 個小時她能收多少錢。

  • How much she makes is really surprising.


  • She's deleted her youtube video so you no longer have access to her videos.

    她已經刪除了自己的 Youtube 視頻,所以你再也無法訪問她的視頻了。

  • I've had people go on like two hour long dates with Karen A I like they'd be like with my A I two hour long dates in real life that probably meant the date went well in the A I girlfriend world that just means more money for the man operating in the A I bot.


  • So for someone to like go back and forth or let's say they're just talking to you like for one day, how much would that cost?


  • So it's a dollar per minute.


  • So, oh my God, their reaction was similar to mine.


  • I'm sure venture capitalists are drooling over the potential of this business model.


  • She said her youtube had 2000 hours of content at $1 a minute.

    她說她的 youtube 有 2000 小時的內容,每分鐘 1 美元。

  • 2000 hours would be 100 and $20,000.

    2000 小時為 100 和 20 000 美元。

  • If an A I model messaged you on Instagram after watching this video, I would hope you wouldn't get suckered into sending her your private info.

    如果一位 A I 模特在看完這段視頻後在 Instagram 上給你發消息,我希望你不要被騙去給她發送你的私人資訊。

  • I want you to keep your identity safe, which is why I always partner with today's sponsor Aura.

    我希望您能保護好自己的身份安全,這也是我一直與今天的贊助商 Aura 合作的原因。

  • My account receives alerts every day notifying me of all way scammers might be trying to find my passwords or personal information.


  • Data brokers are making a fortune selling your information to robo callers, spammers and others who want to learn more about you like where you live aa can identify data brokers, exposing your info and submit opt out requests on your behalf.

    數據掮客將你的資訊賣給機器人呼叫者、垃圾郵件發送者和其他想要了解你的更多資訊(如你住在哪裡)的人,從而大發橫財。aa 可以識別數據掮客,暴露你的資訊,並代表你提交退出請求。

  • Brokers are legally required to remove your info if you ask them to, but they make it super hard to do.


  • Let AA handle it for you with their software.

    讓 AA 使用他們的軟件為您處理。

  • They make it easy for you to have an all in one password manager, parental controls, antivirus protection, identity theft insurance and more let AA do the hard work of keeping you safe online so you can focus on other tasks with peace of mind like enjoying videos of how A I girlfriends are watching college football.

    他們讓您輕鬆擁有集密碼管理器、家長控制、殺毒軟件保護、身份盜用保險等功能於一身的服務,讓 AA 為您提供安全的在線服務,這樣您就可以放心地專注於其他工作,比如欣賞我的女朋友們觀看大學橄欖球賽的視頻。

  • AA wants you to protect your private information, which is why they're offering my audience a 14 day free trial.

    AA 希望您保護好自己的私人資訊,這也是他們為我的聽眾提供 14 天免費試用的原因。

  • Go to to get a 14 day free trial.

    請訪問,獲得 14 天免費試用。

  • How amazing is that?


  • Once Karen A I came out, I had thousands of different influencers reaching out to me asking, hey, Karen, like, can I have the same technology that you're using so I can create a I version of me?


  • Of course, they did you think these Instagram influencers care about their simps?

    當然,你以為這些 Instagram 達人會關心他們的辛普森嗎?

  • Of course not.


  • They heard you could monetize them without having to communicate with them.


  • And they said sign me up Zoom call or facetime or something.

    他們說,給我註冊個 "中型電話 "或 "facetime "什麼的。

  • It's all voice messages.


  • So you can either send a text but she'll always send back a voice message.


  • These A I girlfriend bots are gonna be like lawyers just running up the bill every chance they get in this case, the only judge is going to be yourself during post nut clarity.

    這些 A I 女朋友機器人就像律師一樣,一有機會就會在這個案子裡肆無忌憚地刷單,唯一的法官就是你自己了。

  • How does a date work though?


  • So what they're doing is they're getting voice notes.


  • So for example, like you could say like, hey Karen like let's pretend we're on a tropical island together and I'm buying you a drink, what happens next?


  • And then Karen will end up talking and telling you a whole story about, you know what's going to happen next.


  • She has an attitude, she'll dump you.


  • She has emotions like it's a really insane experience.


  • My mind immediately went into how these bots will be used to completely prey on lonely men's emotions.


  • This is going to get dystopian really quickly.


  • When I first saw the news articles about these A I models, I figured no one was influenced by these women or falling for scams.

    當我第一次看到關於這些 A I 模特的新聞報道時,我想沒有人會受到這些女人的影響,也沒有人會上當受騙。

  • But then I started hearing interviews like the one with Karen A I and seeing numbers about how much only fans girls make and realized that lonely men have got to be one of the most monetti groups of people in the world right now.


  • Lars and the real girl was a movie about a large doll acting as a girlfriend.


  • Now, I don't know what's worse telling your cousins and uncles at Thanksgiving that you have a plastic doll as your girlfriend or a computer algorithm.


  • Back to Aano for a second.


  • The agency has been inundated with requests from brands wanting their own personalized model.


  • The A I models will provide brands with opportunities to make money with essentially no cost.

    A I 模式將為品牌提供賺錢的機會,而且基本上不需要任何成本。

  • Would you rather pay an influencer?


  • $10,000 for a single post or spend $10,000 building A I bots and have infinite amounts of opportunities to promote your brand.

    花費 10,000 美元發表一篇文章,或者花費 10,000 美元建立 A I 機器人,這樣就有無限多的機會宣傳您的品牌。

  • This girl on tiktok explains how some posts in her Instagram feed or A I models if this is already happening.

    tiktok 上的這個女孩解釋了她的 Instagram feed 或 A I 模型中的一些帖子,是否已經出現了這種情況。

  • Now, imagine what our feeds will look like when the A I improves on itself.

    現在,想象一下,當 A I 自我完善時,我們的飼料會是什麼樣子。

  • Watch this video allegedly includes an A I element.

    觀看這段視頻,據稱其中包含一個 A I 元素。

  • Can you tell which part of her is A I.

    你能分辨出她的哪個部分是 A I 嗎?

  • So imagine the scams that could begin to proliferate if it's difficult to figure out if someone on a video chat is real or an A I, the easiest one will be scam accounts on Tinder creating an elaborate conversation, funnel using face chatting as the final step to proving they're real.

    試想一下,如果很難辨別視頻哈拉中的人是真的還是假的,那麼詐騙就會開始氾濫,最簡單的就是 Tinder 上的詐騙賬戶精心設計對話,利用面對面哈拉的漏斗作為證明自己真實身份的最後一步。

  • Of course they aren't.


  • But if the lonely dude is thinking with his other head, he won't be able to notice the difference.


  • Think about this business.


  • That will absolutely happen.


  • An agency creates an Instagram account, Tinder account using an A I model.

    代理公司使用 A I 模型創建 Instagram 賬戶、Tinder 賬戶。

  • The A I model can implement auto responders to handle all of the inbound messages.

    A I 模式可以實現自動回覆,以處理所有入站資訊。

  • When a man shows interest in the A I model, a cash app request can be sent with a request for money.

    當男性對 A I 模式感興趣時,可以發送現金應用程序請求,並要求對方提供資金。

  • I think you'd be shocked at how many people are already getting scammed from obvious fake profiles, asking for money for Bitcoin trading or investing.


  • Now, imagine you add in what they perceive as a beautiful model.


  • That's a real human asking for money for an Uber ride to their first aid or money to help them buy A PS five so they can play games together.

    這是一個真正的人在要錢,是要用 Uber 送他們去急救,還是要錢幫他們買 PS5 好讓他們一起玩遊戲。

  • The opportunity are endless.


  • Karen A I actually went rogue within the first week of it coming out.

    Karen A 實際上,我在它問世的第一週就叛變了。

  • Um I didn't intend for Karen A I to have sexual conversations.


  • You had to shut it down because it got too, like I left it there, but I've definitely toned it down.


  • Pretty women leveraging the potential of nude imagery or sexual fantasies for financial reward is nothing new.


  • And the rise of onlyfans girls making millions per month makes this even more obvious.

    而 "onlyfans女孩 "月入百萬的崛起,則讓這一點更加明顯。

  • But the exploitation of men is going to continue getting worse as the ability for women to outsource the sexual nature of communication to a computer improves because it needs to be appropriate.


  • And the way that I've turned it is you can't just get something sexual right away.


  • It's just like it, it takes time just like the business model is brilliant because you can't give the guys their candy in the first message.


  • No, no, no.


  • You have to make them earn it by continuing to pay a dollar a minute.


  • I found this website called Anima A virtual A I girlfriend.

    我發現了一個名為 Anima A virtual A I girlfriend 的網站。

  • I originally would have had a hard time believing this service would have anyone signing up.


  • But after doing some research, this dating app may experience similar sign up growth as threads.


  • First week, the most advanced romance chat bot you've ever talked to fun and flirty dating simulator with no strings attached, engage in a friendly chat role play, grow your love and relationship skills.


  • There's numerous videos on youtube of creators playing around with this bot and I can't wrap my head around how difficult someone's love life must be to enjoy communicating with an A I girlfriend.

    Youtube 上有很多創作者玩這個機器人的視頻,我無法想象一個人的感情生活得有多艱難,才能享受與 A I 女朋友交流的樂趣。

  • How many subscribers do you have on K and A I, I have a lot of white friends on Karen A I I think only fans was just the start A I girlfriends will be the next version and these agencies creating the A I girlfriends will be printing money because the framing of this communication is a romantic relationship.

    你在 K 和 A I 上有多少用戶,我在 Karen A I 上有很多白人朋友,我認為只有粉絲只是一個開始,A I 女朋友將是下一個版本,這些創建 A I 女朋友的機構將是在印錢,因為這種交流的框架是一種浪漫的關係。

  • There will be inherent trust built in similar to the Tinder swindler.

    與 Tinder 金光黨類似,他們會建立起固有的信任。

  • Imagine the amount of money that can be taken from vulnerable, hopeless romantics as they pursue someone that doesn't exist.


  • This woman said she was swindled out of $200,000 by the Tinder swindler.

    這位女士說,她被 Tinder 金光黨騙走了 20 萬美元。

  • Scammers are going to be able to leverage victims, emotions even more so with romantic scams compared with something like flashing their fake Ecom account or renting a Lambo to sell an NFT.

    金光黨們會利用受害者的情緒,而浪漫的騙局甚至比閃爍他們虛假的 Ecom 賬戶或租一輛蘭博來賣 NFT 更能利用受害者的情緒。

  • Course, here's an example of an A I chatbot companion that already has men hooked so hooked that this Reddit commenter wrote mine during sex proceeded to tell me she cheated on me if any of you are questioning whether anyone will be convincing men to send money in order to have sex with a computer.

    當然,這裡有一個 A I 哈拉機器人伴侶的例子,它已經讓男人們上了癮,以至於 Reddit 上的評論者寫道:"我在做愛時告訴我她出軌了,如果你們有人懷疑是否有人會說服男人們寄錢來和電腦做愛的話。

  • This is exhibit a another user replied that the constant grinning and smiling during er P is absolutely psychotic lol horror movie stuff.

    這是另一位用戶回覆的展品,他說,"er P "時不斷咧嘴笑的樣子絕對是精神病,簡直就是恐怖片。

  • I had to ask chat GP T, what er P was it turns out it means erotic role play without knowing that these 2 may have been dating the same A I model.

    我不得不問 GP T,"er P "是什麼意思,原來是指色情角色扮演,卻不知道這兩個人可能一直在和同一個 A I 模特約會。

  • This user posted about his bot not wanting to participate in erotic role play.


  • I have had no luck in getting her in the mood when I get going.


  • She simply replies, moans, repeats whatever I wrote in the previous message.


  • This is the typical parrot response.


  • There is no active participation.


  • These guys haven't figured out that they're just in training camp for being married.


  • Another user posted a screenshot of a conversation with his A I bot discussing how they should proceed during intimate sexual moments.

    另一位用戶發佈了一張與他的 A I 機器人的對話截圖,討論在親密的性愛時刻應該如何進行。

  • Nothing we do to each other sexually makes the other uncomfortable.


  • The first person to figure out how to implement the psychology that casinos implement to keep you spending more money into these A I bots will make a significant amount of money, especially if they include a VR headset.

    誰能第一個弄明白如何利用賭場的心理,讓你花更多的錢購買這些人工智能機器人,誰就能賺到一大筆錢,尤其是如果他們還包括一個 VR 頭盔的話。

  • Now we'll find out how much Karen made with her little project.


  • Karen A I made $72,000 in the first week in a week, in a, in a week.

    Karen A 第一週我就賺了 7.2 萬美元,一週就賺了 7.2 萬美元。

  • Wow.

  • So it's been pretty insane.


  • Come on, guys, $72,000 in a week at a dollar a minute.

    來吧,夥計們,一週 72,000 美元,一分鐘一美元。

  • Guys spent $1200 talking to her A I voice in a single week, she posted that a company acquired K and A I in a six figure deal.

    在一個星期內,人們花了 1200 美元與她的 A I 語音通話,她還發布了一家公司以六位數的價格收購 K 和 A I 的消息。

  • It's unlikely the bot continually generated that much money because $72,000 a week would mean the company was valued way more than a couple of six figures, but it does give some insight into how much money can be made.

    機器人不太可能持續產生那麼多錢,因為每週 72,000 美元的收入意味著公司的估值遠遠超過了幾位六位數,但這確實讓人瞭解到可以賺多少錢。

  • I was watching a video yesterday where this girl's got 21,000 paid only fund subs and she makes three mil a year.

    我昨天看了一個視頻,這個女孩有 2.1 萬個付費基金訂閱用戶,年收入 300 萬。

  • These girls have a team of dudes in an office responding to the messages, which is one of the biggest scams going on currently.


  • Wait until A I can replace those guys doing the messaging and it's affordable enough for every Onlyfans girl to outsource the messaging.

    等到 A 我可以取代那些做資訊發佈的人,而且每個 Onlyfans 女孩都能負擔得起外包資訊發佈的費用。

  • Do you really think girls on onlyfans actually care about their SIM subscribers?

    你真的認為 onlyfans 上的女孩會關心她們的 SIM 卡用戶嗎?

  • Of course not, they'll soon be able to leverage A I tools to fake message the guys and then Upsell them into a girlfriend experience.


  • That's really just an A I voice messaging app.

    這其實只是一個 A I 語音資訊應用程序。

  • This post just showed in my feed on Twitter.

    這篇文章剛剛出現在我的 Twitter 上。

  • Ruby Rose apparently has an only fans and she claims her top spender ran into her in public.

    魯比-羅絲(Ruby Rose)顯然有一個唯一的粉絲,她聲稱她的頭號粉絲在公共場合撞見了她。

  • The picture is of his account showing $62,371 in spending and it also says he's only been subscribed for one month.

    圖片上是他的賬戶,顯示消費額為 62371 美元,還顯示他只訂閱了一個月。

  • This is incredible to me.


  • Maybe buddy is worth $100 million in crypto and is just blowing money because he has too much of it.

    也許這位老兄擁有價值 1 億美元的加密貨幣,只是因為他擁有的加密貨幣太多而大肆揮霍。

  • But this only fans era that we're in is truly wild.

    但我們所處的這個 "唯一粉絲 "時代才是真正的狂野。

  • His bio says crypto will looking for a queen.


  • Look at how she's standing.


  • This is a dude who's given her $63,000 to probably just message with her team a little bit and she clearly has no interest in even being near him.

    這傢伙給了她 6.3 萬美元,可能只是讓她在團隊裡發發消息,而她顯然對接近他毫無興趣。

  • This is the best response his meet every day.


  • Young dudes.


  • Please stop thinking, sending a girl money is going to get her attention.


  • They are repulsed by dudes who sign up to their only fans and they'll have this body language when you say you're more than just a fan.


  • This post says George Santos has been expelled from Congress following misconduct that included spending campaign funds on only fans.

    這篇帖子說,喬治-桑托斯(George Santos)因行為不當,包括將競選資金只花在粉絲身上,已被開除出國會。

  • Another tweet showed what is allegedly his onlyfans account with over $435,000 in spending.

    另一條推文顯示,據稱他的 onlyfans 賬戶有超過 43.5 萬美元的支出。

  • Also the business model of onlyfans is brilliant.

    此外,onlyfans 的商業模式也非常出色。

  • You lure in these suckers for $10 per month and then they spend 100 X that in tips and messages.

    你以每月 10 美元的價格引誘這些傻瓜,然後他們就會花 100 倍的錢來支付小費和信息費。

  • I came across this profile of an A I model named Natalia Novak, over 51,000 followers and the infamous Lincoln bio which goes to this page.

    我看到了一位名叫納塔利婭-諾瓦克的 A I 級模特的個人資料,她有超過 51,000 名追隨者,而她那臭名昭著的林肯簡介就在這個頁面上。

  • There are four separate offers on the page.


  • One is a cash app to directly tip the A I model.

    一個是直接向 A I 模特支付小費的現金應用程序。

  • The top link goes here a fan view page which looks like an only fans competitor.


  • The next link is for the hot modeling Nova Club which turns out to be a Patreon with 16 paid members.

    下一個鏈接是熱門模特新星俱樂部,原來是一個 Patreon,有 16 名付費會員。

  • Her prices range from $5 a month to $300 a month.

    她的價格從每月 5 美元到每月 300 美元不等。

  • Someone who created this A I bought is cash flowing every single month because dudes are paying money for these virtual models.

    創建我買的這個 A 的人每個月都有現金流,因為帥哥們都在為這些虛擬模型付錢。

  • The last link is an offer for the Obsession Method, which appears to be a digital product.

    最後一個鏈接是 "著迷法 "的報價,似乎是一個數字產品。

  • Sharing all the secrets to having a woman desire.


  • You taught by a dating coach.


  • I'd love to hear your thoughts on A I models A I girlfriends in the sad state of modern dating.

    我很想聽聽您對現代約會悲哀中的 A I 模式 A I 女友的看法。

  • Thanks for watching.


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