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  • What's up, lovely people. It's Tuesday, October 24th. Welcome to CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news.

    怎麼了?可愛的人們 今天是 10 月 24 日,星期二。 歡迎收看 CNN 10。 最精彩的 10 分鐘新聞。

  • I'm Coy Wire and I am pumped for tomorrow's #YourWordWednesday.

    我是 Coy Wire,我很期待明天的 "週三標籤你的單詞 "活動。

  • Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, and put your unique vocabulary word in the comment section of my most recent post with your school, mascot city, your teacher's name, and we'll choose one fun one to work into tomorrow show.

    在 Instagram、Snapchat 和 tiktok 上關注我的 Coy Wire,並在我最近一篇文章的評論區寫下你的獨特詞彙,並附上你所在學校的吉祥物城市和老師的名字。嗯,我們會選一個有趣的節目放到明天的節目中。

  • All right, ahead of Halloween, I've got some sweet stories for you from trick-or-treat trends to the tail of duke, the dog. Plus, a spicy kicker.

    好吧,萬聖節之首。從 "不給糖就搗蛋 "到 "狗公爵的故事",我為您準備了一些溫馨的故事,還有一個辣味十足的小插曲。

  • But first, we're digging into debt and deficit. Both are growing in the United States, but where do the national debt and deficit come from?

    但首先,我們要探討債務和赤字問題。兩者在美國都在增長。 但國債和赤字從何而來?

  • And what's the difference? Here's CNN Jon Sarlin with more.


  • America lives on borrowed money.

    下面是CNN記者約翰-薩林(John Sarin)為您帶來的更多美國人靠借錢生活的報道。

  • That's why the term debt and deficit get thrown around so much. Let's first start with our definitions.


  • In a given year, a country will raise money through taxes and spend money on everything that a government spends money on.


  • If it spends more than it takes in, the difference is called a deficit. And the government has to borrow money to pay for it.


  • Now, this leads us to debt and not just any debt, but the debt. The debt is the total sum of government owes.

  • In other words, a deficit is your dirty dish from last night. The debt is your sink.


  • In the United States, our budget deficit has recently soared reaching 1.7 trillion in the most recent fiscal year.

    從昨晚開始,債務就是你在美國的水槽。最近,我們的預算赤字猛增,在最近一個財政年度達到了 1.7 萬億美元。

  • That's a 23% increase from the previous year.

    這比上一年增長了 23%,讓您對這一數字有一些瞭解。

  • To give you some perspective, the richest man in America, Elon Musk is worth 180 billion, according to Forbes, nowhere near the U.S. deficit.

    據《福布斯》報道,美國首富埃隆-馬斯克的身價高達 1800 億美元。與美國的赤字相差甚遠。

  • How much is a trillion dollars?


  • Well, if you were to stack $1 bills on top of each other, 1 trillion of them would reach nearly 68,000 miles high.

    那麼,如果把 1 美元的鈔票疊在一起,1 萬億張鈔票將高達近 6.8 萬英里。

  • That would be into outer space, almost a third of the way to the moon.


  • So what's happening?

    我們的首席經濟學家伯納德-雅羅斯認為,最近國家赤字增加的 40% 以上可歸因於稅收收入的減少。

  • According to a lead, U.S. economist Bernard Yaros, more than 40% of the recent increase in our national deficit can be attributed to lower revenues from taxes,

  • more spending on programs, such as Social Security and Medicare also playing a part.


  • As for our current national debt, it's well over 30 trillion.

    遠遠超過 30 萬億美元。

  • Check out this interactive article on CNN's website. Writer, Tami Luhby, compares U.S. debt to snow.

    查看 cnn 網站上的這篇互動文章,作者塔米-盧比(Tammy Luby)將我們的債務比作雪。

  • Starting with this small snowball in 1922, it represents 408 billion.

    從 1922 年的這個小雪球開始。多年來,這一數額達 4 080 億美元。

  • Over the years, the debt snowball kept growing, literally snowballing passing 10 trillion in 1998, and 30 trillion by the end of 2022, as the U.S. government spent more money than it collected.

    債務雪球越滾越大,1998 年已超過 10 萬億美元,到 2022 年底將達到 30 萬億美元。因為美國政府花的錢比收的錢還多。

  • The article puts that growing debt into perspective with this graph and breaks down the government's spending for the fiscal year 2022, $6.27 trillion or about $1.38 trillion less than it collected.

    文章通過這張圖對不斷增長的債務進行了分析,並細分了政府在 2022 財年的支出為 6.27 萬億美元,比收入少了約 1.38 萬億美元。

  • You can take some time to scroll through the article yourself to learn more about the deficit and debt.


  • We'll leave a link under this episode on our YouTube channel.

    我們將在本期節目下方的 Youtube 頻道第 12 小節中留下鏈接。

  • Ten-Second trivia. In addition to Halloween, which of these holidays will be celebrated next week? Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Dia de los Muertos or Labor Day?


  • Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday extending over the first two days of November. And it honors the lives of deceased loved ones.

    哥倫布日、退伍軍人節、Dia de Los Muertos 或勞動節,Dia de Los Muertos 是墨西哥的一個節日,持續時間為 11 月的頭兩天,是對已故親人的紀念。

  • Boo's excited for Halloween?


  • It's the most wonderful time of the fear. And it's one week from today.


  • I'm so excited. I candy hardy wait.


  • I'm not going to wear my mullet this year, though, if I'm creeping it real.


  • This is one of my favorite looks. My costume this year is eerie resistible, though.


  • A survey conducted for the National Retail Federation shows that the top costume picks this year for kids are Spider-Man, a Princess or a ghost.


  • And for adults, a witch, a vampire or Barbie, a majority of people said they will be handing out candy and about half planned to dress up or decorate.

    調查還發現,萬聖節消費可能達到 122 億美元,創歷史新高。

  • The survey also found that Halloween spending could reach an all-time record high of 12.2 billion as more and more people are getting into the spirit ready to party and trick or treat in full spooktacular, free pandemic style. Booya.


  • Now it's time to meet another one of our CNN Champions for Change at a no-kill animal shelter that has the ambitious goals of rescuing every savable animal by the year 2025

    現在是時候來認識一下 CNN 的另一位變革倡導者了,他是一家不殺生動物收容所的負責人,該收容所雄心勃勃,目標是到 2025 年拯救所有可拯救的動物,並徹底改變我們對待和領養收容所寵物的方式,其中包括像杜克這樣的毛孩子和 CNN S 吉姆-阿科斯塔的新好朋友。

  • and revolutionizing the way we treat and adopt shelter pets. That includes fur babies like Duke and the new best friend of CNN's Jim Acosta.

  • What you doing over here?


  • As Harry Truman once said, if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

  • I was coming out of my seven or eight years at the White House.

  • I was suddenly burdened with some extra time on my hands and I thought, "Hey, time to get a Dog."


  • This is Duke. He is my rescue dog that I got from Best Friends.


  • He was found in Arkansas. Mother was in an abandoned home.


  • A lot of the times with these rescue animals, they're coming out of pretty bad situations.


  • Traditional animal sheltering has been around for 150 years.

    傳統的動物收容已有 100 年和 50 年的歷史。

  • The status quo was we don't have a choice.


  • It's a necessary evil in our society that we have to kill these animals.


  • Oh, does that feel good?


  • Best Friends really became the disruptor because they challenged the status quo.


  • Julie is a remarkable person. She started in 1996. She was employee number 17 here and became the CEO of this amazing organization.

    朱莉是個了不起的人。她於 1996 年開始工作。 她是這裡的第 17 號員工,後來成為了這個了不起的組織的首席執行官。

  • What they're trying to do is sort of transform the animal rescue pet adoption experience.


  • Kanab, Utah this is where Best Friends basically runs their operations here in the Southwest.


  • It's a spectacular setting and it makes it all the more welcoming and inviting as somebody who might be interested in adopting a pet.


  • You can go and see pigs and goats and horses. And we saw, of course, we saw dogs and cats.


  • There were turtles and parrots and cockatoos. I felt like Doctor Doolittle.


  • What we do here at the sanctuary is so incredibly unique, so we are able to help animals that most other organizations cut in.


  • These aren't throw-away animals. These are precious sentient beings that deserve a second chance of life.


  • The Arkansas facility, can you describe that?


  • Bentonville was an opportunity to reimagine you`re walking into this bright, cool environment with a coffee shop and no cages.


  • You can participate in that lifesaving in a way that's very similar to something like an Apple Store.


  • The Arkansas facility is important to me because that's where I got my pet from. When you look at who's going in there, you know, you see a lot of young people.


  • All right, this one.


  • This is Ariana. She's two months old and two weeks. We'e always been dog people. We just lost one and we really wanted to get another.

  • It's like a whole experience. I think when you come in here, you just tell they want you and the dog to be taken care of.


  • You're trying to market this experience. Trying to transform the way people think about pet adoption that, "Oh, it's a cool place where you can go to pick up a pet."


  • Back in 1984, when Best Friends got started, they tell us that there was something in the neighborhood of 17 million animals that were killed in this country.

    早在 1984 年,"好朋友 "剛起步的時候,他們就告訴我們,全國大約有 1700 萬隻動物被殺害。

  • Now they're about 378,000 last year and Best Friends is the leader in that movement.

    現在,它們去年的數量約為 37.8 萬,而 "好朋友 "是這一運動的領導者。

  • They'd like to get to this place where the United States is a no-kill country essentially by 2025.

    他們希望美國成為一個不殺人的國家。基本上到 2025 年。

  • The benchmark for no-kill is 90%. Roughly 10 percent of animals that are entering America shelters probably are too sick to be saved.

    無殺戮的基準是 90%。在進入美國收容所的動物中,大約有 10%的動物可能因為病重而無法獲救。

  • So it's that 90% benchmark that we're after.

    是以,我們追求的是 90% 的基準。

  • And you think it's possible?


  • Absolutely.


  • Are you showing off? Yes.


  • For today's 10 out of 10, we're kicking things up a notch. Or how about several million notches on the Scoville scale?

    是的,今天的 "十分之十",我們要更上一層樓。或者,在斯高維爾(Scoville)音階上加幾百萬個音階如何?

  • This little guy called Pepper X officially holds the Guinness record for world's hottest chili pepper.

    這個名叫 Pepper X 的小傢伙正式保持著世界上最辣辣椒的吉尼斯紀錄。

  • It rates 2.69 million Scoville heat units on average, and for reference, jalapeno peppers fall between 3000 and 8,000 units.

    它的平均值為 269 萬斯科維爾熱量組織、部門,供參考。墨西哥辣椒在 11000 個組織、部門之間。

  • The Scoville scale was invented by pharmacologist, Wilbur Scoville in 1912 to measure the spiciness of peppers and chilies generally related to their capsaicin, the chemical that makes them spicy.

    斯科維爾量表由藥理學家威爾伯-斯科維爾於 1912 年發明,用於測量辣椒的辣度,一般與辣椒素有關。讓辣椒變辣的化學物質總是那麼令人討厭。

  • Peppers are always so annoying. They get Jalapeno business.


  • It's time now for our shout-out of the day, coming in hot Canon City High School in Canon City, Colorado. Go Tigers.

    科羅拉多州峽谷市的熱峽谷市高中(Hot Canyon City High School)的 "老虎隊"(Go Tigers)即將登場。

  • You all know, I love this part of the show and we're about to make it twice as nice.


  • You remember that our executive producer said that if our CNN 10 YouTube channel reaches 800,000 subscribers, I can start doing two shoutouts per show.

    你還記得嗎?我們的執行製片人說,如果我們的 CNN 10 youtube 頻道訂閱人數達到 80 萬,我就可以開始在每個節目中喊兩聲 "shout out",我們就快成功了。

  • And we're almost there. We just need not 1000, not 2000. You guessed 10,000 more subscribers.

    我們需要的不是 1000 個,也不是 2000 個,你猜對了,是 10000 個訂閱者。

  • So let's go, looking forward to seeing those #YourWordWednesday submissions @coywire.

    讓我們一起期待在 Coy Wire 上看到那些在 "星期三 "提交的 "hashtag your word Wednesday "吧。

  • I'm Coy. This is CNN 10 and you are awesome.

    我是科伊這裡是 CNN 10,你太棒了。

What's up, lovely people. It's Tuesday, October 24th. Welcome to CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news.

怎麼了?可愛的人們 今天是 10 月 24 日,星期二。 歡迎收看 CNN 10。 最精彩的 10 分鐘新聞。

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【CNN10】美國債務與赤字問題、萬聖節消費將創歷史新高、世界上最辣辣椒 Pepper X | 2023年10月24日 (Debt and Deficit. What's the Difference? | October 24, 2023)

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