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  • Here we see an early bird and a night owl in their natural habitats.

    譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Yanyan Hong

  • The early bird rises with the sun, springing out of bed abuzz with energy.

    這裡有一隻早起的鳥 和一隻夜行貓頭鷹,

  • As the day goes on, they slowly get more and more exhausted


  • until finally crashing around sunset.

    早起的鳥和太陽一起起來, 活力滿滿地跳下床。

  • Meanwhile, the night owl rises long after the sun,

    隨著一天進展, 他們慢慢地耗盡了精力,

  • stumbling groggily from their bed.


  • After about 30 minutesor a cup of coffee

    同時,夜行貓頭鷹起來的 時間遠比太陽晚很多,

  • they begin to come to life.


  • But they don't really hit their stride until later in the day,

    大約三十分鐘後── 或一杯咖啡後──

  • at which point they comfortably coast past sunset,


  • only heading to bed in the early hours of the morning.

    但他們要到一天的晚些時候才會 開始找到節奏展現效率,

  • For many, this is a familiar story, and one that's easy to cast yourself in.

    此時,他們進入狀況, 在日落後仍能舒適地繼續做事,

  • But how many people are truly night owls or early birds?


  • And are our natural sleep schedules predetermined at birth,


  • or can we change them?


  • The truth is there's a lot of space between these extremes,


  • and most people fall somewhere in the middle.

    在出生時我們的自然睡眠時程表 就已經被預先決定了嗎?

  • These behaviors are determined by our circadian system


  • which is anchored by a pair of nerve cell clusters

    事實是,在這兩極端中間 還有許多空間,

  • located in the anterior hypothalamus.


  • These nerve cells respond to light exposure coming in through your eyes

    我們的生理時鐘系統 會決定這些行為──

  • to track the day-night cycle that dictates your body's internal clock,

    視丘的一對神經細胞叢 會決定生理時鐘。

  • or circadian rhythm.

    這些神經細胞接觸到 透過你眼睛進入的光之後,

  • That steady rhythm helps determine the body's flow of hormones,

    會追蹤日夜循環,而這個循環 會支配你體內的時鐘,

  • with the broader circadian system acting like a conductor


  • that keeps your organs functioning in time with one another.

    這個穩定的節奏能協助 決定體內荷爾蒙的流動,

  • And a major part of that performance is managing the body's transitions

    更廣泛的生理節奏系統 扮演的角色就像是指揮家,

  • between being awake and being asleep.


  • Now, your circadian system can't just decide its bedtime and knock you out.

    而指揮家所指揮的演出, 重點之一在於管理身體

  • However, by tracking how much light you typically get


  • and when in your waking hours you usually get it,

    你的二十四小時生理系統不能 單純決定睡覺時間然後把你打昏。

  • the system can make predictions about when you're likely to need sleep


  • and prepare your body accordingly.

    以及你通常在哪些 清醒時段接收到光,

  • For example, if you consistently go to sleep around 10 pm,

    這個系統就能預測 你何時可能會需要睡覺,

  • your circadian system will start producing sleep-inducing melatonin


  • around two hours before then to tell your body it's time for bed.

    比如,如果你經常 在大約晚上十點上床睡覺,

  • So if this rhythm is molded by our sleep habits,

    你的二十四小時生理系統 在大約兩小時前就會開始

  • can we change it just by sticking to a strict schedule?

    產生催眠褪黑激素,告訴 你的身體該是上床的時候了。

  • To a degree.

    若這種節奏是由我們的 睡眠習慣所形塑出來的,

  • Everyone's bodies are unique,

    我們能否靠著堅持遵守 嚴格的時程表來改變它呢?

  • so even two people with the same sleep schedule might have different experiences

    某種程度上可以。 每個人的身體都是獨特的。

  • based on their circadian system's hormonal quirks.


  • For example, where early birds generally flood with cortisol just before waking up,

    也可能因為荷爾蒙特性 差別而有不同的體驗。

  • night owls often have their cortisol peak roughly 30 minutes after getting up.

    比如,早起鳥通常在醒來之前 就會充滿可體松,

  • Hormonal differences like these determine how you experience your circadian rhythm.

    夜貓子的可體松達到高峰的時間 通常是起床後三十分鐘左右,

  • And while these factors can shift with age,

    像這樣的荷爾蒙差異會決定你對 你二十四小時生理節奏的體驗。

  • you're unlikely to grow out of your body's preferred sleep schedule.


  • That said, you can cultivate habits to help or hinder your circadian rhythm.

    你仍然不太可能可以改變 你身體偏好的睡眠時程表。

  • Keeping consistent sleeping hours helps your body accurately predict

    儘管如此,你依然可以培養習慣 來協助或阻礙你的生理節奏。

  • when to send out hormones,

    維持一致的睡眠時段 能協助你的身體正確預測

  • making it easier to stick to your schedule.


  • Conversely, research in sleep deprived college students


  • has found their unpredictable sleeping habits

    相反的,針對睡眠不足的 大學生所做的研究

  • weaken their entire circadian system.


  • Compromised circadian rhythms are less effective

    會削弱他們整個 二十四小時生理系統。

  • at coordinating organ functioning and can incur health risks

    受損害的生理節奏 比較沒辬法那麼有效率地

  • like metabolic disorders and vulnerable immune systems.

    協調器官功能, 可能會造成健康風險,

  • But perhaps just as important as sleep hygiene is light hygiene.

    比如心陳代謝疾病 和免疫系統變脆弱。

  • Getting sufficient contrast between bright daylight and dimmer nighttime light

    但也許,光線衛生 和睡眠衛生同等重要。

  • is essential for synchronizing your circadian rhythm,

    明亮的日光和暗淡的夜晚光線 之間要有足夠的對比,

  • and nothing establishes this contrast better than sunlight.

    這點對於你的生理節奏 同步化是很重要的,

  • Even on overcast days, sunlight is much brighter than standard indoor lighting.

    而最能夠建立這種 對比的就是太陽光。

  • So if you're typically awake during the day,

    即使是多雲的日子,太陽光 也還是比標準的室內光線還更亮。

  • try getting outside as soon as possible to teach your body


  • when to be active and alert.


  • It's difficult to maintain a sleep schedule


  • that pushes against your body's preferences.

    維持遵守和你身體偏好 抵觸的睡眠時程表並不容易,

  • And even if you succeed for months,


  • it only takes one bad night to send your circadian system back to baseline.

    只要一個晚上失守,就能讓你的 二十四小時生理系統回到原點。

  • But whether you're an early bird, night owl, or somewhere in between,

    但,不論你是早起鳥、夜貓子, 或兩者之間的某一種,

  • it's important to remember that as long as you're consistent,


  • there's no wrong time to wake up or go to sleep.


  • What matters most is getting enough rest for the day ahead.

    最重要是要為接下來的 一天取得足夠的休息。

Here we see an early bird and a night owl in their natural habitats.

譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Yanyan Hong


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