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  • Differences between generations X, Y and Z?

    X、Y 和 Z 這三代人之間的差異為何?

  • Which one are you?


  • Since you're on the internet right now, and assuming it's not your first time, you've probably already noticed that this space is pretty much dominated by a younger crowd.


  • You've likely heard them referred to as Millennials or as Gen Z.

    你可能聽過人們稱呼他們為千禧世代或 Z 世代。

  • And how are they different from generations X and Y?

    他們與 X 及 Y 世代有什麼不同呢?

  • What's with all the labels anyway?


  • And how can you make heads or tails of which one you belong to and what defines your generation?


  • Well, according to sociologist Carl Mannheim, it all comes down to generational location, meaning that all members of a generation share a similar collective experience.


  • We'll get into what those might be for your generation.


  • But before we do that, take this moment to subscribe to our channel and hit that notification bell, so that you'll always be the first to see all our new videos.


  • Now, where were we?


  • Yes, people are categorized into generations depending on when they were born.


  • For today's video, we're gonna focus on people born in the US.


  • As of now, there are five living generations.


  • The Traditionalists also known as the Silent Generation who were born before 1945.

    傳統派,也被稱為沉默的一代,他們出生於 1945 年之前。

  • Then there's the baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964.

    接下來是嬰兒潮一代,出生於 1946 年至 1964 年之間。

  • Anyone born between 1965 and 1979 are considered Generation X.

    凡是在 1965 年至 1979 年之間出生的人都被視為 X 世代。

  • While Millennials or Generation Y were born between 1980 1995.

    而千禧世代或稱 Y世代出生於 1980 至 1995 年間。

  • Finally, there's Gen Z or Centennials who were born from 1996 to the present.

    最後是 1996 年至今出生的 Z 世代或稱 Centennials。

  • These ranges are just approximations, of course.


  • You can be born within three years of the beginning or end of a generation and still belong to it.


  • What's more important is the collective experiences people born within these years share.


  • The Traditionalist Generation who are now age 73 and older has a wide range of collective experiences.

    現年 73 歲及以上的傳統派擁有各種各樣的共同經驗。

  • Some are old enough to remember one or both of the World Wars, the Great Depression and even the invention of sliced bread.


  • As a result of these experiences, most traditionalists value hard work, commitment and practicality, and they don't like to be wasteful.


  • That's not to say other generations don't share these values; it's just that the scarcity of resources during these trying times fostered a culture of doing whatever it took to survive.


  • They also tend to be more respectful of authority, that is the "always respect your elders' generation," which you might recognize in your older relatives.


  • Traditionalists gave birth to the baby boomers who were, of course, part of the huge birth rate increase following the second World War.


  • Boomers changed a lot about American society, particularly (in) advertising and marketing.


  • Since they were such a large part of the population, they did a lot of the spending and had a great impact on the economy once they entered and left the workforce.


  • The post-war political landscape was pretty rocky, so there's plenty of collective experiences for this generation to choose from.


  • The Vietnam War and the controversy surrounding the draft, the Cold War and the red scare, the civil rights movement, Woodstock and counterculture, the moon landing, and the list goes on.


  • All these experiences made for a wide range of characteristics and values.


  • This generation started out liberal when they were involved in all the political and social movements, but they then grew more conservative as they aged.


  • There's some disagreement as to when exactly the boomers end and Gen X begins.

    有關嬰兒潮ㄧ代何時結束,X 世代何時開始,這一點存在一些分歧。

  • A lot of people born from 1961 to 1964 don't identify as boomers and don't have any emotional connection to the collective experiences that shape them.

    很多 1961 年至 1964 年出生的人不認為自己屬於嬰兒潮ㄧ代,也沒有跟塑造他們的共同經驗產生情感連結。

  • This has prompted some researchers to classify Generation X as those born from 1961 to 1981.

    這促使一些研究人員將 X 世代分類為 1961 年至 1981 年出生的人。

  • Gen X got to experience the aftermath of all the changes the boomers made.

    X 世代經歷了嬰兒潮一代所帶來的種種變革的結果。

  • With both parents now entering the workforce, Gen X kids had less adult supervision than previous generations which caused them to be more peer-oriented.

    由於雙親都進入職場工作,X 世代的孩子比之前的世代少了成人的監督,因此他們更傾向於以同儕為導向。

  • The use of computers also took off during these years, making Gen X more entrepreneurial than their parents and grandparents.

    電腦也在這個時期開始普及,讓 X 世代比他們的父母和祖父母更具有創業精神。

  • The collective experiences of Gen X include the crack epidemic and the emergence of the AIDS crisis,

    X 世代的共同經驗包括了古柯鹼濫用危機和愛滋病危機的興起,

  • which made them much more cynical and disaffected as teens and young adults than boomers or Traditionalists had ever been.


  • Music also defined a lot of this generation, with the invention of music videos and the popularization of hip-hop, rap and Grunge.


  • Millennials, they've been the topic of much debate, even over when their generation starts and ends.


  • Some demographers have decided that Millennials were born as early as 1977, while others extend their cut-off to as late as 1999.

    一些人口統計學家認為千禧世代的出生年份最早可至 1977 年,而其他人則認定結束年限最晚可至 1999 年。

  • And of course, there's the ever-popular Millennial bashing.


  • Other generations complain that Millennials are selfish, entitled, narcissistic, addicted to their phones, lazy, impatient, impulsive, overly sensitive, weak-willed, and the name-calling goes on and on


  • While it's true that some Millennials share these traits, the same can be said of literally anyone else in the world.


  • There's no need to vilify an entire generation for wanting and expecting good things for themselves or for taking full advantage of the awesome technology that surrounds them.


  • In fact, the sweeping technological advances of the digital age have made Millennials much more group-oriented than their predecessors,


  • which accounts for their social progressiveness and tendency towards left-leaning politics.


  • And Z includes everyone born in the 21st century.

    而 Z世代包括所有在 21 世紀出生的人。

  • They can be the children of either Gen X or Millennial parents, and this difference can affect their relationship with the technology, they've grown up with.

    他們可能是 X 世代或千禧世代父母所生的孩子,這種差異可能會影響他們與他們成長期間所接觸到的科技之間的關係。

  • Gen X parents who were raised without widespread access to the internet are more likely to be restrictive with their kids' devices.

    在網路尚未普及時長大的 X 世代父母比較會限制孩子使用電子產品。

  • Millennial parents, on the other hand, grew up as the technology we have now was developing and gaining popularity,


  • so they tend to be more lenient when it comes to their children using gadgets.


  • Such digital savvy lends itself to the entrepreneurial spirit mentioned earlier with Gen X.

    這樣的數位技能有助於先前提到的 X 世代的創業精神。

  • So Gen Z also tends to value collaboration more in both school and work.

    所以 Z 世代也傾向於更重視在學校和工作中的合作。

  • Centennials were born into an environment where digital devices were widespread and readily available.

    Z 世代出生時數位裝置已普及且便利。

  • So they have a very different relationship with it than previous generations.


  • In fact, 40% of Centennials surveyed said that a reliable Wi-Fi connection is more important to them than reliable bathrooms.

    事實上,有四成的 Z 世代一致認為連得上 Wi-Fi 比找得到洗手間更重要。

  • Of course, it's possible they might use that Wi-Fi to find a nearby public restroom, but still, it's the principle of the matter.

    當然,他們可能會使用連上的 Wi-Fi 來尋找附近的公廁,但道理就是這樣。

  • Millennials and Centennials share the most similarities and collective experiences out of all the living generations.

    千禧世代和 Z 世代是所有現存的世代中,最相似且共同經歷相近的兩個世代。

  • So there's a lot of debate about the exact range for each of them.


  • No matter where exactly these generations start, they've mostly experienced the same things.


  • A majority of Millennials can remember where they were when the September 11th terrorist attacks happened.


  • They can tell you exactly when they got their first cell phone, and when they first made a Myspace account.

    他們可以清楚地告訴你他們何時第一次拿到手機,以及什麼時候第一次建立 Myspace 帳號。

  • They can recognize the theme songs to Family Ties, Rugrats and other popular shows of the 80s and 90s.

    他們可以認得出《親情紐帶》和《尿布一族》等 80 和 90 年代經典電視節目的主題曲。

  • Someone born in 1996 might not remember or have an emotional connection to the events of 2001, which is why some researchers classify them as Centennials rather than Millennials.

    有些研究人員將 1996 年出生的人歸類為千禧世代,而非 Z 世代是因為他們可能對於 2001 年的事件沒有記憶或情感連結。

  • The technological immersion that marks the turn of the century and defines the younger generations has definitely affected how they communicate.


  • Everything online happens pretty much instantaneously,


  • so Millennials and Centennials tend to expect other things to happen quickly too, especially responses to texts and emails.

    所以千禧世代和 Z 世代的人傾向於期望其他事情也發生得很快,尤其是在回覆簡訊和電子郵件方面。

  • It's also led to a specific sort of humor in Gen Y and Z that completely baffles older generations.

    這也導致了 Y 和 Z 世代發展出讓老一輩的人完全摸不著頭腦的特殊幽默感。

  • A lot of this humor references other jokes, so if you haven't seen a specific Vine or SpongeBob episode, then it just sounds like nonsense.

    很多這種幽默都會參考其他的笑話,所以如果你沒有看過某個特定的 Vine 影片或是海綿寶寶中的某一集節目,那麼這笑話聽起來就像在胡言亂語。

  • You could even count meme culture as a collective experience that two generations share.


  • But when it comes down to it, generational lines are just as arbitrary as borders on a map.


  • They don't really matter.


  • They're just stuff we made up to help define ourselves better.


  • But really, you can define yourself and your generation however you want.


  • So what defines your generation?


  • When do you think each of the generations start and stop?


  • What are some collective experiences people share in the place you're from?


  • Tell us in the comments below.


  • Give this video a like if you found it useful, share it with your friends and family and always remember to stay on the bright side of life.


Differences between generations X, Y and Z?

X、Y 和 Z 這三代人之間的差異為何?

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