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  • How can you avoid becoming homeless?


  • Easy!


  • Just don't do anything, ever.


  • Wait, that can't be right...


  • Hey, guys Tara here for DNews, and if you've ever visited any major city in America, then you'd know that homelessness is a growing problem here.

    嘿,各位,我是 DNews 的 Tara。如果你曾經去過美國的任何主要城市,那麼你就會知道流浪漢是這裡一個日益嚴重的問題。

  • The city of San Francisco spends $200 million every single year trying to get homeless people off the streets.

    舊金山市每年花費 2 億美元試圖讓流浪漢離開街頭。

  • And while many attribute their lifestyle to laziness, or drug addiction, or a dwindling economy, a new study says that traumatic brain injuries could be an underlying cause.


  • A team of researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto looked at data from 111 homeless men ages 27-81,

    多倫多聖邁克爾醫院的一組研究人員觀察了 111 名年齡在 27-81 歲之間的流浪漢的數據,

  • and found that almost half of them had experienced a traumatic brain injury at some point during their lives.


  • And 87% of them occurred before the men lost their homes.

    而其中 87% 發生在這些人無家可歸之前。

  • Some had sustained multiple brain injuries with assault being, overwhelmingly, the most common cause.


  • Sports-related injuries and motor vehicle collisions were also huge contributors.


  • But for men under age 40, the number one most common cause of brain injury was a fall resulting from drug or alcohol-related blackouts.

    但對於 40 歲以下的男性來說,腦損傷的第一大最常見原因是因藥物或酒精相關的昏倒導致跌倒。

  • Now this brings up an interesting dilemma.


  • Because it's already been shown that traumatic brain injury leads to aggressive behavior, violence, and impulsivity.


  • But, by the same token, aggression and impulse control disorders increase the likelihood of traumatic brain injury.


  • So it's kind of a chicken-and-egg situation, where both problems exist and they just potentiate one another.


  • Of course there's no arguing that these kinds of injuries worsen pre-existing conditions.


  • A 2008 study from a different group, showed that traumatic brain injuries increase the likelihood of seizures, mental health problems, drug problems, and overall poorer physical health.

    另一組 2008 年的一項研究表明,創傷性腦損傷會增加癲癇發作、心理健康問題、藥物問題和整體身體健康狀況較差的可能性。

  • This challenges the notion that being homeless is a conscious decision, but it should also serve as a warning sign to parents whose children have sustained traumatic head injuries.


  • Just because someone looks ok on the outside, doesn't mean they are on the inside, and that's good advice for all of us.


  • As always, if you have questions or comments about this episode, feel free to leave them down below, and for more episodes of DNews - subscribe here.

    跟往常一樣,如果你對這一集有任何疑問或意見,請隨時在下方留言,如需觀看更多的 DNews 的影片,歡迎訂閱。

How can you avoid becoming homeless?


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