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  • There's this coaster in Hersheypark, Pennsylvania, called the SooperDooperLooper.

    在賓夕法尼亞州的好時主題樂園有一座雲霄飛車,叫 SooperDooperLooper。

  • On it, you come around this bend that's full of trees blocking your view,


  • and before you know it, you're hurtling down the track at 45 miles per hour toward a thrilling 75-foot loop.

    在意識到之前,你的人正以每小時 45 英里的速度沿著軌道衝向一個刺激的 75 英尺的環形軌道。

  • According to Hershey's website, it's the "first-ever looping roller coaster on the east coast".

    根據好時公司的網站,它是 「美國東岸有史以來第一座環形雲霄飛車」。

  • But the good people at the Hershey company have that wrong.


  • Because about 75 years before the SooperDooperLooper, Coney Islandin my hometown of New Yorkwas home to the first two looping coasters in America.

    因為在 SooperDooperLooper 出現的大約 75 年以前,康尼島——在我的家鄉紐約——是美國最早的兩個環形雲霄飛車的所在地。

  • Unlike the SooperDooperLooper, which has been around for almost 50 years, these early looping coasters didn't even last a decade.

    不像已經存在近 50 年的 SooperDooperLooper ,這些早期的環形雲霄飛車甚至撐不到十年。

  • Because, it turns out, loops shouldn't be made like this.


  • Looping roller coasters got their start in Europe as early as 1842.

    環形雲霄飛車早在 1842 年就出現在歐洲。

  • Back then, they were called centrifugal railways.


  • They... weren't super popular or successful.


  • They tried a few more in Europe, as we understand it, these were short lived and more a novelty.


  • That's Randy Geisler, former president and current member of the historical committee for American Coaster Enthusiasts.


  • I've loved roller coasters my entire life.


  • The movements, the speed, and just the world whipping by you in every direction.


  • People in the 1800s didn't have the same fondness for looping coasters.

    19 世紀的人們對環形雲霄飛車沒有像現代人一樣的喜愛。

  • And that didn't change much when America built its first looping roller coaster in 1895: Coney Island's Flip Flap Railway.

    當美國於 1895 年建造第一座環形雲霄飛車——康尼島的 Flip Flap Railway 時,並沒有太大的改變這個狀況。

  • That's because these coasters had a few major problems.


  • The biggest one being, they made the loops circular.


  • In physics, we love perfect circles. It's an easy shape.


  • But from a human experience point of view, it is a nightmare.


  • That's Matt Anderson.


  • I'm a physics professor at San Diego State University.


  • To make it all the way around the Flip Flap's circular loop, cars needed to move really, really fast while changing directions.

    為了繞過 Flip Flap 的圓形軌道,雲霄飛車的車廂在改變方向時需要非常快速地移動。

  • The coaster itself is trying to push you up into a new direction.


  • Your head, your spine, everything else wants to keep going in a straight line.


  • But the coaster is saying, "No, you gotta curve into this arc."


  • Changing directions so rapidly causes a spike in g-forces.


  • You've gone from one G instantly to 12 or 14 Gs.

    身體承受的重力從 1G 立即變為 12 或 14G。

  • That's a big problem.


  • 6Gs is really the most a human body can handle on a rollercoaster and only for about a second.

    6G 是人體在雲霄飛車上所能承受的最大極限,而且只有大約一秒鐘。

  • At that force...


  • Literally, all the blood is just being pulled out of your head and you will pass out.


  • You can see how wild the G-forces are in this looping-coaster-simulation chart created by George Sidebotham, a mechanical engineering professor at the Cooper Union.

    在 Cooper Union 的機械工程教授 George Sidebotham 製作的環形雲霄飛車模擬圖表中可以看到它形成的重力有多麼誇張。

  • Because of our chat, he became so obsessed with the circular loop problem that he made a bunch of looping-coaster-simulation charts.


  • This line represents a circular loop like the Flip Flap's.

    這條線代表一個圓形軌道,就像 Flip Flap 一樣。

  • After jumping from 1 to 14 Gs, it would decrease as you reached the top of the loop then ramp all the way up again to 14 at the bottom, and then back to 1 as the coaster leaves the curve.

    從 1G 激增到 14G 後,重力會隨著你到達圓形軌道的頂部而減少,然後到軌道底部時再次上升至 14G,然後在雲霄飛車駛離彎道時回到 1G。

  • Passengers were completely rattled.


  • The Flip Flap, being made mostly of wood, didn't help either.

    主要由木頭製成的 Flip Flap 也沒有什麼幫助。

  • Wood is stretchy and compressy.


  • You can see the circle moving as the cart goes around.


  • It's stressing it this way and then it's stressing it that way.


  • It just looks like an engineering catastrophe about to happen.


  • The next looping coaster built on Coney Island, the Loop the Loop, was crafted to avoid all those issues.

    在康尼島建造的下一個圓形雲霄飛車 Loop the Loop 旨在避免以上提到的問題發生。

  • It was made entirely out of steel, which offered more stability.


  • And the circle was switched to more of an upside-down teardrop shape.


  • Squeezing the sides in helped ease the transition into and out of the curvature, reducing the G forces and creating a smoother, less body-damaging ride.


  • But still, they had the capacity problem.


  • Neither the Flip Flap nor the Loop the Loop could support more than a few riders at a time because the loops were small, and so the cars had to be small, too.

    Flip Flap 和 Loop the Loop 同時能夠搭載的乘客都不多,因為軌道很小,車廂也必須很小。

  • Most of the cars, they seated four people, and pretty much you could only send people about once every 5 minutes.


  • They just couldn't make enough money.


  • There were more people that would watch than ride.


  • The Flip Flap lasted 7 years, the Loop the Loop lasted 9.

    Flip Flap 撐了七年,Loop the Loop 撐了九年。

  • And all other looping coasters around the world shut down shortly after.


  • It seemed like the end of the track for loops.


  • That is... until something new came along.


  • In 1959, Disney unveiled the Matterhorn.

    1959 年,迪士尼推出了馬特洪峰雪橇飛車。

  • It didn't have a loop but it was the very first tubular steel coaster.


  • Unlike regular steel which was solid throughout, tubular steel was hollow in the middle, making it lighter-weight, and easier to bend into smooth arcs and curves.


  • Unlike wood, tubular steel could support heavy weight and more dynamic movement.


  • And in 1976, Six Flags Magic Mountain debuted the first modern vertical looping coaster made with tubular steel.

    1976 年,六旗魔法山推出了第一個由鋼管製成的現代垂直環形雲霄飛車。

  • The Great American Revolution squeezed the loop even more than the Loop the Loop, creating what's known as a "clothoid loop".

    Great American Revolution 比 Loop the Loop 更擠壓了軌道,創造了所謂的「羊角螺線軌道」。

  • It gets smaller and smaller as you get to the top to try and even out the G forces.


  • And then it does exact opposite as it comes back down.


  • With clothoid loop-shaped coasters, designers could distribute the G's more evenly and decide more precisely how many Gs to hit.


  • About 4.9 in the case of the Great American Revolution.

    Great American Revolution 雲霄飛車的重力大概是 4.9G。

  • A much smoother experience compared to the Flip Flap's uneven G force spikes from 1 to 14 to 9 to 1.

    與 Flip Flap 從 1G 到 14G 到 9G 再到 1G 如此不均衡的極強重力相比,前者的乘坐體驗更加流暢。

  • This clothoid loopcrafted using strong and easy-to-bend tubular steel and built 113 feet high meant that the Great American Revolution could support 20 riders at g-forces that feel exhilarating instead of harmful.

    這個羊角螺線軌道使用堅固且易於彎曲的管狀鋼製成,高 113 英尺,這表示 Great American Revolution 可以乘載 20 名乘客,並且產生的重力會讓人感到興奮而不是有害的。

  • And since then, loops have exploded in popularity.


  • Double loops!


  • Crazy loops!


  • And that SooperDooperLooper in Hershey Park which, by the way, can proudly claim that it's the first 'modern' looping roller coaster on the east coast.

    還有好時遊樂園的 SooperDooperLooper,順便說一下,它可以自豪地宣稱它是東岸第一個「現代」環形雲霄飛車。

There's this coaster in Hersheypark, Pennsylvania, called the SooperDooperLooper.

在賓夕法尼亞州的好時主題樂園有一座雲霄飛車,叫 SooperDooperLooper。

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