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  • I've just arrived at the most dangerous place to be a pedestrian in the US.


  • US-19 in New Port Richey, Florida on the state's Gulf Coast.

    美國 19 號公路位於佛羅里達州墨西哥灣沿岸的新里奇港。

  • A group of urban planners looked at the entire US roadway network and identified 60 pedestrian fatality hotspots:

    一組城市規劃人員查看了整個美國道路網絡,並找出了 60 個行人死亡熱區:

  • 1000 meter corridors where pedestrian deaths are most common.

    行人死亡最常見的 1000 米走廊。

  • And this 1000 meter stretch topped their list.

    而這段 1000 米路段在榜單上名列前茅。

  • 17 fatal crashes here in a 16 year study window.

    在 16 年的研究中,這裡發生了 17 起致命車禍。

  • Pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. have been creeping up in the past decade thanks mostly to the way road infrastructure favors cars above all else.


  • And nowhere is that more clear than right here.


  • US-19 runs north to south, down Florida's Gulf Coast and bisects the small community of New Port Richey, cutting off its downtown from its coastal features,

    美國 19 號公路從北向南延伸,沿著佛羅里達州的墨西哥灣沿岸,將新里奇港的小社區一分為二,也將市中心與沿海地貌隔絕開來。

  • which means traveling east to west, or vice versa requires you to cross it.


  • It's a type of roadway that would feel familiar to Americans.


  • Car culture is visible everywhere from the volume of drivers to the businesses alongside it.


  • And along US-19, drivers are moving fast.

    而沿著美國 19 號公路,駕駛們正快速行駛。

  • The posted speed limit on this stretch is 45 miles per hour,

    這段路規定限速是每小時 45 英里。

  • but driving speeds appear to be much faster than that.


  • Traffic safety experts will tell you that speed is one of the most important factors in pedestrian safety.


  • A street design report established that traveling up to 15 miles per hour, drivers have a wide peripheral vision.

    一份街道設計報告表明,以每小時 15 英里的速度行駛時,駕駛的視野範圍很廣。

  • They only need 25 feet to come to a full stop and the risk of fatality if they hit someone is 2%.

    他們只需要 25 英尺就可以完全停下來,如果他們撞到人,死亡的風險是 2%。

  • Once drivers are traveling over 40 miles per hour, their peripheral view narrows.

    一旦駕駛的速度超過每小時 40 英里他們的周邊視野就會變窄。

  • They require more room to stop and the risk of fatality climbs to 85%.

    他們需要更長距離來停下,死亡風險攀升至 85%。

  • Enforcing speed limits can only do so much.


  • The built environment, as we call it, is sending a message that this is for high speed travel.


  • Robert Schneider led the pedestrian safety study that found that 97% of the roadways with high pedestrian fatalities had multiple lanes.

    羅伯特·施耐德領導的行人安全研究發現,97% 行人死亡率高的道路都有多條車道。

  • At its widest, US-19 spans 8 lanes, which allows cars to pass and move faster than if they were stuck behind another car in a single lane.

    19 號公路最寬處橫跨 8 條車道,與單行道不同,這讓汽車能在被擋住時超車,快速通過。

  • And the road is straight as an arrow.


  • No curves that would nudge drivers to take it slow.


  • The type of businesses along US-19 support a car-first fast driving environment:

    美國 19 號公路沿途的商業類型也助長了高速駕駛環境。

  • Big box stores and strip malls that sit far away from the road with large parking lots in between.


  • And billboards displayed up high for an audience of fast drivers rather than at human scale.


  • Arterial roads, like US-19, not quite a street but not quite a highway, were built to keep this high-speed traffic off of nearby residential neighborhoods.

    像 19 號公路這樣的幹線公路不算是街道,但也不算是高速公路,是為了讓這種高速交通遠離附近的居民區而建造的。

  • But this type of sprawling development grew along arterial roads,


  • creating a dangerous mix of car-centric design with the possibility that pedestrians, cyclists, or public transit users would want to access these business centers.


  • And it explains why arterial roads only make up 13% of US roadways but are the site of 59% of pedestrian deaths.

    這也解釋了為什麼幹線公路只佔美國公路的 13%,但卻有 59% 的行人死亡是在這裡發生的。

  • Now, let's relate that to US-19's pedestrian design.

    現在,讓我們將其與 US-19 的行人道設計聯繫起來。

  • Or... lack thereof.

    或... 缺乏設計。

  • Not everyone can or wants to drive, but they still have to get to where they're going.


  • I walk along US-19 about 3 or 4 times a week, to and from work.

    我每週沿著 19 號公路走 3 到 4 次,上下班。

  • It's a lot cheaper than taking the bus.


  • I was crossing the crosswalk, someone was turning and just bumped right into me.


  • I had a few bumps, bruises, you know, some cracked ribs.


  • I have a hearing disability, which causes severe vertigo and issues with balance.


  • So it's not wise to drive.


  • Every single day, I am afraid of either getting bumped or yelled at, or honked at, or cut off, every day.


  • As a pedestrian trying to cross the road, I'd have to choose between this crosswalk...


  • or this one, which is nearly 950 meters away.

    和這條之間做出選擇,兩者距離將近 950 米

  • That's a 30 or 40 minute walk.

    那要走 30 到 40 分鐘。

  • A distance so far that it encourages risky jaywalking.


  • There's a better term for that, it turns out.


  • Cross at a location where there's no signal.


  • In the profession, we tend to try to say that jaywalk is a term that was developed by the auto interests in the early 1900s

    在專業上,我們說 jaywalk 是 1900 年代初期由汽車利益集團開發的一個術語,

  • to essentially shame people who were crossing in the middle of the block


  • which had been okay, socially, prior to the 1920s, 1930s.

    穿越馬路這在 20 世紀 20 年代、30年代前的社會是沒問題的。

  • The sidewalks are constantly interrupted by the curb cuts into parking lots,


  • which introduce more opportunities to interact with a moving car without a signal.


  • I first tried this crosswalk, waited for 10 minutes only to find out it didn't work, so I tried the next crossing.


  • Robert Schneider told me that the longer you wait at a crosswalk, the more pedestrians are incentivized to cross before the signal.


  • Finally, once you do cross, you have to traverse the length of the eight lanes,


  • which puts US-19 in the company of 70% of the hot spot roadways in Robert Schneider's study that forced pedestrians to cross five or more lanes.

    19 號公路與羅伯特·施耐德研究中 70% 的熱區道路都有這個特點,這些道路迫使行人穿過五個或更多車道。

  • And all of this is so much more treacherous when there is less light.


  • There's a concept in urbanism called safety in numbers.


  • The more pedestrians there are in an environment, the safer it is to be one.


  • There aren't many pedestrians along US-19, which makes the high number of fatalities even more alarming.

    美國 19 號公路沿線沒有多少行人,這使得高數量的死亡事件更加令人震驚。

  • The lower the median household income in a neighborhood, the more common it is for pedestrian fatalities to occur there.


  • And that's because bad street design and arterial roads like US-19 are more likely to exist in those communities.

    那是因為糟糕的街道設計和像美國 19 號公路這樣的主幹道更有可能存在於這些社區中。

  • Improving pedestrian design would invite more people to walk, making it safer for people who have no other choice.


  • Florida transportation officials are spending millions to improve this stretch of US-19,

    佛羅里達州交通官員正在花費數百萬美元來改善這一段 19 號公路,

  • like reducing the speed limit, adding more crosswalks, adding more lights, and delaying green light to intersections.


  • The mayor of New Port Richey told me he favors adding pedestrian and cyclist bridges here to get people off the road entirely.


  • These are expensive solutions and unpopular among drivers.


  • But not nearly as hard as the long term goal,


  • which is undoing decades of car centric design like, removing lanes, adding street parking instead and developing retail and housing in parking lots.


  • A built environment that will get more people on foot, more drivers to slow down, and will save lives.


  • It's not a quick solution but something we need to actually be starting to move towards


  • rather than continuing to build the sprawling development that we know is dangerous.


  • This video is an adaptation of a story by reporter Marin Cogan.

    本視頻改編自記者 Marin Cogan 的 Vox 故事。

  • Local officials and journalists have credited her reporting for raising awareness about pedestrian safety along this deadly stretch of road.


  • I highly recommend you check out her story that I linked in the description below.


  • Thanks so much for watching.


I've just arrived at the most dangerous place to be a pedestrian in the US.


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