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  • Yeah well things are about to get weird.


  • Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 M.

    歡迎來到watch mojo,今天我們將盤點我們挑選的10大M。

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  • Phase five and six predictions for this list.


  • We're looking at the most plausible theories of what to expect from marvel's upcoming slate of films.


  • Which movie are you most excited to see in the Multiverse saga?


  • Sound off in the comments below number 10.


  • The silver surfer is coming soon.


  • Even if he's not riding the waves with the Fantastic four anytime soon.


  • That doesn't mean this minted anti hero can't make a name for himself in a different corner of the M.


  • C.


  • You all that you know is at an end Given his ties to galactus and space travel it's only a matter of time before he runs into earth's mightiest somewhere across the stars.


  • I have no choice.


  • The cosmic side of marvel has already been thoroughly explored in films like guardians of the galaxy and Captain marvel.


  • So it makes sense to introduce him there first.


  • Sure the guardians have plenty on their plate with Adam Warlock and Gomorrah but that doesn't mean they can't make a detour to recruit a new Avenger were too fast.


  • Hey Number nine Sam Wilson versus drone states after the resounding failure of the psycho via accords it's unlikely Earth's governments would simply give up their attempt to rein in superheroes.


  • That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate and this time we wouldn't be surprised if they took a less diplomatic approach.


  • Say in the form of cutting edge technology.


  • Mysterio has already proven that drones are a worthy match for the likes of Spiderman after all.


  • Given the political bent of Sam Wilson's inaugural outing as Cap, it doesn't take Bruce Banner's intellect to see that he may be up against a man made threat in his feature film but you have no idea how complicated this situation is.


  • You know what you're right and that's a good thing.


  • We finally have a common struggle now if it turns out anything like Ultron did it would certainly live up to its name of a new world order number eight.


  • America Chavez will take molecule man's role.


  • Following years of gestating rumors marvel's internet breaking Phase five and six announcements finally confirmed the adaptation of the iconic Secret War storyline.


  • While most of the important players are already introduced or confirmed to be coming soon, there's one notable absence.


  • I'm so sorry this is the only way in the original comic lesser known villain, Molecule man played a prominent role in anchoring the multiverse all conflict with his various bodies across reality but there may not be a need from here since the M.


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  • Has already introduced their own universe.


  • Hopping hero in America Chavez including them both would be kind of redundant.


  • Mhm Plus in our book more America Chavez is never a bad thing.


  • Number seven the vision will return in Iron heart wanda's synthes.


  • Oid husband may be technically gone for good but a near identical replica with all the same memories is still out and about.


  • There's been no word on what this lost vision is up to following the end of wanda vision but knowing marvel it won't be too long before he pops up somewhere since Tony Stark is no more who better to rival the new vision than the new Iron Man.


  • If I'm going to be a hero, the suit has to be per Riri Williams is slated to be introduced in black Panther Wakanda forever before appearing in her own starring vehicle on Disney plus a machine with human emotions against a human with a machine suit, it practically writes itself number six name or will get a Disney plus series.


  • This might be less of a prediction and more of a finger crossed hope but there is a precedent set.


  • It was a mild subduction under the African plate.


  • Do we have a visual, how are we handling it net?


  • It's an earthquake under the ocean.


  • We handle it by not handling it plenty of prominent EMC you characters have spun off into their own shows and if you would relish the opportunity as well as name or while he's set to be an antagonist in black panther Wakanda forever, his lengthy history in the comics means he might be sticking around for a while, Get ready to meet the world's first aquatic superhero marvel's first mutant and the longest running hero villain.


  • Anti hero in marvel comics, he opens up a whole new co corner of the marvel universe through Atlantis and that kind of world building deserves more than a two hour film can offer Neymar's future with marvel is technically unconfirmed but there's still plenty of phase six yet to be announced.


  • You can't always stress name or to be friend or foe hero or villain damp or dry but he'll always be king of the ocean.


  • Number five the young Avengers are coming.


  • If anyone is surprised to hear this you must not be paying very close attention what power I can travel the multiverse what you can physically move from one universe to another at this point it can't be a coincidence that nearly all of the young Avengers have been introduced in the past few years kate Bishop hit a bull's eye kid Loki hopping multiverses, billy and Tommy Maximov still young but also check and check really really really yeah and please just remember don't go past Ellis Avenue with America Chavez now punching through universes and cassie lang getting majorly upgraded in the next ant man there's more young Avengers in the M.


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  • Than left on the pages.


  • If this isn't building to an epic crossover then we don't know anything anymore.


  • Okay fine you know what Actually I have an idea Number four fantastic four and the quantum realm.


  • One of the biggest hurdles of introducing a foursome of fantastic heroes is the lingering question of where the heck they've been all this time and the smartest man of life Reed Richards of the Fantastic 4?

    引入神奇英雄四人組的最大障礙之一是,他們這段時間到底去了哪裡?"神奇四俠 "中生活中最聰明的人裡德-理查茲(Reed Richards)是誰?

  • Well if scott lang's adventures are anything to go by, the answer might be more than just the simple multiverse.


  • McGuffin.


  • Instead of receiving their powers from radiation in space, the Fantastic four could be born from a botched experiment involving the quantum realm.


  • This place it changes you adaptation is part of it but some of it is evolution.


  • It would explain where they've been all this time and also tie their origins deeper into EMC you lore since Janet Van Dyne got her powers from the Quantum realm.


  • Who's to say it can't happen to four others.


  • I think I can help you.


  • Number three X Men 97 will cross over into the main M.

    三號人物X Men 97將跨入主M。

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  • There's yet to be a single Disney plus marvel show that hasn't crossed over to the main continuity in some form.


  • With the excuse of multiverses.


  • There's absolutely no reason these characters can't leap between animation and live action Kamala.


  • There's something different in your jeans like like a mutation after all it's already happened with what if and if that show is Cannon to some universe introducing the X men is child's play.


  • Animation could also help them smooth over the tricky interpretation of a certain merc with a mouth without completely gutting him either.


  • It has been quite the run defender and who'd have thought he is a part of the X men after all, even if he is a bit beyond their age range nowadays.


  • But when I'm through with you, your mind will never recover.


  • Number two Valentina, Allegra de Fontaine is assembling the thunderbolts.


  • Even before a thunderbolt movie was officially announced, fans suspected this shady handler wasn't just recruiting baddies for the fun of it couldn't have worked better if I'd planned it myself.


  • Oh well maybe I did.


  • No, I'm kidding I didn't.


  • Or did I?


  • From the way she positioned Yelena against Hawkeye, it's clear Valentina is no saint, which would make her the perfect fit to lead a team of criminals in covert operations.


  • Maybe you'd like a shot at the man responsible for your sister's death.


  • Kind of a cutie, don't you think?


  • Which would make her the perfect fit to lead a team of criminals in covert operations?


  • Also, the thunderbolts have to be recruited somehow And Valentina has already given her proverbial business card to walker at the end of the Falcon and the winter soldier.


  • I'll be in touch.


  • There's nothing on it unless she just really likes crummy company.


  • She's totally the team's talent Scout truly you do not cast someone like Julia louis Dreyfus to keep them a background player for long before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications, number one dr Doom plays a big role in secret wars.

    如果你在手機上,確保你進入你的設置,並打開通知,第一號Dr Doom在祕密戰爭中發揮了很大作用。

  • If the comics are any indication, the Fantastic four's arch nemesis will be getting a lot of screen time in the next two phases.


  • He played an instrumental part in the original comic book storyline by instigating the multiverse cell threat, recruiting molecule man and even reviving kang kang.


  • If you think I'm evil, just wait.


  • You know the confirmed big bad of the Multiverse saga with the Fantastic Four also making an appearance soon the table feels immaculately set for an appetizer of Doctor Doom before Kang's main course, just like Loki did with Thanos, you question us, question him, he put the sector in your hand who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose.


  • When you cast out, it's admittedly a tough task to find an Avengers level threat left in the comics.


  • But if anyone's worthy it's definitely dr Doom.


  • Did you enjoy this video?


Yeah well things are about to get weird.


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