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  • Xiomara Contreras is no ordinary teenager.

  • If you're not hunting, you're being hunted.

  • I raised her in the frozen wilds ofgos,

  • where there is but one truth: everything wants to kill you.

  • Mara may be young,

  • but she has been preparing for this moment her entire life.

  • Surviving's not for everyone.

  • She joins the Apex Games to right a terrible wrong,

  • and anyone who stands in her way soon won't be standing at all.

  • Survival often comes down to luck. In your case, it came down to skill.

  • A true hunter,

  • she will get the lay of the land before engaging.

  • Take a gander at this.

  • Vantage knows not reveal her position until her prey has no chance at escaping.

  • Nice kill!

  • Danger lies around every corner in the Apex Games.

  • Let's go, Echo!

  • Vantage can use Echo to relocate to a more strategic position.

  • Wo-hoo!

  • I'd tell you to be on your guard, but it won't matter.

  • If Vantage has you in her cross-hairs, you'll never see her coming.

  • That one's for my mom.

  • Whatever threats these Games hold, she will be ready.

  • Time to show them what I taught you, my wild one.

Xiomara Contreras is no ordinary teenager.


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B1 中級 美國腔

Meet Vantage | Apex Legends Character Trailer

  • 27 2
    Mika Ishida 發佈於 2022 年 08 月 08 日