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  • - [Instructor] In this video, we're going to think

  • about what the derivative with respect to x

  • of the natural log of x's.

  • And I'm gonna go straight to the punch line.

  • It is equal to one over x.

  • In a future video, I'm actually going to prove this.

  • It's a little bit involved.

  • But in this one, we're just going to appreciate

  • that this seems like it is actually true.

  • So right here is the graph

  • of y is equal to the natural log of x.

  • And just to feel good about the statement,

  • let's try to approximate

  • what the slope of the tangent line is at different points.

  • So let's say right over here,

  • when x is equal to one,

  • what does the slope of the tangent line look like?

  • Well, it looks like here,

  • the slope looks like it is equal,

  • pretty close to being equal to one,

  • which is consistent with the statement.

  • If x is equal to one, one over one is still one,

  • and that seems like what we see right over there.

  • What about when x is equal to two?

  • Well, this point right over here is the natural log of two,

  • but more interestingly, what's the slope here?

  • Well, it looks like,

  • let's see, if I try to draw a tangent line,

  • the slop of the tangent line looks pretty close to 1/2.

  • Well, once again, that is one over x.

  • One over two is 1/2.

  • Let's keep doing this.

  • If I go right over here, when x is equal to four,

  • this point is four comma natural log of four,

  • but the slope of the tangent line here

  • looks pretty close to 1/4

  • and if you accept this, it is exactly 1/4,

  • and you could even go to values less than one.

  • Right over here, when x is equal to 1/2,

  • one over 1/2, the slope should be two.

  • And it does indeed, let me do this

  • in a slightly different color,

  • it does indeed look like the slope is two over there.

  • So once again, you take the derivative

  • with respect to x of the natural log of x, it is one over x.

  • And hopefully, you get a sense

  • that that is actually true here.

  • In a future video, we'll actually prove it.

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to think


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08-4 ln(x) 的導數 |高級衍生品(Derivative of ln(x) | Advanced derivatives | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy)

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    yukang920108 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 12 日