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  • ("His head was pounding [...] and he was vaguely amazed at being alive." - Cormac McCarthy, "Suttree")

    ( 「他的頭痛劇烈⋯⋯也對於尚在人世感到些微訝異。」- 戈馬克·麥卡錫《Suttree》)

  • In a 1973 study, 20 volunteers got drunk once a week for 8 consecutive weeks,

    1973 年一場研究中,20 名自願者連續 8 週、每週喝醉 1 次,

  • each time on a different alcoholic beverage and each time with precisely the same dosage.


  • This was science, after all.


  • The goal of this experiment was to find out which alcoholic drinks cause worse hangovers.


  • Of course, it takes much more than one small study to answer such a question.


  • Since then, science has learned a lot about hangovers, though some mysteries remain.


  • The molecule responsible for hangovers is ethanol, which we colloquially refer to as alcohol.


  • Ethanol is present in all alcoholic beverages, and generally speaking, the more ethanol, the greater the potential for a hangover.

    所有的酒精飲料都含有乙醇, 而且普遍來說, 乙醇含量越高,宿醉的可能性就越大。

  • The symptoms and severity can vary depending on weight, age, genetics, and other factors.

    至於有什麼症狀、程度輕微與否, 則根據個人的體重、年齡、遺傳和其它因素而異。

  • But still, hangovers generally share some commonand unpleasantfeatures.


  • So, how exactly does alcohol cause a hangover?


  • And is there any way to reliably prevent one?


  • Alcohol slows down the communication between neural cells.


  • After someone has had their last drink, as the concentration of alcohol in the blood drops back to zero,

    在某人喝光了最後一口酒後, 隨著血液中的酒精濃度降為零時,

  • the brain rebounds from sedation and swings in the other direction, entering a hyperactive state.


  • This may lead to the tremors or rapid heartbeat associated with hangovers.

    這時可能會引發宿醉相關症狀, 像是發抖或是心跳加速。

  • It also makes sleep shorter and less restful than normal.


  • But these effects are just the beginning.


  • Alcohol impacts so many of the body's processes, throwing delicate balances off-kilter.


  • And even the most familiar hangover symptoms have surprising contributors.


  • For example, alcohol disrupts levels of many hormones, one of those hormones is cortisol.


  • Normally, fluctuating cortisol levels help regulate wakefulness throughout the day and night.


  • So, the disruption in cortisol during a hangover may cause people to feel groggy or disoriented.

    因此當宿醉擾亂了皮質醇的運作,就會讓人昏昏欲睡, 或迷迷糊糊的。

  • Another hormone alcohol interferes with is vasopressin, which normally decreases the volume of urine made by the kidneys.


  • By decreasing levels of vasopressin, alcohol causes people to pee more and become dehydrated.


  • Dehydration can lead to thirst, dry mouth, weakness, lightheadedness, and headache, one of the most common hangover symptoms.

    脫水會引起口渴、口乾舌燥、虛弱、 頭暈目眩以及宿醉時常見的症狀之一,頭痛。

  • In addition to dehydration, hangover headaches can result from alcohol's influence on chemical signaling in the brain, especially on neurotransmitters involved in pain signaling.


  • Alcohol can also damage mitochondria, which are responsible for producing the ATP that gives us energy.


  • This may contribute to the fatigue, weakness, and mood disturbances experienced during a hangover.


  • Meanwhile, alcohol stimulates the immune system, leading to inflammation that can damage cells within the brain, affect mood, and impair memory.


  • And it can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and inflame the lining of the stomach and intestines.


  • Alcohol may also slow down stomach emptying, which could lead to increased production of gastric acid.


  • This is why alcohol can cause stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting.


  • Alcoholic drinks also contain other substances that are produced during the fermentation process that give the drink its specific flavor.


  • Some evidence suggests that one of thesemethanolis particularly bad for hangovers.

    一些證據指出, 其中一個叫甲醇的物質對於宿醉特別有害。

  • The body doesn't start metabolizing methanol until it's done processing ethanol.


  • And when it does, the toxic metabolites of methanol may potentially worsen hangover symptoms.

    當這個過程發生時, 甲醇的毒性代謝產物就很可能惡化宿醉的症狀。

  • Beverages that are closer to pure ethanol, such as gin and vodka, may cause fewer hangover effects.

    所以像是琴酒和伏特加, 這類接近純乙醇的酒精飲料,可能會對宿醉造成較小的影響。

  • Meanwhile, the presence of flavor ingredients in beverages like whiskey, brandy, and red wine may make these kinds of alcohol cause more hangover symptoms.


  • So, the choice of alcoholic beverage matters, but any of them can cause hangovers simply because they all contain alcohol.


  • So, do common hangover remedies actually work?


  • Drinking water and electrolyte beverages can help reduce symptoms related to dehydration.


  • And eating, especially carbs, can help replenish the glucose levels alcohol reduces.


  • But, ultimately, the only sure way to prevent a hangover is to drink alcohol in moderation or not at all.


  • So, how exactly does alcohol cause drunkenness?


  • And why do its effects vary depending on the person?


  • Follow alcohol's journey through the body with this video.


  • Or its journey through time, starting with the first booze imbibed circa 7,000 BCE, with this one.

    又或是點擊這部影片,了解酒的發展之旅,從大約公元前 7,000 年飲用的第一杯酒開始。

("His head was pounding [...] and he was vaguely amazed at being alive." - Cormac McCarthy, "Suttree")

( 「他的頭痛劇烈⋯⋯也對於尚在人世感到些微訝異。」- 戈馬克·麥卡錫《Suttree》)

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