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  • By the end of the 21st centuryhumanity is becoming desperate.  


  • Decades of heatwaves and droughts  have led to unusually poor harvests,  

    幾十年來的熱浪及乾旱帶來不尋常的欠收, 暖化的海洋也造成漁獲的銳減

  • while the warming oceans yield fewer fish each  year. In the tropical zones, millions suffer from  

    在熱帶地區, 百萬計的人深受飢荒以及資源戰爭所苦, 並向北方逃難

  • famine and resource wars have made millions  more flee to the north. As things quickly  

    事態急轉直下, 世界各國也政府只能無奈制定應急計劃...

  • get worse, in an act of desperation, the world's  governments decide to enact an emergency plan...


  • It is far from certain that a grim scenario like  this will play out. But the failure of world  

    但世界的領導者們對於氣候變遷的應對失利, 讓這一切變得很有可能

  • leaders to effectively address climate  change, makes it far from impossible.

    所以不遠的未來, 或許有必要執行一些激進的手段來減緩氣候變遷, 像是:地理工程學

  • So in the near future it might become necessary  to try something radical to slow down rapid  

    它的規模之大, 有可能會抵銷人類幾世紀帶來的改變

  • climate change: GeoengineeringInterventions so massive in scale  


  • that they might undo centuries of human  behavior. Or make everything much worse.


  • What is geoengineering, is it really  an option and what if it goes wrong?


  • Geoengineering methods vary from fantastic ones  like constructing giant light sails in space  


  • to seeding clouds with salt or  wilder ones like fertilizing  

    地理工程學提供許多想法, 有的像是在太空架巨型陽傘或是用鹽促進雲層產生一樣天馬行空

  • the oceans with iron to speed up the  growth of trillions of algae cells.


  • In this video well focus on an intervention  we could see during our lifetimes:  

    在這部影片中, 我們會只討論我們這個世代能夠做得到的方法

  • Stratospheric aerosol injection. A clunky term  


  • that means spraying stuff very high up  in the atmosphere to keep the sun away.


  • Keeping the Sun away

    日射をさえぎる Keeping the Sun away 「減少日照」

  • CO2 doesn’t heat up the planet on its own, almost  all of the energy on earth comes from the sun in  

    二氧化碳並不是靠自己加熱地球, 大部分的能量都是來自於太陽的電磁輻射熱

  • the form of electromagnetic radiation. About 71%  of this energy is absorbed by the earth's surface  


  • and atmosphere. This absorbed energy is  emitted again, as infrared radiation. And  


  • CO2 is able to trap this infrared radiation  and keep it in the atmosphere for a while.  

    而二氧化碳能夠把紅外線拘留在大氣中, 讓它停留一段時間

  • You can compare this effect with  snuggling under a blanket in the morning.  

    你可以把這個現象類比成, 早上躲在被窩裡的感覺

  • Even in a really cold room, your  body emits infrared radiation  

    就算在一個非常寒冷的房間裡, 你的身體還是不斷釋放著紅外線

  • and the air between your body and the blanket  traps it and creates a warm and comfy feeling.

    而它們也被你的身體與棉被之間的空氣留住, 產生了溫暖舒服的感覺

  • So one way to cool down the planet would  be to prevent energy from getting trapped  

    所以讓地球變得涼快的方式之一, 是阻止能量在我們的星球大毛毯之下被抓住

  • under our planet blanket. Which is  already happening naturally. About 29%  


  • of the solar radiation hitting earth  is reflected back to space by bright  


  • surfaces like ice, deserts, snow or cloudsMore reflection, less energy, less warming.

    透過像是冰, 沙漠, 雪還有雲之類的光滑表面

  • We can look at nature for inspiration:

    越多反射, 越少能量, 氣溫也逐步降低

  • Specifically the 1991 Mount Pinatubo  eruption, the second largest volcanic  


  • eruption of the 20th century. Aside from  massive devastation and almost 900 dead,  


  • scientists noted its strong impact on the  global climate. The explosion ejected millions  


  • of tons of particles and gas as high as the  stratosphere which hung around there for a while.


  • The stuff that is interesting for geoengineering  is sulphur dioxide. A nasty smelling and invisible  


  • gas. High in the atmosphere, it produced a haze  of sulfuric acid droplets, that mixed with water  


  • and created giant veils. These veils reduced the  sunlight reaching earth’s surface by roughly 1%.  


  • Global average temperatures dropped by 0.5°C.  


  • It took three years until this  cooling effect had stopped.


  • Humans could imitate this process by injecting  sulfur particles directly into the stratosphere.  


  • According to some scientists, this  might be surprisingly easy to do  


  • and we don’t even need a lot of new  technology for it. According to one study,  


  • it also might be pretty cheap compared  with the cost of rapid climate change.


  • A small fleet of specialized airplanes could  ascend once a year and distribute aerosols along  

    一些科學家表示, 這可能會出人意料地簡單

  • the equator from where they would be spread around  the world. Projections assume that injecting  


  • between five and eight megatons of material per  year would reflect enough sunlight to slow down  

    根據一項研究指出, 跟劇烈的氣候變遷相比, 可說是價格低廉

  • or even stop global warming. . Giving us precious  time to transition away from fossil fuels.


  • Unfortunately, there might be  a few unhappy side effects.


  • There are a number of potential  issues with aerosol injections:  


  • rainfall patterns could change which  could negatively affect agriculture  

    來反射足夠多的陽光來減緩, 甚至是停止全球暖化

  • and cause famine. Billions of people  could be affected in the worst case.


  • Also, after the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption, the  acid/water veils not only cooled down the surface,  

    但不幸的是, 那可能會造成一些不太妙的副作用

  • they also heated up the  stratosphere. As it turns out,  


  • acid is bad for the ozone layer and the  ozone hole over Antarctica was the largest  


  • it ever has been . Injecting sulfur particles  over decades could have a similar effect.

    最糟的情況下, 幾十億人會受此牽連

  • Scientists have already suggested  using a combination of different  

    此外, 1991年的皮納土波火山爆發後

  • minerals that might have much less  harmful effects on the ozone layer  

    那層酸液構成的面紗不只冷卻了地表, 同時也加熱了平流層

  • but more research and experiments need  to be done to make sure this could work.

    結果, 酸性物質對臭氧層有害,有史以來最大的臭氧洞就在南極上空誕生

  • But even if we don’t damage the  ozone layer, there are other risks.


  • Politicians and industry  might use the cooling effect  


  • as an excuse to delay the switch  to a carbon neutral economy.


  • Even if geoengineering slows down global  warming, humanity is still adding extra CO2  

    然而即便能確保臭氧層安然無恙, 依舊純在其他風險

  • to the atmosphere. More CO2 in the air means  that the oceans absorb more CO2, which makes  


  • them more acidic. This is already beginning to  be deadly to huge ecosystems like coral reefs.  

    即便地理工程學減緩了全球暖化, 人類依舊釋放更多的二氧化碳到大氣中

  • And the longer this continues, the  more severe the effects will be.

    空氣中存在更多二氧化碳, 就代表海水會因為吸收二氧化碳更加酸化

  • But it gets worse: Once we start pumping  particles into the atmosphere on a massive scale,  


  • we might be forced to do so for a long  time, or we could risk a termination shock.

    而只要這持續得越久, 事態也愈發嚴峻

  • What that means is that if humanity  continues to enrich the atmosphere with CO2,  

    但更糟的還在後頭, 只要開始大規模釋放這些粒子到大氣中

  • but at the same time prevents the planet  from heating up by blocking solar radiation,  

    我們會被迫長時間使用這個方法, 否則將遭遇嚴重的「終止衝擊」

  • we are sitting on a time bomb.

    意思是說, 只要人類不斷讓大氣中充斥二氧化碳

  • Once we stop geoengineering, the  natural cycle will take over again,  


  • and earth would heat up. But after a few  decades of keeping the planet artificially  


  • cold while still releasing massive amounts of  CO2, it would heat up, much, much quicker. An  

    一旦結束地理工程, 大自然的循環將繼續接手進行暖化作用

  • increase in temperature that would take 50  years today, could happen in just 10 years.

    但是在人為地球保持涼爽的同時, 持續排放大量二氧化碳的幾十年後

  • Such a temperature shock in such  a short time would disrupt every  

    這次的暖化將會進行得非常, 非常的快

  • major system on earth so much that it  would be impossible to adapt in time.  

    一個在現今需要50年才足以發生的轉變, 將會在短短10年就產生

  • The worst case scenario could be dramatic  famines and the rapid destruction of ecosystems.


  • Humanity might survive. But the survivors would inhabit an unfamiliar and hostile world.


  • The best case scenario is that once the world has  finally fully understood the existential danger  


  • of rapid climate change,geoengineering  can buy us a crucial decade or two.  

    人類或許還能夠苟延殘喘, 但活下來的人們只能棲身於一個陌生且充斥著敵意的世界

  • Time to transition our economies  and maybe even pull CO2 out of the  

    最理想的情況是, 全世界都意識到劇烈的氣候變遷與我們的存續息息相關

  • atmosphere. Maybe with technologies  that well discuss in a future video.


  • # Conclusion


  • Geoengineering is a scary concept. It is notsolution to climate change and it might even be  


  • a welcome excuse for the fossil fuel industry  to delay the end of the fossil fuel age.

    # 總結

  • Over the last few decades geoengineering has  been so controversial that it stopped many  


  • scientists from doing the experiments  necessary to understand it better.  


  • But blankly opposing  geoengineering is short sighted.

    還可能給了良好的藉口給化石燃料業者, 好來推延我們終結化石燃料世代的時間

  • The sad truth is that we are already  running a geoengineering experiment.  

    在這幾十年內, 地理工程學爭議不斷

  • We are testing how fast the world changes if  we add about 40 billion tons of CO2 each year.  


  • This experiment is about to get really exciting.


  • Hopefully we never have to use GeoengineeringBut if we need to in the future,  

    令人沮喪的事實是, 我們已經開始進行地理工程學的實驗

  • we better have done the science. We better  be prepared. Or a panicking humanity  

    我們測試如果每年約排放400億噸的二氧化碳, 世界會以多快的速度改變

  • might accidentally press the self destruct button.


  • You probably won’t have to do any of that  yourselfbut who knows! Better brush up  


  • on your science knowledge, just in case. Our  friends from Brilliant can help you with that.


  • Brilliant is a problem-solving website and app  that makes science accessible in a practical  


  • waymore than 60 interactive courses give  you the tools to crack problems in math,  


  • logic and engineering all by yourselfInstead of a classic lecture format  


  • Brilliant uses story-tellingcode-writing and hands-on problems  

    你或許不需要自己做任何事情 - 但誰知道呢!

  • to keep you entertained and engagedThis way a small daily challenge can  

    最好翻新翻新你的科學知識, 以防萬一! 而我們Brilliant的朋友可以幫助你

  • build up to real long-term understanding  of science and achieving your STEM goals.

    Brilliant 是一個提供問題解決方式的網站, 同時也有APP讓科學變得能「隨身攜帶」

  • In a nutshell, Brilliant surprises you and  keeps you on your toes, all while sneaking  


  • some knowledge into your head without your  really noticingright up our alley, really.

    數學, 邏輯, 或各種工程上的難題

  • To get a fresh perspective on science, go to and sign up free.  

    Brilliant 使用講故事、直接現寫程式碼和手把手教學,而不是經典的講座形式來激發你的興趣跟熱忱

  • And there’s an extra perk for kurzgesagt viewers:  


  • the first 200people to use the link  get 20% off their annual membership,  


  • which lets you view all the daily problems  in the archives and unlock every course.

    總之,Brilliant 給你帶來驚喜,讓你保持警覺

  • Brillant helps you end your day  a little smarterstill the  


  • best preparation for the future we can think of.

    趕快到然後註冊一個免費的帳號, 開始用全新的角度對待科學

By the end of the 21st centuryhumanity is becoming desperate.  



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