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  • What do you say when you meet a co-worker in  the office? What's a good simple easy greeting?  


  • Here's what's funny, it's often a question but we don't necessarily want an answer. For example,  


  • "Hey, what's up?" We don't actually mean  tell me everything you got going on,  


  • the answer to that is "Not much." Another greeting, "Hey, how's it going?"  

    的答案是 "不多"。另一個問候語是:"嘿,你好嗎?"

  • Again, we're not asking you to really tell us how  things are going for you. The answer to that is  


  • "Good." Or you could say "Hey what's going  on?" Again, we don't need to know what you  

    "好。"或者你可以說 "嘿,發生了什麼事?"同樣,我們不需要知道你的情況

  • really have going on. It's just a greeting  and to that you could say "Not much." 

    真的有什麼事。這只是一個問候,對此你可以說 "不多"。

  • Now my dad, when he would go on runs around the  town and he would pass somebody else running,  


  • he would always say "How are you doing?" "How you doin'?" short for "How are you doing?" 

    他總是會說 "你好嗎?""How you doin'? "是 "How are you doing? "的簡稱。

  • How are you doing? That's another good  greeting. Again the answer is just  


  • "Fine." If it's before noonmy favorite greeting is  


  • "Morning!" I use this as I walk around the  neighborhood in the morning and see neighbors.


What do you say when you meet a co-worker in  the office? What's a good simple easy greeting?  


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