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  • - Hi, I'm Lisa.

  • Do you want to take your English

  • to that final level of fluency,

  • but you feel stuck at your current level?

  • Maybe you're not making the kind of progress

  • that you would like to be making in English

  • or maybe you still feel insecure about your English,

  • but you don't know exactly what to do about it.

  • I'm gonna give you eight tips

  • that I know will transform your English.

  • I want you to ask yourself,

  • How many of these things are you doing?

  • And if you're not doing them,

  • I want you to start doing them,

  • and I promise you, if you do them,

  • you're going to see excellent success

  • in your English learning journey.

  • Over the many years that I've spent teaching English

  • and especially advanced English

  • to people who want to be truly fluent,

  • some of the common things they tell me is,

  • "Lisa, I know a lot of vocabulary,

  • but when it's time for me to speak,

  • those words don't come to my mind."

  • Or, "Why do I keep making the same grammar mistakes

  • even though I know the rules?"

  • For every tip, I will teach you an English proverb

  • that corresponds to that tip.

  • I want you to feel inspired by this video

  • and these proverbs that I will teach you

  • are very inspirational

  • and they correspond to the topic that I'm talking about.

  • Okay, let's get started.

  • Here is my first tip,

  • but I will start with the proverb.

  • "A goal without a plan is only a dream."

  • Or sometimes people say,

  • "A goal without a plan is only a wish."

  • So, you know my first tip, don't you?

  • You must have a plan.

  • You must know where you want to go specifically,

  • and you must know how you're going to get there.

  • Keep a schedule.

  • You must tell yourself,

  • "This is what I'm going to do today,

  • and this is what I'm going to do this week and this month,

  • and this is how much I'm going to practice."

  • Have a goal. Have a big goal.

  • Tell yourself, "When I reach that level,

  • I will be able to..." and then finish that sentence.

  • What will you be able to do

  • when you reach the level of fluency that you want to reach?

  • Will you feel more confident at your work?

  • Is your goal professional or personal?

  • And then make it more specific.

  • Exactly what will you achieve professionally?

  • Will you feel more confident in a job interview,

  • or will you be able to communicate with your clients

  • or with your coworkers more effectively?

  • And then, how will you get there, step by step?

  • Remember, "A goal without a plan is only a wish."

  • Tip number two: You must not be afraid of making mistakes.

  • Making mistakes is part of the journey.

  • Do you remember my conversation with Steve Kaufmann?

  • He's a polyglot. He speaks many different languages,

  • and he talked about making mistakes.

  • Let's listen to that video.

  • Another one of your quotes that I really like

  • is, "If you're unwilling to make mistakes,

  • you will continue to make mistakes."

  • Can you talk about that?

  • - Absolutely.

  • Making mistakes, forgetting, is all part of learning.

  • In fact, it's good for you.

  • It's good to forget, relearn, forget, relearn.

  • - And the proverb that I would like to teach you

  • that corresponds to this tip is,

  • "Fortune favors the bold."

  • Do you know what bold means?

  • If someone is bold, they take risks,

  • they are courageous, they are brave.

  • Do you take risks when you're speaking English?

  • If you are afraid to take risks,

  • if you are overly concerned about making mistakes,

  • your brain is going to freeze.

  • You're gonna feel blocked.

  • People who are not afraid to make mistakes learn faster.

  • "Fortune favors the bold." and fortune means luck;

  • good things happening in your life.

  • And to favor means to prefer;

  • to work to someone's advantage.

  • So, "Fortune favors the bold,"

  • that means people who do well in life,

  • people who succeed in life, who have fortune,

  • are people who are bold and who take risks.

  • Let's listen to how some other people used the proverb,

  • "Fortune favors the bold."

  • - Fortune favors the bold.

  • - Fortune favors the bold.

  • - The next proverb is,

  • "Don't bite off more than you can chew."

  • Have you heard that proverb before?

  • Do you have a similar one in your language?

  • If you bite off more than you can chew,

  • that means you take a really big bite,

  • but you can't chew all of the food.

  • And that means don't try to do too much.

  • You may not be ready. It may be too much for you.

  • Some people feel like they need to learn everything at once.

  • They get discouraged because it's impossible.

  • Their brain can't handle it.

  • So often, I see that with students.

  • When I used to teach one-on-one accent reduction lessons,

  • I often saw that. Some of my students

  • wanted me to tell them

  • all of the different mistakes they were making

  • in just one lesson.

  • They said, "But how about my vowels?

  • But how about my consonants?

  • And what about the melody and the rhythm?"

  • If I were to give them all of that information

  • in the first lesson or the second lesson,

  • their brain would be overwhelmed,

  • and they would become discouraged.

  • So, instead, I needed to be systematic.

  • I would teach them a few things at each lesson,

  • and then they would need to practice those things

  • over and over again,

  • and after that, they would learn another topic

  • and another topic,

  • and eventually, they would master all of the topics.

  • But trying to do everything at once is simply not effective.

  • And in my online course,

  • "The American Accent Course",

  • I systematically teach each of the sounds one by one

  • and then, you practice the sounds in sentences

  • and in different expressions, different contexts,

  • and then each time, you learn more and more.

  • We start with the vowel sounds first,

  • and then we practice

  • the difficult American consonant sounds,

  • and after that is part three,

  • where we practice rhythm and intonation.

  • And then part four is the advanced part,

  • where we learn how Americans really talk,

  • and how they use contractions,

  • and how fast speech sounds.

  • But, if I were to introduce part four in the beginning,

  • it might be overwhelming because people need a foundation.

  • It needs to be systematic.

  • So, if you would like to speak

  • with a good, clear American accent,

  • make sure you get my online course,

  • "The American Accent Course".

  • It contains seven hours of video,

  • plus some downloadable PDFs

  • and different quizzes along the way.

  • And you can get the course on my website

  • at

  • So, when you make a decision

  • that you want to improve your English,

  • don't start working on everything at the same time.

  • Don't bite off more than you can chew.

  • Don't try to do too much at once.

  • Let's listen to the way some people used the expression,

  • "Don't bite off more than you can chew."

  • - I'm gonna help you narrow it down to one goal

  • because like I've been saying,

  • I don't want you to feel overwhelmed.

  • I don't want you to bite off more than you can chew.

  • - Your time is already limited.

  • So, if you want to accomplish something,

  • you can't bite off more than you can chew.

  • Stick to one project at a time.

  • - The worst thing that can happen

  • is that you bite off more than you can chew.

  • - My next tip is extremely important

  • and there's no way you can improve without this tip.

  • You must practice regularly.

  • And the proverb that goes along with this tip,

  • "Practice makes perfect."

  • The biggest reason that you're not happy

  • about your English level

  • is that you're not practicing enough.

  • You only have head knowledge.

  • And head knowledge means it's passive knowledge.

  • You understand a lot of English

  • because you're watching English TV, or YouTube, or films,

  • but you're not able to speak the same way.

  • So often, I get the question,

  • "Lisa, how do I feel more confident

  • about my ability to speak English?"

  • And I respond, "How much are you practicing?"

  • And often, they admit

  • they're really not practicing very much at all.

  • If you want to memorize new vocabulary,

  • you have to use those words over and over again.

  • If you have no one to speak with,

  • remember, you can always speak with yourself.

  • You can talk to yourself in English

  • or you can write in English.

  • But you must make that knowledge active and not passive.

  • And here's another proverb

  • that's related to practice and hard work.

  • I like this one.

  • "There's no elevator to success.

  • You must take the stairs."

  • And what does that mean?

  • That means there is no shortcut,

  • you must do the work.

  • My next tip is you must practice efficiently;

  • you must practice well.

  • So, you must know how to practice.

  • And here is a proverb that goes along with this tip.

  • "Tell me and I'll forget.

  • Show me and I may remember.

  • Involve me and I'll understand."

  • And that means you must be involved

  • in the process of learning.

  • You must use the language.

  • It's not enough to just know the rules.

  • And be creative with the way you're learning the language.

  • You can keep a journal in English.

  • You can record your voice every day.

  • You can talk to the voice recorder.

  • Talk about how your day is going,

  • or talk about something you heard on the news

  • and give your opinion in English.

  • Write down your thoughts. Be creative.

  • There are so many creative ways to practice.

  • You must be fully involved in the learning process.

  • You must use the language regularly.

  • That's how you practice.

  • My next tip is have realistic expectations

  • and be patient.

  • And the proverb is, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

  • And that means important work takes time to complete.

  • So, be patient with your progress.

  • Sometimes, progress is like this.

  • Nothing is happening,

  • nothing is happening,

  • you're studying, you don't see any progress,

  • and suddenly, there's a jump and you're at a new level.

  • It's almost like it happens overnight.

  • And then, you're at that level for a while

  • and then once again,

  • you make another sudden jump.

  • And that's my experience of learning languages,

  • and I see that with my students as well.

  • Sometimes, they would come back to the class

  • and their English was suddenly much better.

  • It's like, "What happened?"

  • Well, those weeks of practice before

  • where there wasn't any progress

  • or it didn't seem like there was progress,

  • the brain was still learning

  • and then suddenly, we are able to hear the progress.

  • So, if you're discouraged that your progress seems slow,

  • don't stop. Don't give up.

  • You are still making progress and you will make that jump.

  • Another proverb that is related to this tip is,

  • "Slow and steady wins the race."

  • That's a really common expression.

  • Let's listen to the way some people used it.

  • - Slow and steady wins the race.

  • Never quit.

  • - Slow and steady wins the race.

  • You're only competing with yourself.

  • - Slow and steady wins the race.

  • The only true path to success

  • is making the right choices daily again and again,

  • and again, and again.

  • - Steady means regular, continuous, consistent.

  • You must be consistent in your practice

  • and remember, slow progress is still progress.

  • The next proverb is,

  • "Where there's a will, there's a way."

  • And what does "will" mean, in this case?

  • It means desire,

  • determination, passion.

  • Is your determination strong enough?

  • So, my tip is improving your English

  • must be a priority for you.

  • How important is it to you to improve your English?

  • If it's truly a priority for you,

  • you will not postpone doing it.

  • Don't postpone studying and practicing English.

  • Don't get distracted by other things, make it a priority.

  • The perfect proverb for this is, "First things first."

  • Do the most important things first.

  • Let's listen to the way other people used it.

  • - So, first things first,

  • do not let your emotions get the best of you now.

  • - First things first,

  • you have to choose organic 80% of the time.

  • - Look, first things first,

  • they're trying to win an election.

  • - And my final tip is you must have a positive mindset.

  • Negative thinking will definitely affect your learning.

  • Do you have any negative beliefs

  • about your ability to learn English?

  • For example, do you say to yourself,

  • "It's too late."

  • "I'm too old."

  • Or, "I don't have any talent for learning English."

  • Your mind will always get you in trouble

  • if you have negative thoughts.

  • And here is an excellent saying

  • that I have for you that I want you to memorize.

  • "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

  • If someone has a talent for learning languages

  • but they're not making the effort,

  • you will definitely make more progress.

  • You must have a positive attitude.

  • You must believe that you can do it and that you will do it.

  • I hope this video has motivated you and inspired you.

  • And please share some proverbs

  • that help you and that motivate you.

  • Maybe they're proverbs in your native language.

  • Please let me know in the comments below.

  • I always enjoy learning new inspirational proverbs.

  • I know you can do it.

  • I know you can reach that level of fluency

  • that you would like to reach

  • if you follow these eight tips that I gave you.

  • Thanks for watching and keep practicing your English.

  • To get the two courses:

  • The American Accent Course

  • and the 400 Advanced Words You Must Know For Fluent English,

  • go to

- Hi, I'm Lisa.


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How to be fluent in English - 8 Things you MUST do!

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