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  • One of the greatest illusions  in life is continuity.

  • 66 million years ago, the continuity of  the dinosaurs had been going on for around  

  • 165 million years already - and it  didn't seem this would change any time  

  • soon. The world was warm, and pleasant, and  most of the land was covered with lush forests  

  • and an incredible diversity of treesflowers, ferns and trillions of critters.  

  • Dinosaurs were ubiquitous and had diversified  into hundreds of species of all shapes and sizes.  

  • Titanosaurs, large gentle giants shared the  world with famous beasts like Tyrannosaurus rex  

  • or Edmontosaurus. Pectinodon hunted  in the undergrowth while Edmontosaurus  

  • wandered coastlines and swamps. An ancient  paradise, a world of plenty, full of life.

  • 66 million years ago, maybe on a Tuesday  afternoon, life was the same as it had  

  • been the day before or a thousand years before  or pretty much a million years before. Things  

  • were good for our feathered dinosaur buddiesUntil a tiny, tiny detail in the sky changed.

  • If there were dinosaurs watching the stars, one  night they may have noticed the appearance of a  

  • new star. A tiny dot, that for many weeks slowly  became bigger and brighter. Until one fateful day,  

  • it looked like another, small moon in the  night sky. And then it faded from sight as  

  • it dipped into earth's shadow. For a few more  hours the illusion of continuity was upheld.

  • Until it was not anymore. In the morning  the object suddenly appears again.  

  • Now almost as large as the sun in  the sky and growing every moment,  

  • heading for the coast near the  Yucatan Peninsula. It takes the  

  • asteroid only two seconds to pass through  the thin layer between space and the ground  

  • to make contact. As it enters the atmosphere  at almost 60 times the speed of sound...

  • Let us stop time.

  • Here we see the unnamed asteroid  about to commit specicide.  

  • Larger than Mount Everestit reaches from the ocean  

  • high into the atmosphere, higher than passenger  planes would fly millions of years later.

  • At this moment the world was one  way. In a fraction of a second  

  • it would be fundamentally differentLet us make the transition.

  • As the asteroid hits the shallow  ocean and the bedrock below  

  • the energy of billions of nuclear weapons is  released all at once as the asteroid vaporizes.  

  • A flash of light illuminates the sky as  an eerie bright white sphere grows over  

  • the Gulf of Mexico . Bedrock, melts into  seething hot plasma at tens of thousands  

  • of degrees celsius. The thermal radiation from  the explosion travels at the speed of light and  

  • immediately burns everything within a radius  of about 1500 kilometers. while the energy  

  • from the impact pushes so hard against earth's  crust that it loses all strength and flows away  

  • from the impact site like a liquid, creatinghole 25 kilometers deep and 100 kilometers wide.  

  • The ocean is pushed back for hundreds of  kilometers, like when a kid jumps into a puddle.

  • As the crust bounces back, melted and flowing  crust forms a temporary mountain stretching  

  • 10 kilometers into the sky.. An incredible amount  of material is blasted into the higher atmosphere  

  • or even out into space, as much as 60  times the original mass of the asteroid.

  • The violence of the strike is felt  everywhere on earth within minutes.  

  • A magnitude 11 earthquake,, maybe the most  powerful quake any living thing has ever witnessed  

  • in billions of years. It is so insanely strong  that in India it might have shaken gigantic lava  

  • fields and causes volcanic eruptions that  would last for 30,000 years and cover half  

  • of the indian subcontinent with lava. Even  on the side of earth opposite the impact,  

  • the ground still moved by several metersNobody would sleep through this day.

  • The gigantic explosion crashes against the  atmosphere with unprecedented violence and causes  

  • a shockwave that reaches speeds of more than  1,000 kilometers per hour near the site of impact,  

  • similar to the hyper hurricanes on gas giants like  Neptune. In middle America, basically any soil,  

  • vegetation or animal is just shredded into  pieces and catapulted thousands of km away.

  • Now the formally displaced oceans return. As  the temporary mountain at the site of impact  

  • collapses, a ring of tsunamis as high as one  kilometer, enough to cover all skyscrapers  

  • humans would ever build, heads in all directionsAs they crash into the coasts of the continents  

  • surrounding the impact, they will drown  thousands of kilometers of coastline

  • 15 hours later some of the waves that  get refracted around South America  

  • will still tower as much  as 100 meters into the sky.

  • But we still have not talked  about the worst thing yet.

  • A lot of the debris yeeted into space will orbit  earth for thousands of years, some hit the moon or  

  • even Mars. But most of it comes right back. When  things fall through the atmosphere at such speeds  

  • they get very hot, like hundreds of degrees  hot. And this happens to millions of tons of  

  • material everywhere. This rapidly heats up the  atmosphere to insane temperatures. We don't know  

  • exactly how hot it got or how long this heat  shock lasted but there are two ideas here.

  • Either the air was heated to hundreds of degreesfor a few minutes. Or to thousands of degrees, for  

  • around one minute. In any case, the air becomes as  hot as the inside of an industrial oven. How bad  

  • the global effects of this were is contested but  if enough heat reached the surface a lot of plants  

  • and animals would have died very quickly if they  couldn't bury themselves or escape into caves.  

  • The heat together with raining debris also  may have ignited material on forest floors  

  • and sparked wildfires as the earth rotated  under the searing hot plume. In a few hours  

  • massive wildfires were probably burning  around the globe. Some of them may have  

  • lasted for months and turned earth intohorrifying hot hell-ish version of itself.

  • As the day of the impact draws to an endmany of the dinosaurs are already dead,  

  • but the worst is still to come.

  • The gigantic plume of vaporized material reaches  the upper atmosphere and spreads around the whole  

  • globe. Together with the soot from the burning  planet and the aerosols generated at impact, the  

  • planet sinks into a deep darkness, with only the  remaining raging fires illuminating the scenery.  

  • Whatever plants survive the firstorms  will now be starved for sunlight as global  

  • photosynthesis is temporarily shut down. Within  days temperatures crash as much as 25° celsius.

  • The oceans were especially hit hard. The  lack of sunlight killed over 90% of plankton  

  • which form the basis of the food web  of marine life. Ultimately this would  

  • kill off the large marine reptiles and  ammonites that used to dominate the seas.

  • The biosphere the survivors now find  themselves in is like an alien landscape. Ash,  

  • debris and the burned remains of  the formerly lush and blooming life  

  • cover the ground, the sky is dark and it is cold  and fresh food is scarce, while fungi thrive.  

  • For months and years the planet will be a hostile  and deadly place. The sudden global winter  

  • will last for decades. At least 75% of all  species on earth will just vanish from existence.

  • And so, as the day ends, the world is  suddenly different. The continuity that  

  • went on for millions of years is no more. The  Era of the dinosaurs is over. Just like that.

  • Eventually, from the ashes of the old worldsurvivors emerged. Birds that are the direct  

  • descendents of the dinosaurs and mammals that  would eventually become the dominant animals on  

  • the planet. Without the Asteroid, who knows  what life on earth would look like today.  

  • Without the sudden disruption of dinosaur  continuity, that completely changed the  

  • planet and all life on it, we might have never  had the opportunity to become what we are today.

  • It is not clear how long the Human Era will lastSo far modern humans have been around for 0.1% of  

  • the time the dinosaurs were. And in this short  amount of time we've achieved impressive feats,  

  • from making the world our own, to reaching  space and splitting the atom. Yet our future  

  • and our long-term survival is not a given. If  we are not careful, it could end in an instant,  

  • like the Age of the Dinosaurs  ended. But in contrast to them,  

  • we know that our continuity is fragile, even  if it doesn't feel like it. We can be prepared  

  • and be vigilant and hopeful. If we are luckyour journey will go on for a long, long time.

  • Speaking of journeys, we want to address something  in the spirit of transparency. Kurzgesagt has  

  • changed in the last two years: We've become  more than a youtube channel or animation studio  

  • and now also run a paper shop that sells hundreds  of thousands of calendars, posters and notebooks.

  • It's not a happy accidentmany of us havebackground in graphic design. Paper products  

  • are our roots and we actually started out  creating posters, books and print infographics.  

  • We love that you can touch them, smell themnerd about small details and printing techniques.  

  • Just like the channel, we started small and  without great ambition. Step by step, we found  

  • the right printers and papers, learned about  shipping and expanded our shop. We put a huge  

  • amount of research, love and hours into it because  this is the only way we know how to do things.

  • We don't just want to make generic merch but  things that fit our mission of making science  

  • exciting and creating beautiful things. Things  that persist and are made with high quality and  

  • love. Our shop gives us another outlet to do  this and as a nice side effect, has turned into  

  • our main source of income for everything we do on  this channel. Which also keeps us independent and  

  • our video free for everyone. So we want to build  further on that and create more things that last.

  • We just started a new notebook line called Pocket  Log that we will expand on in the future. The  

  • first edition is a dinosaur themed collection that  will hopefully serve a future paleontologist well.  

  • There are loads of plans for sciency stuffmore journals and calendars and infographics!  

  • Let us know what you would like us to makefor your room, kids, classrooms and yourself.

  • In the end the things we do work because  you like them, and because you enable us  

  • to put thousands of hours into videos and  hundreds of hours into posters and journals.  

  • Thank you so much for that. We are looking  forward to making fun sciency stuff for you,  

  • no matter if it will be a video, a poster or  something else entirely. Thank you for watching.

One of the greatest illusions  in life is continuity.


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B1 中級 美國腔

恐龍消失的那天(The Day the Dinosaurs Died – Minute by Minute)

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    OolongCha 發佈於 2021 年 07 月 04 日