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  • From the moment the very first can was popped, the fun has never stopped.


  • 1939, the world is at war, and in a devastating blow to snackers, potato chips are deemed a non-essential food item.


  • Production grinds to a halt.


  • 1945, the war is over.

    1945 年,戰爭結束了。

  • We won!


  • In the late '40s and early '50s, eating potato chips and making babies is back in a big, big way.

    在 1940 年代末和 1950 年代初期,吃洋芋片和生孩子的風氣又大大地回來了。

  • Increases in supermarkets and mass production methods lead the way for a potato chip boom that had almost every food manufacturer throwing their potato skins into the chip game.


  • But, with increased popularity came new scrutiny.


  • Consumers started calling out some very debilitating problems with the conventional construction of the American potato chip.


  • Number one: they get all greasy.


  • Number two: they go stale way too quickly.


  • Number three: they break in the bag before you even eat them.


  • Surely, there must be some simple, possibly cylindrical, solution to this problem.


  • 1956, Proctor & Gamble, the world's largest producer of frying oils, takes matters into their own hands to create a potato chip completely void of imperfections.

    1956 年,全球最大的油炸專用油生產商寶潔親力親為,打造出完美無瑕的洋芋片。

  • They enlist chemist Fredric J. Baur who uses a geometric formula to construct a saddle-shaped chip with a tubular, vacuum-sealed can.

    他們邀請化學家Fredric J. Baur 使用幾何公式構建帶有管狀真空密封罐的馬鞍形洋芋片。

  • Baur's flawless beauties are perfectly stackable, safely encased in a cardboard sheath, and the unique stacking device stops a majority of the grease spread, but there's one big problem.

    Baur 的完美創作可以完美堆疊,安全地包裹在紙板護套中,獨特的堆疊方式可以阻止大部分油脂擴散,但有一個大問題,

  • They kinda suck.


  • So, P&G temporarily ditches the chip idea.


  • By the mid-1960s, the Beatles were touring America, most of our parents were experimenting with drugs, and P&G was on the hunt for new products.

    到 20 世紀 1960 年代中期,披頭四樂團正在美國巡迴演出,我們大多數的父母都在嘗試藥物,寶潔也在尋找新產品。

  • In classic corporate American fashion, they simply dig up an old idea, and call it new.


  • Baur's Saddle Chips.

    Baur 的馬鞍形洋芋片。

  • They develop a brand new, sounds-bad-but-tastes-awesome recipe of dehydrated potatoes, rice, corn, and wheat paste, complete with a dusting of savory flavor.


  • Using a cookie cutter-type device, each chip is perfectly stamped out in the same size, shape, and weight, then placed in a protective can, that can even stand rolling around on the floor of your mom's minivan.


  • They named this wonder food Pringles, new-fangled potato chips.


  • Quick tangent.


  • No one knows exactly where the name Pringles comes from.


  • One theory is that they're named after Mark Pringles, whose work was cited by Proctor & Gamble in a patent.

    有一種理論認為它們是以 Mark Pringles 的名字命名的,他的作品被寶潔在其申請的專利中引用。

  • Another theory credits two Proctor advertising employees who lived on Pringle Drive in Finneytown, Ohio.

    另一種理論歸功於住在俄亥俄州芬尼鎮 Pringle Drive 的兩名寶潔廣告行銷員工。

  • While some believe the name was just picked at random from the Cincinnati phone book for its pleasing sound.


  • Anyway, back to the story.


  • 1971, Pringles hit the shelves across the United States, but they're not the smash hit P&G anticipated.

    1971 年,品客洋芋片在全美上架,但它們並不是寶潔預期會紅極一時的產品。

  • Soon, they try to appeal to the masses with new flavors like barbecue, sour cream and onion, and cheddar cheese.


  • 1975, other chip makers catch wind of Pringles and cry foul.

    1975 年,其他洋芋片製造商聽說了品客洋芋片並強烈抗議。

  • These are not chips, they claim, as they are technically not made with purebred potatoes.


  • The FDA weighs in, says, "Yeah, you guys actually have a point," and tells Pringles they need to lose the word "chip."


  • So, they rebrand as crisps, and lose the new-fangled.


  • In the early 1980s, Pringles starts to take off.

    1980 年代初期,品客洋芋片開始大受歡迎。

  • No one knows precisely what causes the spur in the spud product's popularity, but some attribute to an advertising campaign called, Fever for the Flavor of Pringles.

    沒有人確切知道是什麼原因導致馬鈴薯產品的流行,但可以歸因於一項名為 Fever for the Flavor of Pringles 的廣告宣傳。

  • Others credit a Brad Pitt commercial.


  • I think the '70s tennis boom conditioned consumers to subconsciously opt for products in tall cylinders, but hey, who knows?

    我認為 1970 年代的網球熱潮讓消費者下意識地選擇高筒產品,但,誰知道呢。

  • 1986, the Pringles mascot, aka Julius Pringles, undergoes the first of many, many, many makeovers.

    1986 年,品客吉祥物,又名品客先生(Julius Pringles),經歷了往後很多次改造中的第一次。

  • As Pringles surge in the US, they shift their focus to new international markets in Europe, South America, and Asia.


  • The international expansion brings with it interesting new flavors like prawn cocktail, seaweed, serrano ham, roast chicken, and blueberry.


  • 1996, Julius Pringle loses his rosy cheeks and mouth, but his mustache keeps getting bigger and bigger, which makes us wonder exactly what he's hiding under there.

    1996 年,品客先生紅潤的臉頰和嘴巴沒有了,但他的鬍子卻越來越大,這讓我們不禁想知道他到底藏著什麼。

  • 1998, I'm taught how to do the original version of the duck face, which is when you put two opposite facing Pringles in your mouth, and not this.

    1998 年,我學會如何擺出早期原先的鴨子臉,也就是將兩個相對的品客洋芋片放入嘴中,而不是這個嘟嘴臉。

  • 2008, Pringles inventor Fredric J. Baur passes away.

    2008 年,品客的發明者 Fredric J. Baur 去世了。

  • His family honors his completely normal request to bury his cremated remains in a Pringles can.


  • And yes, this is actually true, he's buried in a Pringles can.


  • 2009, Julius Pringles is arrested for tax fraud.

    2009 年,品客先生因稅務詐欺被逮補。

  • No, we're just kidding, he's not a real person.


  • 2013, the ultimate Pringles hack is revealed, in which you slip a piece of paper into the can and slide out all the chips intact.

    2013 年,終極的品客洋芋片破解秘訣揭曉。將一張紙塞進罐中,就可以將所有洋芋片原封不動地滑出。

  • It's a fool proof way to avoid the dreaded Pringles claw, the only down side to Pringles.


  • That same year, another Pringles trick makes the rounds on the internet.


  • The Pringles Ringle is a free standing ring-shaped structure made entirely of Pringles.


  • No adhesives, just physics and potato crisps, baby.


  • 2016, I head to the Pringles factory to create my own flavor in their lab, and come up with Buffalo chicken pizza.

    2016 年,我前往品客洋芋片工廠,在他們的實驗室裡創造我自己的口味,並想出了布法羅雞肉披薩口味。

  • And if you want to see that flavor in stores, please write Congress and CC Pringles.


  • Invented as a scientifically savvy alternative to potato chips, now a billion-dollar product sold across the world in 30-plus flavors.

    作為洋芋片的科學替代品而發明,現在是一種價值十億美元的產品,有 30 多種口味在全球銷售。

  • Thank you Pringles for popping and then just refusing to stop-ping.


From the moment the very first can was popped, the fun has never stopped.


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