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  • Imagine something the size of an ocean liner, that floats in the sky.

    想像一個跟郵輪一樣大的物體 漂浮在天空中是什麼樣子

  • With amenities like piano lounges, dining rooms and private staterooms, they were a


  • luxurious way to travel the world.


  • 80 years ago, we had airships.


  • Cruising 200 meters above the ground, they flew so smoothly, you could stand a pencil

    飛行高度約200公尺 極為平穩

  • on its end without it falling over.


  • And plans were being drawn up for even bigger, more luxurious airships. Until this happened.


  • The whole world watched in horror as one burned to the ground in front rolling cameras.


  • And giant airships, well, they seemingly disappeared overnight.

    全世界都被這段畫面震驚 一艘飛船付之一炬並墜落地面

  • First taking flight in 1936, the Hindenburg was, and still is, the largest object to ever fly.

    此後 巨型飛船便在一夜之間消失成為歷史

  • And it's scale is simply awe inspiring.

    興登堡號於1936年首次啟航 是史上最大的飛行器

  • Here's an average person compared to a typical bus.


  • Compared to a Boeing 747.


  • And now here's the Hindenburg.


  • It dwarfs anything flying today.


  • And many people are surprised to learn just how extensive the Hindenburg's accommodations were.

    它讓現今的所有飛行器 都顯得極為渺小

  • Maybe it's because you can't really tell from the outside where the passenger spaces are.

    許多人聽到興登堡號的體積後 都大為吃驚

  • But the inside of the Hindenburg was more like an ocean liner than an airplane.

    也許只是因為從外表上看不出 真正的機艙在哪裡

  • Passengers could enjoy dinner in a full service dining room, then take in the views from one

    興登堡號的內部其實更像郵輪 而不像飛機

  • of two promenades, or socialize in the piano lounge, or relax in the writing room.

    乘客可以在餐廳中享受餐點及完善的服務 然後在兩側走廊欣賞風景

  • Downstairs, passengers could enjoy a cigar in the smoking room or have a drink at the

    也可以到鋼琴酒吧聊天 或到寫作空間放空

  • bar.

    來到樓下則有吸菸區 還可以到酒吧小酌一杯

  • Heading back upstairs, passengers would retire for the night in own their private sleeping cabin.

    回到樓上 乘客於夜間可以到專屬臥艙休息

  • All of this, while floating in the sky.

    以上種種奢華享受 都在空中就能做到

  • The fastest ocean liners of the day could only cruise at around 35 miles per hour, but


  • an airship like the Hindenburg, well, it could easily do twice that.

    然而像興登堡號這樣的飛船 航速則是兩倍

  • A transatlantic crossing that would have taken five days by ocean liner, could be done in


  • just two days on the Hindenburg.


  • And an airship, well it wouldn't just take you to an ocean port, but to inland cities as well.

    此外飛船的目的地不限於海港 內陸城市也能輕鬆抵達

  • The Hindenburg regularly flew over Europe on it's way to inland destinations.

    興登堡號的固定航線飛越整個歐洲 且沿途在各地停靠

  • But on May 6, 1937, after completing a trans-Atlantic crossing, the Hindenburg

    然而在1937年5月6日 在完成一趟跨越大西洋的旅途後

  • began to dock in New Jersey. And suddenly...

    興登堡號正要在紐澤西停泊時 突然間...

  • Something ignited the Hindenburg's lifting gas. The Hindenburg was destroyed in a matter of seconds.

    興登堡號洩漏出的氫氣被點燃 整艘飛船在幾秒鐘內付之一炬

  • This wasn't the first airship disaster, it wasn't even the most deadly.

    這並非第一次有飛船發生意外 甚至也不是最致命的一次

  • But this one was different.


  • It was captured on film.


  • People weren't used to seeing things like this and it made the tragedy all the more horrifying.

    人們第一次在螢幕上看到這種事 讓這起悲劇看起來更恐怖

  • Many people consider the golden age of the airship travel to have


  • ended here with the Hindenburg catastrophe.


  • Public confidence was shattered, and the romance and the extravagance of airships suddenly


  • disappeared.

    而搭飛船旅行的浪漫和奢華 一夕之間消失殆盡

  • But did the Hindenburg disaster really bring an end to the giant airship?

    但真的是因為興登堡號的事故 讓巨型飛船走入歷史嗎?

  • Well, for something nearly the size of the Titanic, the Hindenburg

    事實上 儘管它的體積跟鐵達尼號差不多

  • could only carry 72 passengers at most.


  • And it needed an additional 52 crew members to operate.


  • Compare that to an ocean liner of the day, which could comfortably carry almost 2000

    相較於當時的郵輪 能夠輕鬆承載2000位旅客

  • passengers, and had a crew and staff of over a thousand.


  • Giant airships like the Hindenburg carried so few passengers despite their massive size,

    跟興登堡號一樣的巨型飛船 龐大的體積下卻只有微薄的載客量

  • because lifting gasses, such as Helium just don't provide all that much lift.

    主要是因為使用氦氣 提供的升力有限

  • Even when the Hindenburg switched from helium to hydrogen, it could still only manage to


  • lift about one hundred thousand pounds.


  • Sounds like a lot, but that's only about the weight of eight elephants.

    聽起來好像很多 但也不過就跟八頭大象一樣重

  • So, everything on the Hindenburg had to be designed to be as lightweight as possible,


  • to make sure the whole thing could stay afloat.


  • Those passenger cabins?


  • Tiny and cramped, complete with bunk beds.

    又小又擠 全都是雙層床板

  • Not so luxurious.


  • Even the walls and doors had to be made out of lightweight foam covered in fabric, so


  • you could hear your neighbor talking, coughing, or worse.

    所以你聽得到隔壁的聊天聲、咳嗽聲 甚至還有更糟的

  • And none of the cabins had their own bathrooms.


  • That 's too heavy.


  • So you'd have to go down a flight of stairs to use shared bathrooms.


  • And for 72 passengers, there was a one single shower.


  • Water, which weighs a lot, had to be rationed.

    而水很重 要分配好使用量

  • So even that one shower wasn't much more than a trickle.

    所以蓮蓬頭的水 基本上是涓涓細流

  • The airship's grand piano had to be made out of special lightweight aluminum, but even

    至於酒吧裡的鋼琴則是用鋁做的 以減輕重量

  • that was eventually removed to save weight.


  • And yeah, maybe these are compromises you have to accept for floating in the sky, but


  • the whole thing was absurdly expensive too.


  • In today's dollars a single one way trip aboard the Hindenburg cost almost $7000.

    以今天的標準來看 一張興登堡號的單程票要價7000美元

  • And sure, an ocean liner was half the speed, but a first class cabin on an ocean liner


  • came with a sprawling suite with a private bathroom.

    但其頭等艙有大型奢華套房 配有獨立衛浴

  • Tickets on ocean liners were more affordable even as the accommodations were much more

    比較起來 一張郵輪的票更讓人負擔得起

  • luxurious, with giant ballrooms, theaters, and even indoor swimming pools.

    而且設施更豪華 有大型舞廳、劇院,甚至室內泳池

  • And by 1937, if you really wanted to cross the ocean as fast as possible, aircraft were

    到了1937年 如果你想以最快的方式橫越大西洋

  • just starting to make transatlantic crossings.


  • By the time the hindenburg went up in flames in 1937, the airship was already obsolete.

    其實在興登堡號發生意外時 飛船就已經過時了

  • It couldn't compete with comfort and luxury of an ocean liner.


  • It's speed couldn't match an aircraft.


  • and all of it was absurdly expensive.


  • Today, the giant airship remains an irresistible concept.

    時至今日 巨型飛船的概念依然令人著迷

  • But physics, just like it did 80 years ago,


  • always manages to bring the giant airship idea back to earth.

    物理學的發展 隨時都可能讓它回到世人眼前再次高飛

Imagine something the size of an ocean liner, that floats in the sky.

想像一個跟郵輪一樣大的物體 漂浮在天空中是什麼樣子


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