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  • one year after the World Health Organization officially declared the Covid 19 outbreak a pandemic, the vaccine rollout is gathering pace and beginning to bear fruit.


  • But one of the lingering questions about the vaccine deployment can vaccine developers pump out enough vials to keep up with demand fires CEO Albert Bourla told Reuters in a TV interview Thursday that his company is doing its part and is likely to exceed its vaccine production targets by as much as 20% this year.


  • We announced that we felt that we will be able to do $2 billion is by the end of this year.


  • I reviewed a couple of days ago our situation and the readiness and we're going to do way more.


  • We will exceed clearly this year.


  • The $2 billion is and our steady state, which will say full on an annual basis.


  • In two years we will be able to make a $3 billion boilers production.


  • Optimism comes amid new real World data from Pfizer and Partner Beyond Tech, which suggests its vaccine is largely effective and preventing virus spread by those without symptoms.

    樂觀的情緒來自輝瑞公司和合作夥伴Beyond Tech的新的真實世界數據,這表明其疫苗在很大程度上是有效的,並防止那些沒有症狀的人傳播病毒。

  • The most impressive is that is the first time that we got data about a symptomatic infections, and the data reveals of far 94% effectiveness against the symptomatic infections.


  • This is very, very important for society, not for the individuals, because they don't have any symptoms.


  • But they are the ones but clearly, uh, replicate the virus into society because they don't know that they have it.


  • And they don't take the measures of isolation that those that they have it take.


  • And they, of course, they spread the virus.


  • The data show Pfizer's current vaccine is effective on the original Covid 19 strain and on the emerging and highly contagious UK variant.

    數據顯示,輝瑞公司目前的疫苗對原有的Covid 19株和新興的高傳染性英國變種有效。

  • More tests need to be done on a variant discovered in South Africa.


  • Pfizer is ready to tweak the vaccine if need be.


one year after the World Health Organization officially declared the Covid 19 outbreak a pandemic, the vaccine rollout is gathering pace and beginning to bear fruit.


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