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  • hi everyone Jennifer from tarle speech with your two for Tuesday today's two


  • words that are pronounced exactly the same are knot a tangled mass and not


  • which is stating a negative or no so here are our two words we have a silent

    這是在陳述一個否定的或不 所以這裡是我們的兩個字,我們有一個沉默。

  • letter today we are not going to say the letter K so we are just going to


  • completely take that letter off and that's kind of a general rule when we


  • have a K at the beginning of the word we typically do not say it when it's


  • followed by the n letter so we say the N instead okay so to say these two words


  • correctly we're going to start with the n sound nnnn to do this tip of your


  • tongue is behind touching the back of the top front teeth and the air is going


  • to move out of your nose nnnn next we're going to open the mouth wide for the oh

    從你的鼻子裡移出來 nnnn 下一步,我們將敞開嘴,為哦。

  • sound if this is a difficult sound for you think about making an oval shaped


  • mouth and make it wide open oh and when you do that the tip of your tongue will

    嘴張大點 當你這樣做的時候,你的舌尖會...

  • be low in your mouth and the back of your tongue will be pulled up oh and


  • then you're going to end with the T sound t to do this touch the tip of your


  • tongue to the back of your top front teeth let's put it all together knot not

    舌頭到你的上前牙的後面 我們把它放在一起,不要打結。

  • knot not knot not and now in a sentence do not tie the shoes into a knot do not tie


  • the shoes into a knot I'm give it a try people are going to notice the


  • difference have you found this helpful please give us a like a share on a


  • subscribe check out our products on Google Play on iTunes or on demand

    訂閱查看我們的產品在Google Play上的iTunes或點播。

  • classes at udemy and our one-to-one class options at tarle speech thanks


  • everyone have a great week


hi everyone Jennifer from tarle speech with your two for Tuesday today's two


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