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  • well good morning guys and windy Mar Del Plata we have made it to the

    大家早上好,還有風大的Mar Del Plata,我們到了

  • coastal city and of course today we're going to be having seafood because what

    沿海城市,當然今天我們 要吃海鮮,因為

  • else would you have here exactly we're gonna be having seafood and we're

    否則你會在這裡確切我們 要吃海鮮,我們

  • finally going to be checking out what the city is most famous for all of its

    最終將要檢查什麼 這個城市以其所有而聞名

  • beaches so the plan is to eat a lot of seafood and then do a lot of walking

    海灘,所以計劃是要吃很多 海鮮,然後做很多散步

  • burn off all those calories on the beaches yes and we're going to a

    燃燒掉所有的卡路里 海灘是的,我們要去

  • particular restaurant that you guys recommended in the comment section on

    你們特別的餐廳 在以下評論部分中推薦

  • YouTube it's called Espigón de Pescadores and it's out on a pier out on

    在YouTube上稱為Espigónde Pescadores,在碼頭上

  • the water so yes it is almost noon we're feeling hungry let's go eat seafood and

    水,是的,幾乎快到中午了 餓了,我們去吃海鮮吧

  • then reached on it


  • guys I have to say it is freezing when you're walking around in the city

    伙計們,我不得不說,當 你在城市裡走來走去

  • because like the streets turn into wind tunnels but now that we're on the beach

    因為就像街道變成風一樣 隧道,但現在我們在沙灘上

  • standing on the sand the heat is like reflecting upwards I'm not freezing

    站在沙灘上,熱就像 向上反射我沒有凍結

  • anymore my feet are warm now I understand why people are actually

    現在我的腳變暖了 了解為什麼人們實際上是

  • swimming I couldn't understand it from a distance oh yeah it's not so bad Sam a

    游泳我無法理解 距離哦,是的,還不錯,山姆a

  • question for you if you were wearing your swimming trunks would you actually

    問你是否穿著 你的泳褲你會真的

  • go in the water with this away and underneath I think I would it's starting

    帶著它走入水中 我想我會在下面開始

  • to warm up a bit and the winds died down slightly

    有點暖和,風減弱了 略

  • so far I'm only seeing kids in the water a few brave children so something that I

    到目前為止,我只看到水中的孩子 一些勇敢的孩子,所以我

  • find really interesting about the beach here is that a lot of families have come

    發現海灘真的很有趣 這是很多家庭來的

  • with their little tents to shield themselves from the wind so that they

    用他們的小帳篷遮擋 自己被風吹走

  • can still enjoy the beach on a windy day and this reminds me a lot of the beaches

    在大風天仍然可以享受海灘 這讓我想起了很多海灘

  • in northern Germany we spent some time there one summer and it was really cold

    在德國北部,我們花了一些時間 一個夏天,那裡真的很冷

  • really windy but they also had these like I think they're called like

    真的風很大,但他們也有這些 就像我認為他們被稱為

  • standoff kind of like these little baskets or little tents where you can

    僵局有點像這些小 可以的籃子或小帳篷

  • shield yourself from the wind and still enjoy a sunny day at the beach even if

    擋住風,保持靜止 即使在沙灘上享受陽光明媚的日子

  • the winds blowing like crazy like here and there you have it that's the

    像這裡的狂風 那裡就是

  • restaurant we're planning to eat out today out on the water

    我們計劃外出用餐的餐廳 今天在水面上

  • it's time for the bread and we have this rule that we should try not to eat too

    該吃麵包了,我們有這個 規定我們也不要吃東西

  • much bread before the main' arrives because when we just can't handle it all

    在主要食物到達之前有很多麵包 因為當我們無法處理所有事情時

  • yeah the bread is so delicious fresh it comes with butter haven't you yes

    是的,麵包真好吃 黃油來了不是嗎

  • anchovies or sardines no those are anchovies salted anchovies nearly lost

    鳳尾魚或沙丁魚不是 鳳尾魚咸salt魚幾乎丟失

  • the butter there same to guys don't worry

    那裡的黃油對男人一樣 擔心

  • I saved it some fatah but we always stuff up in the butter and then on top

    我把它保存了一些法塔赫,但我們總是 塞入黃油,然後放在上面

  • of that we're gonna grab one of these little guys just one just one I feel

    其中,我們要抓住其中之一 小傢伙,只有一個,我覺得

  • like we're starting off this seafood meal right starting off the seafood meal

    就像我們從海鮮開始 從海鮮開始就餐

  • with seafood fish


  • wine selection has been made wine selection has been made we decided to go

    精選葡萄酒已製成葡萄酒 已經做出選擇,我們決定去

  • with Norton 1895 classic oh this is a pretty common table wine that you'll

    與Norton 1895 classic一起,這是一個 您會用到的非常普通的餐酒

  • find in a lot of Argentine restaurants had it a couple times before I like it

    在很多阿根廷餐館中都可以找到 在我喜歡之前有過幾次

  • it's also tends to be one of the cheaper wines - and we got half a liter yeah we

    它也往往是便宜的之一 葡萄酒-我們喝了半公升

  • got some sightseeing to do yeah otherwise we're gonna end up napping

    有觀光去做 否則我們最終會睡午覺

  • after work we did a whole bottle we going backwards yesterday yeah we have

    下班後我們做了一個整瓶 昨天倒退是的,我們有

  • too much more into the yeah it's a nice wine it's it's very drinkable I mean

    太多了,這是一個很好的 葡萄酒,這是非常可飲用的

  • it's obviously not like a high-end wine but it's a nice table wine like to me

    顯然不像是高端酒 但這是我喜歡的美味餐酒

  • you're not gonna be too disappointed if you try this one our fried fish on tree

    如果你不會失望 你試試這個,我們在樹上炸魚

  • has arrived fried seafood entree this isn't just fish and you know what they

    已經到了炸海鮮主菜 不只是魚,你知道他們在做什麼

  • told me the names for all these things but to me it sounded like Italian if

    告訴我所有這些東西的名字 但對我來說,這聽起來像意大利語

  • they're not Spanish words I recognize this I think it's something like corn a

    他們不是我認識的西班牙語單詞 我覺得這就像玉米

  • little which is a small theory this one I think she said calamari day which is a

    小這是一個很小的理論 我想她說魷魚日是

  • baby calamari yeah and then we have the actual calamari and all it looks so

    寶貝魷魚是的,然後我們有 實際的魷魚,看起來如此

  • wonderful we've squeezed lemon juice over top you have a bit of salt you want

    很棒,我們榨了檸檬汁 最重要的是,您需要一點鹽

  • to make it saltier this little guy had an all peeling off

    使它更咸 這個小傢伙全剝了

  • that is nice is it I don't think I've ever put a whole fish in my mouth before

    很好,是我不認為我已經 以前把整條魚放在我的嘴裡

  • oh I have you can eat right through the bone no problem it has a nice flavor

    哦,我有你可以通過 骨頭沒問題,它的味道很好

  • well yeah with those little fish you could they're mint they're meant for

    是的,帶著那些小魚,你 他們可以薄荷嗎?

  • like one bite yours yeah he's nice it reminded me a bit of

    就像你咬一口 是的,他很好,這讓我想起了

  • anchovies but less salty calamari so nice with lemon juice fresh out of the

    鳳尾魚,但咸魷魚少,所以 搭配新鮮的檸檬汁很好

  • fryer I'm just trying to think back to the last time we were enjoying like

    炸鍋,我只是想回想一下 最後一次我們喜歡

  • really good seafood on the regular I feel like it was back in Croatia

    我經常吃的海鮮真的很好 感覺就像回到了克羅地亞

  • yeah travel there that's what it was last year it's yeah it's been over a

    是的,那是旅行 去年是的,已經過去了

  • time flies guys has actually been over a year since we were there guys well they

    時光飛逝的傢伙實際上已經過去了 自從我們在那裡好一年以來,他們

  • were eating it yeah I even remember trying something like this in Croatia at

    在吃東西,是的,我什至還記得 在克羅地亞嘗試這樣的事情

  • a seafood restaurants back there they were like stuffed right now just having

    他們那裡有一家海鮮餐館 就像現在塞滿了

  • fried baby calamari we tried everything though I've tried

    炸魷魚 我們嘗試了一切,儘管我嘗試了

  • all right so good so good huh all right time for me to try the mixed

    很好很好很好呵呵 好的時間讓我嘗試混合

  • fried frost gets over here this was Sam's selection yeah we were trying to

    炸霜在這裡過去了 山姆的選擇,是的,我們試圖

  • decide on an appetizer and - sounded really good to be trying trying this I'm

    決定開胃菜,-聽起來不錯 嘗試這個真的很好,我

  • having a double fish oh yeah crispy on the outside salty what do I

    有一條雙魚哦,是的 外面酥脆咸我該怎麼辦

  • know to be honest Somu I look so good look at this guy's a giant piece I think

    知道說實話Somu我看起來很好 看著這個傢伙,我認為是一塊巨大的東西

  • they said that one's called the condom anything or something like it's still

    他們說有人叫避孕套 任何東西或類似的東西仍然

  • juicy I really like the batter as well is

    多汁的 我也很喜歡連擊

  • greasy but in a good way mm-hmm I love this kind of food like

    油膩但是很好 嗯,我喜歡這種食物

  • whenever I went to headline of Canada doesn't specialize in and this kind of

    每當我去加拿大的頭條 不專攻這種

  • like deep fried seafood so it's a very familiar taste I remember from my

    像油炸海鮮,這是一個非常 我記得我熟悉的味道

  • childhood telecom oh it's just the appetizer like we still have a whole

    童年的電信哦,這只是 像我們一樣的開胃菜

  • sequence Arabic we actually on the barbecue the grill is yet to compensate

    序列阿拉伯語我們實際上在 燒烤架尚未彌補

  • gracias


  • the seafood areeda will make you drool we need to give you service it is

    海鮮豆沙會讓你流口水 我們需要為您提供服務

  • humongous there's a lot of shellfish in here I'm

    巨大的 我這裡有很多貝類

  • just like what a wonderful presentation I don't even know what to say Abel so

    就像多麼精彩的演講 我什至不知道該怎麼說

  • first of all we have a bed of golden yellow potatoes they've been sliced and

    首先我們有一張金色的床 他們切成薄片的黃色土豆,

  • fried very nice we have oysters yeah we have scallops we have shrimp the bees

    炸得很好我們有牡蠣,是的,我們 有扇貝,我們有蝦米

  • down there we have clams we do we also have

    在下面 我們有蛤,我們也有

  • calamari hiding there in the bottom yeah prawns me and I have red peppers

    槍烏賊藏在底部 是的,請給我蝦,我有紅辣椒

  • some squid chunks of fish wow this is like an assortment of everything you

    一些魷魚塊哇,這是 就像你所有的一切

  • could possibly imagine look at this chunk of fish is a gift that keeps on

    可以想像一下 大塊的魚是持續不斷的禮物

  • giving yeah this is more goodness buried on top

    給予 是的,這是更多的美好埋在最上面

  • of goodness anyways thing is there's lots to keep us busy over here we go ooh

    天哪,總有東西 很多讓我們忙碌的地方

  • that came in right off very easy I'm gonna peel this off because I'm a picky

    馬上就來了 會因為我很挑剔而去掉

  • eater guys I take off besides check that out you know they

    我起飛的食客們 除了檢查,你知道他們

  • brought us cherlene which is a must when you're

    帶給我們 切爾琳,當你

  • having an Argentine barbecue and they also said we have a nahi sauce that

    吃阿根廷烤肉,他們 還說我們有一份納希醬

  • isn't spicy and of course lemons I think for this one I'm going to go with a

    不辣,當然我想檸檬 為此,我要去一個

  • lemon just squeeze it on the gallop beautiful scallops

    檸檬擠在它的疾馳 美麗的扇貝

  • wonderful so tender so fresh just how it should be beautiful presentation

    太棒了,如此柔和如此新鮮 應該是漂亮的介紹

  • with the shell just about yeah that's beautiful

    外殼差不多 美麗

  • let's see what else I see fish Oh


  • again I'm perfectly content with a bit of lemon juice though maybe since we are

    再一次,我非常滿意 檸檬汁雖然可能是因為我們

  • in Argentina to mature a little bit of chewy might be an order why not very

    在阿根廷成熟一點 耐嚼可能是一個命令,為什麼不是很

  • nice good I think this may be my first time in my life having a seafood Farina

    很好,很好,我想這可能是我的第一個 我一生中吃海鮮Farina的時間

  • this is the first being documented for you - what is this in Argentina well

    這是第一個被記錄下來的 你-阿根廷這是什麼

  • some roasted red peppers so much going on here our daily vegetable intake yes

    一些烤紅辣椒太多了 在這裡,我們每天的蔬菜攝入量是

  • got some of these clams


  • fresh off the drum that's very tasty though Vince it's all very fresh I mean

    新鮮的鼓,非常好吃 雖然文斯真的很新鮮

  • we're right on the water so of course they have access to wonderful seafood

    我們當然是在水面上 他們可以享用美味的海鮮

  • honestly so far I've been really impressed I probably should I got white

    老實說,到目前為止,我一直在 給我留下深刻的印象,我可能應該變白

  • wine but you know what we like I read probably but we're in Argentina we drink

    葡萄酒,但你知道我們喜歡我讀什麼 可能但是我們在阿根廷喝酒

  • read let's see something I haven't tried yet look for new things

    閱讀讓我們看看我沒有嘗試過的東西 還在尋找新事物

  • let's write this massive oyster especially oh my gosh that's so good

    讓我們來寫這個巨大的牡蠣 特別是哦,天哪,太好了

  • normally I don't love boys tears but the way it's been cooked it's almost like it

    通常我不愛男孩的眼淚,但是 煮的方式差不多

  • has a pudding texture created too creamy you better try it the first time I tried

    布丁質地太滑 你最好第一次嘗試

  • them it was raw yeah I'd uh this out of bar in a glass do you remember that I

    他們是原始的,是的,我會從 你在酒吧里記得我嗎

  • think it's like a gin bar or something and we had booze there way back one huh

    認為它像杜松子酒吧 我們就在那裡喝酒了,呵呵

  • yeah well maybe like a year and a half ago and one of these little orderly

    是的,也許大概一年半 以前,這些小秩序之一

  • called langoustines shrimp yep same string prawns giant prawns I

    叫海螯蝦 是的,同樣的大蝦,我的大蝦

  • feel like those are just asking have some time on camera everyone's head

    覺得那些只是在問 花些時間在大家的腦海中

  • off that's the way to go anything but rapper but enough to try some here I was

    那是什麼都可以的方法 說唱歌手,但足以在這裡嘗試一些

  • like next-level tender and buttery if you're like come to mar del plata in

    像上一級的嫩黃油一樣 你就像來馬德普拉塔

  • your life so I try to seafood should I not absolutely gonna have it it's so

    你的生活,所以我嘗試海鮮 並非絕對如此

  • delicious I think for people that don't even normally like see if you get just

    我認為對於那些不喜歡的人來說很美味 甚至通常喜歡看你是否得到

  • so much it's worth giving a shot shot tasty here

    非常值得一試 這裡好吃

  • another thing to mention this restaurant has easy as possible unknown yeah it's a

    這家餐廳的另一件事 有盡可能容易的未知的是的

  • bit more typical really well guys it is time for price point let me just say

    比較典型的好傢伙 時間價位讓我說

  • that was a wonderful barbecue first-ever for me it was

    那真是太好了 有史以來第一次燒烤

  • delicious we had some food leftover we list we couldn't no room for dessert

    美味,我們剩了一些食物,我們 列出我們沒有甜點的餘地

  • either Oh No No we've learned to say no to dessert

    要么哦不 不,我們學會了對甜點說不

  • when we can't do it otherwise it's just a coma situation all off Geneva's but

    當我們做不到的時候 整個日內瓦都處於昏迷狀態,但是

  • let's talk about the price the total was thirteen hundred and ninety pesos which

    讓我們談談總價是 一千三百九十比索

  • came to 36 US dollars which I thought was really good yeah for seafood and why

    我想到了36美元 對海鮮真的很好,為什麼

  • master source came with like all the all the bread soda water red wine really

    所有的主要來源 麵包蘇打水紅酒真的

  • nice appetizer yeah really good mean our main hot potatoes it had some roasted

    開胃菜不錯,真的很好,意味著我們的 烤過的主要熱土豆

  • peppers so it was a lot of it was good highly recommend the police not only pay

    辣椒所以很好很多 強烈建議警察不僅要繳費

  • the food but for the views the ambiance just being able to look out at the beat

    食物,但環境的意見 只是能夠看到節拍

  • it's incredible must be quite spectacular at night it's a

    不可思議的一定是 晚上壯觀

  • one-of-a-kind location or restaurant on the pier yeah over my shoulder I'm not

    獨一無二的位置或餐廳 是的,在我肩膀上的碼頭不是

  • stretchy cheese yeah you can see it to the left you know it kind of reminds me

    彈性奶酪,是的,您可以看到 左邊的你知道這讓我想起

  • of that restaurant in Lima that we've been to

    我們在利馬的那家餐廳 去過

  • few time that Wilson LT got also set out on a pier on the water you can watch the

    威爾遜(Wilson LT)也開始了幾次 在水上的碼頭上,您可以觀看

  • surfers yeah same deal here basically and yeah it was a lot of fun we really

    衝浪者是的,這裡的交易基本相同 是的,我們真的很有趣

  • well now we're gonna hit the beach we're gonna walk obviously we're not dressed

    好了,我們要去海灘了 要走顯然我們沒有穿衣服

  • to go swimming I'm not sure I'd want to strip down anyway in this wind

    去游泳我不確定我想不想 無論如何在這風中脫掉

  • oh my gosh I'm hot in a t-shirt insurance I don't know how you can y'all

    哦,天哪,我穿T卹很熱 保險,我不知道你們怎麼能

  • bundled up you're ridiculous


  • so I just found the statue of the sea lion and posed the next to it feeling

    所以我才發現大海的雕像 獅子,並擺在旁邊的感覺

  • pretty proud because my dad lived in the city for a few years as a kid and he

    很自豪,因為我父親住在 小時候在城市生活了幾年,他

  • told me they used to take photos next to that sea lion so I was like okay need to

    告訴我他們曾經在旁邊拍照 那隻海獅,所以我覺得好需要

  • track it down get a photo of the next generation standing there and we found

    追踪下來獲取下一張的照片 站在那兒的一代,我們發現

  • it

  • well guys and that is our outing for the day there's a lot of cool stuff

    好人,這是我們的郊遊 那天有很多很酷的東西

  • happening along the boardwalk lots of different musical performances people

    沿著木板路發生了很多 不同的音樂表演人

  • hanging out three performers you can come here any time of day and they'll be

    可以掛出三個表演者 每天任何時候都來這裡,他們會

  • something different happens yeah yeah we just had some ice cream other people

    發生了一些不同的事情,是的,我們 剛吃過冰淇淋

  • were enjoying mottaz and yeah how are we thinking with the water but we enjoyed

    在享受mottaz,是的,我們怎麼樣 用水思考,但我們喜歡

  • the beach well I did I dipped my toes it I can confirm his icicle

    在海灘上,我做到了,我蘸了腳趾 我可以確認他的冰柱

  • anyone who's swimming there is that there's a medal for bravery for sure

    在那裡游泳的人是 肯定有一個勇敢的勳章

  • re-raise it we'll say bye for now and we'll see you guys in tomorrow's video

    重新加註,我們暫時說再見, 我們會在明天的視頻中見到你們

  • you

well good morning guys and windy Mar Del Plata we have made it to the

大家早上好,還有風大的Mar Del Plata,我們到了


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