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  • In 2013, Google announced it was adding something new to its Chrome browser:

    2013 年,Google 宣布期將會為下的 Chrome 瀏覽器增添個新功能:

  • Ok, Google. Show me things to do in Santa Cruz.


  • Here are popular attractions in Santa Cruz.


  • Voice recognition that you could activate by speaking a keyword.


  • In 2014, Apple updated its Siri function to work in the same way.

    2014 年,蘋果更新了 Siri 功能,讓其能以同樣的方式運作。

  • Hey Siri, show me photos of tortellini.


  • Here are some images of tortellini.


  • Voice activation was a flashy new addition to these companies' existing browsers and phones.


  • But then, a few months later, Amazon released something much simpler:

    但是,幾個月後,Amazon 發佈了更簡單明瞭的產品:

  • When it first arrived from Amazon, I didn't know what it was.

    Amazon 把這個東西送過來的時候,我還搞不懂這到底是什麼。

  • It's called "Amazon Echo."

    它叫做 Amazon Echo。

  • It was a voice-activated speaker.


  • A product whose sole purpose was to interact with your voice.


  • And you can see in this video they made, that they had to convince people that it would be useful.


  • I can play music, answer questions, get the news and weather, create to-do lists and much more.


  • Awesome!


  • But it worked. Today, every 1 in 5 American households has a smart speaker.

    但它確實辦到了。如今,每 5 個美國家庭中就有 1 個智慧音響。

  • Most are made by Amazon, Google, and Apple, and their technology doesn't just sit on tabletops anymore.

    其中大多數是 Amazon、Google 和 Apple 製造的,且他們的科技再也不僅僅侷限於擺放在桌面上。

  • You can find Alexa in your ears; around your wrist, or just a finger.

    你可在耳朵裡、手腕,或甚至是手指上連結上 Alexa。

  • She's even right in front of your eyeballs.


  • You can also find smart-speakers built into remote controls, security cameras, and doorbells.


  • Or in the form of an adorable tiger, so that it's easier for your kids to use.


  • And each Alexa product can reportedly process 100,000 different commands.

    而據說每個 Alexa 可以處理 10 萬個不同的指令。

  • But all this convenience does come at the expense of some of our privacy.


  • So it's worth asking: What are we really giving up when we use one?


  • The first thing to understand is that smart speakers aren't actually that smart.


  • It probably seems maybe like there's a lot more going on than there is.


  • Sara Morrison covers personal data and privacy for Recode.

    Sara Morrison 是為 Recode 網站報導個資和隱私相關議題的記者。

  • But essentially, um, it's a microphone that connects to the Internet.


  • When I ask it about the weather—"Alexa, what's the temperature?"—It's not the thing that finds the temperature.


  • It just records my question, sends that recording to an Amazon server, which analyzes it and finds the temperature.

    它只是把我的問題錄下來,把這個錄音發送到 Amazon 的伺服器上後,再由伺服器分析錄音並查詢溫度。

  • Right now, it's 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

    現在的溫度是華氏 32 度。

  • What seems like a genius digital helper, is really just a direct line to Amazon.

    看似天才的數字幫手,其實只是條直達 Amazon 的熱線而已。

  • And while I soon forget my question, Amazon remembers it.

    而雖然我很快就忘記了自己問了什麼,Amazon 卻還會記得。

  • In my speaker's settings, I can see that my recordings are actually saved, until I delete them. So….


  • Unless you set it somehow differently, it will pretty much stay on their servers indefinitely.


  • According to a recent survey, almost half of smart-speaker owners incorrectly believed their audio was only saved temporarily or not at all.


  • And 47% thought it was unacceptable.

    而 47% 的人認為這是不可接受的。

  • And then there's the question of what they do with those recordings.


  • Does anyone else hear my question?


  • I think most people don't really know that they do send that recording to a server, that humans might listen to your recording,


  • which sounds kind of creepy, but it's really for accuracy purposes, to make sure that they're responding to the right things.

    這聽起來有點嚇人, 但其實這只是為了語音辨識的準確目的,確保它們的回覆是正確的。

  • But obviously, if you don't know that that's a possibility that can happen, you might not really like that.


  • In fact, 31% didn't like that.

    事實上,31% 的人不喜歡這種做法。

  • We give them a lot of this data, we expose a ton of our information to them, and I mean, I don't know, ultimately, what they're using it for, and neither do you.


  • One thing we can assume they're using our voice data for is some form of ad targeting.


  • Google says it doesn't use the recordings themselves, but may use a text read-out of your recording to show you personalized ads.

    Google 表示他們不會使用錄音本身,但可能會使用錄音分析出的文本來投放個人化的廣告。

  • Amazon has been more vague. It says it doesn't use your data to target ads, but that it may use it on, which of course is powered not by ads, but by sophisticated product recommendations.

    Amazon 的說法則比較模糊。它說它不會使用你的資料來投放廣告,但可能會在 Amazon 網站上使用這些資料,而這指的當然就是其複雜的產品推薦系統。

  • What's clear, though, is that they feel very confident about how valuable our voice data could be.


  • That's why they're adding smart-speaker technology to so many different products, so that they can collect more.


  • It's also partly why smart-speakers are so cheap; as little as 10 bucks in the US, because the real price is our data.

    這也是智慧音響如此便宜的部分原因。在美國一個最低只要 10 美元,而背後原因是因為真正的價格其實是我們的資料本身。

  • There's a longer-term thing that some privacy experts have sort of brought up to me,


  • which is, you know, the more common they are, the more comfortable we get with them in every aspect of our lives,


  • the more comfortable we kind of maybe get with there being things that take data, and information exposure all around our lives.


  • In 2019, Amazon announced its new "Sidewalk" feature.

    在 2019 年,Amazon 發表了新的 Sidewalk 功能。

  • When implemented, it will connect your smart speaker with others in your vicinity, like the ones in your neighbor's homes.


  • But you wouldn't know that unless you checked your settings.


  • It's an opt out, not an opt in.


  • When something's opt-out, it means that they want as many people as possible to sort of be doing it.


  • Thanks to public pressure, tech companies have made it easier to opt-out of some data-sharing features.


  • On Amazon products, you can set your recordings to automatically delete, and prevent Amazon from using your recordings to train its system.

    在 Amazon 的產品上,你可以調整系統將你的錄音自動刪除,並防止 Amazon 使用你的錄音來訓練其系統。

  • Google has an option to turn off ad personalizations.

    Google 則有一個能夠關閉個人化廣告的選項。

  • The reason that they have done that is because they've kinda gotten in trouble. Or people have found them doing things that they didn't know about and got upset.


  • Always makes you wonder, what is the thing we're going to catch them doing later that they're doing right now?


  • The huge popularity of smart-speakers shows that we've already entered a new wave of technology, made by companies whose goal is to learn everything they can about us.


  • And what they might do with that information is still a mystery.


In 2013, Google announced it was adding something new to its Chrome browser:

2013 年,Google 宣布期將會為下的 Chrome 瀏覽器增添個新功能:

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