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  • wrapped up in Red Cross blankets Spanish coast guards transported 49 migrants rescued in the Atlantic Ocean to a key Nagin port on Gran Canaria on Wednesday, Interior Ministry figures show.


  • More than 21,400 migrants have arrived in Gran Canaria by see through the end of December, an eightfold increase compared to the same time last year.


  • The large rise in rivals has posed a logistical challenge for authorities in the Canary Islands, who have had to find alternative reception centers as existing centers filled up and thousands were forced to live in tents in conditions that an immigration judge called inhumane and degrading.


  • It wasn't until November 18 that migrants stranded on the port were transferred to a military camp in Las Palmas.


  • They remained there for a maximum of 72 hours and then transferred to different reception centers, hotels and other accommodation.


wrapped up in Red Cross blankets Spanish coast guards transported 49 migrants rescued in the Atlantic Ocean to a key Nagin port on Gran Canaria on Wednesday, Interior Ministry figures show.


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