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  • This is the moment Hungarian wingsuit flyer Victor Kovats jumps from a mountain cliff

  • in rural China. The cliff is 100 metres high but his suit is tailor made to allow him to

  • guide his way down.

  • At 40 years old, Victor is an experienced flyer. At this point he's clocked up 700 wingsuit

  • flights and 125 skydives. He knows there is a risk but this is just another flight, and

  • it turns out to be his last.

  • His parachute fails to deploy sending him crashing into the valley below.

  • The colour of his suit faintly visible through the dense greenery.

  • Around 200 firefighters and police officers searched for his body which was eventually

  • recovered. Early investigations suggest there may have been a technical problem during the

  • trial.

  • The World Wingsuit League has paid tribute and posted a message on its website which

  • partly read.

  • "He will be always be remembered for his deep passion for life and his spirit of adventure,

  • and he will always be sadly missed in the wingsuit community. As a result of this tragedy,

  • we will conduct a thorough review of the events that lead into this accident and adopt any

  • appropriate changes for the future of the World Wingsuit League."

  • Kovats was a three time Hungary national champion wingsuiter and serious contender in the international

  • community. He was due to take part in the second world wingsuit championship which officially

  • starts tomorrow at Tianmen mountain. Participants are required to jump from cliffs 7 hundred

  • metres high - that's seven times the height of the last one that Victor Kovats jumped

  • from.

This is the moment Hungarian wingsuit flyer Victor Kovats jumps from a mountain cliff


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B1 中級

翼裝潛水員維克多-科瓦茨的最後一次飛行被拍到。 (Final flight of wingsuit diver Victor Kovats caught on camera)

  • 123 6
    Kwan Kuo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日