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hello it's jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question our
question today is how do i say survey and examination or study and service
helping others i actually have three words for you
um to really drive the point home about the
endings of this word so let's start with sir vey so sir is going to be the same
這個詞的詞尾,所以我們先從sir vey開始,所以sir是一樣的
in all these words actually it changed my mind let's start with that
在所有這些話其實它改變了我的想法 讓我們開始吧
so to say sir you're going to start with that s sound
typically we make the s sound with our lips back
通常情況下,我們會用嘴脣發出 "s "的聲音。
but because that er sound with square tense lips is coming you can see that my
但因為那個帶著方緊張的嘴脣的 "呃 "聲來了,你可以看到我的...
lips are square and tenser to get ready for that sound sir
sir sir for that r don't forget tip of the tongue is down or flipped back
it is not touching your teeth and it is not moving
sir then we are going to move to that v sound to say a v
sound your lips are relatively pulled back they are not
puckered if you pucker your lips it'll sound like a
撅起 如果你撅起嘴脣,就會聽起來像一個人。
w w w and we wanna vvvv
我們想要... ...
so you can do a couple of things here so your lips are pulled back
所以你可以在這裡做一些事情 所以你的嘴脣被拉回
you can either gently bite the outside of the bottom lip
or the inside of the bottom lip v v v
或下脣內側v v v v
and when i say bite your your teeth are just really close to that point
當我說咬你 你的牙齒只是真的很接近這一點。
and the air is going to move out and your voice box is on
and moving another mistake to avoid is do not put your lips together because
then that sounds like b b b so again lips open lips pulled back air
然後,這聽起來像b b b b 所以再次嘴脣打開 嘴脣拉回空氣
moving out
so we have sir v and then we're going to move to that
a and you can see to do that i open my mouth
a and then i smile while i do that my tongue moves from low
to high and flat vey
for surveys we have an s ending because the s
is after a vowel we are going to pronounce it as
a z if you're interested in the rule for this i do have classes i'll post that
a z 如果你對這個規則感興趣,我有課程,我會貼出來。
um in the links below so we're going to do sir
vays to say that z sound your voice box is on and
moving and it's like you're saying an s sound your tongue is in the same spot
移動,就像你在說 "S "的聲音 你的舌頭在同一個地方
so it's either pointed down or behind the top front teeth that is just not
touching surveys surveys
感動調查 調查
surveys and then last for service the ending really changes here so we're
going to change that short i i i sound and you can see
要改變短i i i i的聲音,你可以看到。
my mouth is relatively closed it is open of course
um and it's going to be nice and short and my lips are not tense at all they're
嗯,這將是很好的和短 我的嘴脣是不緊張的,他們是
relaxed i i i so we're not smiling lips i'm not saying
放鬆 我 我 我 所以我們不是微笑的嘴脣 我不是說
e it's nice and short i and then i'm going to end with the s and that
sound again tip of the tongue is down or behind the
top front teeth and your voice box is off service service
service let's give them all a try survey survey survey surveys
surveys surveys service service service and now for a sentence
調查 調查服務 服務 服務 服務,現在是一句話
service businesses send surveys to customers
give it a try people will definitely notice a difference
you know the drill we love a like a share and a subscribe
it really does help you can check out our products on google play and itunes
our classes at udemy and tarle speech and we hope to see you
next time thanks everyone have a great day