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  • Not all TV episodes are created equally.

  • For every gem, there's bound to be a stinker.

  • This is Eva Monkey, and in this video,

  • we're taking a look at what episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion people love and hate.

  • To do this, I surveyed fans to find out three things...

  • "What episodes do you like?"

  • "What's your favorite episode?" and...

  • "What is the WORST episode in all of Neon Genesis Evangelion?"

  • I surveyed fans in this way, as I wanted to measure people's general attitudes

  • in addition to the strong opinions that they had about the show's episodes,

  • because there are certain episodes that are sure to be well liked,

  • even if they might not be someone's favorite.

  • Also, it's worth mentioning that even with several hundred responses,

  • we're still talking about a relatively small sample set.

  • So this is by no means a conclusive assessment,

  • but it should help give everyone a good idea of how fans feel about the series and its episodes.

  • First, let's take a look at what episodes of Evangelion people liked.

  • Coming in at number 5 is Episode 8,

  • Asuka Arrives in Japan / Asuka Strikes!

  • While the previous episode kicked off what fans refer to asthe action arc”,

  • it was with "Asuka Strikes!" that it was on full display.

  • If nothing else, this episode is noteworthy for having introduced fans to the now iconic Asuka Langley Soryu.

  • We also met Ryohji Kaji, saw Unit-02 in action for the first time,

  • and as an added bonus, we got our first look at the first angel Adam.

  • This episode is full of fun and action, so it's not a surprise to see it make the cut.

  • Number 4, Episode 26,

  • The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World / Take Care of Yourself

  • While it might not have been a completely satisfactory conclusion to the series,

  • there's something incredibly earnest about the ending that Hideaki Anno and Gainax cobbled together in the eleventh hour.

  • While many fans have speculated that the production ran out of money,

  • Gainax president Hiroyuki Yamaga has stated that the budget wasn't the issue, it was a matter of time.

  • This falls in line with accounts of Hideaki Anno constantly rewriting episodes in the second half of the series,

  • and the statement that what Anno ultimately wanted at the end was for Shinji to smile.

  • By all accounts, Anno forced himself into delivering an unconventional conclusion that,

  • despite being inherently incomplete, still managed to be deeply touching.

  • Number 3, Episode 22,

  • At least, be human / Don't be.

  • Asuka's traumatic childhood is first teased at all the way back in episode 10,

  • but it's not until this episode that we finally delve into her past,

  • touching on her mother's mental breakdown and eventual death.

  • Not only that, but this episode also prominently features Asuka experiencing a psychological attack from an angel

  • that propels her further on her downward spiral.

  • This episode definitely didn't pull any punches, so it's easy to see it claim a spot.

  • Number 2, Episode 19,

  • A Man's Battle / Introjection.

  • My personal favorite, this episode picks up immediately after the gruesome destruction of Unit-03

  • at the hands of a dummy-plug-controlled Unit-01,

  • that nearly claimed the life of Touji Suzuhara.

  • Shinji understandably stands in defiance of this, and once again leaves Nerv.

  • However, just as he does, the newest, and mightiest angel descends upon Tokyo-3

  • to make short work of Nerv's defenses, Eva units included.

  • After a heart-to-heart with Kaji in his melon patch, Shinji accepts his responsibility as a pilot,

  • and rushes headlong into a close quarters brawl with the angel.

  • And to top it all off, the episode ends with a cliffhanger that challenges everything we know up to that point.

  • Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

  • Episode 1, Angel Attack / Angel Attack

  • Episode 9, Moment, Heart, Together / Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!

  • Number 1, Episode 24,

  • The Final Messenger / The Beginning and the End, or "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"

  • Not everyone was a fan of episodes 25 and 26,

  • largely due to the way in which they abandoned the plot of the show,

  • and instead focused almost exclusively on the internal,

  • psychological aspects of the show's cast of characters.

  • In a way, you could consider episode 24 the ending to the series,

  • as it is the point from which the story branches off into The End of Evangelion,

  • which many will agree is a masterpiece that addresses both the internal

  • and external conflicts of the series.

  • In this episode, we meet the final angel, Kaworu Nagisa,

  • who, despite his short amount of screen time,

  • remains one of the series' most popular characters.

  • The episode perfectly sets up both endings,

  • by forcing Shinji Ikari into killing the one person who expressed genuine love for him.

  • Brutal...

  • So that's the positives, but, what about the negatives?

  • What are the most disliked episodes in all of Evangelion?

  • As it turns out, people's opinions about what episodes they thought were the worst

  • varied from how well liked the episodes were.

  • Many people liked episodes that they also thought were the worst.

  • And, some well liked episodes had vocal contingents of people who hated them.

  • So this list is a bit looser as a result.

  • Number 5, Episode 3,

  • The Phone That Doesn't Ring / A Transfer

  • I was surprised to find that overall, Episode 3 was liked less than Episode 4,

  • even though most of that episode was Shinji justwalking around.

  • Nevertheless, this episode served as an abrupt wake-up call for viewers that Shinji would not only be reluctant,

  • but would also be a weak and insecure protagonist.

  • Other reasons for it being disliked include it being unnecessary, tedious,

  • and an awkward transition out of the series' two part opener.

  • All that said, the majority of fans do still like this episode,

  • even if it is a bit on the weak side.

  • Number 4, Episode 13,

  • Angel Invasion / Lilliputian Hitcher

  • When you think about it, it's not too hard to see why this episode isn't very well liked.

  • Episode 13 largely revolves around Ritsuko,

  • and generally speaking, people don't really like her,

  • which is ironic when you consider that she was designed to be the sexy character.

  • Just think about it, under that white lab coat,

  • she wears a sleeveless top that zips down the front,

  • a black leather mini skirt, and dark pantyhose,

  • not to mention the blonde hair and red lips.

  • And to top it all off, she even has a beauty mark.

  • More importantly, this episode sidelines the three pilots and their Evas

  • in favor of arguably unnecessary character development, More importantly, this episode sidelines the three pilots and their Evas

  • in favor of arguably unnecessary character development,

  • and a predictable climax that featured no combat.

  • This is one of those Angel of the week episodes that would not be missed.

  • Number 3, Episode 14,

  • SEELE, Throne of Souls / Weaving a Story

  • This episode is probably one of the slowest in the entire series.

  • While it does contribute to the show by conveying Rei's abstract psyche,

  • and while it does also tease viewers with hints regarding the soul of Unit-00,

  • the majority of this episode is text, stills, and reused footage.

  • While they did at least try to make this episode a bit more than the standard clip episode,

  • with the recap of Angel battles taking the form of a briefing

  • with the Human Instrumentality Committee,

  • it can't be overlooked that more effort could have gone into this episode.

  • Number 2, Episode 07,

  • The Human Creation / A Human Work

  • While this episode did have some subtle world building,

  • and some further development of the relationship between Shinji and Misato,

  • many felt that this episode was unnecessary filler.

  • For some, the three main pilots are what draws them to the show.

  • Rei and Asuka are completely absent from this episode,

  • and while Shinji is sortied in Eva Unit-01, there's no combat,

  • and ultimately, he just holds Jet Alone in place.

  • Misato climbs inside to deactivate it, but in the end,

  • it's a shallow victory and she accomplishes nothing,

  • as Ritsuko programmed the robot to go berserk until the very last second.

  • There are no memorable moments for the pilots,

  • and the episode is ultimately seen as pointless, redundant, and skippable.

  • But at the very least, this episode did give us the now classic disapproving Shinji with coffee mug meme.

  • If you weren't aware that that was a thing, wellnow you do.

  • Number 1, Episode 10,

  • Magmadiver / Magma Diver

  • Where do I even begin?

  • Fat suits, questionable science,

  • potentially inappropriate touching, erection jokes

  • Magma Diver may just be the lowest point in the entire series.

  • Aside from insights into the Angels' life cycle

  • and maybe a tender smile from Asuka when Shinji saves her life,

  • everything else in this episode is either silly or redundant.

  • Asuka is obsessed with Kaji, something we see previously and later on.

  • We get our first hint that Kaji is an informant, something that is touched upon again later on.

  • Even the foreshadowing into Asuka's past is really just that, foreshadowing

  • it doesn't offer any new information, just a hint of what will be detailed later on.

  • Overall, Magma Diver is a disposable angel of the week episoderedundant, forgettable,

  • and an embodiment of everything fans hate about Evangelion's “action arc”.

  • What are your most loved and hated episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

  • Let me know in the comments.

  • If you enjoyed this video, please let me know by hitting that thumbs up button,

  • and if you haven't already, be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future videos.

  • Until next time, thanks for watching!

Not all TV episodes are created equally.


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B1 中級 美國腔

Evangelion:最好和最壞的劇情 (Evangelion: The Best & Worst Episodes)

  • 14 1
    naomi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日