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  • I am on my way to try out some chili.

  • Um, not sure what the parking situations most likely parking Teoh.

  • I'm trying again.

  • Get my steam.

  • Some kind of figure out what?

  • My last so hard?

  • Because they don't give you like a menu.

  • So it's just gotta walk around and pick the one you want.

  • And there is a one line we went to that I wanted to try, and they still excellent to place I want to go to When I saw this sign in the green sounded really good, but they sold out already.

  • So I come back next year.

  • I definitely come right with a bit and not wait too long because it seems like a popular ones definitely do way.

  • All right, so that was the end of soda Fester song with this, But I got to try five chili bones.

  • Um, and I thought at 1st 5 but we're not gonna but actually, by the fourth school, I was pretty cool.

  • So five, I think it's funny.

  • And I want to say I really enjoyed two out of the five.

  • The other three.

  • Okay, Nothing special, but it was fun.

  • It was a nice event.

  • It's great that it's in the queue little neighborhood and everyone's really friendly dog, so I want it.

I am on my way to try out some chili.


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A2 初級

加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的SoNo Fest辣椒烹飪比賽。 (The SoNo Fest Chili Cook-Off in San Diego, California)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日