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  • - I know in the Western world

  • sometimes people can think Asian last names are funny.

  • You got names like Phuc, Dung, and of course, Ho,

  • but these names aren't actually funny, right,

  • they're just traditional Asian names

  • that sounds like a different word in English.

  • So I think if you're an Asian person

  • who lives in the Western world,

  • you gotta learn your mother tongue at least a little bit

  • so you'll know what your name actually means.

  • I have a friend whose name was Long Wang.

  • He was so distraught by that,

  • but if he spoke Mandarin,

  • he would've known Long Wang, Long Wang,

  • means dragon king in Mandarin,

  • a beautiful, majestic name,

  • but in English, it means porn star.

  • So if you're Asian and you're self-conscious

  • that your last name is kinda weird,

  • don't worry about it because white people's names are weird,

  • too, just nobody talks about it because they are viewed

  • as a default race in the Western world.

  • You ever notice how white names tend to be jobs

  • their ancestors used to have?

  • Miller, Mason, Cook, so you'd get a job

  • as a cook and you're like,

  • "I want all future generations to be named Cook."

  • I met a person whose last name was Hooker

  • and I was like, Hooker?

  • Why did your ancestors want everybody

  • to know that they were a hooker?

  • Surely it can't mean prostitute, right?

  • Let's see where the name Hooker comes from.

  • All right, Hooker, the name was taken on

  • by someone who worked as a person

  • who made hooks, now that is unfortunate, right?

  • That the word has a double meaning?

  • If I made hooks and I had to come up with a name

  • to describe my job, I would say Hookmaker, not a hooker.

  • In the old days, that family must have gotten

  • so many confused visitors.

  • "Excuse me, sir, we make hooks here.

  • "Now put your dick away."

  • And if your name is what job you had at the time,

  • what happens before you got the job?

  • "Oh, his name is Jack Baker,

  • "but two days ago, he was Jack Unemployed."

  • I'm glad in Asia, we don't name people

  • based on what jobs their ancestors used to have,

  • otherwise, we'd be seeing people go,

  • "Oh, nice to meet you.

  • "My name's Soo Min Rickshawdriver."

  • Other common last names

  • for white people are based on colors.

  • I know Green, Blue, and White.

  • Those are common last names.

  • Green, Blue, and White, what,

  • you just saw like the Windows XP wallpaper

  • and go, "Yeah, that is our naming sorted."

  • I met a white person once whose last name was Rice.

  • That should be my last name. (laughs)

  • My name is all messed up, too.

  • I'm from Malaysia and my name's Nigel Ng

  • and people get confused by that.

  • "But Nigel is such a British name."

  • Yeah, Malaysia used to be a British colony.

  • They stole our land, so we stole their names.

  • And my last name is Ng.

  • The amount of confusion that's caused white people

  • has been staggering.

  • "Oh no, there're no vowels in there!

  • How do I do this?

  • Nigel Ng, Ng.

  • I'll just go with Nigel N-G.

  • If you're watching this video,

  • let me know in the comments below:

  • has anyone ever made fun of your name before?

  • Be proud of your own name.

  • It's what your parents gave you.

  • It's part of your culture and heritage.

  • Unless your name's Batman Bin Suparman.

  • That's just your parents fucking with you

  • and it's hilarious. (laughs)

- I know in the Western world


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B1 中級 美國腔

亞洲人,要為自己的名字感到驕傲! (ASIANS, Be Proud Of Your NAMES!)

  • 33 2
    Seraya 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日