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  • We are back, mostly because we have nowhere to go

  • and because I heard Portia spill something in the other room,

  • and I don't want to help clean it up.

  • I'm sorry, baby.

  • I'm busy shooting.

  • Can't.

  • One of the things I miss about doing the show in the studio

  • was all the fun that I would have with my audience,

  • and I don't have my audience here.

  • So I am going to do something special with Andy today.

  • Andy.

  • What a shock.

  • You just found this out right before the show.

  • Yes I did.

  • Which was terrifying for him and fun for me.

  • Today, Andy is going to do an obstacle course in the yard.

  • Here's your challenge.

  • I'm going to put 60 seconds on the clock,

  • and in those 60 seconds, you're going

  • to have to get in the pillowcase and hop like a sack race.

  • OK.

  • I said sack.

  • OK.

  • You're going to hop to the tunnel.

  • OK.

  • Then you're going to crawl through the tunnel,

  • and you're going to put on those tin can shoes.

  • And once you have those on, you hold onto the laces

  • and you walk them over to the window,

  • and then you'll honk the horn on the ground.

  • And if you can do all that in 60 seconds,

  • our amazing friends at Shutterfly

  • are going to donate $10,000 to America's Food Fund

  • in your name.

  • I'm not totally clear on the tin can shoes

  • but I'll figure it out.

  • Yeah.

  • You just put your feet on top of them,

  • and then you hold on to the things on top and walk

  • with them, OK?

  • All right.

  • One more thing.

  • What?

  • As I've said, it's Cinco de Mayo,

  • and I know you don't drink.

  • I do not.

  • So before you start, you're going

  • to have to spin around 10 times as fast as you can.

  • Before-- [CHUCKLES]

  • Yeah.

  • Is there--

  • Before I get into this?

  • Do you have the baseball bat out there?

  • I do.

  • It'll be like you're drunk or at least dizzy.

  • How many times?

  • Seriously.

  • Because I--

  • I'll--

  • There's a hill here.

  • There is an incline.

  • I know.

  • It's grass.

  • It's not going to--

  • OK.

  • I'm going to count you down, and put your head on it

  • and start spending when I say.

  • Three, two, one and a half.

  • Wait.

  • Wait.

  • Hold on.

  • OK.

  • Three, two, one and a half, and one, and go.

  • Spin ten times really fast.

  • One, two, three.

  • I've gone like seven times.

  • Four.

  • Oh, no.

  • Five.

  • Keep it on the ground.

  • Keep it on the ground.

  • I can't.

  • Keep it on the ground.

  • I--

  • You just spin-- keep--

  • seven, eight, eight.

  • Please.

  • Nine, ten.

  • OK.

  • Put the pillowcase on.

  • Put the pillow case--

  • I'm trying.

  • I swear to you.

  • I am.

  • Put the pillowcase on.

  • I'm trying, Ellen.


  • Sneak up on it.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm going to throw up.

  • All right.

  • All right.

  • How much--

  • You only have 20 seconds.

  • You better hurry.

  • Oh, no.

  • You're not.

  • You have to put both legs in it.


  • I can't.

  • I can't.

  • All right.

  • I'm almost there.

  • All right.

  • Run.

  • Oh my God.

  • All right.

  • Put the shoes on.

  • I need to see Andy as well.

  • Oh, no.

  • No.

  • Put the shoes on.

  • You don't carry the shoes.

  • Go back and put the shoes on.



  • All right, well.

  • Congratulations.

  • You did not finish in 60 seconds.

  • But still, Shutterfly is such an amazing company.

  • They are going to donate $10,000 to America's Food Fund.

  • Thank you, Andy.

  • If you're thirsty, please help yourself to the hose.

  • Is my mic off?

  • OK.

  • We'll be back.

We are back, mostly because we have nowhere to go


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A2 初級

平均安迪被困在一個障礙賽中。 (Average Andy Gets Stuck In an Obstacle Course)

  • 5 0
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