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  • hi everyone I'm Gina the Notting Hill Carnival happens every year in August in

  • the Notting Hill area of London it is the colorful celebration and the biggest

  • carnival in Europe in this lesson you're going to learn about what happens during

  • the carnival and the history behind it

  • food is a big feature of the festival do you know what the most popular foods are

  • we'll show you the answer at the end of this video the carnival in its current

  • form was first held in 1966 and runs over three days the August Bank Holiday

  • Monday and the two days preceding it over 1 million people attend the

  • festival and the main event a colorful parade winds through 20 miles of London

  • streets the carnival began as a small-scale local festival arranged by

  • the West Indian community from those humble beginnings it has evolved into a

  • full-blooded Caribbean carnival highlights of the weekend include a kids

  • day with a costume contest and the parade where floats and thousands of

  • people walk through the streets one of the key features of the carnival is

  • music steel bands line the streets and play and their music can be heard for

  • miles there are also displays of other types

  • of music such as Calypso and soccer and in recent years professional and

  • international artists have begun to play the carnival in increasing numbers

  • when the carnival first started it was without approval from the authorities

  • it wasn't until 1987 that the police began to take a conciliatory approach

  • with the carnival instead of simply trying to shut it down and now I'll give

  • you the answer to the earlier quiz food is a big feature of the festival do you

  • know what the most popular foods are stalls at the festival so many types of

  • Caribbean food the most popular and famous dishes are jerk chicken curried

  • goat and rice and peas how was this lesson did you learn something

  • interesting are there any festivals celebrating a

  • foreign culture in your country leave us a comment at English class

  • and we'll see you in the next lesson

hi everyone I'm Gina the Notting Hill Carnival happens every year in August in


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B1 中級

英式英語假期-諾丁山嘉年華 (British English Holidays - Notting Hill Carnival)

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