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  • last week I showed you how Japan loves fish.

  • That's why they have the world's largest fish market.

  • You know, a place that sells fish.

  • Little did I know fishies a sensitive topic.

  • And this turned into a huge backlash.

  • You should be ashamed of yourself.

  • Told Go vegan.

  • Look, you are right.

  • In a few years, I'll probably become vegetarian myself simply because we don't need meat to survive.

  • But what humans also don't need is for you to vilify guilt trip and make them sound like murderers simply for eating What you don't eat.

  • There is nothing wrong with your mission.

  • But there is something wrong with the way you try to achieve it.

  • Tell me how meat hurts the planet.

  • Tell me how vegetables are healthier.

  • Tell me how this is unsustainable.

  • But don't tell me I'm an asshole for not having the same conviction as you do.

  • Humans can't survive without meat, but humans cannot survive without each other.

  • That's what minutes.

  • See you tomorrow.

last week I showed you how Japan loves fish.


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A2 初級

關於吃肉... (About Eating Meat...)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日