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  • When we look at maternal mortality and the rates at which women are dying around the world in childbirth,

  • what you really see, what it really reflects, is a discrimination

  • of women around the world. It reflects the social attitudes towards women.

  • Women-- basically they're poor, they're rural, and they're female, and they don't have status.

  • So, that's one of the problems.

When we look at maternal mortality and the rates at which women are dying around the world in childbirth,


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B1 中級

半邊天運動。Sheryl WuDunn關於孕產婦死亡率的報告 (Half the Sky Movement: Sheryl WuDunn on Maternal Mortality)

  • 29 1
    Precious Annie Liao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日