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  • ["Daydreamer" by Aurora playing]

  • Good morning. And welcome to WWDC.

  • WWDC is an incredibly important event to Apple, our developers and our users.

  • It's here that we bring some of our biggest innovations to life.

  • And we have not stopped innovating,

  • doing the work that will enrich people's lives for years to come.

  • Because we're all looking forward to a more hopeful tomorrow.

  • That's why we believe it's so important to have WWDC this year.

  • And while it cannot possibly feel the same in here without you,

  • I can assure you that we have a great show ahead of us.

  • This year we're delivering the conference in a whole new way

  • to all of you around the world, directly to your home.

  • And we want to welcome you to our home here at Apple Park.

  • I'd like to first talk to you about two big things

  • that are happening in the world right now.

  • To start, I want to address the topic of racism, inequality and injustice

  • and to recognize the pain being felt throughout our nation,

  • especially in our Black and Brown communities,

  • after the senseless killing of George Floyd.

  • And while the events of this past month are sadly not new,

  • they have caused us to face

  • long-standing institutional inequalities and social injustices.

  • This country was founded on the principles of freedom and equality for all.

  • For too many people and for too long, we haven't lived up to those ideals.

  • We're inspired and moved

  • by the passionate people around our nation and around the world

  • who have stood up to demand change.

  • We must all aim far higher to build a future that lives up to our ideals.

  • This means taking action.

  • Two weeks ago, we announced Apple's Racial Equity and Justice Initiative

  • with a commitment of one hundred million dollars.

  • Starting in the United States, and expanding over time,

  • this initiative will challenge systemic barriers

  • that limit opportunity for communities of color

  • in the critical areas of education, economic equality and criminal justice.

  • We also announced something important for this community,

  • the new Developer Entrepreneur Camp for Black developers.

  • We want to do everything we can to foster the brightest lights and best ideas.

  • At Apple, our mission has always been to make the world a better place,

  • and we're committed to being a force for change.

  • Right now our world is also battling a virus

  • that is affecting the daily lives of billions of people.

  • We want to thank the dedicated people everywhere,

  • especially our health-care workers,

  • who have made tremendous sacrifices to take care of those in need.

  • We've also seen the profound impact our products have had.

  • People are relying on them more than ever to remain connected to family and friends,

  • to do their work, to express their creativity,

  • to be entertained as well as to entertain others.

  • Today the world is counting on all of us,

  • and on the products and experiences that we create, to move forward.

  • Because throughout history,

  • great challenges have been met with great creativity and important breakthroughs.

  • That's why we're so excited about this year's conference.

  • This is going to be truly a unique week,

  • delivered unlike any that we've done before.

  • There will be more than a hundred engineering-led video sessions,

  • one-on-one consultations with Apple engineers,

  • developer forums and so much more,

  • delivered to you from different locations right here at Apple Park.

  • And this year, the conference will be available

  • to our entire community of 23 million developers,

  • as well as anyone who is interested, for free.

  • Presenting the conference in this way allows us to be more inclusive than ever.

  • Perhaps this will inspire the next generation of developers.

  • So even though we can't be together in person,

  • in some ways we're going to be more together than ever.

  • Today we're going to push each of our platforms forward

  • in some exciting and breakthrough ways.

  • With that, let's get started by sending it over to Craig.

  • Good morning. Great to have you here.

  • As you can see, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get started with iOS.

  • Together with iPhone,

  • iOS is central to how we navigate our lives and stay connected.

  • And now we're making it even more powerful and easier to use.

  • Our new release is iOS 14.

  • This year we've spent time rethinking

  • some of the most iconic elements of the experience on iPhone.

  • Now it all started here,

  • with a carefully considered Home Screen that has truly stood the test of time.

  • Of course, over the years, we've kept the fundamentals largely the same

  • but carefully added features like folders for organizing your apps,

  • widgets for quick information

  • and personalized experiences powered by on-device intelligence

  • that serve up just the right thing at just the right moment.

  • It's hard to imagine iPhone without these features now.

  • Well, that brings us to this year.

  • We're doing more on our iPhones today than ever before,

  • so we've rethought some of the core elements of iOS to reflect this.

  • Let me give you a quick peek.

  • ["Like This Like That" by BEGINNERS & Night Panda playing]

  • This is gonna be amazing.

  • Let's dig in, starting with the Home Screen.

  • Today's Home Screen works great, but as we get more and more apps,

  • we can end up with this:

  • lots and lots of pages.

  • And we tend to forget what's beyond the first couple.

  • Wouldn't it be great

  • if there were a way to organize all of those apps without doing a thing?

  • Well, this year we're doing just that with something called the App Library.

  • It's a new space at the end of your Home Screen pages

  • that automatically organizes all your apps

  • in one simple and easy-to-navigate view.

  • Let me show you.

  • Here's my Home Screen.

  • Now, like you, I have muscle memory built for the first page or two,

  • but when it comes to all of these pages,

  • well, honestly, I've lost track of where a lot of things are.

  • And that's where the App Library comes in.

  • You can see that all of my apps are automatically organized here.

  • In fact, now with the App Library,

  • I actually don't need all those pages for all my apps.

  • So we created an easy way to hide app pages.

  • I just go into jiggle mode, tap the dots at the bottom,

  • and check this out,

  • I get a zoomed-out view of all my app pages.

  • I can simply tap to hide the pages I no longer need.

  • Just like that.

  • And now with those pages hidden,

  • App Library is always just a swipe or two away.

  • So here in App Library, getting to the app I'm looking for is really easy.

  • Up at the top I have the Search field,

  • and I get all my apps organized from A to Z.

  • Now over here on the upper left I have Suggestions.

  • It uses on-device intelligence

  • to show me the apps that I'm likely to need next.

  • And on the right is Recently Added,

  • giving me access to the apps that I've recently downloaded from the App Store.

  • And below are intelligently curated categories.

  • So I can tap into a category like Apple Arcade

  • and see all of my apps in that category.

  • Now let's go back.

  • You may notice that in each of these categories

  • the apps I use most are right here at the top level,

  • so I can launch one of these directly with just a tap.

  • So that's App Library.

  • We think this is gonna make it easier than ever to get to your apps.

  • Next, let's turn to Widgets.

  • Today, widgets help you get information at a glance.

  • But a lot has changed since we first introduced these.

  • Now we have Apple Watch, where we're able to surface so much information

  • on a small screen that you wear on your wrist.

  • Well, this year, we're taking all that we've learned

  • to create a completely reimagined experience for widgets.

  • To start, they're more beautiful and data rich.

  • And we're introducing different sizes,

  • so you can choose one that best fits your needs.

  • Let's take a look at them in iOS 14.

  • So let's swipe over to Today View and take a look at our new widgets.

  • They're just beautiful.

  • And the new designs are more data rich than ever.

  • And you can see they now come in a variety of sizes.

  • So you can pick just the right level of information for each one.

  • Now we like these new widgets so much,

  • we wanted to make them even more accessible.

  • So check this out.

  • I'm just gonna tap and hold on the Weather widget,

  • and I can drag it out of Today View and onto my Home Screen.

  • And watch, as I move it around,

  • the apps just dance out of the way to make space for my new widget.

  • Let's add a second one.

  • Just gonna tap the plus here in the upper left

  • and grab on to Podcasts.

  • I can drop it just like that.

  • Now I'm gonna swipe over to page 2 here and bring back up the Widget Gallery.

  • The gallery is a great place to explore widgets.

  • Now when I tap on one,

  • I can actually page through all of the different sizes available.

  • Just like this.

  • But, you know, right now what I want to do is grab this widget up top.

  • It's a really special one. It's called the Smart Stack.

  • Just gonna tap it and drop it here.

  • With the Smart Stack, I can easily swipe through widgets

  • to pick just the one I want for the moment.

  • But what's really cool

  • is that the Smart Stack can actually do this for me automatically.

  • So in the morning, I can get my news briefing.

  • Throughout the day, find out when I have a meeting coming up.

  • And in the evening, I might get a summary of my activity for the day.

  • So that's widgets on the Home Screen.

  • We're excited to see how everyone will customize them in their own way.

  • Next, we're also bringing Picture in Picture to iPhone.

  • So you can access apps on your iPhone

  • while watching video or talking on a FaceTime call.

  • Let me show you.

  • So here on my Home Screen,

  • the Smart Stack is showing me the TV widget.

  • So I can just tap to start playing a show.

  • Now check this out. When I swipe to go Home,

  • the video automatically goes into Picture in Picture

  • right over the Home Screen.

  • And when I launch another app, like Notes, I can keep watching.

  • Now I can drag the picture to another part of the screen.

  • If I want to make it bigger, I can even pinch to zoom.

  • And as I move between applications it stays with me.

  • And what's cool is I can also swipe it to the side,

  • and the audio keeps playing when it's off-screen.

  • Now here on the Home Screen I can bring it back out if I want.

  • And I have controls to get back to full-screen playback,

  • or I can just tap the "X" to close it.

  • And that's Picture in Picture video.

  • It's a great way to continue enjoying your video

  • while tapping into everything else your iPhone can do for you.

  • And that's a quick look at the updates to the core elements of iOS.

  • We think these new features are gonna make iOS even more helpful in the moment.

  • Another iconic experience that's getting a major update is Siri.

  • As much as Siri has advanced over the years,

  • the visual interface for interacting with it has remained largely unchanged.

  • When you use Siri, your iPhone switches to this full-screen UI,

  • obscuring your current context.

  • So this year, we've completely redesigned the Siri experience

  • with a new compact design.

  • It makes tasks like launching apps incredibly seamless.

  • For example, if you say, "Open Safari,"

  • Siri pops up at the bottom of the screen and instantly launches the app.

  • Or if you ask for information, like the weather,

  • results appear at the top of the screen just like a notification.

  • Now this is especially great

  • when there's information you want to reference on-screen.

  • For example, you could ask Siri to add to your grocery list.

  • So that's the new Siri design in iOS 14.

  • But the UI is only part of the story.

  • To tell you more about how we're making Siri smarter than ever,

  • I'll hand it off to Yael Garten.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • Siri's getting smarter and even more helpful every day,

  • and I'm really excited to share the latest updates with you.

  • Siri helps you in a ton of little ways every day:

  • playing the morning news, ordering a coffee, getting directions,

  • setting the alarm before going to bed and so much more.

  • In fact, Siri's helping so many of you

  • with a staggering 25 billion requests each month.

  • And Siri's getting more helpful every day.

  • Siri's always been great for getting information

  • and now has over 20 times more facts than just three years ago.

  • For more complex questions

  • like "How do hybrid cars work?" or "What causes seasons?",

  • we recently introduced answers from websites across the Internet,

  • enabling Siri to help you find even more answers.

  • Another way Siri helps is with communication, like sending messages.

  • This year, you can now ask Siri to send an audio message,

  • and Siri will start recording.

  • This is great when you really want to have the emotion of your voice come through.

  • Another popular way to send messages with your voice is using dictation.

  • Keyboard Dictation uses the same speech recognition as Siri.

  • And leveraging the power of the Neural Engine,

  • we are now able to run dictation on-device.

  • This provides great accuracy and privacy.

  • When communicating with someone in another language, Siri can help with translations.

  • This year we're expanding to support many new language pairs.

  • This is hugely popular,

  • but we know our users want more than just translating phrases.

  • They want to have entire conversations.

  • And we believe conversations between languages

  • should feel natural and easy and have the ability to stay private.

  • That's why we're introducing a new app called Translate.

  • It is designed to be the best and easiest-to-use app for conversations.

  • And it can work completely off-line, keeping your conversations private.

  • Using advanced on-device machine learning and the powerful Neural Engine,

  • you can translate your text and voice

  • between any combination of these 11 languages.

  • So I could have a conversation with someone in Mandarin,

  • and they could have a conversation with someone in Russian.

  • Just tap on the microphone and say, "What are your store hours?"

  • [Siri reads Spanish translation]

  • [Yael] You get back the text and audio right away.

  • And just turn the phone to landscape to open conversation mode.

  • We've designed a side-by-side view

  • that's easy for two people to know which side to follow in the conversation.

  • This mode is incredibly intuitive, with just a single microphone button

  • because the app intelligently detects the language spoken

  • and shows translation on the correct side of the screen.

  • Translate will make communicating between languages easier than ever before,

  • connecting people in new ways.

  • And we can't wait for you to try it.

  • Thanks, Yael.

  • Next up, Messages.

  • Messages is how many of us communicate with people most important to us.

  • And now we're using it more than ever.

  • Compared to just a year ago,

  • we have a record number of users sending a record number of messages.

  • And we've seen people use Messages more and more

  • to keep in touch with their closest groups.

  • This year, we're introducing

  • a new way to stay connected with your most important conversations,

  • giving you new ways to express your identity with Memoji

  • and making big changes to how we communicate in groups.

  • To tell you more, here's Stacey Lysik.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • First, let's get started with Conversations.

  • From the beginning, Messages was designed

  • to make it really easy to get to your newest messages.

  • But with so many active conversations,

  • sometimes it can be tough to get to the ones that are most important to you.

  • So we are introducing a new way

  • to let you stay connected to your most important conversations:

  • by letting you pin them at the top of your list

  • so you can always get to them.

  • And you can see messages as they come in with a beautiful animation on the pin.

  • Next, let's talk about expressing yourself with Memoji.

  • There are over one trillion ways to customize your identity with Memoji.

  • In iOS 14, we're adding even more ways to create your look

  • with over 20 new hair and headwear styles

  • to let you reflect your hobby, profession and personality.

  • We've also added something that's even more relevant today: face coverings.

  • And we're adding more age options too.

  • My favorite way of using Memoji is with Memoji stickers.

  • And now we have three brand-new Memoji stickers

  • that let you send a hug, a fist bump or even a blush to your friends.

  • Last, let's chat about groups.

  • When you're talking to a group, sometimes there's so much going on,

  • it can be hard to keep track of the conversation.

  • So this year, we're gonna help you bring order to the chaos.

  • First we're adding inline replies

  • that let you reply directly to a specific message.

  • You can view replies in the full conversation

  • or you can view them as their own thread so you can focus in on the specific topic.

  • To make it even more clear who a message was meant for,

  • we're introducing mentions.

  • With mentions, you can just type someone's name

  • to direct a message to them.

  • And now you have the ability to only be notified

  • when you're mentioned in the group conversation.

  • And check out the top of this conversation.

  • We have an all-new design for how groups appear.

  • It lets you see all the members of your group,

  • where the most recently active people are shown largest.

  • And, for the first time ever,

  • you can create a unique visual identity for your group

  • by setting a group photo

  • or customizing your group's look with an emoji.

  • Inside the conversation

  • you see group members' photos around the image.

  • Of course it looks great as a pin.

  • You know who's most recently commented in the group

  • because their photo will appear around the outside of the pin.

  • And that's what's coming to Messages in iOS 14:

  • all-new pinned conversations, fun updates to Memoji

  • and powerful improvements to groups.

  • Thanks, Stacey.

  • Next, let's take a look at features that help us while we're out and about.

  • Now we know that life looks very different for many of us right now,

  • but it won't always be this way.

  • And as things start to open up,

  • we have a new set of features that will help us explore the world again,

  • starting with Maps.

  • Apple Maps is the best way to navigate and explore the world,

  • all while protecting your privacy.

  • Over the past several years, we've added many great features,

  • and of course we've been rebuilding our map from the ground up.

  • Our new map finished rolling out across the US earlier this year

  • and brought with it better navigation and far richer detail

  • for roads, pedestrian paths, landcover and more.

  • The new map also offers more accurate information for places

  • and allows us to build incredible features like Look Around.

  • Maps has come a long way, and people have noticed.

  • Just look at this quote from Fast Company.

  • "Apple Maps has improved by leaps and bounds

  • and is a formidable rival to Google Maps.

  • It's also arguably got the better UI,

  • and by far-- by far-- the better privacy policy."

  • We're excited to announce

  • we're bringing our new map to more countries later this year,

  • including the UK, Ireland and Canada.

  • In addition to the rich detail and improved accuracy,

  • the new map serves as the foundation for many great new features.

  • In iOS 14, we're adding things

  • that will make it easier for people to find places they love

  • and help them get to where they're going

  • in ways that are better for the environment.

  • To tell you more, I'll hand it off to Meg Frost.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • First, let's talk about finding great places.

  • We have millions of people coming to Maps every day

  • to discover great new places,

  • whether they're planning their next big vacation

  • or just looking for something to eat nearby.

  • In iOS 14,

  • the Maps team will be working with some of the world's most trusted brands

  • to offer amazing Guides.

  • Guides for great places to eat, shop,

  • meet friends or explore in cities around the world.

  • You can save Guides so you can easily get back to them later,

  • and the best part is they automatically update when new places are added,

  • so you always have the latest recommendations.

  • In addition to helping you discover great new places,

  • Maps helps you get there in a way that's better for the planet.

  • For years, Maps has made it easy to navigate

  • using environmentally-friendly options like public transit and walking.

  • With iOS 14, we're introducing great new features

  • to help our users reduce their carbon footprint,

  • and our first one is also our most requested:

  • It's Cycling.

  • We've built an incredible cycling experience

  • that helps you get around town on your bike.

  • We're adding a dedicated cycling option to Maps

  • which allows users to ride their bike along bike lanes, paths and roads.

  • Maps takes elevation into account

  • to let you know if you're in for a challenging uphill workout

  • or a leisurely flat ride.

  • You can also see if your route includes quiet or busy roads.

  • We'll even let you know if you have a steep passage coming up

  • or if you'll need to carry your bike up the stairs.

  • You can also choose to avoid stairs altogether.

  • With iOS 14, we're bringing cycling to New York City, LA,

  • the San Francisco Bay Area,

  • along with a number of cities in China like Shanghai and Beijing.

  • And we'll be adding many more cities in the coming months.

  • For environmentally conscious drivers, we're also introducing EV routing.

  • If you have an electric car,

  • Maps is going to help eliminate range anxiety.

  • With iOS 14, Maps will track your current charge

  • and factor in things like elevation and weather

  • to automatically add charging stops along your route.

  • And Maps will know which type of charger works for your car,

  • making sure to only route you to compatible stations.

  • We're working with a number of manufacturers

  • to support EV routing in their vehicles,

  • including BMW and Ford,

  • and we'll be adding many more in the near future.

  • Cities around the world are also working to improve air quality and reduce traffic,

  • so we're adding congestion and green zones to Maps

  • to easily see where they are along with alternate routing options.

  • In addition, drivers in China

  • can securely store their license plate number on their iPhone,

  • and Maps will let them know which days they can enter congested city centers

  • based on that number.

  • And those are just some of the great new features

  • coming to Apple Maps in iOS 14,

  • making Maps the best product

  • to help users explore and navigate their world.

  • Thanks, Meg.

  • And now, on to CarPlay,

  • which has transformed the driving experience for iPhone owners

  • by being the smarter, safer way to use the apps you love in your car.

  • CarPlay is everywhere, and it's incredibly popular.

  • Here in the US, it's available on basically every new car.

  • And worldwide, it's available on over 80% of new cars sold

  • and has quickly become the default in-car experience for so many people.

  • People love CarPlay, and we get some really passionate reactions.

  • Joanna Stern says it makes her life "infinitely better."

  • We have some great updates for iOS 14.

  • First up, we have new wallpaper options perfect for the car.

  • And we're adding support for new categories of CarPlay apps:

  • parking, EV charging and quick food ordering.

  • In addition to this, we're really excited for the next step

  • in how we're transforming your relationship with your car

  • by rethinking car keys.

  • They've been around for over a hundred years,

  • but they've become big, bulky and ripe for reimagining.

  • To tell you more about what we have planned,

  • let's go to the garage with Emily Schubert.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • I'm excited to introduce a digital version of car keys.

  • Now you can leave your keys at home

  • and unlock and start your car with your iPhone.

  • And the very first car to support this will be the new 2021 BMW 5 Series.

  • Let me show you how it works.

  • It's super simple.

  • -It uses NFC, and you just tap to unlock. -[beeps]

  • And I place my phone on the charging pad and then push to start.

  • [chimes]

  • But this goes beyond just one less thing you have to keep in your pocket.

  • Digital keys have security benefits.

  • They live in the Secure Element of your iPhone,

  • and if it goes missing, you can turn off your keys remotely via iCloud.

  • They're even easier to share than a physical key.

  • Copies don't involve trips to the dealership.

  • And you can share from wherever you are with iMessage.

  • Let's give Craig a key so he can drive home after we're done here.

  • With each key you share, you can set options,

  • like a restricted driving profile, perfect for teen drivers.

  • Which is tempting,

  • but we'll give Craig full access.

  • [phone chimes]

  • -[phone chimes] -Full access? Thanks, Emily.

  • The new BMW will be available to customers next month.

  • In addition to adding this feature to iOS 14,

  • we're also enabling it in iOS 13,

  • so customers can use their car keys even sooner.

  • Of course, we want this to work in any car,

  • so we've been working on standards with industry groups.

  • And this is just the beginning.

  • We're working on technology that will leverage our U1 chip,

  • which uses Ultra Wideband technology for precise spatial awareness.

  • So you'll be able to leave your iPhone in your bag or pocket

  • and still securely unlock and start your car.

  • We expect to see support for this standard starting in new cars next year.

  • Now, let's turn to the App Store.

  • Twelve years ago,

  • we revolutionized the industry with the launch of the App Store.

  • Today we have so many amazing apps that offer a rich set of experiences,

  • we can truly say that for everything we want to do,

  • "There's an app for that."

  • So now it's time for us to extend the success of the App Store

  • and make apps available and accessible in whole new ways.

  • What if you could have the right app you needed at just the right moment?

  • Let's look at what it would be like if you did.

  • [narrator] Today, no matter what you want to do,

  • there's an app for that.

  • But what if you don't have the app you need right when you need it?

  • Like when you need to pay for parking. Well, now there's an App Clip for that.

  • [car chirps]

  • Ooh. Look, a new coffee shop.

  • There's an App Clip for that.

  • Or a friend sends you a message with a print you like.

  • There's an App Clip for that.

  • That looks nice.

  • Looking for somewhere to eat nearby? App Clip.

  • Very health conscious of you.

  • Hey, there's a scooter. Let's take it for a spin.

  • Yep. App Clip.

  • Mmm. Ice cream. Wait. There isn't one for that yet?

  • Well, soon there could be an App Clip for that.

  • And that.

  • And that.

  • And that.

  • -And that. -[martial artist] Hi-yah!

  • An App Clip is a small part of an app.

  • It's light and fast and easy to discover,

  • so you can quickly get what you need right when you need it.

  • Everything about App Clips is designed for speed.

  • They start with this card which quickly pops up.

  • And with just a tap, you can launch the App Clip.

  • You don't need to enter credit card numbers

  • because App Clips can use Apple Pay for payments.

  • And you don't have to manually log into an account

  • because it can take advantage of Sign in with Apple.

  • App Clips won't clutter your Home Screen

  • and will only stay along as long as you need them.

  • But you can easily launch recently used App Clips from the new App Library.

  • It's always easy to download the full app,

  • and this makes App Clips an easy way to discover

  • more of what the App Store has to offer.

  • And discovery is key.

  • App Clips are all about getting to a part of an app at the moment you need it,

  • so it was critical that we made them really easy to find.

  • App Clips can be easily discovered and launched from the web.

  • You can launch App Clips from Messages when friends share them with you.

  • When you want to order takeout from a restaurant in Maps,

  • you can launch an App Clip right from a place card.

  • You'll be able to tap on NFC tags out in the world, on things like parking meters.

  • Or you can scan QR codes

  • to launch App Clips that work with products you purchase.

  • The best way to discover App Clips will be with the new Apple-designed App Clip code.

  • So when you see one, you'll know that there's an App Clip waiting for you.

  • They incorporate both a visual code and NFC,

  • so you tap on them or scan them with the camera to bring up an App Clip.

  • App Clips will be great for businesses that already have apps.

  • But we want to be able to use App Clips everywhere,

  • including smaller spots that may not have their own app.

  • So we made it possible for apps like Yelp, which support multiple businesses,

  • to create App Clip experiences for each of the places they work with.

  • Developers will create App Clips from a part of an app,

  • using Xcode and the full power of the SDK.

  • To ensure that they launch quickly,

  • they'll need to be less than 10 megabytes in size.

  • And that's App Clips.

  • Immediately discoverable,

  • small in size, so they launch fast,

  • integrated Apple Pay for easy payment,

  • Sign in with Apple for quick and privacy-friendly login

  • and the option to download the full app from the App Store

  • when you want to keep it around.

  • We can't wait to see all the App Clips developers will create.

  • And that's iOS 14.

  • It's a huge release that transforms the core experience of iPhone,

  • with redesigned widgets right on the Home Screen

  • and a new way to organize your apps with the App Library.

  • It adds incredible updates to some of the most popular apps,

  • with powerful improvements to Messages and Maps,

  • and introduces a whole new way to tap into apps

  • with App Clips.

  • And next up, iPadOS.

  • ["S.S. Luker's Mom" by Oh Sees playing]

  • Oh, hey, we made it.

  • All right. Well, let's jump right in.

  • iPadOS builds on all the amazing features of iOS

  • while adding unique capabilities

  • that deliver a distinct experience for iPad.

  • Like using Apple Pencil for taking notes, markup and illustration.

  • A reimagined track pad experience

  • that lets you interact with iPad in a whole new way.

  • And unmatched AR experiences with ARKit

  • and the amazing new LiDAR Scanner in iPad Pro.

  • All of this combines to put iPad into a class of its own.

  • iPad excels at "every type of input"

  • and is a "product to do anything and everything."

  • Which brings us to this year and our new release, iPadOS 14.

  • Let's start with experience.

  • This year iPadOS delivers unique made-for-iPad designs

  • that take great advantage of the iPad's large, multi-touch display.

  • Now iPad has always been about the apps.

  • In the beginning, we focused on giving the ecosystem of iPhone apps

  • a larger canvas to deliver new and unique experiences.

  • This quickly sparked an entirely new set of apps,

  • designed for iPad first,

  • with immersive experiences

  • that transform this magical sheet of glass

  • into whatever you needed it to be.

  • We're proud of the over one million apps on the App Store today

  • designed just for iPad.

  • With customers continuing to push their iPads further than ever before,

  • we're extending the design language of iPad

  • to make apps more streamlined and more powerful.

  • To give you a live look at these enhancements,

  • I'll hand it over to Josh Shaffer.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • Let's take a look at some of the enhancements to iPadOS.

  • The first thing that you'll notice

  • are the same redesigned widgets that you saw in iOS 14.

  • They look great on iPad as well,

  • and they give you information at a glance whenever you go Home.

  • But let's see some of the improvements in the apps, starting with Photos.

  • iPad is the perfect device for browsing your photos.

  • Its large canvas lets you immerse yourself in all your favorite memories.

  • And this year, we're making it even easier to browse and organize your photos

  • with an all-new sidebar.

  • With just a tap of this button, I can reveal the sidebar,

  • with all the core functionality of the app in a single location.

  • My photos remain front and center,

  • but now I can quickly tap to move between parts of the app.

  • The sidebar is a really powerful way to organize your photos too.

  • I can easily drag a photo to the sidebar

  • and then just drop it to add it to an album.

  • We've brought this sidebar to many apps across iPadOS.

  • Like Notes,

  • where it provides quick and easy access to all your folders.

  • And Files, where we've consolidated navigation into the sidebar

  • for a streamlined new design.

  • We've also streamlined the toolbars,

  • adding new drop-down menus that consolidate functions

  • into a single, easy-to-access button.

  • I can just tap to change views like this.

  • And for even quicker access,

  • I can just tap and drag to change the sort order, all in a single motion.

  • You'll find this same approach across other apps, like Calendar,

  • where we've brought controls into a single toolbar at the top,

  • providing more space for your content

  • and a single unified place to access all the app's functionality.

  • Finally, Music has been updated

  • to take even better advantage of iPad's large screen.

  • The sidebar in Music makes it easy to move between views.

  • I can quickly jump between the new Listen Now and my playlists.

  • -And once I start playing a song... -["Caution" by The Killers playing]

  • ...I can bring up the brand-new full-screen player,

  • where I can see rich album art, transport controls and lyrics,

  • -all in one single view. -[song fades]

  • And these are just some of the enhancements

  • that are coming to apps in iPadOS.

  • We're really loving these new app designs.

  • But there's more,

  • starting with Siri.

  • The new compact Siri design that you heard about in iOS 14

  • is especially useful on iPad.

  • Results appear at the bottom right corner,

  • allowing you to easily reference the app while using Siri.

  • And we applied this same approach to other parts of the experience...

  • like calls.

  • Now today when you receive a call on iPad, you see this.

  • [beeps]

  • Whatever you were working on is suddenly completely covered

  • with the incoming call screen.

  • Not cool.

  • Wouldn't it be nicer if instead you saw this?

  • [beeps]

  • Well, that's much better.

  • Now an incoming call is presented with a compact notification

  • that doesn't take you out of context.

  • And you can simply tap to answer or flick it away to dismiss.

  • And this applies to all calls, including those from your iPhone

  • or third-party VoIP apps like Skype.

  • [rings]

  • And of course we're bringing this to iOS as well.

  • We think our iPhone customers are going to love it.

  • Now there's one more key experience we've redesigned for iPad this year,

  • and that's Search.

  • Today Search is a full-screen experience,

  • and sometimes you can lose track of your context.

  • So we've redesigned Search with a new, compact design.

  • You can start a search from anywhere, like the Home Screen

  • or over any app.

  • And this makes it easy to find what you need

  • without feeling like you've left the app you're working in.

  • But we didn't just redesign it.

  • We've rebuilt Search from the ground up to be Universal,

  • becoming a single destination where you can start all of your searches.

  • First, we made it better than ever as an app launcher.

  • You just start typing a few characters,

  • and you can instantly get to where you're going.

  • It's also great for finding contacts to message or call

  • or documents.

  • You can even search directly into apps like Keynote, Messages, Mail or Files.

  • Or look up information about people or places.

  • And it's also a great place to start all of your web searches as well.

  • As soon as you start typing,

  • you get relevant suggestions to complete your search.

  • And you can get to your web search results with just a tap.

  • And Search now makes navigating to your favorite websites

  • just as easy as launching an app.

  • Just type a few letters and the top hit will take you right to Safari.

  • So those are some of our updates to the iPad experience.

  • And of course, you also get the new widgets

  • and all the other great app enhancements from iOS 14.

  • Next, we want to push forward your ability to express yourself creatively

  • with improvements to Apple Pencil.

  • Apple Pencil is a game-changing tool

  • that turns iPad into a professional drawing canvas,

  • a great way to mark up and sign documents

  • and the ultimate note-taking device.

  • What many people love most about taking notes with Apple Pencil

  • is how they can express themselves in a free-form way.

  • Mixing handwriting and drawings can be the best way to capture your thoughts.

  • Now the challenge is when you want to change things afterwards.

  • Here, working with handwriting just isn't as easy as with typed text.

  • Now, we sometimes take it for granted,

  • but with typed text it's so easy to select,

  • copy and paste into another document,

  • or even just make space for more text.

  • Well, this year, we're going to make handwriting just as easy

  • and just as powerful.

  • But that's not all.

  • Our customers tell us that once they have an Apple Pencil in their hand,

  • they don't want to put it away.

  • So this year, we're bringing Scribble to iPad.

  • So you can handwrite into any text field,

  • and it will automatically be converted to text.

  • To show you all of this in action,

  • I'd like to welcome Jenny Chen for a live demo.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • I'm really excited to show you some great new features we have

  • for Apple Pencil and iPadOS this year.

  • One of the great parts about taking notes with the Apple Pencil

  • is that it really lets you work in a free-form way.

  • I can just start writing anywhere.

  • And it's not just about text.

  • I can also express myself with drawings or shapes.

  • But sometimes you want that more professional, cleaned-up look.

  • So now, when I draw a simple shape and pause at the end,

  • it'll automatically convert to that ideal shape.

  • And we're smart about it, retaining the same size

  • and angle that you drew it at.

  • In addition to shapes,

  • we've also made huge improvements to our handwriting recognition.

  • So now, when I write, I can easily make a selection

  • using the same gestures that I use for typed text.

  • I can double tap to select a word or double tap again to select a line.

  • Thanks to our advanced, on-device machine learning,

  • you'll notice how we can select the handwriting

  • while avoiding the drawings nearby.

  • Now that I have the selection,

  • I can easily change the color or move it around the document.

  • It's also perfectly easy for me to make space for more room to write.

  • We think that this will make note-taking with the Apple Pencil even better.

  • Now, you don't even have to put it down when you want to do something else.

  • Let's say you want to search for "Edison bulbs" in Safari.

  • Using Scribble, I can just write directly into the text field...

  • and it automatically gets converted to typed text.

  • It also works in any text field,

  • so I can easily add a new Reminder

  • to my shared Reminders list with my husband.

  • I've also been learning Chinese,

  • so I want to surprise him with some of my progress and skills.

  • I'll use Scratch to delete "lights."

  • And then I can use Scribble to write "new" and then "light fixture" in Chinese.

  • You'll notice how Scribble recognizes both English and Chinese in the same line.

  • And what's awesome is that we can build on this technology

  • to deliver other great features, like Data Detectors.

  • We can automatically detect what you write,

  • like phone numbers, so I can make a phone call.

  • Or addresses, so I can look up directions.

  • We can use these features together to do even more with your handwriting.

  • Let's say I wanted to use my handwriting in another app.

  • I can easily select what I want,

  • tap the new Copy as Text from the callout bar,

  • and then paste it into an app like Pages.

  • And it's automatically converted to typed text.

  • We're really excited about these awesome new features.

  • And we think it will let you do even more with the Apple Pencil.

  • Thanks, Jenny.

  • So those are the enhancements to Pencil.

  • Just one part of an amazing release,

  • with Scribble for handwriting into any text field,

  • a whole new way to work with your handwritten notes,

  • broad enhancements to the app experience,

  • and of course, iPad users also benefit

  • from the great features you already saw in iOS 14

  • and much more that we didn't have time to talk about.

  • So that's iOS and iPadOS.

  • Next, let's talk about AirPods.

  • From the one-click setup

  • to the automatic pairing with all your devices

  • to how they pause your audio when you take them out,

  • people love the magical experience that AirPods deliver.

  • Now we're bringing even more magic to AirPods.

  • To tell you all about it, here's Mary-Ann Ionascu.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • We have some amazing updates coming to AirPods,

  • starting with Automatic Switching.

  • AirPods will now seamlessly move between your devices

  • without you having to manually switch them.

  • Let's say you just finished listening to a podcast

  • and you pick up your iPad to watch a show.

  • AirPods will magically switch over.

  • And later you start a video conference on your Mac.

  • AirPods will automatically switch again.

  • -[ringing] -And if a phone call comes in,

  • the audio in your AirPods will route right back to your phone.

  • We also have an exciting new feature coming to AirPods Pro:

  • spatial audio.

  • You know the experience of being in a movie theater

  • with a state-of-the-art surround sound system,

  • one where the sound not only comes from in front of you...

  • -[tone pulsing] -...but also from the left, the right,

  • behind, and even from above you?

  • Well, we are thrilled to bring that same immersive experience to AirPods Pro.

  • But it turns out it's a lot harder to do

  • when you only have a single earbud in each ear.

  • So our team created advanced spatial audio algorithms for AirPods Pro

  • that replicate the movie theater experience.

  • By applying directional audio filters

  • and subtly adjusting the frequencies each ear receives,

  • we can place sounds virtually anywhere in space...

  • [high-speed vehicles passing]

  • ...creating an immersive surround sound experience.

  • But to truly deliver on this promise, we had to factor in real-life situations.

  • First, people move their heads.

  • For an authentic surround sound experience,

  • you need the sound field to stay fixed

  • so the voice feels like it's coming from the actor

  • and not some random point in space.

  • So we use the accelerometer and gyroscopes in AirPods Pro

  • to track the motion of your head,

  • remapping the sound field so it stays anchored to your device,

  • even as your head moves.

  • And it's not only your head that can move,

  • but you might move your iPad or iPhone as well.

  • That's why we constantly compare the motion data

  • from your head and your screen

  • to understand how they are moving in relation to each other.

  • So if your bus turns the corner or your plane banks,

  • the sound stays in sync.

  • The result is a surround sound experience

  • that keeps you in the middle of the action,

  • no matter where you go.

  • Spatial audio for AirPods Pro will work with content encoded in 5.1, 7.1,

  • and even Dolby Atmos.

  • Thanks, Mary-Ann.

  • I've been using the new spatial audio,

  • and I think you're all really gonna love it.

  • All right. Next let's head to the Fitness Center

  • to hear the latest on watchOS from Kevin.

  • ["I'm Getting Tired" by Jacknife Lee playing]

  • [song ends]

  • Thanks, Craig. Since we launched Apple Watch,

  • it's completely redefined what a watch can do,

  • and this has been incredibly meaningful work.

  • Apple Watch not only helps you stay connected and active,

  • it's become an intelligent guardian of your health,

  • enabling you to take an ECG, detect falls and call emergency services for you.

  • It's impacting lives in ways that were inconceivable five years ago.

  • The power of Apple Watch is not only its built-in features,

  • but how developers have personalized it for you.

  • We introduced the App Store in watchOS 6,

  • and there are now over 20,000 watchOS apps available.

  • These apps bring the information you care about most

  • to just a glance at your watch face.

  • We're taking this even further in watchOS 7,

  • starting with complications.

  • Until today, an app could appear in only one spot at a time on a watch face.

  • In watchOS 7 developers can enable multiple complications,

  • making even more richly personal watch faces.

  • So if you like to use Dawn Patrol for surfing,

  • you can create your own surf watch,

  • including water temperature, swell and wind speed predictions

  • for your favorite beach.

  • Or new parents can use Glow Baby

  • to see nap, changing and feeding times all on one face.

  • While Nike Run Club can display stats like pace from your last run

  • and your weekly run goals.

  • We're also bringing rich complications to more faces,

  • including a fresh Chronograph face

  • with an integrated tachymeter

  • and an updated Extra Large face

  • with a huge, rich complication right in the center.

  • And Configuring Watch Faces has been redesigned

  • so you can easily select which information you'd like to see.

  • As developers, with watchOS 7

  • you can now build your rich complications with native SwiftUI.

  • While there are so many ways to configure watch faces,

  • you may not have yet gone in and set these up for yourself yet.

  • That's okay.

  • With watchOS 7 we're making it super easy to share watch faces,

  • so you can discover a face that works perfectly for you.

  • To do this, we're introducing Face Sharing.

  • You'll be able to discover curated faces with third-party apps on the App Store,

  • or discover a new favorite watch face right on a website,

  • or receive watch faces directly from friends and family.

  • Let's take a look at how this works.

  • When you see a watch face you'd like, you just press "Add Apple Watch Face."

  • If the watch face uses some apps that you don't have yet,

  • you'll be offered each one right here so you can easily get them if you like.

  • And the new face appears right on your watch.

  • If you'd like to share a face you've created yourself,

  • that's also really easy.

  • Just long press on the face,

  • tap "Share," pick a contact and send.

  • Developers can offer preconfigured watch faces right from their apps.

  • You can even share watch faces across social media.

  • It's a great way for the community of Apple Watch wearers to connect

  • and help each other discover all the amazing things Apple Watch is capable of.

  • Next, let's talk about Maps.

  • Maps is great for walking, driving and transit directions,

  • and now in watchOS, just like in iOS 14,

  • you can get cycling directions.

  • You'll see a variety of routes

  • with information like time, distance

  • and whether there are bike lanes.

  • You can preview travel time and elevation changes

  • and navigate with turn-by-turn directions that are large and easy to read.

  • Maps can direct you to dismount and walk your bike

  • or even take the stairs to save time.

  • You can also search for and add places optimized for cyclists,

  • like bike repair shops.

  • [chimes]

  • Now to tell you about how we're advancing Workouts,

  • please welcome Julz Arney.

  • Thanks, Kevin.

  • The Workout app uses algorithms that are smartly tuned

  • to track all aspects of your training.

  • It's one of the most used apps on Apple Watch,

  • and we've continued to add support for new workout types every year.

  • -And in watchOS 7 we're adding Dance. -[dance music playing]

  • Dance is a total body workout that's great for your heart.

  • It makes you more fit and flexible, and you're guaranteed to have fun.

  • Whether you're doing Hip Hop, Latin, Bollywood, or simply Cardio Dance,

  • the Workout app now tracks

  • some of the world's most popular styles of dance for fitness.

  • Getting the most accurate credit for Dance presented a unique challenge.

  • Arm movements aren't always repetitive or synchronized with leg movements

  • like in running and walking.

  • The solution was to use advanced sensor fusion.

  • [music continues]

  • In Dance, we combine data from the accelerometer and the gyroscope

  • to detect the difference between dancing with just your arms...

  • just your lower body...

  • or when you put it all together and dance with your entire body.

  • Then we add in heart rate data

  • for the most accurate calorie burn calculations.

  • watchOS 7 also tracks accurate calories for Core Training,

  • those exercises for your abs and back,

  • Functional Strength Training,

  • a workout type that helps you get stronger and move better for everyday activities,

  • and also Cooldowns

  • to add on to another workout

  • when you want to continue with easy moves and stretches

  • as you bring your heart rate and breathing back to normal.

  • Of course, you can track your progress for any of these new workouts

  • inside the Activity app on iPhone,

  • which is completely redesigned in watchOS 7.

  • The app now features a new Summary tab

  • that gives you an easy way to see your activity history,

  • workouts and trends, all in one seamless view.

  • With a new focus on easy navigation and summary metrics,

  • the app is getting a new name as well:

  • [music continues]

  • Fitness.

  • Back to you, Kevin.

  • -[record scratches] -[music ends]

  • Thanks, Julz.

  • Apple Watch helps you meet not only your fitness goals,

  • but also helps support your health

  • with features such as Cycle Tracking, the Breathe app, and Noise notifications.

  • And we're going to be adding even more capabilities this year in watchOS 7.

  • We'd like to share a couple of them with you today,

  • starting with one of the most-requested features for Apple Watch:

  • tracking your sleep.

  • To tell you about this, over to Vera Carr.

  • Thanks, Kevin.

  • There are many ways to look at sleep: scores, advanced monitoring,

  • or sleep cycle analysis.

  • We are taking a more holistic approach to sleep

  • by leveraging the devices you use every day

  • to not only track your sleep

  • but to support you in actually meeting your sleep duration goal.

  • That starts with choosing not only when you would like to wake up in the morning,

  • but also when you'd like to go to bed.

  • For most of us, setting a goal is easy.

  • But getting to bed on time, that's the hard part.

  • Experts say that establishing a bedtime routine

  • helps the body transition from wakefulness to sleep.

  • So we are offering Wind Down.

  • It can help you get to bed on time by minimizing distractions

  • and creating a personalized routine.

  • Let's look at how this works.

  • In the evening, ahead of your bedtime,

  • your phone can display the Wind Down screen

  • to help you transition mentally before you go to bed.

  • It creates a calm lock screen experience and turns on Do Not Disturb for you.

  • You can also set up shortcuts

  • for simple things you may like to do to help you prepare for bed.

  • These might include using your favorite meditation app

  • or playing relaxing music.

  • Once it's time for bed,

  • your screen will dim and your watch will go into Sleep Mode,

  • which looks like this.

  • The screen will be off during time in bed so it won't bother you,

  • and a tap displays this simple face.

  • When it's time to wake up,

  • you have a selection of gentle and effective alarm sounds,

  • or a silent Taptic-only wake-up alarm so you don't disturb your partner.

  • Once you're up, you'll see a friendly greeting easing you into the day.

  • It also shows your battery level

  • so you can remember to charge in the morning.

  • Apple Watch tracks your sleep

  • using a machine-learning model that senses your motion

  • and even interprets the micro-movements

  • caused by the rise and fall of your breath,

  • providing signals for when you're awake and when you're asleep.

  • There's an updated Sleep section in the Health app,

  • including a view of your trends over time.

  • Sleep Schedules, Wind Down, and Sleep Mode

  • are also available on iPhone, without a watch, in iOS 14.

  • We know you'll enjoy using your watch throughout the day

  • and now throughout the night.

  • Thanks, Vera.

  • In addition to sleep keeping you healthy,

  • there's another preventative-care item that's so important, particularly now:

  • handwashing.

  • In watchOS 7,

  • Apple Watch is the first watch to deliver automatic detection

  • when you start washing your hands and sensing of how long you actually wash.

  • Our approach here is using machine-learning models

  • to determine motion which appears to be handwashing

  • and then use audio to confirm the sound of running water

  • or squishing soap on your hands.

  • During this, you'll get a little coaching to do a good job.

  • You'll see a countdown, along with haptics and sounds,

  • to make sure you wash as long as you're supposed to.

  • If you pause early, there's a polite note to keep washing.

  • And when you're done, you'll see, hear and feel it.

  • That's just some of what's coming this year in watchOS 7,

  • including discovering and sharing faces, new workout types,

  • sleep and handwashing detection,

  • and other new capabilities like Siri language translation.

  • And that's Apple Watch.

  • It's time for you to join Craig again

  • to talk about something that's important to all of us.

  • Here we go!

  • ["I'm Getting Tired" by Jacknife Lee playing]

  • [song ends]

  • At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right.

  • So we build it into our products from the beginning of the design process.

  • Privacy matters now more than ever.

  • And because our devices contain our most sensitive information,

  • all of our product work is grounded in a set of privacy principles.

  • First, data minimization.

  • We use innovative technologies and techniques

  • to minimize the personal data we or anyone else can access.

  • Second, on-device intelligence.

  • We avoid data collection

  • by processing as much of your information on your device as we can

  • rather than sending it to a server.

  • Third, security.

  • Security protections are foundational to everything we do in privacy.

  • And finally, transparency and control.

  • It helps you better understand the data being collected

  • so that you can make your own choices about how that data is used.

  • These principles come together across our products,

  • in our hardware, our software and our services.

  • At the end of the day, they result in great privacy and great ease of use.

  • A powerful example of this is Sign in with Apple,

  • which is designed for simplicity, security and privacy.

  • And since we launched it last year,

  • users have created over 200 million accounts

  • across a wide variety of apps and websites.

  • And developers are seeing great usage when they adopt it.

  • For example,

  • Kayak has integrated Sign in with Apple

  • and found that their users are now two times more likely to use it

  • than any other sign-in provider.

  • Now, one thing we hear a lot with Sign in with Apple

  • is that people wish they could convert their existing accounts to use it.

  • So this year we're going to enable developers to let you do just that.

  • When you upgrade, you get the ease of use

  • and built-in security of Sign in with Apple

  • while keeping the account that you already have.

  • This is another big year of privacy improvements in our products.

  • And to tell you more, here's Katie Skinner and Erik Neuenschwander.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • First let's talk about location.

  • This year we're continuing to give you even more control.

  • In addition to the option of sharing your precise location,

  • you will have the option to only share your approximate location with apps.

  • We're also making changes for mic and camera

  • so you always know when you're recording.

  • In addition to requiring your permission,

  • this year we're adding more visibility for current or recent mic or camera use.

  • So if an app uses either one, we'll indicate that in the status bar.

  • [Katie] Next, let's talk about tracking.

  • Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention has been really successful on the web.

  • And this year, we wanted to help you with tracking in apps.

  • We believe tracking should always be transparent and under your control.

  • So moving forward,

  • App Store policy will require apps to ask before tracking you

  • across apps and websites owned by other companies.

  • [Erik] Last, let's talk about app privacy.

  • Today we require that apps have a privacy policy.

  • Wouldn't it be great to even more quickly and easily see

  • a summary of an app's privacy practices before you download it?

  • Now, where have we seen something like that before?

  • For food, you have nutrition labels.

  • You can see if it's packed with protein or loaded with sugar, or maybe both,

  • all before you buy it.

  • So we thought it would be great to have something similar for apps.

  • We're going to require each developer to self-report their practices.

  • [Katie] We'll show you what they tell us.

  • You can see if the developer is collecting a little bit of data on you

  • or a lot of data,

  • or if they're sharing data with other companies to track you,

  • and much more.

  • [Erik] We're going to put this information

  • on product pages in the App Store.

  • So for each app, you can see highlights of their privacy information

  • before you download it.

  • And we're going to include this in all of our App Stores.

  • Back over to you, Craig.

  • Thanks, Katie and Erik.

  • These are some of the ways we're strengthening the privacy of our platforms

  • and bringing new features to give users even more control.

  • And one of the places where privacy matters most is your home.

  • Like most of you,

  • in the past few months I've spent more time at home than I ever imagined.

  • It's more clear than ever just how important it is

  • to live in a home where the technology just works.

  • That brings us to some great new features we're bringing to the home this year.

  • All of these features share a few key attributes.

  • First, anything we develop for the home should be easy,

  • from initial setup to everyday use,

  • just like how a tap of your iPhone can automatically configure an Apple TV.

  • Second, home products should never compromise your privacy.

  • That's why your Siri requests use a random identifier, not your Apple ID.

  • And finally, your devices should all work better together,

  • like how AirPlay lets you share from your iPhone straight to the TV.

  • And when things are easy, private and work together seamlessly,

  • your home is more enjoyable,

  • whether you're watching TV, listening to music

  • or getting the most out of your smart devices.

  • To tell you more about what we have in store for the home,

  • let me pass it to Yah Cason.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • Let's start by talking about the smart home.

  • With HomeKit, we've given developers a robust framework

  • to create smart home accessories that are remarkably easy to set up

  • all while being end-to-end encrypted to your Apple devices.

  • Already there's a rich ecosystem of devices available.

  • But we want to make it even easier to build products

  • that work across more homes.

  • So we formed an alliance

  • and partnered with Amazon, Google and other industry leaders

  • to define a new interoperability standard for the smart home.

  • We open-sourced HomeKit

  • to ensure its ease of use and privacy are core to this effort.

  • And any accessory using HomeKit or this new standard

  • will work incredibly well across all your Apple devices.

  • And you control it all in the Home app,

  • the most secure way to manage your smart home.

  • Adding new devices to your home has never been easier.

  • Simply tap or scan to set up an accessory.

  • And in iOS 14, after you add an accessory,

  • the Home app will now suggest useful automations

  • so you can immediately put your new device to work for you.

  • Automations are rules that set your home to autopilot,

  • like automatically turning on your porch lights when motion is detected

  • or having the garage door open as you arrive home.

  • And now when you open the Home app,

  • you'll see a new visual status right up top

  • that prioritizes the accessories which most need your attention.

  • You can easily see if you've left a door unlocked or the lights on

  • and quickly control them.

  • Let's take a closer look

  • at one of the most popular categories of HomeKit accessories:

  • Lights.

  • Millions of us have already added smart bulbs to our homes,

  • many of which can change color on demand.

  • In iOS 14,

  • we're introducing a feature to help you get the most out of those bulbs:

  • Adaptive lighting.

  • Adaptive lighting automatically adjusts the color temperature of your lights

  • throughout the day.

  • Turn it on to ease into the morning with warm colors,

  • stay focused and alert midday with cooler ones,

  • and wind down at night by reducing blue light.

  • Adaptive lighting ensures you get the right color at the right time.

  • Another popular smart home category is cameras.

  • With HomeKit Secure Video your cameras are completely private.

  • And in iOS 14, we're making your cameras work even harder for you.

  • You'll be able to define Activity Zones that focus on the most important areas.

  • This is great if you face a busy sidewalk

  • and only want to be alerted when people actually walk up to your front door.

  • Another powerful feature we're bringing to cameras is face recognition.

  • HomeKit cameras and video doorbells will now provide even richer notifications,

  • telling you who's there by leveraging the friends and family

  • you've already tagged in your Photos app.

  • And face recognition extends to HomePod, announcing who's at the door.

  • And with Apple TV, you'll get a live view whenever someone rings the bell.

  • In fact, all your HomeKit-enabled cameras will be directly integrated with tvOS 14

  • so you can quickly bring them up in the new home view in Control Center.

  • Or just ask Siri to pull up any camera at any time.

  • You can even take any camera full-screen,

  • giving you a great view of what's going on.

  • And we have even more coming to tvOS 14.

  • Now let me pass it to Cindy Lin to tell you about it.

  • Thanks, Yah.

  • Apple TV is my favorite way to unwind and enjoy entertainment with the family.

  • With 4K, HDR,

  • Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos,

  • you get a theater-like experience right in your living room,

  • making all your movies and shows look and sound amazing.

  • But Apple TV goes beyond video.

  • You can access the entire Apple Music collection

  • and even sing along with timed lyrics.

  • You can play an incredible selection of games,

  • including all the games in Apple Arcade.

  • And we're making gaming on Apple TV even more personal

  • by expanding multiuser support.

  • Now you can instantly resume your games exactly where you left off.

  • Just open Control Center to switch between users,

  • and you can now see your game progress, achievements and friends.

  • And for even more fun, we're adding support

  • for Xbox Elite 2 and Xbox Adaptive Controllers.

  • Apple TV also helps you keep active at home

  • with a great selection of fitness apps.

  • And with tvOS 14,

  • we're gonna make your workouts, and everything you do on Apple TV,

  • even more productive by extending Picture in Picture

  • across the entire Apple TV experience.

  • So you can keep up with the news or not miss a second of the big game.

  • You can even have an AirPlay session show up in a Picture in Picture window.

  • And AirPlay is getting even better.

  • Now the whole family can share their stunning videos captured on iPhone

  • in their full 4K resolution.

  • With videos, music, games and more,

  • Apple TV truly offers something for everyone.

  • Of course, nothing compares to being captivated by a good story.

  • And we've built a service for just that: Apple TV+.

  • We've already created an incredible lineup of Apple Originals.

  • And you can watch them all in the Apple TV app,

  • which is available on your favorite Apple devices,

  • on all major streaming boxes

  • and many popular smart TVs.

  • It's already reaching over a billion screens.

  • And it's coming to Sony and Vizio smart TVs later this summer.

  • Today, we're really excited to tell you about a new Apple TV+ Original

  • that we're working on.

  • Almost 70 years ago,

  • Isaac Asimov introduced the world to a series of epic novels

  • that spanned hundreds of worlds and thousands of years.

  • Many consider it to be the best science-fiction series of all time.

  • I'd like to share a sneak peek with you now.

  • This is Foundation.

  • [dramatic music playing]

  • They're going to arrest me tomorrow.

  • And you. It's almost a certainty.

  • You're familiar with my work, psychohistory?

  • Yes, in theory. But I don't know what it has to do with--

  • It's not a theory.

  • [Salvor] They're worried you can predict the future.

  • [whirring]

  • [Hari] They're worried people believe I can.

  • [whirring]

  • And they don't like the future I predict.

  • The empire will fall.

  • Order will vanish.

  • There's massive events rushing to meet us.

  • [Salvor] Only we can shorten the darkness.

  • [music fades]

  • Wow. I'm super excited to watch Foundation when it comes to Apple TV+ next year.

  • With Apple TV, your home has never been more entertaining.

  • And with adaptive lighting, face recognition for cameras

  • and these other great features,

  • your time at home has never been more enjoyable.

  • Now let me hand it back to Craig.

  • Welcome back.

  • Now let's talk about some big changes coming to macOS.

  • Since its introduction,

  • macOS has revolutionized the experience of using a computer

  • by combining incredible power with incredible ease of use.

  • And it's loved by all different types of users,

  • from families and students

  • to creative pros,

  • businesspeople and, of course, software developers.

  • And this year, we're taking the macOS experience you love

  • even further.

  • But what should we call it?

  • Well, if you're a student of macOS, you know this question

  • can only be answered by Apple's legendary crack marketing team.

  • Their drug-fueled, minibus-driven vision quests

  • have yielded some great names

  • and, sadly, spawned a host of imitators.

  • The truth is, we can't responsibly continue

  • to inadvertently lead our competition to copy these methods

  • when they clearly can't handle the trip.

  • So this year, we're leaving our process shrouded in mystery

  • and taking you straight to the glorious destination.

  • Our next release of macOS is macOS Big Sur.

  • macOS Big Sur introduces an entirely new design

  • and major updates to some of the most essential apps on the platform.

  • And just like its name,

  • Big Sur brings you unmatched levels of power and beauty.

  • Let's start with design,

  • where we're making the biggest change since the introduction of Mac OS X.

  • To tell you more about the philosophy and incredible craftsmanship

  • behind the new design,

  • here's a short video with Alan Dye.

  • [piano playing]

  • At Apple, design has always been about great ideas.

  • Those ideas then are developed with this obsessive dedication to detail.

  • If we care enough about all the details that make up a product,

  • then in the end we will have designed an experience

  • that really feels like there's no other way it could be.

  • And the best example of this is macOS Big Sur.

  • Our goal was to bring even more clarity to the design of the software

  • while retaining the Mac's powerful capability and ease of use.

  • We started with the simplest of elements,

  • from the shape of a corner radius to refinements in buttons and controls.

  • And we brought our unified language of symbols to the Mac,

  • making them more consistent and easier to recognize.

  • Depth, shading and translucency

  • are used to create hierarchy.

  • These new materials are rich, and they're vibrant.

  • They bridge light and dark.

  • We've reduced visual complexity to keep the focus on users' content.

  • Buttons and controls appear when you need them,

  • and they recede when you don't.

  • There's a new way to access system-level controls

  • and a unified space for notifications and widgets.

  • We've also created a new suite of sounds.

  • They're familiar to the Mac, but remastered and more refined.

  • [pulses]

  • [alert notifications chiming]

  • We wanted consistency throughout the ecosystem,

  • so users can move fluidly between their Apple devices.

  • But we also love that Mac icons have a deep history

  • and a distinct look and feel.

  • So we've retained many of the highly crafted details

  • and the playful elements that make Mac icons unique.

  • This OS reflects an important history.

  • It's familiar, but it's also entirely new in every detail.

  • We love the Mac.

  • It's the tool we use to make all the products that we put out into the world.

  • And macOS Big Sur is where it starts.

  • [Craig] So that's the thinking behind our new design.

  • Now let me show it to you in action with a demo.

  • As Alan said,

  • we've refined some of the most iconic elements of the Mac experience.

  • Let's start with the Dock.

  • It has an elegant new design that floats along the bottom of your desktop.

  • And you'll notice that we've created gorgeous new app icons

  • for all of your favorite apps.

  • Speaking of apps, let's take a look at the Finder.

  • You notice it has a gorgeous new top-to-bottom design for the sidebar,

  • and it has a compact, space-efficient toolbar.

  • Makes it really easy to get to all of your controls.

  • Next, let's take a look at Mail.

  • You can see that Mail has all-new glyphs in the sidebar,

  • and you may have noticed that we've brought color back as well.

  • Now, each app uses its own key color.

  • That same color is used for the elegant new rounded row selection style

  • here in the message list.

  • Now, the toolbar makes it really easy to get to all your controls.

  • Check out how the search bar expands as I click on it.

  • And, of course, other operations like filtering,

  • they're just a click away.

  • Next, let's take a look at Photos.

  • It's just stunning.

  • You can get to all your albums and media types from the sidebar,

  • and the photo grid is backed by Metal,

  • so animations are super smooth

  • whether I'm scrolling, transitioning

  • or zooming all the way in or all the way out.

  • It's beautiful.

  • Now we've refreshed the design for all the apps on the system,

  • from apps like Calendar and Notes

  • to Podcasts and Music, with its new Listen Now pane.

  • And an all-new version of iWork that features a simplified toolbar.

  • You may have noticed we've also updated the menu bar.

  • It's now translucent and elegantly takes on the color of your desktop picture.

  • And we've updated the layout of menus as well.

  • We've given all the items just a little bit more room to breathe.

  • Now, on the Mac, we love our ability to get directly at controls,

  • like Wi-Fi or Sound.

  • And you can see that we've reworked these to be even more useful.

  • But we've gone even further this year

  • by giving you one place to get at all your controls.

  • We've brought Control Center to the Mac.

  • All of my controls are here, and it's really easy to make adjustments.

  • For instance, I can change display brightness here

  • or I can click to dive in for more,

  • like turning on Dark Mode or activating Night Shift.

  • And what's really cool is that I can customize the menu bar

  • with any of these controls.

  • So, say I want one-click access to Do Not Disturb.

  • I can just click and drag it right into my menu bar

  • and customize just like that.

  • Now we've also reinvented Notification Center.

  • You can access it by clicking on the time in the upper right.

  • And as you see, we now have a single view

  • that brings your notifications and widgets together all in one place.

  • And we now group related notifications together.

  • You can easily expand them to take a closer look

  • or clear them all out in one step.

  • And we're bringing our redesigned widgets to the Mac.

  • They're really beautiful.

  • And you have all-new ways to customize them.

  • I'm just gonna click "Edit Widgets" down here at the bottom.

  • And you can see I have a gallery of all my widgets,

  • and they come in a variety of sizes.

  • I can select between them just like this.

  • And developers can bring their own widgets as well,

  • like this one here from Day One.

  • Now adding widgets is easy.

  • Let's start by adding, say, the World Clock.

  • Maybe I'll add Notes in.

  • And it'd be kind of cool to add my Reminders list as well.

  • So that's a look at Widgets, Notification Center

  • and our all-new design in Big Sur.

  • Next, there are exciting updates for some of the most-used apps on the Mac.

  • First, let's talk about Messages.

  • Messages on the Mac is designed to work seamlessly with all of your devices,

  • so your SMS and iMessage conversations are in sync

  • no matter what device you're using.

  • Now this year we're taking Messages to the next level

  • with a ton of great new features.

  • We're introducing powerful search to help you find what you're looking for.

  • We have a redesigned photo picker to make sharing photos and videos easier.

  • And Memoji. You can now create and edit your Memoji right on your Mac.

  • And Memoji stickers bring personality to messages,

  • giving you fun ways to express yourself in all of your conversations.

  • Messages effects helps you celebrate special moments

  • and get your point across.

  • And you're also getting pinned conversations

  • that are synced across devices so you can always get to them,

  • along with new Groups enhancements.

  • So that's what's coming to Messages on Mac:

  • powerful tools to manage your conversations

  • and new ways to express yourself.

  • Next up, Maps.

  • Apple Maps is the best way to explore and navigate the world,

  • whether you're planning a trip on the Mac

  • or using turn-by-turn directions on your iPhone.

  • Today I'm excited to announce an all-new version of Maps for the Mac.

  • To start, Maps features a stunning new design

  • that makes it easy to find your way around using Apple's detailed new map.

  • And for the first time on the Mac,

  • Favorites like home, work or that great coffee shop on the corner

  • are now just a click away.

  • You can now create your own Guides of all the places you want to visit

  • right on your Mac.

  • And before leaving for the airport,

  • you can check where your gate is located with indoor maps

  • or explore your destination city with Look Around,

  • which is incredible on the big screen.

  • We've even brought other useful features to the Mac,

  • like the ability to see the progress of friends

  • who have shared their ETA with you.

  • And the Mac gets all the other new Maps features

  • we just introduced in iOS 14.

  • And that's just a taste of what's coming in the all-new Apple Maps on the Mac.

  • Next let's talk about Mac Catalyst.

  • Catalyst gives developers a big head start

  • in creating a Mac app from an iPad app.

  • Take, for instance, our recent release of Swift Playgrounds for Mac.

  • Catalyst gave us a big head start creating the app,

  • and we were able to spend our development time

  • crafting a great Mac experience.

  • Today we have some improvements to Mac Catalyst I'd like to share.

  • This year, developers will be able to optimize their apps

  • to fully utilize the native resolution of the Mac screen,

  • providing total control of every pixel.

  • We've also given developers new capabilities,

  • including powerful new menu and keyboard APIs

  • and updated controls like checkboxes and date pickers.

  • They look great with the new design of macOS.

  • In fact, we used Catalyst with the new version of Maps.

  • And just as you'd expect,

  • it's a full-fledged Mac app that runs natively

  • and is designed in a way that's true to the Mac.

  • So you get multiple resizable windows, keyboard shortcuts

  • and everything else you'd expect from a native Mac app.

  • And we did the same thing for Messages.

  • Maps and Messages join the great set of apps from Apple

  • that already use the Mac Catalyst technology.

  • And there's a growing list of third-party Catalyst apps available

  • on the Mac App Store.

  • Next... Safari.

  • Our users love Safari

  • for its speedy performance, power efficiency

  • and state-of-the-art privacy protections.

  • And it delivers all of that

  • while making it easy to get to your bookmarks, tabs and browsing history

  • across all of your devices.

  • This year, we're building on Safari's amazing performance,

  • elegant design and pioneering privacy protections

  • to deliver the biggest update to Safari since it was first introduced.

  • As you know, Safari has long been the world's fastest desktop browser.

  • This year, Safari's performance running JavaScript is better than ever

  • and continues to significantly outpace all other major browsers.

  • And now, when it comes to page loading, we're even faster there too.

  • In fact, when loading frequently visited websites,

  • Safari is now on average more than 50% faster than Chrome.

  • And Safari delivers this amazing performance

  • while continuing to deliver industry-leading battery life.

  • And of course, Safari is continuing to build

  • on its pioneering track record of protecting user privacy.

  • Safari was the first browser to introduce private browsing, cookie blocking,

  • and most recently, Intelligent Tracking Prevention.

  • This year, we want to give our users even more visibility

  • into how each site they visit tries to track them

  • and the ways that Safari protects them.

  • So now users can click on the Privacy Report button in the toolbar

  • when they visit a site

  • to better understand how that site is treating their privacy.

  • In addition to monitoring unwanted tracking,

  • Safari now also securely monitors your saved passwords

  • to ensure that they haven't been compromised in a data breach.

  • And this is also a big year for extensions in Safari.

  • We're adding support for the WebExtensions API

  • so developers can easily bring over extensions

  • that they built for other browsers.

  • And we're building an all-new category in the Mac App Store

  • to showcase Safari extensions so users can easily find them.

  • Now extensions are very powerful

  • but can introduce privacy challenges.

  • In other browsers, extensions can access every page you visit,

  • every tab you open,

  • even everything you type.

  • So we're doing even more here.

  • In Safari, you choose which sites each extension can work with,

  • and you can even give them access just for the day,

  • just for the website or all the time.

  • But improved performance,

  • power efficiency and privacy protections are only the start.

  • We have a whole slew of new features this year.

  • From a customizable start page

  • to redesigned tabs that are more elegant and powerful,

  • and native translation capabilities built right into Safari.

  • To tell you more, I'll hand it off to Beth Dakin.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • I'm so excited to give you a tour of the brand-new Safari.

  • When you open Safari, right away you'll notice the new look.

  • It's clean and fresh.

  • I want to show you one of my favorite new features:

  • the customizable start page.

  • I love it because I can make it my own.

  • It's easy to get to the customization controls

  • here in the bottom corner.

  • We think a lot of people are gonna want to set a background image,

  • and there's a beautiful gallery of curated wallpapers to choose from.

  • You can use one of your own photos, too, and I know I want a photo of my son.

  • I have a few really cute ones here in the downloads.

  • I can just drag and drop to set it.

  • That is so perfect.

  • You can add new sections to the start page too.

  • Let's add iCloud Tabs and Reading List.

  • Let's take a look.

  • There. This is perfect.

  • I use Reading List all the time, and now it's so easy to get to.

  • Another way that you can dial in Safari to suit your specific needs

  • is with extensions.

  • I can't wait for you developers to bring your web extensions to Safari.

  • I've gone ahead and downloaded a few web extensions to take a peek.

  • So let's go here to the Safari preferences to enable them.

  • And I'll enable Power Thesaurus and Recipe Filter.

  • So each of the extensions that I just enabled

  • now has its own button here in the toolbar.

  • Let me show you Recipe Filter. I love this one.

  • So this extension will search the web page for a recipe,

  • and if it finds one, it will pop it up in a little card.

  • It's been a great accelerator for me when I'm building a grocery list.

  • So the extension hasn't done anything yet because I haven't granted permission.

  • So let me click on the toolbar button,

  • and I'm going to allow this extension for one day.

  • And when I click here, it'll do its thing.

  • So here we go. And there it is. So useful.

  • Okay, so I have my personality

  • pretty thoroughly stamped over Safari at this point.

  • And you know, I use Safari for a lot of personal things,

  • and Apple makes sure my private life stays private.

  • Privacy is essential to everything we do at Apple, and it's critical on the web.

  • And now you can see what Safari is doing to protect you.

  • If I click on the Intelligent Tracking Prevention button,

  • I can see the number of known trackers

  • that Safari protected me from on this web page.

  • I can click here

  • to see a list of the known trackers right here in this popover.

  • And the full privacy report is just one click away.

  • And that's what we have for privacy in the new Safari.

  • Next I'd like to talk about tabs.

  • If you love tabs, you're going to love the new Safari.

  • It's easier and more efficient than ever to work with lots of tabs.

  • So I have another window here,

  • and right away you'll notice that there are icons and tabs,

  • which makes it so easy to spot what you're looking for.

  • And if I open more tabs, then you'll see more of them at once

  • because the tabs get smaller and use the space more efficiently.

  • If it's a little hard to find what you're looking for with this many tabs,

  • that's no problem.

  • You can just hover over tabs and see a nice preview of the page.

  • I'm ready to clean up now, and that's easy too.

  • I can just bring up the context menu here

  • and close all tabs to the right. Just like that.

  • We are so excited that the new Safari has built-in translation.

  • Let me show you.

  • So here on this website, on El Mundo,

  • Safari has detected that this is not in my primary language,

  • and it's added the translation icon to the smart search field.

  • I can click here, and let's translate this page to English.

  • It'll happen inline.

  • And as more content is added,

  • that gets translated dynamically too.

  • Those are some highlights, but there is so much more to the new Safari.

  • Back to you, Craig.

  • Thanks, Beth.

  • So that's Safari.

  • It's a huge release, with new ways to customize,

  • big improvements to your browsing experience

  • like tabs and translation,

  • and even stronger privacy protection

  • to keep your browsing your business.

  • And that's macOS Big Sur,

  • the biggest update to design since the original introduction of Mac OS X,

  • significant updates to Messages and Maps

  • and the biggest update to Safari ever.

  • But these changes are only the beginning.

  • For years now, down deep, below the surface,

  • we've been working on something truly profound.

  • To tell you more, I'll hand it back to Tim.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • Big Sur is going to be a great release of macOS.

  • But that's only part of the story,

  • because today is going to be a truly historic day for the Mac.

  • Today we're going to tell you about some really big changes,

  • how we're going to take the Mac to a whole new level.

  • From the very beginning,

  • the Mac redefined the entire computer industry.

  • The Mac has always been about innovation and boldly pushing things forward,

  • embracing big changes to stay at the forefront of personal computing.

  • The Mac has had three major transitions in its history.

  • The move to PowerPC,

  • the transition to Mac OS X

  • and the move to Intel.

  • And now it's time for a huge leap forward for the Mac,

  • because today is the day we're announcing that the Mac is transitioning...

  • to our own Apple Silicon.

  • When we make bold changes, it's for one simple yet powerful reason:

  • so we can make much better products.

  • When we look ahead, we envision some amazing new products,

  • and transitioning to our own custom silicon

  • is what will enable us to bring them to life.

  • At Apple,

  • integrating hardware and software is fundamental to everything we do.

  • That's what makes our products so great.

  • And silicon is at the heart of our hardware.

  • So having a world-class silicon design team

  • is a game changer.

  • To tell you more about Apple Silicon

  • and how it will take Mac to the next level,

  • I'd like to send you over to Johny Srouji

  • at one of our labs in an undisclosed location.

  • ["I'm Getting Tired" by Jacknife Lee playing]

  • [song ends]

  • Welcome to our lab.

  • We've been building and refining our Apple Silicon for over a decade.

  • The result is a scalable architecture

  • that is custom-designed for Apple products,

  • and it leads the industry in features and performance per watt.

  • So I'd like to tell you how we got here

  • and what it means for the Mac moving forward.

  • It all started with the iPhone.

  • The iPhone demanded performance and capabilities

  • that were seen as impossible in a device that small.

  • This is where we developed our relentless focus on performance per watt.

  • Generation after generation, we pushed the boundaries of technology,

  • which enabled us to improve performance and energy efficiency,

  • while building advanced and industry-leading features.

  • Our team delivered ten generations of increasingly complex and rich designs,

  • always improving performance.

  • In fact, CPU performance in the iPhone

  • has improved by over a hundred times,

  • keeping the iPhone's performance ahead of every other phone in the industry.

  • Another opportunity for the team was the iPad.

  • While iPhone chips could drive our mainstream iPads,

  • we wanted to push the iPad even further.

  • It began with the iPad's Retina display,

  • which demanded a custom chip.

  • So the team scaled our architecture

  • and designed the most-optimized

  • and highest-performance chip possible for the iPad.

  • Starting with the A5X,

  • we built a line of SoCs specifically designed for the iPad.

  • We doubled the iPhone's graphics performance through a larger GPU

  • and a wider memory subsystem.

  • This put the iPad in a class by itself.

  • Compared to the very first iPad, the latest iPad Pro delivers

  • over 1,000 times faster graphics performance

  • in just ten years.

  • This is part of the reason why the iPad Pro is faster

  • than the vast majority of PC laptops.

  • And this foreshadows how well our architecture will scale into the Mac.

  • Another place where we applied our focus was the Watch.

  • We scaled our SoC architecture to optimize performance

  • for the device's unique low-power requirements,

  • and we built a chip perfectly suited for Apple Watch.

  • Our SoCs enable each of these products with unique features

  • and industry-leading performance per watt,

  • and it makes each of them best in class.

  • And we do this at an enormous scale.

  • In fact, adding all of the processors across these three products,

  • we've shipped over two billion in just ten years.

  • And we've designed and shipped billions of additional chips

  • that work together with our SoCs

  • to enable our amazing products.

  • And now we're bringing all of that expertise

  • and that same focused and disciplined approach

  • to the Mac.

  • The first thing this will do is give the Mac a whole new level of performance.

  • Now, when we talk about performance, we have to talk about power,

  • because all systems built today are constrained by power consumption,

  • thermals, or both.

  • Among today's consumer systems,

  • desktops deliver the highest performance

  • but consume the most power.

  • Notebooks trade off performance for lower power,

  • making them portable.

  • As you can see, normally to get more performance

  • you have to consume more power.

  • When you take a closer look at this chart,

  • you realize you want to operate in the upper-left corner.

  • You want to deliver the highest performance

  • at the lowest power consumption.

  • And that's exactly where we want to take the Mac.

  • Building up on our years of experience

  • designing the world's most energy-efficient chips,

  • our plan is to give the Mac a much higher level of performance

  • while at the same time consuming less power.

  • So, much better performance is reason enough

  • to transition the Mac to Apple SoCs.

  • But that's just part of the story.

  • Our scalable architecture includes many custom technologies

  • that when integrated with our software

  • will bring even more innovation to the Mac.

  • With our advanced power management,

  • we will maximize performance and battery life

  • better than ever before.

  • Our Secure Enclave will bring best-in-class security,

  • and our high-performance GPU

  • is going to bring a whole new level of graphics performance to every Mac,

  • making them even better for Pro Applications

  • and really great for games.

  • And combined with our neural engines,

  • our chips will make the Mac an amazing platform for machine learning.

  • And we're bringing many other custom technologies,

  • such as our video-display and image-processing engines,

  • that will help make the Mac better than ever before.

  • So, what does all of this mean for the Mac?

  • First, we're designing a family of SoCs specifically for the Mac product line.

  • Second, just like we did with the iPhone, iPad and Watch,

  • we're going to bring great technologies to the Mac.

  • This will give the Mac a unique set of features

  • and incredible performance.

  • And third, we'll have a common architecture

  • across all of our product lines,

  • making it far easier for developers to write and optimize software

  • for the entire Apple ecosystem.

  • Ultimately we know that bringing our SoCs to the Mac

  • will allow us to build much better products,

  • and the Mac will take another huge leap forward.

  • Now, a key advantage we have

  • is the tight integration of our silicon with our software.

  • To tell you more about how macOS will run on Apple SoCs,

  • here is my colleague, Craig.

  • Thanks, Johny.

  • Now let's talk about the technologies that we've built into macOS Big Sur

  • that will make the transition to Apple Silicon smooth and seamless

  • for both consumers and developers.

  • These new Mac systems will be incredible,

  • and users will want their favorite apps

  • to take full advantage of the capabilities of our custom silicon.

  • And the best way to do that is with native apps.

  • So of course when we updated our apps for Big Sur,

  • we built everything as native for Apple Silicon.

  • And I'm happy to say we have all of our own Apple apps,

  • including our most demanding Pro Apps like Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro,

  • up and running as native now,

  • and they'll be ready for customers on day one.

  • So, how did we do this?

  • We're using Xcode, just like all our developers will.

  • Everything developers need to build apps for these new chips

  • is built into the new version of Xcode.

  • To get started, developers just open their app projects and recompile.

  • The vast majority of developers can get their apps up and running

  • in just a matter of days.

  • And to deliver these apps,

  • we've created Universal 2.

  • It's a new type of Universal binary

  • that works on both Intel-based Macs and Macs built on Apple Silicon.

  • So developers can tap into the native power and performance of our new Macs

  • and still support Intel-based Macs,

  • all with a single binary for all of their users.

  • Some of the biggest Mac developers have already gotten started.

  • Microsoft is hard at work on Office for the Mac.

  • And we've been working with Adobe

  • on their flagship Creative Cloud,

  • and many of their apps are already up and running great.

  • So let's take a look at macOS running on Apple Silicon.

  • So here we are on the desktop that we know and love.

  • And I'm just gonna open up About This Mac.

  • And what you see here is that we are running on our Apple Development Platform.

  • This is a system built to support early development

  • using the same A12Z processor

  • currently shipping in iPad Pro.

  • Now, I have a confession to make.

  • This isn't the first time you've seen macOS running here.

  • In fact, this is the same Mac

  • that Beth and I used to demo all the new Big Sur features earlier.

  • And as you saw earlier,

  • we've updated all of our Apple apps

  • and they're running great.

  • Of course, a big part of the Mac experience is third-party apps,

  • and we've been working with our friends at Microsoft,

  • and they already have Office up and running natively on our new Macs.

  • Let's take a look at Word.

  • It runs great.

  • Scrolling is super smooth.

  • Everything you do is just super responsive.

  • Next let's check out Excel.

  • Just as you'd expect, complex sheets and elements like this map

  • all update instantly.

  • And next let's take a look at PowerPoint.

  • It's using Metal for rendering, and it performs great.

  • For instance, check out how I can see all the layers of my slide in 3D.

  • The animation is perfectly fluid.

  • Now, we've also been working closely with our friends at Adobe

  • to bring Creative Cloud to our new Macs.

  • Here's Lightroom running native on Apple Silicon.

  • Navigating large libraries of DNG images is super fast,

  • and all of Lightroom's editing controls are available right here.

  • Let's apply an adjustment to this image.

  • Well, that's much better.

  • And we can apply that same edit to all of these images in a single step.

  • Looks great.

  • Next, let me show you the app I know many of you wanna see:

  • Photoshop.

  • Here is a five-gigabyte Photoshop file by photographer Stephen Wilkes.

  • Now this is a heavy-duty document with lots of layers.

  • Now let's add one more bird in there.

  • Not totally comfortable with the level of social distancing, but let's keep going.

  • And let's check out how smooth the animation is as I zoom out.

  • Wow. Beautiful.

  • Finally, let's turn to one of our most sophisticated apps:

  • Final Cut Pro.

  • Here it is running on Apple Silicon for the first time.

  • Let's play back some 4K video.

  • As you can see, playback is super smooth.

  • And all your filters are here, and you can apply them in real time.

  • Let's try some color correction.

  • And I can even add animated titles and lens flare...

  • all during live playback.

  • And Final Cut takes advantage

  • of the unique capabilities of the Apple Neural Engine

  • with a new feature that analyzes video and intelligently crops it

  • to keep the most important action in the frame.

  • But that's not all.

  • Final Cut fully exploits the system's multicore architecture

  • to let us play back not just one or two, but three streams

  • of full-resolution 4K ProRes, all on an A12Z processor.

  • Amazing.

  • So that's a first look at Universal apps on Apple Silicon.

  • We're really excited to see so much great work on native apps.

  • These apps even get more amazing when they're built to take advantage of

  • the Silicon's powerful capabilities.

  • Like its incredible CPU and graphics performance,

  • a unified memory architecture and the Neural Engine

  • which accelerates advanced machine-learning tasks.

  • The transition to Apple Silicon is also great for developers

  • who've already optimized their apps for other Apple platforms.

  • The shared architecture across our products

  • means that their code will absolutely sing on our new Macs.

  • And there's even more to the story.

  • We're doing some really important things

  • to make this transition seamless for our users.

  • Now, while we expect most developers will go native immediately,

  • we wanna make sure that users can run all of their apps on day one,

  • even if some apps haven't yet been updated.

  • Now, we've been down this road before.

  • When we transitioned from PowerPC to Intel processors,

  • a cornerstone of that transition was Rosetta,

  • a technology that makes it possible to run PowerPC apps on Intel-based Macs.

  • macOS Big Sur will include a new version of Rosetta, Rosetta 2.

  • Rosetta 2 automatically translates your existing Mac apps

  • so they work on new Macs with Apple Silicon.

  • And this time Rosetta is even faster, more powerful and more compatible.

  • It translates the apps when you install them,

  • so they can launch immediately and be instantly responsive.

  • And Rosetta 2 can also translate code on the fly when needed,

  • like for web browsers with just-in-time JavaScript compilers or for Java code.

  • It even handles the most complex Pro Apps and their plug-ins.

  • Rosetta 2 is transparent to users, and the performance is amazing.

  • We're also introducing new Virtualization technologies in macOS Big Sur.

  • So, for developers who wanna run other environments like Linux

  • or tools like Docker, we have you covered.

  • When you put all of these technologies together,

  • Universal, Rosetta and Virtualization,

  • you have a system that can run an amazing diversity of apps.

  • To show you how this all comes together, I'll hand it over to Andreas Wendker.

  • Thanks, Craig.

  • Let's take a look at some existing apps running under Rosetta.

  • Rosetta, of course, works great with all sorts of apps you use every day.

  • But for our first demo, I'd like to show you something a bit more challenging.

  • This is Maya, the powerful animation and modeling software

  • running great here on Apple Silicon.

  • I already have a model open that consists of over six million polygons

  • and, as you can see, I can fluidly move around in this scene.

  • So let's make it more challenging and bring in textures and shaders as well.

  • And still, everything is incredibly fluid.

  • So Rosetta works great, and the performance is simply fantastic.

  • But Rosetta isn't just for apps.

  • It also works amazingly well with games.

  • I can even use a game controller.

  • This is Shadow of the Tomb Raider,

  • a high-end AAA game that's using our Metal APIs.

  • I downloaded it directly from the Mac App Store,

  • so it's completely unmodified,

  • and it is absolutely beautiful.

  • Let me jump into the water.

  • You can see some of the lighting effects here.

  • And as I follow the path, you can see the game is responsive,

  • it's smooth,

  • and the best part is, you're running the 1080p as a translated app

  • and an emulation.

  • So these new Macs, they are fast.

  • You can see some more of the lighting effects here.

  • It's awesome what Rosetta can do with existing games.

  • Now, as Craig mentioned, many of our users rely on apps from other environments.

  • So let me bring up a Linux VM in Parallels Desktop.

  • You can see the graphical user interface designed for Linux here.

  • But, of course, many developers like to use Linux for hosting servers.

  • So let me dive down to the command line and launch in Apache Web Server.

  • And now I can simply bring up Safari

  • and browse the website of the server I just launched in the Linux VM.

  • Here it is.

  • Now I want to show you one more type of app to run on these new Macs

  • that we haven't even told you about yet,

  • and that is iPhone and iPad apps.

  • Since they've been built to run on the same Apple Silicon

  • that we're using on our new Macs,

  • they will run natively, completely unmodified,

  • on the new Macs as well.

  • Let me show you a few.

  • This here is one of my favorite games, Monument Valley 2.

  • It's fun to play here on the new Mac.

  • And if I want to catch up on my guitar lessons, I can use Fender Play.

  • [guitar plays]

  • Or if I want to relax at the end of the day a little bit,

  • I can bring up the Calm app.

  • And that was just a quick look at Rosetta, Virtualization

  • and support for iPhone and iPad apps, giving users amazing versatility

  • for running apps and other environments with macOS on Apple Silicon.

  • Back to you, Craig.

  • Thanks, Andreas.

  • As you saw,

  • Macs built with Apple Silicon will be able to run iPhone and iPad apps directly.

  • Starting day one, users can download these apps right from the Mac App Store,

  • and most apps will just work with no changes from the developer.

  • With everything we're doing,

  • the range of apps that users will be able to run on these new Macs

  • is truly unprecedented.

  • Together, we have all the technologies in place to make this an amazing transition.

  • The vast majority of Mac apps

  • can be recompiled as Universal in a few days,

  • so users can have fast, native apps.

  • Rosetta 2 runs existing Mac apps,

  • our Virtualization technology makes it easier than ever

  • to bring other environments, like Linux, to the Mac,

  • and Mac users can, for the first time, run iOS and iPadOS apps directly,

  • tapping into the world's most vital app ecosystem.

  • Now, we know our Mac developers will be eager to get started on this new platform.

  • So to get them going right away, we're launching a Quick Start Program.

  • The focus of the Quick Start Program

  • is to enable developers to make their apps Universal

  • and take advantage of all the capabilities of Apple Silicon.

  • Developers will have access to documentation and sample code,

  • forums on,

  • priority DTS support incidents, and access to labs around the world.

  • This program also includes new Developer Transition Kit hardware

  • so developers can get going even before we ship production systems.

  • The DTK hardware takes the form of a Mac mini,

  • but one with an A12Z SoC inside.

  • It has desktop specs, including 16 gigabytes of memory,

  • a 512-gig SSD, and a complement of Mac I/O ports.

  • Most significantly, it will include

  • the macOS Big Sur developer beta and Xcode tools.

  • Developers will be able to apply to the program

  • at today.

  • We will be shipping units out starting this week

  • so you can get to work.

  • So that's how macOS Big Sur is paving the way

  • for a smooth transition to Apple Silicon.

  • This year, we're elevating the Mac to a whole new level.

  • And it's an incredible opportunity for developers.

  • I can't wait to see what you all create,

  • and I can't wait until we can all be together in person again.

  • And now, back to Tim.

  • Thank you, Craig, and thank you, Johny.

  • It truly is a historic day for the Mac.

  • Our vision for the Mac has always been about

  • embracing breakthrough innovation and having the courage

  • to make bold changes.

  • Every time we've done this, the Mac has come out stronger and more capable.

  • And I have never been more confident

  • about the future of the Mac than I am today.

  • So, what's the timeline for this transition?

  • Well, for developers,

  • it begins this week with the valuable information

  • delivered at this conference as well as applying for the Quick Start Program.

  • And for the customers,

  • we expect to ship our first Mac with Apple Silicon by the end of this year,

  • and we expect the transition to take about two years.

  • We plan to continue to support and release new versions of macOS

  • for Intel-based Macs for years to come.

  • In fact, we have some new Intel-based Macs in the pipeline

  • that we're really excited about.

  • What a huge leap forward for the Mac and for Apple.

  • Apple Silicon will bring amazing technologies,

  • industry-leading performance,

  • and a common architecture across all of our products.

  • What an incredible day of announcements.

  • As you've seen, we haven't stopped innovating.

  • We pushed all of our platforms forward in some amazing new ways.

  • Our OS releases will be available as developer betas today.

  • And each of them will have a public beta, including watchOS for the very first time,

  • starting next month.

  • And all of this great software will be available to our customers this fall.

  • We hope you've enjoyed this very special keynote

  • and that you're ready for the big week ahead,

  • with over 100 engineering-led video sessions,

  • one-on-one consultations with Apple engineers,

  • and so much more.

  • We can't wait to start working with all of you

  • and watch you do the best work of your lives.

  • At Apple, we've always drawn strength

  • from the diversity of our global community

  • because we truly believe when we all work together,

  • we can change the world for the better.

  • Thanks to you all for joining us.

  • This has been such a big day,

  • and it's only the beginning of a huge week to come.

  • So let's have a great WWDC.

  • ["Daydreamer" by Aurora playing]

  • [song fades]

["Daydreamer" by Aurora playing]


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