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  • well good morning guys morning welcome to little slice of paradise here in

    早上好,早上歡迎 來到這裡的小片天堂

  • Argentina where are we we're in La Cumbrecita La Cumbrecita in

    阿根廷我們在哪裡,我們在La Cumbrecita La Cumbrecita

  • the province of Cordoba I'm a little being here I'm not used to the altitude

    科爾多瓦省我有點兒 在這裡我不習慣海拔高度

  • or all we're also hiking at the moment again yeah we did

    或者我們現在也都在徒步旅行 我們做了

  • so yeah it's O about 1500 meters here were up in the mountains in the valley

    所以是的,這里約有1500米 在山谷的山上

  • of kalamu cheetah yes this is the town where I went to school as a child yeah

    kalamu cheetah是的,這是小鎮 我小時候去學校的地方

  • so it feels familiar in some ways yet I didn't really explore or do a whole lot

    所以我在某些方面感覺很熟悉 沒有真正探索或做很多事情

  • of hiking when I was in this area no and I remember you were saying that the town

    當我在這個區域時徒步旅行沒有和 我記得你說的是鎮

  • is really exploded and yes in terms of development since you were last here

    真是爆炸,是的 你上次來這裡的發展

  • lots of new businesses lots of new people living here today it's got a plan

    許多新業務很多新的 今天住在這裡的人有一個計劃

  • of action two things we want to do number one hike yep visit a few

    我們想要做的兩件事 排名第一的徒步旅行參觀一些

  • different lookout points and get beautiful views of the whole area and

    不同的瞭望點和得到 整個地區的美麗景色

  • number two food there's a lot of like German Swiss inspired cow and that's

    第二號食物有很多像 德國瑞士人啟發了牛,那就是

  • really popular in this area and it seems to be what most restaurants specialize

    在這個領域真的很受歡迎 成為大多數餐館專業的

  • in yeah so after a bit of hiking we're gonna go get some food honestly today is

    是的,所以經過一段時間的徒步旅行,我們就是這樣 今天要老老實實地吃點東西

  • a bit of a late start to the day we had breakfast at 10:00 so we need some

    我們有一天的開始有點晚 早上10點,所以我們需要一些

  • exercise or exercise before we work up lunch

    在我們工作之前鍛煉或鍛煉 午餐

  • so we are now arriving at the lookout point

    所以我們現在到達瞭望台 點

  • it's called mirador de cristo chico or lookout little Christ eighty meters off

    它被稱為mirador de cristo chico或 瞭望小基督八十米遠

  • the main road not too difficult


  • so one thing to mention here is the beautiful weather on the summer day I

    所以有一件事要提到的是 夏日的美好天氣我

  • actually checked the weather online before we left and it said the maximum

    實際上在線查看了天氣 在我們離開之前,它說最大值

  • was gonna be 21 degrees and it's January it's February February just try be area

    將是21度,它是1月 它是2月2月才嘗試成為區域

  • right now yeah and what's nice as the Sun is peeking through the clouds but

    現在是的,什麼是好的 太陽正透過雲層偷看,但是

  • it's also we're getting a lot of cloud cover as well and there's a light breeze

    它也是我們得到了很多雲 蓋上也有輕微的微風

  • this is perfect for walking I started off with the fleece now your inanity

    這是我開始走路的完美之選 羊毛現在你的愚蠢

  • t-shirt and who knows you might be putting on the fleece again at some

    T卹,誰知道你可能 在某些地方再次穿上羊毛

  • point

  • our next stop the cutest little chapel you ever did see it's up there this is

    我們的下一站是最可愛的小教堂 你有沒有看到它就在那裡

  • what it looks like


  • right now we have stopped for a quick break to catch our breaths at blasted us

    現在我們已經停下來了 在爆破我們的時候打破我們的呼吸

  • beyond arrows which means Pioneer Square and they have lots of really cool wood

    超越箭頭意味著先鋒廣場 他們有很多很酷的木頭

  • sculptures all over town and there's one just behind us with two little owls oh

    遍布城鎮的雕塑,還有一個 我們身後有兩隻小貓頭鷹哦

  • yeah check out the workmanship on this one it's got like these roses and Ivy

    是的,看看這方面的做工 就像這些玫瑰和常春藤一樣

  • carved into the tree trunks pretty cool Sam is very impressed by the tree trunks

    雕刻成樹幹很酷 Sam對樹幹印象非常深刻

  • you see here kind of mesmerized by them they look ancient ancient looks like

    你看到這裡被他們迷住了 他們看起來像古代的古代

  • something out of like a haunted movie or something so another really cool thing

    像鬧鬼電影那樣的東西 這是另一件非常酷的事情

  • about this town is that it's pedestrian only so you may see a few cars in town

    關於這個小鎮是它的行人 只有這樣你才能在鎮上看到幾輛車

  • but only people who live here are allowed to actually drive them in if

    但只有住在這裡的人才是 允許實際駕駛他們如果

  • you're visiting you have to leave your car out in this massive parking lot at

    你來訪,你必須離開你的 在這個巨大的停車場開車

  • the entrance of town and then they bring you in by bus or you can walk down the

    城鎮的入口,然後他們帶來 你乘公共汽車或者你可以走下去

  • hill it's a very short walk well yeah that gives this place a very peaceful

    山,這是一個很短的步行,是的 這讓這個地方非常安靜

  • tranquil feel like you can just roam down the dirt roads and walk around for

    寧靜的感覺,你可以只是漫遊 沿著泥濘的道路走來走去

  • hours really and there are hardly any vehicles so yeah a beautiful place for

    真的幾個小時,幾乎沒有 車輛,所以是一個美麗的地方

  • hiking enjoying nature we're just surrounded by trees and forests and

    徒步享受大自然我們只是 周圍環繞著樹木和森林

  • flowers people really take care of their gardens here so you have so many

    鮮花讓人真正照顧好自己 這裡的花園讓你有這麼多

  • different flowers in bloom and everything is just perfectly manicured

    不同的鮮花盛開 一切都完美修剪

  • so yeah we're enjoying this little walk here

    所以,是的,我們正在享受這個小小的散步 這裡

  • so that was the chapel founded in the year 1967

    這就是建立在教堂裡的小教堂 1967年

  • I actually remember coming to church there as a kid a handful of times

    我其實記得來到教堂 小時候有幾次

  • sometimes the service was in Spanish sometimes it was elf Deutsch yes it's

    有時服務是西班牙語 有時它是elf Deutsch是的

  • really cool to see it they're still standing it really is beautiful from the

    真的很酷,看到它們仍然是 站在它真的是美麗的

  • exterior and yeah it's very cozy inside you can only fit a few people sometimes

    外觀,是的,裡面非常舒適 你有時只適合一些人

  • people would stand outside to listen to part of the service

    人們會站在外面聽 部分服務

  • yeah we're continuing our walk through town still panting here I think it's

    是的,我們繼續我們的行走 小鎮仍在氣喘吁籲,我想是的

  • going to take long words and upwards so take me a few days to get used to this

    這麼長的話要說長話 我花了幾天時間來適應這個

  • we've been stuffing ourselves with parrisha pizza with empanadas pakoras up

    我們一直在填補自己 parrisha披薩與empanadas pakoras起來

  • ahora so you know rudder shape this is exactly what we need burn the belly

    啊啊,所以你知道這是舵形狀 正是我們需要燒傷腹部

  • the plan today the German food so we have arrived at a restaurant called the

    今天的計劃是德國食品所以我們 已到達一家名為的餐館

  • squat Orientis the four winds this is one of the few restaurants that doesn't

    這是四個風蹲東方 少數幾家沒有的餐館之一

  • have a German name here most of them do have German names and yeah lots of

    這裡有大多數人都有德國名字 有德國名字,是的很多

  • German dishes we're gonna order two then two German desserts oh yeah yeah German

    德國菜我們要訂購兩個 兩個德國甜點哦是啊是的德國人

  • beers but is the plan and Sam is going to update us on the status of his finger

    啤酒,但是計劃,薩姆要去 更新我們的手指狀態

  • which he nearly lost the only new family and a very valuable lesson today

    他幾乎失去了唯一的新家庭 今天非常有價值的一課

  • oh my gosh guys okay so I was flying the drone

    哦,天哪,伙計們好吧,所以我正在飛行 無人駕駛飛機

  • I mean Diaz bringing it back to me I just got a new one it's a really tiny

    我的意思是迪亞茲把它帶回給我 只是得到一個新的,它真的很小

  • one called the DJI spark it's this little tiny and cute I was just getting

    一個叫DJI的人就是這個 我剛剛得到的小小可愛

  • a little bit cocky I was just like reaching up to grab it I miscalculated

    有點自大我就像 伸手去拿它我算錯了

  • because of the wind it kind of I think it actually came either one above her

    因為風,我認為 它實際上來自她之上

  • down I can't remember because I'm just like in shock that the boy he'd sliced

    我不記得因為我只是 就像震驚那個男孩一樣

  • up with my thumb and that blood was just going everywhere is like flowing like a

    用我的拇指,血液只是 到處走動就像流淌一樣

  • river yeah I thought I was gonna need stitches it was a deep cut but not deep

    河是啊我以為我需要 縫線是深切但不深

  • enough for that so yeah I got a really lucky I could've like sliced off my

    夠了,所以是的,我真的 幸運的是我可以喜歡切掉我的

  • thumb or something else I don't know it was scary I've never seen so much blood

    拇指或別的什麼我不知道 很可怕我從未見過這麼多血

  • on the ground and we had to wrap it with stalk Hardy she took off of her foot

    在地面上,我們不得不包裝它 她從她的腳上取下哈迪

  • which is gross it was the only thing that I could put fresh around it and it

    這是唯一的事情 我可以把它放在它周圍

  • was over 15 or 20 minute walk and there's a little local ambulance and

    步行超過15或20分鐘 那裡有一輛當地的救護車

  • fortunately there was a really kind nurse who you know disinfected it

    幸運的是,有一種非常善良 你認識的護士消毒過它

  • wrapped it up in this nice bandage as you can see and yeah that was a

    把它裹在這個漂亮的繃帶裡 你可以看到,是的,那是一個

  • unexpected event and so we're having lunch and three when we had probably

    意想不到的事件,所以我們有 我們可能有午餐和三點

  • planned on having it at around 1:30 so that's what happened

    計劃在1:30左右這樣做 那就是發生了什麼

  • eventful day with Samuel Jeffrey cheers to say I'm keeping his finger nice to

    與塞繆爾杰弗里歡呼的多事之日 說我保持他的手指很好

  • have a full set of fingers and toes whatever is good we got two beers

    有一整套手指和腳趾 無論什麼好,我們都喝了兩瓶啤酒

  • artisanal beers burg Roy and mine is the chop which is 350ml yes

    手工啤酒城堡羅伊 而我的是350毫升的印章是的

  • I got the honey one yours is called Buda which is a pint

    我得到了你的蜂蜜叫做布達 這是一品脫

  • 500ml right yeah half a liter and yours is the red yep we also got a little bit

    500毫升是啊半升和你的 是紅色的我們也有一點點

  • of bread so we have toasted bread on fresh bread with a little dip oh looks

    麵包所以我們烤麵包 新鮮麵包有點蘸哦看起來

  • like a garlicky a garlicky butter and heard

    像一塊蒜味的大蒜和黃油 聽說

  • try some for us already you've been munching away off-camera those beers

    已經為你做過一些嘗試 把那些啤酒甩掉相機

  • I've been helping myself and it's good I haven't tried any of it as per usual

    我一直在幫助自己,這很好 沒有按照慣例嘗試任何一個

  • we are snacking on this until the mains arrive this is really good

    我們正在吃這個直到主電源 到達這真的很好

  • bread beer you could honestly be a meal in and of itself

    麵包啤酒,老實說,你可以做飯 在其本身

  • lately carb heavy huh how's that red oh my gosh guys that beer is refreshing and

    最近碳水化合物重了怎麼樣那個紅哦 我的天哪,啤酒很爽口

  • after my war wound you know I feel like I deserve one maybe I'll even have

    戰爭結束後,你知道我的感覺 我應該得到一個,甚至可能

  • another one hole leader of cerveza leader of beer to numb my pain no

    cerveza的另一個洞領袖 啤酒的領導者麻木了我的痛苦沒有

  • actually guys it's not it's not Sur anymore it was sore for like the first

    實際上伙計們,這不是蘇爾 再像第一個那樣疼痛了

  • hour and the the medical attendant is such a good job of like wrapping it up

    小時和醫療服務員 如此好的工作就像把它包起來一樣

  • putting applying pressure so I feel totally fine the food is here it is a

    施加壓力所以我覺得 完全沒有食物在這裡它是一個

  • feast look at the size of this massive portion this is what they call the the

    盛宴看看這個龐大的大小 部分這就是他們所說的

  • German dish we call this the German dish not doluma and we have some smoked pork

    德國菜我們稱之為德國菜 不是doluma,我們有一些熏豬肉

  • yeah we have choucroute which is a lot like sauerkraut yeah I'm with like

    是的,我們有很多choucroute 喜歡酸菜,是的,我喜歡

  • little bits of ham here it's basically a fermented cabbage it's delicious mhm if

    這裡的小火腿基本上是一個 發酵的白菜,這是美味的,如果

  • we turn the dish over we have a sausage this one's called a Canuck forest and it

    我們把菜翻過來,我們有一個香腸 這個被稱為Canuck森林和它

  • has Kanak in front of it because that's the sound it makes when you bite into it

    有卡納克在它面前,因為那是 當你咬它時發出的聲音

  • Connect connect connect connect all the juices yeah this skin gives it a crunch

    連接連接全部連接 果汁,是的,這個皮膚給它一個緊縮

  • a thick skin what else in there and we have some sauteed potatoes with parsley

    一個厚厚的皮膚還有我們的其他東西 有一些炒土豆配香菜

  • a little bit of pepper and we have some mustard and this all just looks really

    一點點胡椒,我們有一些 芥末,這一切都看起來真的

  • wonderful Sam and I are gonna share these dishes and yeah I'm just very

    很棒的山姆和我要分享 這些菜,是的,我只是非常

  • happy seeing this food in front of me I'm so hungry I'm trying oh I've dug in

    很開心在我面前看到這種食物 我很餓,我正在努力哦,我已經挖了

  • no problem no problem oh it's wonderful I can tell you already the pork meat is

    沒問題沒問題哦,太好了 我可以告訴你豬肉了

  • so tender mm-hmm it just kind of melts in your mouth it's

    這麼溫柔mm-hmm 它只是在你的嘴裡融化了

  • wonderful with mustard I'm just so good and it's such a

    芥末精彩 我很好,就是這樣的

  • generous piece of me like it's a thick slice big hunk big chunk of ham

    慷慨的我喜歡它的厚實 切大塊大火腿

  • basically basically the other thing you have a gigantic sausage - yeah little

    基本上基本上是你的另一件事 有一個巨大的香腸 - 是的小

  • bits of bacon in there yep and the sausage this is meat hobbies -

    那裡有一些培根 而香腸這是肉的愛好 -

  • different well look at the juices coming out typical German food here that's what

    不同的看看果汁即將來臨 這裡的典型德國食物就是這樣

  • you find in looking vicita it's also good isn't it I'm gonna save a bit for

    你發現在看vicita它也是 好不好吧我會省點的

  • you thank you - it is

    你謝謝你 - 它是

  • it's on your plate my gosh it looks good sometimes you get goulash in it's kind

    它在你的盤子上我的天哪看起來不錯 有時你會得到燉牛肉

  • of runny and skimpy little pieces of meat but check out the big chunks it's

    流氓和吝嗇的小塊 肉,但看看它的大塊

  • hard and it is hard even this is the kind of food you eat after you go home

    很難,甚至這很難 你回家後吃的那種食物

  • for a walk for a long time and when you know when you sucks up when your fingers

    散步了很長時間,當你 知道什麼時候你的手指吮吸

  • you do you thing to have makes it all better

    你做的事情讓你做到了 更好

  • well better so the spatula it's um it's like a hand rolled noodle yes it has a

    更好,所以刮刀它是它的 像一隻手捲麵條是的它有一個

  • funny little shape there handy needs and I've had them kind of cleaned before

    有趣的小形狀有方便的需求和 我以前有過這種清潔方式

  • I've had them with cheese mm-hmm and they go really well the goulash it's

    我有奶酪mm-hmm和它們 他們的燉牛肉非常好

  • like a nice car option that you can have with you with your goulash oh yeah I had

    就像你可以擁有的漂亮的汽車選擇 和你一起喝牛肉哦,是的,我有

  • forgotten we've had lots of spatula in Germany and Austria it was like melted

    忘記了我們有很多鏟子 德國和奧地利就像融化了一樣

  • cheese on top guys meat is so tender oh my gosh that warrants another bite how

    頂級男士肉上的奶酪是如此溫柔哦 我的天哪,保證另一個如何

  • have you been enjoying the food in this area because we've been in this part of

    你有沒有享受這裡的美食? 因為我們一直在這個地區

  • the court a lot of three days now loving the food here and just in general I'm

    法院現在很多愛三天了 這裡的食物和我一般的食物

  • getting fat in Argentina and food is ooh good I can't control myself guys oh the

    在阿根廷變胖,食物很好 好我無法控制自己哦

  • car we love our cards with all the carbs in the world here don't look beer all

    汽車我們喜歡我們的卡片與所有碳水化合物 在這裡的世界,不要看所有的啤酒

  • right our jury time for you to try the goulash I think you're gonna like this a

    我們的陪審團時間讓你嘗試 咕嚕咕嚕我覺得你會喜歡這個

  • lot this is my third plate of goulash that I'm having since we arrived in

    這是我的第三塊燉牛肉 自從我們到達以來,我一直在這裡

  • Argentina I'm not tired of it yet no I know because every where does it a

    阿根廷我不厭倦但不是我 知道,因為每個地方都有

  • little bit differently though I know these two these two things are made for

    雖然我知道,但有點不同 這兩件事是為了這兩件事

  • each other the goulash and the spatula I'm very filling but we want to see a

    彼此的燉牛肉和鍋鏟 我很滿意,但我們希望看到一個

  • room for dessert because we saw two different German desserts on the menu

    甜點的餘地,因為我們看到了兩個 菜單上有不同的德國甜點

  • that we really want to try trying to exercise self-control here but it's so

    我們真的想嘗試嘗試 在這裡鍛煉自我控制,但事實如此

  • hard like these plates are gonna be empty in a matter of minutes

    很難像這些板塊一樣 在幾分鐘內空了

  • I know mm-hmm there's gonna be no self-control after all soft control so

    我知道mm-hmm會不會 所有的軟控制都是自我控制的

  • cool to be able to share such such a great meal isn't it yeah imagine if you

    很酷,能夠分享這樣的這樣一個 偉大的一餐不是它是的想像如果你

  • were traveling solo you wouldn't get to try everything on the menu I know you

    獨自旅行,你不會去 嘗試我認識的菜單上的所有內容

  • have to pick one or the other what a lucky man to be married the benefits of

    必須選擇一個或另一個什麼 幸運的人要結婚的好處

  • being married


  • I'm a foodie in tow so this is like the smoked ham um dip a bit here in the

    我是一個美食家,所以這就像 煙熏火腿嗯在這裡蘸了一點

  • master I love that make sense let's try this Erica aka that's approved it's

    主人我喜歡這個有意義讓我們試試 這個Erica aka已經批准了

  • gonna get first swim I was bad so good so juicy dessert time guys we ordered

    第一次游泳我很糟糕 我們點了這麼多甜點時間的傢伙

  • two beautiful cakes allow me to present to you my goodness are the huge the up

    兩個漂亮的蛋糕讓我出席 對你而言,我的天哪是巨大的

  • for Corrin yeah which is lemon flavored cake and

    為了Corrin 是的,這是檸檬味的蛋糕和

  • then you have some apples and like crumbly bits that are made with butter

    然後你有一些蘋果和喜歡 用黃油製成的碎屑

  • and sugar and then you have icing sugar on top the other one this one is called

    和糖,然後你有糖霜 在另一個上面這個叫做

  • the commission itten yep which is kind of like a phyllo pastry almost and it

    委員會是的,是善良的 像一個phyllo糕點幾乎和它

  • has a custard and then it has a raspberry jam another layer of the

    有一個蛋奶凍,然後它有一個 覆盆子果醬的另一層

  • pastry and then like sugary glaze over top look at that

    糕點然後像含糖釉一樣 頂一下看

  • so crumbly so moist got raisins got apples freshly made today this is

    如此脆弱如此濕潤得到了葡萄乾 今天是新鮮製作的蘋果

  • actually a new dessert for me I knew the absolute cuckoo but I've

    實際上是我的新甜點 我知道絕對的杜鵑,但我知道

  • never tried this one before this is really nice and the raspberry jam is

    在此之前從未嘗試過這個 非常好,覆盆子果醬是

  • sweet yet tart and then you have the glaze on top gives it a bit of a unique

    甜而又酸,然後你有 釉面頂部給它一點獨特

  • kick with the raspberry huh yeah it's just a really nice combination

    用樹莓踢它是啊是的 只是一個非常好的組合

  • the only thing missing would be like a cup of tea or coffee

    唯一缺少的就像是 一杯茶或咖啡

  • but we feel that yes here but yeah this has been a wonderful place if you ever

    但我們覺得這是肯定的,但是是的 如果你曾經是一個很棒的地方

  • come to goodness eat them los cuatro Vientos is the name of this restaurant

    來吧善良吃掉他們洛杉磯cuatro Vientos是這家餐廳的名字

  • yeah first time eating here but very very impressed

    是的,第一次在這裡吃飯,但非常 印象非常深刻

  • we'll be back again wonderful wonderful meal

    我們將再次回歸美妙 膳食

  • beyond stuff the total for that two massive mains

    超越東西 這兩個大型總管的總數

  • with lots of miik two beers two desserts it came to 1025 argentine pesos which is

    有很多miik兩個啤酒兩個甜點 它來到了1025阿根廷比索

  • the equivalent of 27 US dollars so all in all I would say not bad because we

    相當於27美元所以全部 總之,我會說不壞因為我們

  • really did not need all that food we could have easily shared a main but yeah

    真的不需要我們所有的食物 可能很容易分享一個主要但是是的

  • it was delicious the service was great and yeah like I said before we would

    很好吃,服務很棒 是的,就像我之前說的那樣

  • highly recommend that place


  • are you cozy pup are you gonna have a siesta muscle it'll mean

    你是舒適的小狗,你會有一個 午睡肌肉,這意味著

  • so this section of trail were on is called Bosque acetyl bajo which means

    所以這段路徑就是 稱為Bosque acetyl bajo,意思是

  • lower forest it's a bit of like a little shortcut or like a side street in the

    較低的森林有點像一點點 快捷方式或喜歡的小街

  • town and it's a lot darker and wetter here like you're covered by trees

    小鎮,它更加黑暗和潮濕 就像你被樹木所覆蓋

  • there's a lot of ferns growing you have a little stream running by yeah it's a

    你有很多蕨類植物生長 一條小小的小溪,是的,它是一個

  • cute little spot


  • well guys for a walk that's it from us for today I'm still rotunda in the mood

    好夥伴們散步,這是我們的 今天我仍然心情圓潤

  • away for a long walk really look my belly's protruding yeah you know

    真的走了很長一段路 看著我的肚子突出是的,你知道

  • I'm tired you are too it is time for a siesta it is time for a break so we're

    我很累你也是時候了 午睡是時候休息,所以我們

  • gonna say goodbye for today we hope you enjoyed the video we had a wonderful

    今天要告別,我們希望你 享受視頻,我們有一個美好的

  • walk a delicious meal and we will see you with more tomorrow more adventuring

    走一頓美味的飯,我們會看到 你有更多的明天更冒險

  • and luckily deceived us javi goes by


  • me and meows ease Meow's ease and me chilling on the deck of her cottage this

    我和喵喵輕鬆喵喵的輕鬆和我 這個小屋的甲板上放鬆了

  • is the life cat on my lap although he is climbing me a bit he's like making bread

    雖然他是我生命中的生命之貓 我有點喜歡做麵包

  • and just sticking in a little too much but he is cute aren't you your

    只是堅持一點點 但他很可愛不是你的

  • chocolates coloured sweet


  • you

well good morning guys morning welcome to little slice of paradise here in

早上好,早上歡迎 來到這裡的小片天堂


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