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  • Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

  • Would you like a chance to win free English lessons

  • with me later this summer?

  • I was sitting around the other day thinking, what can I do

  • to help some of my viewers improve their English?

  • And I don't normally give one-on-one English lessons

  • because I have a job, I am an actual teacher.

  • From September until June, I teach.

  • I'm a high school teacher here in Ontario, Canada.

  • But in July and August I don't have to go to work.

  • Teachers in Canada get two months off every year,

  • so I thought it would be a good idea

  • to have a contest, to run a contest that you can enter

  • and the prize would be a chance to have some English lessons

  • with me during the months of July and August.

  • So, watch this video all the way till the end.

  • I will give you all the details, I will explain the contest

  • in its entirety, and you'll want to watch till the end

  • because I'll be holding things up from time to time.

  • These are keys, this is the first item I'm holding up,

  • and you'll need to know all the items I hold up

  • in order to enter the contest.

  • Anyways, stick around and I'll give you all the details.

  • (light music)

  • Well hey, I'm super excited about this contest

  • and I wanted to start by explaining to you

  • what the prizes are.

  • There are three prizes for this contest.

  • Third prize will be six lessons

  • with me on Skype or FaceTime or Zoom.

  • It would be one lesson per week

  • and the lesson would be 10 minutes long

  • and it would take place in July and August.

  • Second prize would be almost the same,

  • it would be six 15 minute English lessons with me

  • on Skype or FaceTime or Zoom.

  • It would take place in July and August

  • and it would be one lesson per week.

  • And first prize is going to be six English lessons with me

  • on Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

  • and the lesson will be 30 minutes long

  • and it will also take place once a week in July and August.

  • So those are the prizes.

  • I think they're great prizes.

  • I think whoever wins these prizes will be super excited.

  • So I will now hold up the second thing, this is a mug,

  • this is the second thing that you will need to know

  • in order to enter this contest.

  • So you're probably wondering how do you enter this contest?

  • Well let me give you some of the details.

  • First of all, I should tell you,

  • because I'm giving away lessons for free,

  • I am expecting you to do some things for me.

  • So the first thing that I need you to do

  • is watch this video all the way till the end.

  • As I mentioned, I'm going to be holding things up

  • during this video, this is the third thing, it is a pen,

  • and you will need to know all of the things

  • that I held up during this video in order to enter.

  • The second thing that you should do is you should comment

  • on at least three of my videos.

  • So you can comment on this video,

  • maybe you've already commented on a couple of other videos,

  • then you're good.

  • So when I choose the winner, I'm then going to make sure

  • that person has commented on at least three of my videos.

  • And the comment can be from today, it can be from last week,

  • the comments can be from last year, it doesn't matter

  • as long as you've commented at least three times.

  • The other thing that I'm going to ask all of you to do

  • is to share one or two of my videos.

  • Now I can't check if you did this

  • but I can see how many shares per day happen on my channel

  • and I do wanna see that go up a little bit.

  • So I'm not sure that's a lot to ask

  • but I'm sure it's something that you can do.

  • The other thing I would love for you to do

  • is to click the thumbs up on this video.

  • Let's see how many likes this video can get.

  • It would be awesome if it got two or three times more likes

  • than a video normally does.

  • Also, in order to win this competition,

  • you must be a subscriber.

  • It doesn't matter if you're a new subscriber,

  • or a long-term subscriber, but you do have to click

  • that red subscribe button

  • and you must be a subscriber of this channel.

  • You do not need to be a member.

  • You only need to be a subscriber and being a subscriber

  • of this channel is totally free.

  • And then lastly, there will be a form in the description.

  • There is a link to a form that you can use

  • to enter this contest.

  • There will be some other requirements

  • that you will have to fulfill.

  • I am going to ask you a few questions

  • about things that I taught in some of my previous videos,

  • so you might have to go back

  • and watch two of my previous videos

  • so you know how to answer those questions.

  • You will have to give me a valid email address

  • so that I can contact you if you win this competition,

  • and you should know that that email address

  • will not be used for anything else.

  • It will only be used to contact you if you are the winner.

  • There's a spider in front of my camera,

  • just a sec, there we go.

  • And lastly, you have to be willing

  • to share your YouTube username and you have to be willing

  • to have your name published if you win,

  • so I would like to be able to announce you as the winner.

  • So just to recap, you need to watch this whole video,

  • did I hold the pen up already?

  • That's the third thing.

  • You must have commented on at least three of my videos,

  • you need to share one or two of my videos,

  • you need to click like on this video,

  • you must be a subscriber, and you must fill in the form

  • that is linked in the description

  • where you'll be asked a few things about other videos,

  • I'll need your email address, your YouTube username,

  • and please only enter once.

  • Don't play little tricks where you enter

  • a whole bunch of times to increase your chance of winning.

  • If you enter more than once and I figure it out

  • and I think I have way to figure it out,

  • you'll be disqualified.

  • That means that you won't be able to win.

  • So hopefully you got all that

  • and hopefully you are ready to do a little bit of homework

  • and you're ready to enter this competition or contest.

  • So this is the fourth item, it's a pair of scissors,

  • and there's one more item coming up yet so stick around.

  • Here's some further information.

  • This contest will be open for the entire month of June

  • or almost, it's open until Friday, June 26th.

  • I think I got the date right.

  • On Friday, June 26th I will randomly draw

  • and Jen will observe the drawing,

  • I will randomly draw three winners

  • and I will contact them via email.

  • It's very important that you reply to that email.

  • I will announce of my community page

  • that I have done the draw.

  • If I don't hear back from you,

  • I might have to choose another name.

  • So on Friday, June 26th, I will draw three winners

  • for first place, second place, and third place

  • and I will contact those people

  • and I will announce all of the winners

  • on Tuesday, June 30th on my community tab.

  • So that's the gist of it.

  • I will contact you via email if you win

  • at the end of June and then in July and August

  • if you are a winner, you will get free English lessons

  • from me, Bob the Canadian.

  • So hopefully that all made some sense to you.

  • There is one more item I need to hold up

  • and that's this hat that says Canada on it, so there you go.

  • So again, if you need to know all of the details,

  • they are in writing in the description

  • so you can read all of the contest details below

  • if you need to, and then if you have any questions,

  • please ask in the comments below

  • and I will try to answer them.

  • And by the way, the hat wasn't the last item,

  • there's one more item coming up.

  • Again, the link to the form that you can use to enter

  • is also in the description below.

  • And the very last thing I'm going to hold up before I go

  • is my phone.

  • So anyways, Bob the Canadian here,

  • I hope that all made sense, I look forward to having a fun

  • and exciting month of June as I see people enter the contest

  • and I look forward to picking a winner at the end.

  • Have a good day.

  • I'll see you on Friday with a new live lesson

  • and I'll see you on Saturday with a live lesson as well.

  • Have a good day, bye.

  • (light music)

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.


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A2 初級 美國腔

跟加拿大人Bob學英語!免費英語課程的贈品! (Learn English with Bob the Canadian! A Giveaway for Free English Lessons!)

  • 65 14
    洪子雯 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日