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  • hi everyone I'm Gabriella how are your English listening skills in

  • this video you'll have a chance to test them out with a quiz first you'll see an

  • image and here a question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see

  • if you can answer correctly will show you the answer at the end are you ready

  • a woman is asking a store clerk something at a bookstore which book does

  • the woman want to see excuse me I'd like to take a look at a book on that shelf

  • which book would you like the one about cars

  • one moment please this one yep that's right

  • here you go

  • which book does the woman want to see

  • a woman is asking a store clerk something at a bookstore which book does

  • the woman want to see excuse me I'd like to take a look at a book on that shelf

  • which book would you like the one about cars one moment please

  • this one yep that's right here you go did you get it right I hope you learned

  • something from this quiz let us know if you have any questions see you next time

hi everyone I'm Gabriella how are your English listening skills in


A2 初級 美國腔

英語聽力理解--在一家美國書店 (English Listening Comprehension - At an American Bookstore)

  • 12 0
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日


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