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  • -Our next guest represents

  • Massachusetts' 7th Congressional District.

  • Please welcome to the show Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley.

  • Thank you so much for bein' here!

  • -Thank you, Seth!

  • It's great to be with you.

  • -You are spending quarantine with your husband;

  • your stepdaughter;

  • and you have a cat, a cat of note.

  • -Yes. Her name is Sojourner Truth Pressley Harris.

  • We call her Sojo.

  • She's got a mean resting feline face

  • and, you know, we love her.

  • She's great.

  • -She's a large cat, yes?

  • -Okay, now, watch it.

  • This is a body-positive household, okay?

  • -[ Laughing ] -I know that I showed her

  • to some of your producers and there was a little bit

  • of a reaction. She is fluffy.

  • -Okay gotcha. -She's got no problems.

  • Body-positive, okay? -Alright.

  • Understood, understood. -Alright.

  • -[ Laughs ] -She is exactly the cat

  • she is supposed to be.

  • -Exactly! Exactly.

  • We love her. -One of the things

  • the squad is addressing, the progressive wing

  • of the party is addressing -- I think, you know, in general,

  • everyone in the country should be addressing right now --

  • is the racial disparity

  • of how this pandemic is affecting this country

  • and that the inequality that was baked in before this

  • is what is leading to that.

  • How do you, one, address it now, in the moment,

  • in the middle of a crisis, while, at the same time,

  • trying to address the root causes of it,

  • to make sure it doesn't happen again?

  • -Yeah, the thing is the inequities

  • and racial disparities that we see playing out,

  • spotlighted and exacerbated during COVID-19,

  • have been systemically entrenched and embedded

  • for a very long time.

  • So, anecdotally, we already knew

  • how this would trend and how this would go.

  • And so, early on, myself and several of my colleagues

  • began banging the drum

  • for the collection of racial data in real time,

  • the disaggregation of it, the public reporting of it,

  • so that we can ensure that our public health response

  • is equitable, both in testing and access to treatment.

  • You know, here's the thing, is we started out behind.

  • We are in the worst position, ever, that you wanna be in,

  • in confronting a pandemic,

  • and that has everything to do with the criminal negligence,

  • the science denials, press briefings

  • that have really functioned more like disinformation campaigns,

  • and the sluggish response of this administration.

  • So we're behind.

  • And so data, and, particularly, racial data,

  • is one way that we get ahead of that,

  • so we ensure the resources follow the data

  • and they are directed to highest infection rates,

  • most vulnerable communities,

  • so we can do mobile testing, antibody testing,

  • contact tracing, and all of those things

  • that are in the best interest of the public health.

  • And then, after that, you know, I think

  • it's why we have to support our community health centers.

  • We have to address health disparities --

  • the comorbidities of structural racism,

  • the impact of climate injustices,

  • of food injustices.

  • That is why Black and Latinx communities,

  • which are food deserts; transportation deserts;

  • higher rates of asthma, because they disproportionately

  • bear the burden of environmental injustices;

  • have been more susceptible.

  • COVID-19 doesn't discriminate.

  • You know, anyone can contract the virus.

  • But these communities -- my community --

  • is most susceptible to contracting it

  • and, when we do, suffering the most severe consequences.

  • -You've talked about this as a crisis within a crisis

  • and, obviously, you know, Congress is having to address

  • so much that is going wrong right now.

  • Do you feel as though

  • Democratic leadership is being helpful addressing

  • sort of this angle of the situation we're in right now?

  • -Well, you know, myself, community members, activists,

  • and my colleagues, we're focused on putting the people first.

  • Not corporations, not private,

  • not profit, not corporations,

  • and focused on the acknowledging that this is unprecedented hurt.

  • This is a tsunami of hurt.

  • And experts recently said that, you know,

  • maybe 90% of these infections and fatalities

  • could've been stopped, had we acted sooner.

  • And so what I'll be focused on in upcoming relief packages is

  • "What do we do in the midst of this unprecedented hurt

  • that provides the most relief for people?"

  • And that's about getting cash in the pockets of people

  • as quickly as possible.

  • It's about more testing.

  • It's about canceling student debt,

  • canceling rent and mortgages.

  • It's about including our immigrant neighbors

  • who have been excluded today from every relief package.

  • It's about supports for our most vulnerable --

  • those experiencing homelessness and living in shelter,

  • and also incarcerated men and women.

  • And then, beyond that, I just want to say this --

  • the fact that we needed a moment like this

  • to prove to us who are essential workers.

  • They've always been essential

  • and they should've never been treated

  • as if they are disposable,

  • and that's how we've been functioning.

  • They should be working at a living wage.

  • We could've already addressed that.

  • We must do that in the future.

  • Having hazard pay, paid sick leave,

  • paid family and medical leave.

  • So the path forward is that we've gotta move boldly.

  • When people say they can't wait to be returned to normal,

  • normal, Seth, was unjust, insufficient,

  • and inadequate, to begin with,

  • so this is an opportunity, both in addressing

  • the racial disparities and in centering the humanity

  • and the dignity of every individual,

  • of every family, of every worker.

  • Then, we've gotta go bold.

  • Think about how we would've weathered this

  • if we already had universal healthcare,

  • if people were already working at a living wage,

  • if we already had universal paid sick leave

  • and paid family medical leave.

-Our next guest represents


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B1 中級

眾議員Ayanna Pressley呼籲特朗普的行為讓我們落後於COVID-19的鬥爭。 (Rep. Ayanna Pressley Calls Out Trump’s Actions that Left Us Behind the COVID-19 Fight)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日