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  • well good morning good morning guys good morning guys

    早上好,大家早上好 早上好

  • it's hard to believe but it's our last few moments here last hours in Villa La Angostura you know

    很難相信,但這是我們的最後一次 你知道別墅安格圖拉別墅最後幾個小時在這裡嗎

  • what this was a short stay we've usually been seeing in places for about a week

    這是我們通常短暫停留的時間 已經在地方看了一個星期

  • yeah yeah but we're running out of time here in Patagonia and there's still a

    是的,但是我們的時間不多了 在巴塔哥尼亞,仍然有一個

  • lot we want to see so we have to pick up and pick up the pace a little bit um

    我們想看到很多,所以我們必須去接 並加快步伐

  • yeah we had a nice comfortable stay here really nice basically apartment yeah

    是的,我們在這裡過得很舒適 真的很好,基本上是公寓

  • we're gonna give you a little apartment tour at the moment so let's begin here main

    我們將給您一個小公寓之旅 現在,讓我們從這裡開始

  • entrance and all of a sudden we're in the kitchen right into the kitchen so

    入口,突然之間我們進入了 廚房就到廚房了

  • yeah we had a sink basic sink over here was the fridge if we left anything a

    是的,我們在這裡有一個水槽 是冰箱,如果我們留下任何東西

  • half a watermelon watermelon underbanked nice comfortable size and then if you

    西瓜不足的半個西瓜 舒適的尺寸,然後如果你

  • come over here this table was fantastic we used it for eating and also mostly

    過來這裡這張桌子真是太棒了 我們用它來吃飯,大部分

  • off the space atmosphere well then yeah we have those stairs yes so this brings

    好好離開太空大氣 我們有那些樓梯,所以這帶來了

  • us and she called the loft right yeah


  • and here we are and here we are this is our bedroom nice big space comfortable

    這就是我們,這就是我們 我們的臥室好寬敞舒適

  • pillow you're gonna love that and this little section is like it's

    枕頭,你會愛上的 這小部分就像

  • kind of like a half a frame here yeah I like that style I also like wood on the

    有點像半框是的,我 喜歡那種風格,我也喜歡木頭

  • ceiling it feels very cozy for me so mindful of hazards hazards right oh man

    天花闆對我來說很舒服 注意危害,危害,哦,伙計

  • I've been bumping my head a lot in yeah it was nice the sink was outside of the

    我一直在撞撞我的頭 很高興水槽在外面

  • actual bathroom area just a standard sink with some additional bedding I mean

    實際浴室面積只是一個標準 下沉一些額外的床上用品

  • guys this this particular destination is known as a popular ski resort in the

    伙計,這個特定的目的地是 被稱為

  • winter yeah and so you can see why they have a lot of extra bedroom here because

    是的,所以你可以看到他們為什麼 這裡有很多額外的臥室,因為

  • it would be considerably colder than it is no more storage space shuttle living

    比它冷得多 不再有存儲航天飛機生活

  • here so come on in here wooden toilet bidet and a shower shower shower had

    這裡來吧,在這里木制廁所 坐浴盆和淋浴淋浴

  • lots of water pressure we ended up buying a bath mat for this place and

    最終水壓很大 在這個地方買浴墊

  • we're gonna leave it for them because you slipped what two or three times yeah

    我們要留給他們,因為 你滑了兩三遍

  • Christ and totally embarrassing I fell and it

    基督 讓我很尷尬的跌倒了

  • was like so painful like I'm still recovering from it thankfully no serious

    就像我仍然如此痛苦 從中恢復幸好沒有嚴重的問題

  • injuries one of those Falls where it's like like you're on the ice and you just

    傷害那些瀑布之一 就像你在冰上一樣,

  • have no time to brace yourself and so like I slammed really hard into the tub

    沒有時間支撐自己,所以 就像我猛烈地砸向浴缸一樣

  • my ribs my shoulder my neck is sore and I put we put the bath mat in there for

    我的肋骨我的肩膀我的脖子酸痛 我把浴墊放在那裡

  • them yeah featured guests won't have to deal with that yeah aside from that the

    他們是的特色客人將不必 除了那個,應對

  • place was fantastic the holes were really nice they gave us lots of ideas

    這個地方太棒了 真的很好,他們給了我們很多想法

  • left us chocolate welcomed chocolate so yeah we couldn't recommend this place

    離開我們巧克力歡迎巧克力,所以 是的,我們不能推薦這個地方

  • more it's in a great location yeah what's two or three blocks away from the

    而且它的位置很好 相距兩三個街區

  • main could make sort of wonder lock my friend one block from the mains this is

    主要可以使奇蹟鎖定我 朋友從市電一個街區,這是

  • a small this is a small town yeah yeah so we just we have a bus in the middle

    一個小小的,這是一個小鎮 所以我們只是中間有一輛公共汽車

  • of the afternoon man I'm an errand to run yeah we'll tell

    下午 男人,我很想跑,是的,我們會告訴

  • you more about that about that then we'll be taking a 2 hour and 15 minute

    你更多關於那個 我們將花費2小時15分鐘

  • bus to - what is the names San Martin de los Andes

    到的公共汽車-San Martin de los Andes的名字是什麼

  • yes

  • now vote a week or so maybe over a week nine nine nine nine days to be percent

    現在投票大約一個星期左右 九九九九天待百分之

  • we're gonna be traveling from mountainous Patagonia back to coastal

    我們要從 多山的巴塔哥尼亞回到沿海

  • Patagonia to the town of viedma we officially paid for the Train we had to

    巴塔哥尼亞到維德瑪鎮 正式支付了我們不得不支付的火車費用

  • go to banco Patagonia do a transfer there's actually really easy

    去巴塔哥尼亞銀行做一個 轉移真的很容易

  • wasn't it we just see why I have a sock teller we had the information the bank

    不是嗎,我們只是看看為什麼我有襪子 櫃員,我們有銀行的信息

  • account give us the money cause it's it to give you a masseur no now I just have

    帳戶給我們錢是因為 給你一個按摩師現在不行

  • to email the train company and be like I sent you money sent you the money please

    給火車公司發電子郵件,就像我一樣 請寄給您錢請寄給您錢

  • confirm I can ride your train they don't take

    確認 我可以坐你不坐的火車

  • like credit card online or PayPal so this was how to do it but it'd be like

    像在線信用卡或PayPal這樣 這是怎麼做的,但是就像

  • it just took us like less than five minutes we literally walked into the

    只花了我們不到五歲 分鐘,我們幾乎走進了

  • bank we got a little ticket to wait in line yeah we were the next people will

    銀行,我們有一張小票要等 是的,我們是下一個人

  • to wait for one person


  • well guys we have arrived in home sweet home for the next five nights it's like

    好傢伙,我們已經到家了 接下來的五個晚上的家

  • a little apartment attached to a private home and the apartment is on the second

    附屬於私人的小公寓 家,公寓在第二個

  • level lots of windows all around like 360 degrees so we've got views of the

    像許多水平的窗戶 360度,所以我們可以看到

  • mountains and forests can we see the lake I do not think we can see the lake

    山脈和森林,我們可以看到 我認為我們看不到湖

  • but it is so bright here I really like it Sam's already passed out on the bed

    但是這裡真的很明亮 山姆已經在床上昏倒了

  • chillin like a villain if you can hear him and see him back there but I

    像小人一樣的小辣椒 他,看到他回到那裡,但我

  • realized we forgot to mention the price for our bus tickets to travel from Villa La Angostura

    意識到我們忘了提價格 從維拉拉安格斯圖拉出發的巴士票

  • to San Martin de los Andes and it was nine bucks I have an app on my

    到聖馬丁德洛斯安第斯山脈和 那是九塊錢,我上面有一個應用程序

  • phone that has come in very handy here in Argentina it's called XE currency

    在這裡非常方便的電話 在阿根廷,它被稱為XE貨幣

  • exchange so you know exactly what you're paying for things

    交流,以便您確切地知道自己是什麼 買東西

  • 3:35 ooh $8.00 it is like 801 good math skills Sam so yeah here we are

    3:35 ooh $ 8.00就像801好數學 技能Sam,是的,我們在這裡

  • uh the plan for today I think we'll go for a little walk just to get a feel of

    今天的計劃我想我們會去的 稍微走一下就可以感覺到

  • the town maybe pick up pick up a few groceries but no grand plans um we

    鎮上可能拾起一些 雜貨,但沒有宏偉的計劃

  • actually booked this place because it had raving reviews about the fast

    實際上預訂了這個地方,因為它 曾對快食發表過瘋狂的評論

  • internet and we really need to catch up on work and do some uploads so we're

    互聯網,我們真的需要趕上 在工作上,並做一些上傳,所以我們

  • gonna make the most of the Internet while we're here over the next few days

    會充分利用互聯網 接下來的幾天我們在這裡

  • and obviously still explore but yeah that's a little update for you guys and

    並且顯然仍然在探索,但是 這對你們來說是一個小更新

  • see you in a bit


  • dinner is served we've got vino Tinto the red wine it is

    晚餐已經準備好了 我們有維諾丁托紅酒

  • Patagonian Postales del fin del mundo Roble you look me Frances before it seems

    巴塔哥尼亞郵政總局羅布勒 你看我弗朗西斯似乎

  • awfully familiar the one does have a really cool name it's called Postales

    非常熟悉的人確實有一個 真的很酷的名字叫郵政

  • del fin del mundo which means postcards from the end of the world and the bodega

    del fin del mundo,意為明信片 來自世界末日和酒窖

  • what's the name of the bodega is Delphine del mundo

    酒窖的名字叫德爾芬 德爾蒙多

  • so winery at the end of the world in the world how dramatic how which is very

    所以酒莊在世界的盡頭 世界有多戲劇化

  • true you think the wine is coming from Ushuaia

    真正 你以為這酒來自烏斯懷亞

  • why I'm not quite that way it's some milk in grapes that first time so cheers

    為什麼我不是那樣 第一次讓葡萄中的牛奶加油

  • to that sweet history to drinking local wine I

    那個 我喝本地葡萄酒的甜蜜歷史

  • think most most people who try Argentinean wines try them from Mendoza

    認為大多數嘗試的人 阿根廷葡萄酒從門多薩品嚐

  • of course and possibly from San Juan or north

    當然,可能來自聖胡安或 北

  • further north of that but I don't think too many people have the experience to

    再往北走,但我不認為 太多的人有經驗

  • try to Patagonia wines that we've now had several bottles and they've been out

    嘗試我們現在擁有的巴塔哥尼亞葡萄酒 有幾個瓶子,他們已經出去了

  • there they've been really good and some of them yeah so yeah we had a really

    那裡真的很棒,有些 他們是的,所以我們有一個非常

  • good afternoon I mean you did some groceries for the next few days

    下午好,我是說你做了一些 接下來幾天的雜貨

  • and we also managed to book a tour and get information for other activities you

    而且我們還成功地預訂了遊覽 獲取有關您其他活動的信息

  • want to do yeah so tomorrow the weather is less than ideal yeah we decided to

    想做,所以明天天氣 是不理想的,是的,我們決定

  • just do city tour to her I'm just gonna walk around on foot a DIY tour like not gonna

    只是對她做城市巡迴演出,我要走 自己走一個DIY之旅

  • guide or anything and then the following day we are doing the famous seven lakes tour

    指南或其他任何內容,然後執行以下操作 那天我們要做著名的七湖遊

  • to her yes siete lagos it's probably the most popular thing you can

    對她是西耶特·拉各斯 可能是最受歡迎的事情

  • do if you're cops in this particular town it's gonna be great basically you

    如果您在這個特定領域是警察 小鎮,基本上你會很棒

  • said they drive us around we still have to take photos so it's basically we're

    說他們帶我們到處走 拍照所以基本上就是

  • driving along Route 40 from this town San Martin de los Andes I think that us on this back to be

    從該鎮沿著40號公路行駛 聖馬丁·德·洛斯·安第斯山脈,我認為我們在這方面

  • back to Villa La Angostura where we were so we did the full route today Oh on the

    回到我們曾經在那裡的Villa Angostura 今天完成了整條路線哦

  • journey over but we obviously couldn't stop at the different lookout points and

    過去,但我們顯然無法 停在不同的監視點,

  • enjoy the views nothing like that plus I slept on the bus ride over oh well sleep on

    享受這樣的意見加上我 睡在公共汽車上,睡得好

  • the bus right okay that deer the deer and wine just knocked us out so yeah

    鹿吧,那輛鹿吧 酒把我們嚇倒了,是的

  • we're gonna into you it's a full-day excursion and we're

    我們會進入你的 這是一日遊,我們

  • gonna get to see a part of Villa La Angostura that we didn't go to is it was

    會看到我們不去的La Angostura別墅的一部分,是

  • kind of far out of the town and we ran out of time so it'll be nice and then

    有點遠離城鎮,我們跑了 沒時間了,所以會很好,然後

  • there's also a boat tour we want to take another sunny day out on the lake the

    我們也要乘船遊覽 另一個晴天在湖上

  • nuts leaving great from the center of town that's a national park it's like

    堅果從中心離開 就像國家公園一樣的小鎮

  • the combination of boating and hiking aha

    划船和遠足相結合 啊哈

  • so and then we have one more day and we're thinking of doing a local hike so

    所以我們還有一天 我們正在考慮進行當地遠足

  • we've already kind of got our our four days figure it out tomorrow's the most

    我們已經有了我們的四個 天算出明天最多

  • chill by far but we will be making a video about it of course and we'll

    到目前為止很冷,但是我們將 視頻當然,我們將

  • hopefully see you guys there yeah so we'll say goodbye for now we're going to

    希望看到你們在那裡 我們現在要說再見

  • enjoy our dinner cheers to you guys thanks for watching we hope you're

    祝大家晚餐愉快 感謝您的收看,希望您

  • enjoying these argentina videos mhm and we'll see you in tomorrow's episode tata

    欣賞這些阿根廷視頻,嗯, 我們明天的塔塔集見

well good morning good morning guys good morning guys

早上好,大家早上好 早上好


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