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  • Charlie Brown Schultz todo in school.

  • Did you try to work hard and try to get lucky?

  • Man, I'm not sure about this first question A za Matter of fact, I don't think I can answer any of these questions.

  • This test is too hard.

  • You know we need man.

  • What we need is a good old fashioned open book test.

  • I'm good, though.

  • You tell me what Booked open and forgive me, man, but I can tell you right away.

  • So I'm gonna fail this test.

  • Never any good at multiple choice questions.

  • What kind of person could make snap decisions like that Giving a starving man on?

  • Man you?

  • Oh, it's just true or false.

  • Well, ma'am, let me think I'll say true, right?

  • Selling your hat, Wake.

  • I didn't hear the question, man.

  • What happened in 10 66?

  • Well, it all depends.

  • Is that a date or an address?

  • No, ma'am, I don't know the answer.

  • It's my own fault.

  • I think I'm about a day behind in my work.

  • Ask me something I should have known yesterday.

  • Why don't we just keep it our little secret?

  • It looks like no one in the class knows the answer, huh?

  • As we both know, silence is golden.

  • I'm going for gold.

  • Yes, man.

  • What in the world is a principal?

  • Want to see me about line of the principal's office is a scary thing.

  • I think they purposely put the door knob up high to make you feel in Syria.

  • Yes, ma'am.

  • I was told to report to the principal.

  • Well, I've been falling asleep in class, I guess.

  • And the teachers kind of upset about it.

  • The principle is busy.

  • That's okay.

  • I can't leave.

  • Sitting on the bench outside the principal's office is not only degrading, it's also dangerous.

  • Every time he opens the door, it's me in the head.

  • Yes, ma'am.

  • Back from the principal's office said that I should try harder at paying attention.

  • People forget it.

  • That pan attention could kill you.

  • Uh, you want us to read a book during Christmas vacation?

  • A really book?

  • A whole book?

  • You're just kidding.

  • 90 Ma'am, Here you are.

  • Not he You must be here, not heavy holidays.

  • I can't believe this year that more seen.

  • Got any suggestions on what book to read?

  • Know how to get out of it?

  • Alright.

  • Mercy.

  • What book.

  • Should I read?

  • How about one by Katherine Anne Porter or Joyce Carol Oates or Pamela Hands for Johnson?

  • Get it Marshes.

  • All those authors have three names.

  • By the time I finished reading the author's name maybe really weird.

  • You know, a tale of two cities was just on TV.

  • I watch the whole movie.

  • So I anymore.

  • The only thing I didn't understand were the parts about the shampoo.

  • So the coffee.

  • Those were the commercial, sir.

  • School starts again tomorrow, sir.

  • On your still skating, even though you haven't read the book you were supposed to read for vacation.

  • What are you, Marcie, my conscience?

  • If I were your conscience, sir, I'd whip you into shape.

  • If you were my conscience, Marcy, I'd have you transferred.

  • Here is my Christmas vacation.

  • Reading reports Breathing is one of my favorite pastimes.

  • I can't stand a listen to this.

  • I read every day and you know what?

  • I read?

  • A serial.

  • There's nothing wrong.

  • Was reading cereal boxes.

  • Some of the stories I've ever read were on cereal boxes, and you don't have to turn any pages.

  • I predict that someday a cereal box will win the Pulitzer prize e my c.

  • I did it.

  • You're weird.

  • So, man, my book report.

  • Who?

  • Good grief.

  • She was so busy bugging me, man that she forgot to read anything yourself around.

  • Marcie, I can't afford to associate with someone who doesn't do her homework.

Charlie Brown Schultz todo in school.


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A2 初級

花生 - 變得幸運 (Peanuts - Get Lucky)

  • 17 5
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日