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  • good morning guys we have arrived in the land of wine we are here in Mendoza Argentina

    大家早上好,我們已經到達 葡萄酒之鄉,我們在阿根廷門多薩

  • today we are touring our first bodega our first winery we are at Bodegas Lopez

    今天我們要參觀我們的第一個酒窖 我們的第一個釀酒廠在Bodegas Lopez

  • notice a very well known name it's been in existence since 1898 in the

    注意到一個非常知名的名字 它自1898年以來就存在

  • family for four generations that's pretty impressive

    四代的家庭 令人印象深刻

  • and we're basically going to be spending the whole days here in Mendoza we're going to have

    我們基本上會花錢 在門多薩整天,我們將擁有

  • a full day it's personally the first bodega in maipu that I visited we want to go

    一整天,這是個人的第一天 我去過的邁普的雜貨店我們想去

  • through the process of they're making the wines and yeah for anybody that is

    通過他們的過程 葡萄酒,是的,對於任何人

  • into wine drinking and stuff like that this is a mecca and on this is nirvana

    喝酒之類的東西 這是麥加,這是必殺技

  • here you know we are not far away from the real McCoy

    在這裡你知道我們離我們不遠 真正的麥考伊

  • so we are starting our tour of Bodegas Lopez with breakfast very excited we've

    因此,我們開始了含早餐的Bodegas Lopez之旅,我們非常興奮

  • come hungry and already I can tell you the views are just spectacular we can

    餓了,我已經可以告訴你了 景色很壯觀,我們可以

  • see mountains we can see the Andes here in Mendoza Argentina this is just stunning what a beautiful

    看山,我們可以在阿根廷門多薩看到安第斯山脈 令人驚嘆的是多麼美麗

  • setting guys well we have a wonderful breakfast spread in front of us a little

    設置好傢伙,我們有一個很棒的 早餐在我們面前散開了一點

  • bit of everything there's homemade bread with come on Lulu some butter lots of

    一點點都有自製麵包 露露來一些黃油

  • different pastries you have the mini Lunas kind of like croissants yeah

    你有迷你的不同的糕點 Lunas有點像羊角麵包,是的

  • croissants made out of with the butter you know deep and the other ones

    用黃油製成的羊角麵包 你知道很深,其他的

  • yeah I don't know how we do fold a lip on congrats they're made with lard bread

    是的,我不知道我們怎麼做 恭喜他們是用豬油麵包做成的

  • with lard is extremely flavorful yeah and we also have some pastries orange

    加上豬油非常好吃 還有一些糕點橙

  • juice we got tea coffee so plenty to get us started not seeing any wine on the

    果汁,我們有茶咖啡,所以有很多 我們開始看不到任何葡萄酒

  • table for breakfast but hey it is still early in the day we've got to pace

    桌子上有早餐,但是嘿,它還是 每天早上我們要加快步伐

  • ourselves get something in our stomachs before we begin yeah so let's dig in

    自己在肚子裡有些東西 在開始之前,是的,讓我們深入

  • this is good stuff homemade bread militant of no entire jaw

    這是好東西 沒有下巴的自製麵包好戰分子

  • is open dolphin panel Jose Lopez Don Jose su familia Aaron de melara del

    是開放的海豚面板Jose Lopez Don 何塞·蘇·弗阿米利亞·亞倫·德梅拉拉德爾

  • originally a row in La Familia Lopez and Hannah's 'april sia business approach

    最初在La Familia Lopez排成一排, 漢娜的'april sia業務方法

  • Yoli of tambien Aaron Praetorians I mean apparently pequeña color peridot L amino

    坦比亞人亞倫普雷托里安人的尤里 pequeña色橄欖石L氨基

  • to siento seventh I see a wound up lara in a topical Sabourin beach it on insect

    到siento第七,我看到一個受傷的勞拉 在局部的薩布林海灘上,它靠昆蟲

  • okay sasame Felix Sarah now Felix Ellison pull you on case a serosa

    好吧,芝麻,費利克斯,莎拉,現在,費利克斯 埃里森拉你案例漿膜

  • in la de la planta olavide is a common a plaintiff OCR eval Amata poor completo

    在la de la planta olavide是常見的 原告OCR評估Amata可憐

  • la liga de see a cow Santa Felix Sara say Pierre de gran parte local TiVo

    西甲之旅,看一頭母牛Santa Felix Sara 說Pierre de gran parte當地TiVo

  • David in Europa euros Lopez en particular Pierre de su forma production

    大衛在歐羅巴歐元洛佩茲 特別是Pierre de su forma生產

  • porque Don Jose entre muchos otro propios tambien decir veneers Argentina

    Don Jose entre muchos otro 阿根廷tambien Decir單板

  • empezar de ser oh no Saiga directamente mendoza primero settle SM Buenos Aires

    塞加指揮部 門多薩底漆定居布宜諾斯艾利斯

  • in Mar del Plata in San Juan traffic in tacos por Casillasos en este tiempo

    在聖胡安的馬德普拉塔 炸玉米餅的Casillasañosen este tiempo

  • empieza Tracey tamanna parte de su familia y finalmente cuando BHO

    特蕾西·特蕾西·塔曼納·德·蘇 聯邦家庭衛生局

  • suficiente in aro Vienna Mendoza Argentina - de la virgen de memoria

    阿根廷門多薩地區-德拉 維珍根回憶錄

  • in landscape eruption Ultima tell solid epoxy Logan Thomas resilient La Parrilla

    在景觀噴發Ultima告訴固體 環氧樹脂洛根·托馬斯·彈性La Parrilla

  • semicircle on ok are completamente seen if the receiver cat the name Osaka no

    可以看到完整的半圓 如果接收方的貓叫大阪號

  • Lamas are acceptable SLE Kovac well Paulo simply Lisa para ver de santé

    喇嘛可以接受SLE Kovac Paulo只是Lisa para ver desanté

  • material the resin or in Apple in a semi-circle vamos hacer para ambien

    將樹脂或蘋果中的材料 半圓vamos hacer para ambien

  • routine associate una parte event I'm be no formal a

    例行律師無黨派 如果我不是正式的人

  • satirical de la palabra Syrah grappa another part a is a completamente Seca

    諷刺德拉巴拉巴拉西拉格拉巴 另一部分是完整的Seca

  • say level no la rhetoric of ethical Sulaiman gnosis and rafael upd salah

    說沒有道德修辭 蘇萊曼診斷和拉斐爾·烏普·薩拉赫

  • society peruvian okay and a la la la semilla parecer Coffman because no sir

    秘魯的社會還可以,啦啦啦 Semilla parecer Coffman因為沒有先生

  • Felicia prácticamente


  • yeah Casey software transform our ela ela en un Condor visa fallows caresses

    是的Casey軟件改變了我們的彈性 ela en un Condor簽證休假

  • uno me Rondo ah si a la derecha LK mera solid rachel mira el pasado el Kayaba me

    Uno me Rondo ah si la la derecha LK mera Solid Rachel Mira El Pasado El Kayaba我

  • Rhonda's a leaky Ramirez on future oh la la en el mayo SLE present SI SE quedan

    隆達是未來的漏油拉米雷斯 la en el mayo SLE呈現SI SE quedan

  • cyanide anele anele anele Maharani tambien

    氰化物anele anele anele Maharani 坦比亞

  • we have now walked a few blocks over to the Champanera where they specialize in

    我們現在走了幾個街區 他們擅長的尚帕內拉

  • their bubbly fizzy drinks so we're going to be learning a bit more about that

    他們有氣泡的碳酸飲料,所以我們要去 對此有更多的了解

  • process also they actually have vineyards here

    處理 他們實際上也有葡萄園

  • in this section so I think it's time we put up the drone and show you some magic

    在本節中,我想是時候了 架上無人機,給你看一些魔術

  • whoa oh that's there Wow yeah yeah visto sus seen really what the

    哇哦在那裡那哇 是的,我看到了真的

  • Wow so simple easy


  • next up lunch we have spent a few hours touring the bodega learning about the

    接下來的午餐我們花了幾個小時 參觀酒窖了解

  • process how hungry are you right now I'm not very hungry

    處理你有多餓 現在我不是很餓

  • I'm really waiting for the liquid element wine there you go we have eight

    我真的在等液體 元素酒,你去那裡,我們有八個

  • sets menu that comes with red wine white wine champagne and that's before we even

    設置帶有紅酒白的菜單 喝香檳,那是在我們之前

  • get to the wine tasting after we've had lunch it's time to actually start

    吃完之後去品嚐葡萄酒 午餐時間該開始了

  • sampling the wines they make here on bullion open so got a busy day of

    品嚐他們在這裡釀造的葡萄酒 金條開了,所以忙了一天

  • drinking ahead of us how's the fifth one guys wonderful it is so light yeah

    喝我們的第五杯怎麼樣 伙計們真是太好了

  • refreshing and like free tea yeah they like my lot line it's not

    清爽,喜歡免費的茶 是的,他們喜歡我的地攤線,不是

  • alcoholic you don't feel any face me that's very smooth look at the color of

    酒鬼你沒有感覺到我 看起來很光滑

  • our wine it's like it's like see-through gold excellent wine from bodegas Lopez

    我們的酒就像透明的酒 洛佩茲酒莊出品的優質黃金酒

  • and we've got bread fresh bread from the oven I read from the other

    而且我們從 我從另一個讀過的烤箱

  • Wow you guys like it


  • guys I miss my son though togo


  • empanadas empanadas but they are piping hot who you cannot even hold them you

    肉餡捲餅,但他們正在管道 很熱的人,你甚至不能抱住你

  • know I'm not that adventurous to bite it right now yeah I'm not very grave it's

    知道我咬它不是那麼冒險 現在是的,我不是很嚴重

  • delicious ground beef lots of onions like finely

    美味的 碎牛肉,很多洋蔥,像

  • chopped yeah spices slightly sweet it is very very tasty but yeah we're like

    切碎的是的香料有點甜,這是 非常非常好吃,但是我們就像

  • burning our hands burning our it's definitely fresh oven

    燃燒我們的雙手燃燒我們的 絕對新鮮的烤箱

  • here what are we having now time through the red this one is Malbec to

    在這裡,我們現在正在經歷什麼 這個是馬爾貝克的紅色

  • accompany the main which are about survived

    伴隨著關於 倖存下來

  • yep there we go my leg for moving us Bodegas Lopez yeah there are all mice would okay

    是的,我們走了動我的腳 Bodegas Lopez是的,所有老鼠都可以

  • on smokey look velvet velvety goodness yeah so far so good for smooth

    天鵝絨般的天鵝絨般的美感 是的,到目前為止一切順利

  • wine yeah very good wine this one has been aged yeah and you can tell it now

    是的,這是非常好的酒 年紀大了,你現在可以告訴它

  • we just need our steaks absolutely the wine and we're all set we're all good

    我們絕對需要我們的牛排 葡萄酒,我們都準備好了,我們都很好

  • yeah okay our mains have arrived what do we have guys

    是的,好的,我們的電源已經到達了,該怎麼辦 我們有傢伙

  • we have a monster piece of meat here I'm looking at it and it is at least an inch

    我這裡有一塊怪獸肉 看著它,它至少有一英寸

  • thick engine Hansen half a day yeah you don't even know how to attack this

    厚引擎漢森半天耶 你甚至都不知道該怎麼攻擊

  • but I already tasted it and it's delicious and uncooked to perfection the

    但我已經嚐過了 美味且未經烹製

  • flavor did the flavor of this beef is just you know what meat like this you

    這牛肉的味道是不是 只要你知道這樣的肉你

  • can only ate in Argentina you know there is no other deer way to but

    只能在阿根廷吃飯 別無他法

  • Oh Sammy you're a youtuber well guys now that we've had three different wines

    哦,薩米,你現在是youtuber好人 我們有三種不同的葡萄酒

  • with our lunch it's time to go to the wine tasting how much wine we can drink

    和我們的午餐時間到了 品酒我們可以喝多少酒

  • I don't know but there's more to come this is a challenge

    我不知道,但還有更多 這是一個挑戰

  • acidosis is a passage of the Menaka tolling so con ninguna parte are far

    酸中毒是梅納卡(Menaka)的通道 收費如此遙遠

  • away those opportunities coming on a team Tommy we are now in what's called

    消除那些機會 湯米糰隊,我們現在在所謂的

  • GABA this underground brick labyrinth we're gonna be doing a wine tasting down

    GABA這個地下磚迷宮 我們要去品嚐葡萄酒

  • here pretty cool setting if you ask me almost feels like a jail a prison dating

    如果您問我,這裡的設置很酷 幾乎像監獄一樣約會

  • back to the medieval period full of history it actually reminds me of the

    回到充滿中世紀的時代 歷史實際上使我想起了

  • labyrinth that we visited in Budapest remember that guy's the haunted place

    我們在布達佩斯參觀的迷宮 記得那個傢伙是鬼屋

  • with a smoke in the Dracula stories oh yeah this is pretty cool

    在吸血鬼的故事中抽煙哦 是的,這很酷

  • some young blonde Todd Wilson element a concentrated about Malini again Tara no

    一些年輕的金發托德·威爾遜元素 再次集中在馬里尼附近塔拉

  • Ted sorry Ottoman is Munna c'mon tell Olivia Munn China in a castle

    特德(Ted)對不起,奧斯曼帝國是蒙娜(Munna) 來吧,在城堡裡告訴奧利維亞·芒恩中國

  • the devil said the name was Scott speed of 110 a mahogany hit a minimum for

    魔鬼說名字叫斯科特·斯皮德 110的桃花心木命中了

  • digital solemn awake but I have milk cocoa mas de cuerpo unison soliloquy

    數字莊嚴醒著,但我有牛奶 可可咖啡

  • demócrata vamos a pasar el cuñado personally evaluate and in almuerzo

    demócratavamos a pasar elcuñado 親自評估並在almuerzo中

  • course a child millions he says anything also a messiah internet tel Dominica

    數以百萬計的孩子說了什麼 也是多米尼加的彌賽亞互聯網電話

  • towards the course of a ceremony not whenshe not is la linea top the now alia

    在儀式的過程中 當她不是la linea時

  • EMT selvino gasoline Asiya cacophony kingdom what is a successful pony I'm

    EMT selvino汽油Asiya雜音 王國,我是成功的小馬

  • sorry Sally Ellison supone que no tiene Casa Rio no nice I practical it's a

    抱歉,莎莉·埃里森(Sally Ellison) Casa Rio不好,我很實用

  • severe weather lattice illness


  • a Posada I pick up my SI units we're almost at a parmesan controversy the

    Posada我拿起我的SI單位 幾乎在帕瑪森的爭論中

  • Silver Moon communal aura and then you're embarrassed about it

    銀月共同光環,然後 你為此感到尷尬

  • because is this we receive sugar leader oh yeah natural sugar is not added sugar

    因為這是我們接待糖業領袖的原因 哦,是的,不添加天然糖

  • yeah it doesn't feel so sweet it's not overly sweet yes of course at the

    是的,感覺並不那麼甜蜜,不是 過於甜蜜,是的,當然

  • beginning we feel the sweetness but then at the end at the back of the tongue we

    開始我們會感到甜蜜,但隨後 在舌頭的末端,我們

  • are going to find some seedy


  • we are now shopping for wine we've done the tasting now we are helping ourselves

    我們現在正在購買已經完成的葡萄酒 現在的品嚐我們正在幫助自己

  • to the ones we most enjoyed Sam went for the emotional ten-year-old my dad and I

    到我們最喜歡的山姆去了 十歲的我爸爸和我

  • loved doing senator doll we know my mom's gonna love this one too so we're

    喜歡做參議員娃娃,我們知道我的 媽媽也會愛這個,所以我們

  • getting a bottle and we'll see what else we grabbed well guys we are leaving with

    拿瓶,我們再看看 我們抓住了我們要離開的好人

  • new sunhats food bottle of wine bottles of wine I feel like that's the sign of a

    新遮陽帽食品瓶酒瓶 酒我覺得那是

  • very very good day well spent day here at bodegas Lopez Deena modified we had a

    非常非常好的一天,在這裡度過了美好的一天 在Bodegas Lopez Deena改裝時,我們有一個

  • beautiful day yeah it was a day trip actually it's only 20 minutes from the

    美好的一天,是一日遊 實際上,距離

  • downtown here in the city of Maipu Mendoza Argentina so if you are visiting and you have one of

    市中心在阿根廷邁普門多薩市,所以 如果您正在訪問並且您擁有以下之一

  • those days that you don't know what to do come and swing by this bodegas Lopez

    那些日子你不知道該怎麼辦 一定要來這個Bodegas Lopez搖擺

  • because the people here are extremely friendly they treated us amazing they

    因為這裡的人非常 友好的他們對待我們,令人驚訝

  • gave us a beautiful tour of the installations and the bodega we had

    給了我們一個美麗的旅行 裝置和我們的雜貨店

  • lunch and breakfast all in all it was a very positive day and it's so easy to

    午餐和早餐總而言之 非常積極的一天,這很容易

  • visit here you do not even need to rent a car we just hopped in a taxi paid $8

    參觀這裡,你甚至不需要租 我們剛剛跳上出租車的車付了8美元

  • for 20-minute ride here and then once you're done once you've had all your

    在這裡騎20分鐘,然後一次 完成所有工作後就完成了

  • wine you don't have to worry about driving back into the city - and our

    葡萄酒,您不必擔心 開車回城-我們的

  • guide Nicolas was fantastic isn't he amazing we learned so much from him

    指南尼古拉斯很棒,不是嗎 我們從他那裡學到了很多東西

  • about the winemaker friendly friendly informative passionate about what he

    關於釀酒師友好 對他的內容充滿熱情

  • does and yeah we couldn't recommend this place more yeah so big thank you to

    可以,我們不能推薦這個 放更多的東西,這麼大,謝謝

  • everyone and yeah if you guys are coming to Mendoza a wine tour is well worth

    大家,如果你們來的話 去門多薩葡萄酒之旅很值得

  • the trip out here do not miss it yeah it's you won't be disappointed put it

    這裡的旅行不要錯過哦 這是你不會失望的

  • that way and at the end you have extremely good varieties of different

    這樣,最後你有了 不同的極好的品種

  • wines to buy and the prices are extremely accessible we basically got a

    買葡萄酒,價格是 極為方便,我們基本上得到了

  • grand reserve that's ten years old from 2009 that was just like just over ten US

    距十歲的大儲備 2009年就像剛剛超過十個美國

  • dollars as an example yeah beautiful day we're in need of a siesta I have a

    以美元為例,美好的一天 我們需要午睡,我有一個

  • feeling you may be napping in the taxi so we're gonna say goodbye for now and

    感覺你可能正在打車 所以我們暫時要說再見

  • we'll see you guys in the next video from Mendoza Argentina that's it

    我們將在阿根廷門多薩的下一個視頻中看到你們 而已

  • hi guys the next


good morning guys we have arrived in the land of wine we are here in Mendoza Argentina

大家早上好,我們已經到達 葡萄酒之鄉,我們在阿根廷門多薩


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