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  • today, we're gonna review two grounders.

  • Now, about a week or two ago, I post a review of this.

  • The will first spark grinder on.

  • What did he said?

  • That's cool.

  • But how does it compare to the breath, uncle?

  • So I did what any normal person would do, and I went online, and I bought a Beretta encore.

  • So today I'm gonna do my best to compare and review to first things first.

  • Let's talk about look on build now.

  • For me, the build quality of the will for is actually just a little bit higher, like it feels a little bit more sturdy.

  • But in the Hopper Hopper adjustment, as well as in the body and the buttons itself, the Beretta is not badly built.

  • But to me it does feel a little bit cheaper, a little bit more like quit Now.

  • The switch on the side for sure doesn't feel a stadium as well built as the controls on the side of the willful.

  • Let's talk about usability Now.

  • Both grinders use the hopper on top as a way to adjust the ground.

  • You're gonna twist both of them.

  • I was away to control your grand settings on that works pretty well.

  • They both feel pretty solid, pretty meaty to turn.

  • It's pretty, a little bit easier to move this one.

  • This'll feels a little bit more solid, stiff the buttons themselves.

  • For me, the world for hands down, the quality of button on equality of dialogue are undeniably superior to the switch on the side of this.

  • And to be honest, I don't really love the little start.

  • Stop.

  • Just hold it down to run button on the front of described it.

  • I don't really find it particularly useful.

  • However, when it comes to the bins where the ground coffee ends up, I vastly prefer the design and usability off the bratty little bucket.

  • It's not a huge point, but it's a point in order to properly compare the grinders.

  • What I've done here is set them both to a setting that produces the same strength and therefore extraction.

  • When brewing a 750 mil batch of coffee on my will for batch brewed, this way we could compare them at a fair kind of matching grand setting.

  • First test is how long it takes each grinder to grow in a big batch of copy at that setting, I'm gonna does 30 grams of coffee into each grinder and see which one granted the quickest.

  • So interestingly, the will for grinding twice is quickly for the same batch and saying grind size as the encore Big win for the will phone.

  • What we need to do now is compare the grind quality of each Greiner.

  • Now doing this through taste will be a little bit flawed.

  • I'm just a brew from each.

  • That's a pretty terrible way to do it.

  • Taste comparison.

  • It should be a least blind.

  • It should be at least a triangle test.

  • Doing a non blind A B test between these two grounders is a waste of my time and yours.

  • So I've come up with a different way of assessing the two things recently sent a crew sifted.

  • Now I'll talk about this another time.

  • I'm gonna take a 30 gram dose Mitch grinder and sift it.

  • Now the two sieves 400 micro on 250 micro, both much smaller than the desires of particle size for the kind of grand setting we have him.

  • So really only fines should be sifted through into those two stages we could compare the amount of fines each grand produces to kind of have a relatively insightful look at the ground quality.

  • One thing to note at this stage, this ground has been used daily for four months now.

  • This ground has been useful one day, so the birds are not equal age.

  • However, I don't know how that's gonna impact the test yet a few moments later.

  • So I have the same grind setting.

  • Both Grind is producing extremely similar amounts of sub 400 Micro and some 250 micro files.

  • That kind of makes sense in many ways.

  • The bruise from both have tasted very, very, very similar.

  • One final objective test.

  • When it comes to these grinders on, that's noise for me, there's quite a big difference in noise.

  • And so I got a little decibel meter app on.

  • I'm just gonna test the sound of each grander and see which one is louder for me.

  • I want a quiet grinder.

  • I want that to be something that doesn't disturb people in the house.

  • First thing in the morning make me self conscious about grinding my coffee.

  • I wanted to be a CZ quiet as it can be phone placed equidistant from both grinders on the will for is a little bit quieter.

  • Time for conclusions.

  • At £105 this'll is a great by hard to dispute that fact.

  • At £150 the Bratton is more expensive when it comes to grand quality.

  • Both grinders are producing very similar results.

  • Hard to talk too much about in the cup because I haven't brooded nearly as much coffee with this groaners I have with this one.

  • But objectively, they're both doing a very similar job when it comes to running the same grand settings.

  • So if you're looking for something for filter coffee, they both are excellent choices now.

  • Would I go to the trouble of sourcing this grinder somewhere?

  • It wasn't available over this ground that no, I would not brought our worldwide good support.

  • That's an important aspect off buying any piece of equipment.

  • So it is a good support network.

  • This is great purchase.

  • If this has a good support network, it's another great purchase.

  • But overall to the design turned up some aspects of usability and build Hammond for price.

  • My preference is for the Wilton So there's my first head to head review.

  • Let me know if these things you think I missed let me know if these things you want to know about grinders or by any equipment that I didn't touch on this time around, let me know if these things you want me to go seek out get hold off on review.

  • What kind of things are interesting to you?

  • Leave me a comment below.

  • I'd love to hear what you think described.

  • Think it would be nice.

today, we're gonna review two grounders.


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B1 中級

磨床對決。Wilfa Svart vs Baratza Encore (Grinder Showdown: Wilfa Svart vs Baratza Encore)

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