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  • [ intro ]

  • On December 29th, 2019,

  • four individuals showed up at a hospital in Wuhan, China.

  • All had pneumonia and worked

  • in a particular seafood and live animal market

  • which was enough of a coincidence to pique the interest of local health experts.

  • Two days later,

  • Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization of a new,

  • potentially serious respiratory virus.

  • And you've probably heard about it by now.

  • Here's the thing, though:

  • The emergence of a new disease

  • can be a really uncertain time,

  • with a lot of unknowns and misinformation.

  • So here's a hopefully-helpful breakdown

  • of what we do know about this new virus.

  • And why there's no need to panic.

  • First off,

  • while you might hear some people calling this theWuhan virus

  • because that's where it was first noticed

  • scientists no longer name diseases after people, places, or animals.

  • The virus doesn't actually have a formal name yet,

  • but you'll see experts referring to it as 2019-nCoV

  • which is simply shorthand for 2019 novel coronavirus.

  • As that name implies, it's a type of coronavirus.

  • That's a large family of viruses

  • named for the crown-like spikes that cover them.

  • They're common in human and animal populations,

  • and many cause mild infections.

  • Some strains cause the common cold, for example.

  • But, the group also includes potentially serious stuff

  • like SARS and MERS

  • respiratory infections that cropped up in Asia and the Middle Eas

  • t in 2002 and 2012, respectively.

  • We know this new virus is not the same as either of those

  • because its entire genomewas quickly published

  • in a global epidemiological database.

  • But it can cause similar symptoms

  • , like fever and cough.

  • And like those two diseases,

  • infectious disease experts think it jumped into humans from animals,

  • making it a zoonosis or zoonotic disease.

  • Viruses are usually somewhat finicky about their hosts

  • because they have to get inside cells

  • and that means matching up to cellular parts,

  • sort of like having the right key for a really complex lock.

  • But, on really rare occasions,

  • a virus can just get lucky when it finds itself inside a new species.

  • Then, it can mutate and make itself more at home.

  • SARS, MERS and the novel coronavirus all probably originated in bats,

  • though they all took different routes to reach humans.

  • SARS, for example,

  • seems to have been transmitted to humans by civet cats,

  • while MERS was first transmitted through dromedary camels.

  • The viruses likely made their way

  • into people who came in close contact with those animals,

  • either because they cared for them or consumed them or their products.

  • Now, despite what you might have seen,

  • we don't yet know what species passed 2019-nCoV onto us.

  • The genetic data for the virus was released in mid-January,

  • so scientists are still looking for clues as to its animal host.

  • One paper that garnered a bit of media attention

  • suggested the virus jumped from a snake

  • an idea some people found believable since snakes

  • are often sold at the market where people first seemed to get sick.

  • But other experts are deeply skeptical.

  • Coronavirus infections have only been found in mammals and birds before.

  • So, a snake would be pretty unusual, and the study's evidence is pretty weak.

  • Plus, technically, we don't know for sure that the market was the source of the outbreak.

  • It seems likely

  • given the first four identified cases were people who worked there,

  • but researchers were able to identify older cases when they tested saved specimens.

  • In any event,

  • pinpointing the host it came from

  • is not really the top priority right now.

  • The main focus of researchers is how the virus is behaving in people.

  • Though the numbers change daily,

  • there have been over 4,500 confirmed cases of the virus,

  • almost all of which are within mainland China.

  • Small numbers of cases have also occurred in nearby Asian countries

  • and elsewhere in the world,

  • including Australia, France, the United States, and Canada.

  • That's admittedly a lot of folks getting sick,

  • but it's worth noting that it's still really unclear

  • exactly how often it turns severe and how infectious this new virus really is.

  • While we know there is at least some human to human transmission,

  • we don't know how easy it is yet.

  • And just looking at one metric or another can be misleading.

  • For instance, a preliminary estimate

  • for the WHO put this virus' basic reproduction number,

  • sometimes called the R0, at around 1.4 to 2.5.

  • It's a measure of the transmissibility of an infection.

  • So, a value of 1.4 to 2.5 means each infected person

  • would be expected to infect two-ish other people,

  • once you average everything out.

  • That might seem bad

  • after all, as some have pointed out on the internets

  • , that's on par or higher than estimates for really bad epidemics,

  • like the 1918 flu and the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

  • And technically, that's true.

  • But it's also not the whole story,

  • because you could just as easily say it's about the same as the seasonal flu.

  • And an R0 by itself doesn't tell you how dangerous a disease is.

  • R0 is almost always based on mathematical models,

  • which can be unrepresentative of the real world at times.

  • Also, it assumes a completely susceptible population, and it can be influenced

  • and changedby human behavior.

  • For example the R0 value of ebola in west africa

  • is very different from the R0 value of ebola in America,

  • this isn't some intrinsic quality of the disease

  • But more to the point,

  • it tells you nothing about how sick people get when they are infected.

  • It's a measure of contagiousness, not virulence

  • the term epidemiologists use to refer to a disease's severity.

  • There are infections with much higher R0 values

  • which we don't freak out about because their fatality rates are very, very low.

  • Like, you probably didn't hear about the outbreak of really bad pink eye in Mexico in 2003,

  • even though it had an R0 of four! Because, well, no one dies from pink eye.

  • Epidemiologists worry about high R0s

  • because they indicate a fast-spreading pathogen,

  • and if a pathogen infects a lot of people,

  • then even a super low fatality rate can mean a lot of deaths.

  • And the fact is, we don't know what this new virus's fatality rate is yet.

  • SARS and especially MERS had high fatality rates,

  • but other coronaviruses don't.

  • To date, experts have estimated the new virus's fatality rate

  • to be about three percent, but even that's not likely to be accurate.

  • It's of a back-of-the-envelope calculation based on reported cases and deaths,

  • but the true number of infections is likely much higher,

  • as not everyone who gets infected becomes sick enough to see a doctor and have it confirmed

  • So the actual fatality rate is expected to be quite a bit lower

  • and already, it's small compared to SARS or MERS.

  • Still, it's high enough to be concerning

  • if the virus is allowed to transverse the globe unchecked.

  • Luckily, it appears that countries learned from both SARS and MERS,

  • and are working together to quickly respond to this disease.

  • China has implemented a variety of measures to minimize the spread of the virus,

  • including canceling Lunar New Year celebrations in Beijing.

  • And confirmed cases in other countries are being isolated to prevent the spread.

  • The rapid release of viral genome sequences in particular has also been praised by researchers,

  • as it's let scientists around the world investigate the virus

  • and develop precise tests to detect it.

  • And vaccines are already being planned for development and testing.

  • So while this new virus isn't something to ignore,

  • all-out panic isn't warranted, either.

  • For now, the main concern is for people in China

  • and for those who have recently been to Wuhan

  • or nearby areas and their close contacts.

  • You can still take steps to protect yourself,

  • because that will help protect you from all sorts of other diseases.

  • If it's anything like SARS and MERS,

  • the virus is probably spreading via the respiratory droplets

  • produced during coughing and sneezing.

  • That's the same M.O. as influenza viruses,

  • so the usual measures you should take during flu season apply:

  • Wash your hands a lot

  • and stay home if you feel sick.

  • Andbonus!—

  • you'll help protect yourself from the flu! Which,

  • just FYI, is a much bigger deal in the U.S. right now.

  • We're on track for an especially bad season,

  • with over 15 million infections so far, more than 140,000 hospitalizations. and over 8,000

  • deaths.

  • So if you haven't already, get your flu shot! And don't panic about the coronavirus.

  • While the emergence of a new virus can be a really intense time,

  • infectious disease researchers around the world are on it.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow News!

  • We've included some links in the description that have more up to date information on the

  • coronavirus,

  • so you can check those out if you want to learn more.

  • Also we have a quick announcement!

  • The team here at SciShow has got some really special episodes in the works,

  • so we're actually going to be skipping our Saturday episodes in February.

  • Here's a hint: there were field trips involved!

  • So, we'll be six days a week instead of seven for a little bit.

  • We can't wait to show you what we've been working on!

  • [ outro ]

[ intro ]


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