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  • This is the lock picking lawyer, And I recently got an email from my aunt telling me that her township was giving out project child safe gun locks and asking me if they were any good.

  • Now, I could have just told her that you get what you pay for, but it just so happens that I have one of their locks, and that's what we're going to look at today.

  • I've used it to secure this six hour handgun.

  • But before I show you how bad the lock is, I want to address those would tell me that no matter how bad a gun lock is, it's better than nothing.

  • And all things being equal, they would be correct.

  • Unfortunately, all things are not equal because a gun lock like this can change behavior.

  • For instance, someone might be comfortable keeping a locked gun in their nightstand when absent the lock, it would be squirreled away someplace.

  • It's far less likely a child would find it, given how bad this lock is.

  • In that scenario, it may actually degrade safety.

  • So is it really that bad?

  • Well, I'm just gonna let you judge that for yourself.

  • I'm using these wafer J colors, and we're actually going to take the simplest of the three.

  • Just that quickly.

  • We got it open.

  • Let's do that a few more times.

  • So you know, it wasn't a fluke open again and one last time.

  • OK, folks, I think it's pretty clear that this is not something that can be relied upon to stop an adolescent from accessing a firearm.

  • So while Project Child Safe is certainly commendable in their efforts to bolster gun safety, I'm concerned that in practice those efforts are undermined by the poor quality of these locks.

  • In any case, that's all I have for you today.

  • If you do have any questions or comments about this, please put them below.

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This is the lock picking lawyer, And I recently got an email from my aunt telling me that her township was giving out project child safe gun locks and asking me if they were any good.


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[1034] 兒童安全項目。幫助還是傷害可怕的槍鎖? ([1034] Project Childsafe: Helping or Hurting With TERRIBLE Gun Locks?)

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