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  • go.

  • She has a bad back.

  • She needs help down the stairs.

  • But today is the day that Molly and I are gonna head up north to Pennsylvania to pick up our puppy.

  • Uh, I've already packed my Mac book pro my charger, my nighttime stuff, my clothes, which all fit in this bag.

  • We are only there for a night after all.

  • And I think I'm pretty good.

  • I also have my nice little jacket.

  • Bosie, Coffee cup.

  • Can't tell.

  • Oh, I did forget one thing.

  • Stay with me.

  • This this is what I almost forgot.

  • Who?

  • I don't even know if you could see that.

  • But there's an old GoPro in this brand.

  • New never been used to go pro right there.

  • I mean, it still has a thingamabob.

  • When I looked in, the camera reminded me that I got this.

  • I don't know if you could see this in the background, but I did make to raise beds and total up all this ground to make another flower bed for Molly Won't more.

  • So a garden.

  • She actually has a bunch of things planted.

  • Let me set this here for now.

  • So what?

  • You could see right here is that we have the pie's way.

  • Have What is that?

  • Beats and rashes, then.

  • Over here we have turnips, parse parsnips, Swiss chard.

  • I don't know, but we have a few more things that we're gonna be added to the soil.

  • So that's why isn't exactly how it needs to be.

  • We're still gonna finesse it a little bit.

  • And then over here we have a four by four and a four by eight race garden.

  • And we went over to a friend's horse stables and got a bunch of compost manure way, you see?

  • Gotta look jet noise, but we failed theirs with compost.

  • Um, a newer that we got from a friend of horse stables.

  • Come on.

  • Hey, Easy girl.

  • Do not cut too tall, Too tall.

  • My project, However, besides everything that I have going on already.

  • So let's say my new project I've mentioned in the past is the new company that I'm working on.

  • There have been a few hiccups in the road, which I guess that's kind of expected, but I think we're still on track to be hitting that end of May time frame.

  • A lot of that just heavily depends on the designer that I choose to do the logo and to do a little bit of other art that they need done.

  • Now.

  • I've been considering going about either 99 designs or design crowd.

  • If any of y'all are good designers and you think you could make a logo and some other art, I mean, like, you're good.

  • You have a portfolio that you could show me that you could do what I need you to.

  • D'oh!

  • Let me know in the comments blow or send me an email or something because I would love to be able to work with one of y'all.

  • But for now, I think the whole design crowd or 99 designs is a way to go.

  • Also, I'm trying to figure out how to spend the next four hours before we actually have to leave for Pennsylvania.

  • We have a few things that we need to get done.

  • I just don't want to do.

  • He's not gonna let us.

  • It is not gonna let us see.

  • It's not gonna let us say Lucy, is she?

  • He's not gonna let us in.

  • Look.

  • What is it she Why don't you go go around back.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • That's enough lollygagging around.

  • Quite a few things I need to get done.

  • First of which is returning this Naylor to my brother because I borrowed it from him in order.

  • Thio put together that race flower bed that you saw him.

  • This makes life a lot easier.

  • But first I'm going to switch out my camera for the GoPro.

  • Must forgot the nails galvanised nail so it doesn't rust.

  • Now it's time for us to get the GoPro.

  • One thing is right.

  • When I pulled out the GoPro and actually started working, I recorded a solid 45 clips.

  • Very first thing I said was this thing is sick because itwas you know, the view on the back and all of this compared to the hero three, it is really sick.

  • I don't think it's a go pro.

  • That's a problem.

  • It's this D card because it's an old SD card.

  • That's a problem.

  • So since we're about to leave and actually head up to Pennsylvania, I'm gonna grab micro SD card on the way at some store somewhere when we stop to eat.

  • But as far as the footage is concerned, all I did was return the Naylor to my brother and do a little bit of business things for what I was talking about.

  • Oh, and I set up my P O box on.

  • We finally made it here.

  • Hotel rooms, the same exact as the last.

  • Got my SD card for the GoPro.

  • I'm going to bed, You know, it's morning time.

  • Time to go see the puppy.

  • Is that right?

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, began.

  • Oh, good.

  • You okay?

  • You see?

  • Yeah, I think so.

  • She seemed so excited.

  • Oh, good girlie.

  • See, that's a good girl.

  • I love you.

  • See you.

  • See?

  • You see.

  • Oh, I don't think you're ever gonna love me.

  • Wait, I just Oh, my God.

  • Look, uh, rating really could be Oh, jeez.

  • Your lightning.

  • Okay, honey.

  • Right here.

  • I gotta go.

  • Ready?

  • Come in.

  • Okay.

  • Right.

  • Great.

  • You know, don't work.

  • Hey, really, E Lucy, Tell me, huh?



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A2 初級

我們有了一隻新的小狗!(新斯科舍鴨牌尋回犬) (WE GOT A NEW PUPPY!! (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever))

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日