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  • Hey everybody welcome back to Flag/Fan Friday

  • I hope you'd like the Jamaica episode, I had so much fun filming it especially with Keith; everybody loves Keith even though he

  • Had trouble kind of holding a straight face during my patois scene. Yeah, it was a really fun episode. Anyway

  • So as you know I got to teach you some stuff in this episode so without further ado

  • [Intro]

  • So a few things

  • I wish I could have talked a little bit more about in the Jamaica episode, so like I wanted to talk a little bit more about

  • The indigenous Taino and Arawak that originally inhabited Jamaica, are all but pretty much lost or gone

  • Or dissolved into the lineage of the inhabitants as many of their ancestors

  • Intermarried on the national animal is the red-billed streamertail. So, anyway the flag. The flag of Jamaica has a gold x-shaped cross

  • Dividing the flag into four sections: two green on the top and bottom and two black on the left and right

  • It's also important to note that this is the only

  • national flag in the world that does not feature any of the colors red, white or blue. The green stands for the lush vegetation of

  • The land the gold represents the wealth and golden

  • sunshine and the black represents the strength and creativity of the people

  • which has allowed them to overcome the odds. Originally

  • They had a contest to see which flag that they should adopt many people liked this simple horizontal tricolour

  • Proposition and many people liked the middle gold band configuration

  • however They found out that it was way too similar to the flag of Tanganyika

  • Before became Tanzania except for when they were under the Spanish under the cross of Burgundy

  • Pretty much for the rest of their history they were under various types of Union Jack flags

  • Then there was that weird like West Indies Federation

  • Flag in which all of these countries were unified under one sovereign state kind of technically

  • But it only lasted four years, and then they broke up into nine countries, it's complicated

  • Just look up West Indies Federation

  • So anyway the coat of arms the coat of arms contains two West Indian natives: a woman holding a basket of fruit and a man

  • With a bow both supporting a shield emblazoned with a Red Cross and five

  • Pineapples on top of a shield lies the crest made up of a royal helmet topped with a log and a crocodile's all standing on

  • A banner that states the national motto: out of many, one people. This was actually the coat of arms used on many of the British

  • Colony flags that they gave to make up back when they're under the sovereignty of the British over time slight variations changed

  • But you could totally tell it's British because you know the helmet and the St.

  • George's Cross ah you Brits always sneaking in little hints of your past Empire endeavors

  • Anyway, that just about does it so you know what time it is Geogra- Fanmail time! Alright, so let's just jump into it

  • We've got a ton of stuff including this huge box. This is the biggest thing I've ever had sent to me. We'll open it last

  • Uh...

  • Justin who currently lives in the United Arab Emirates, but he's Canadian hey Barb, I'm Justin

  • I'm Canadian and I live in Dubai. I started watching your show when you presented the Colombia episode

  • I sent you two fridge magnets of the Burj

  • Khalifa and the Burj Al Arab you guys remember in the Geography Go episode when I went to the UAE

  • I was at the Burj Khalifa. I have to admit

  • I was a little disappointed because it was so crowded and jam-packed when I went there

  • I was like ah I can barely even get my camera footage Thank You Maegan for this postcard from Ottawa

  • And let's see we got CJ from

  • Australia. Hey Barb these are AFL team magnets from in the season finals AFL

  • I know of that. Dude, AFL. If you guys don't know AFL is Australian football

  • It's it's the coolest thing ever. The Brisbane Lions, the Bombers, West Coast Eagles, the Swans.

  • There's a team called the Swans. This is from James from

  • Wisconsin. Dear

  • Friends I have viewed many times your most excellent offerings on many nations

  • But cannot seem to find one on Poland

  • I would be interested in purchasing a DVD of your programs. If and only if included Poland James

  • I don't know if you know this we do the videos alphabetically. Ben from... New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Hey Barbs. I'm a writer and law student from New Orleans. I wanted to send you a copy of my book

  • I began writing it while living in Spain and finished it last year.

  • I just want to read your book first before I do anything about you know endorsing you or anything like that cuz I don't know

  • What this book is you know? I haven't read it yet, so I want to read your book first. Okay cool alright

  • Is that good, yeah. Paul from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'm writing today to share with you something

  • I think you'll really enjoy. I wrote a song called Hamsterdam. It's about you guessed it a Dutch hamster.

  • Take me home to Hamsterdam where I can be the Dutch hamster

  • I am. Take me home to Hamsterdam where the hamster wheels turn the windmill's fan.

  • Paul is there actually like a song that goes to this like or are these just lyrics because if there's a song I

  • Kind of want to... I wanna hear you sing this song. Steven from...

  • Washington haha that's me. I can't quite read your name, but you're from

  • Groningen...

  • Netherlands. Oh he drew the Nepal flag

  • Chris and Robbie from Yorba Linda, California. Hey you're my neighbors. Hi, we are Chris and Robbie

  • We are 13 years old from Orange County, California right near LA. Our favorite episodes are China and Germany

  • It would be amazing if you came to our school for the Geography Bee. Ah you should submit to it man. Time's up,

  • I'm sorry.

  • We are sending flags of various nations from around the world. Our social studies teacher had a bunch of flags and gave them away we

  • Grabbed as many as we could. Qatar, Germany, Brazil, favorite: Italy and South Vietnam. All right the big kahuna

  • Let's open this big guy. Okay, this was sent from Abdul Aziz from Kuwait

  • Ah never had anything sent from Kuwait before. Wow oh, I think I know what this is yes

  • This is a Bisht! Remember,

  • I wore one of these when I was in Saudi Arabia, and the Geography Go Episode. Oh my gosh

  • It's so warm so the deserts in Arabia

  • I can get really cold at night and when it gets cold

  • They typically wear stuff like this. Arab fan, woohoo! Kuwaiti sandals, the Kuwaiti flag.

  • He sent these really cool Kuwait fridge magnets. Hey, Paul. Hope this gets to you safely

  • My name is Aziz as you can guess from the flag enclosed. I am from Kuwait City, Kuwait.

  • I've been watching since Algeria if you require any additional helper material for the episode, I'm more than happy to help. Please,

  • let's contact each other! Enclosed is a traditional multi-purpose basket made from palm tree font.. fronds

  • This is made from palm tree. Dude, Aziz you have no idea how amazing this is like it brings me back to

  • 2015 when I went to the Middle East for Geography Go. Trust me, if I ever go back to the Gulf, Kuwait is

  • Definitely gonna be on the top of that list

  • I swear alright so with all that being done and said you know what time it is... Return Address Contest!

  • I put all of your return addresses in this bag right here

  • I pick one out and whoever wins I send a little gift to, so here we go. I'm not gonna look

  • I'm not gonna look. I'm just gonna take one

  • Uhh...

  • Rowena and Michael from Denmark! You guys just won! So once again guys,

  • Thank you so much for sending everything, putting your hometowns and your home countries on display

  • I love putting you guys in the spotlight and in the meantime subscribe if you'd like. Thank you for watching

  • You've just been flagged, stay cool stay tuned.

  • [Clicks]

  • [Outro]

  • [Captions by Adam Teo]

Hey everybody welcome back to Flag/Fan Friday


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B1 中級

旗幟/扇子星期五 JAMAICA (Geography Now!) (Flag / Fan Friday JAMAICA (Geography Now!))

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日