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  • ladies.

  • My name is Jackson Guy and welcome to a game called Air Maradi.

  • Merete is a solid man.

  • He's going on vacation with his family.

  • He's taken the plane on.

  • He has to make a lot of choices along the way.

  • So it's a game that has apparently, like, 60 endings in it.

  • I am gonna hopefully get one of those.

  • I don't know how long it goes out for, but it looks like a fun game.

  • The art style looks wacky.

  • I'm excited for Why does that play not have a second wing?

  • All right, new game.

  • Oh, God, Meet Margie and his family way is Marty's family made up off people made out of fruit paste.

  • That baby looks like it just came out of someone's anyway.

  • Murdy and his family murders hard work has finally paid off.

  • He saved enough for a family vacation.

  • I really like the sort of painted canvas backgrounds.

  • Uh, won't you join them?

  • Join them.

  • I shall join them.

  • I will.

  • What's going on?

  • A vacation All together.

  • Holy shit.

  • Welcome aboard Paradise Air Flight 316 Where's everyone else?

  • We thank you for flying with us today.

  • Now, please buckle up and enjoy your flight.

  • Fucking just got shot, okay?

  • Oh, mother of Christ.

  • No, I completely fucked up.

  • I guess I'm not strapped in and gonna die on this plane.

  • Gosh, thank these.

  • Both short are tricky.

  • Gaggi, egg.

  • Maddie, stop playing around and put my purse away.

  • Is that my wife?

  • I didn't know you could look worse than the initial picture of you.

  • Good Lord.

  • Put those boots where you could put someone's eye out.

  • Sure thing, honey bun.

  • Oh, God.

  • Have to store the purse.

  • Hot nail.

  • That one.

  • That's much easier than belts.

  • Way.

  • Go Two hours late.

  • They're getting famished here.

  • Bites.

  • Oh, goody.

  • Just in time tonight for meal service.

  • We have chicken or fish.

  • He's big, big ass.

  • Who wants to be a millionaire?

  • Decisions.

  • Fish or chicken?

  • I would like chicken.

  • Come on.

  • Give me your energy.

  • Give your energy.

  • I need chicken.

  • Think Check it.

  • Stinky Airplane Fish looks gross.

  • Here goes our enjoy.

  • Thank you.

  • I will.

  • Jesus.

  • What you mean you're on a fish?

  • Big dude.

  • Who's big?

  • Dude?

  • It's good Friday and I can't be eaten.

  • No chicken, Jack.

  • You can and you will.

  • Oh, my gods.

  • This is an alternate universe.

  • Hulk Hogan.

  • I'm so sorry, sir.

  • That gentleman there took the last one.

  • Uh, boy Lacey, Jack the bull Stian Ater needs that fish that he needs it now.

  • Daddy for God, No!

  • What did I do?

  • A shot of my gay brings things kicked in.

  • I just saw a cross hair and they had to shoot.

  • No, boy.

  • Listen up there, Big brother.

  • The bulldozer can take another strike with the big dude in the sky.

  • Daddy, Jack can't take so hand over the fish.

  • Don't anybody dare call me Daddy.

  • Jack in the comments, I will kill you.

  • I will not, sir.

  • Holy shit!

  • I just got drop kicked.

  • Don't drop kicked out of the plane.

  • Say, brother.

  • Dude, you can take one hell of a boom football.

  • Daddy, we got work to do.

  • God!

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, Jesus.

  • This is by God.

  • This is bad news written all over it.

  • What are we doing?

  • Wait, did you just get suddenly?

  • Massive.

  • Okay.

  • Don't die.

  • Oh, Christ.

  • Take him down, Daddio.

  • Okay, baby.

  • Jack, I need you to run in there and rough someone up for the bull.

  • Daddy, I don't like any of that.

  • I don't like that name, huh?

  • Just run in there and hit him with the old bull terrier motive.

  • Come on, Danny.

  • Daddy, work with me Here, Go bash his knee and with his pipe.

  • Okay.

  • Tonya Harding rules.

  • Feed your bloodlust.

  • Oh, God.

  • Pull, you villain.

  • Thought you could take Alexis.

  • You're get away with this.

  • That's right.

  • Lean, Lean.

  • That snake Bull Bogan!

  • Hulk Hogan said that assessed to strike me in my bed.

  • And this Sunday night, the Lexx Express's gonna train wreck his ass.

  • What have I gotten myself in for?

  • In light of the evidence and the testimony given here today, we have no choice but to strip you of your title, effective immediately the end.

  • Who?

  • I love the mystery.

  • Okay, well, that went horribly.

  • I didn't even get to go on my vacation.

  • Just got kicked off the plane immediately.

  • All right, This time I'm gonna nail the belt watch.

  • Fuck.

  • All right, so if I get chicken, which is not really up to me, it's up to the laws of our and Jesus up there.

  • Okay, think Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken Fucking fish.

  • What is wrong with you?

  • Why can't you just think chicken for once, Okay.

  • So I'm not going to shoot him this time when he shows up.

  • Oh, God.

  • He shot straight in my face.

  • Here you go.

  • Thank you, brother.

  • I can see you're one of my little both Uzi ists.

  • Uh uh.

  • Here's a little gift, Big Jack.

  • That's what you have to call me, Big Jack.

  • Wait!

  • No, that's still weird.

  • Don't call me that.

  • Fuck!

  • Go ahead.

  • Try it on.

  • Put on the strap up.

  • Whoops Won't fit so well.

  • I broke a window in the plane apart.

  • We're all gonna die!

  • Hey, you know what?

  • Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking.

  • We're expecting some turbulence.

  • Please return to your seats.

  • Turbulence, my ass!

  • The short cut over Monster Island is suicide.

  • Monster Island.

  • What is his Pokemon watching?

  • Learn, Jackson.

  • Fly like a pro.

  • Oh, I am not going to I am going to die.

  • Ah, lot.

  • Not many times.

  • Just the time that I do die is gonna be like one hell of a death.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Oh, look at the skills.

  • Yeah, take that monster island.

  • Gosh!

  • Durn it, Cory, access the 3rd 1 You've let go this week.

  • I'm sorry, Mr Kron.

  • Yeah.

  • Save that story for the milk man's sport.

  • I'm gonna have to let you go.

  • Well, core Jack's lost his job today.

  • This is so sad.

  • Preposterous.

  • No son in law of mine is going to go unemployed.

  • You start work for me first thing Monday morning.

  • It's nice.

  • Hey, thanks, Daddy.

  • Fucking kid.

  • What is it doing?

  • Your nine iron, sir, where the sand is?

  • Well, that's so sad.

  • Core.

  • Jax is only in her life for like, five seconds.

  • And I already feel bad for fucking up his life.

  • Well, time to go again.

  • What am I ever gonna get my vacation?

  • What happens if they fuck up the purse?

  • Don't put that in the right place.

  • Sorry, lady.

  • Lady Poopsie.

  • Ouch.

  • Whose purse is this?

  • Uh oh.

  • Timeto hide.

  • Shit.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, I don't like this come to say no.

  • Cos they don't have to say it's It's not mine.

  • I didn't do anything.

  • You're just seeing things, Buck.

  • I'm gonna get caught.

  • Ah, I didn't I say, son, did you happen to catch the ah wink of the villain who disposed of their billfold in such a violent manner?

  • Yes, quite what?

  • Oh, no, no, sir.

  • I'm CIA both that stepped up to the pressure.

  • Fuck.

  • Oh, His pressure's too much for me.

  • The scrutiny?

  • No, son.

  • My eye daggers have sought you out.

  • You wouldn't be telling a l little fib, would you?

  • You wouldn't tell it earlier, Jeeves here, would you?

  • I I did it.

  • It was me.

  • I'm sorry.

  • So sorry, User are a vile scoundrel.

  • And I turned man the satisfaction off Jule pistols at dawn.

  • Oh, here in this airplane.

  • As you wish.

  • Allow me to don my dueling glove.

  • Prepare for battle.

  • Okay, Rapid press.

  • Yes!

  • Fuck, yeah.

  • The glovers on It's time to kick some ass if you're ready, sir, The dual shock amends provide satisfaction.

  • I didn't have a chance.

  • Oh, Son of a bitch!

  • Deborah!

  • 05 What the fuck?

  • I'll never be able to un see that now.

  • Jesus.

  • All right, I'm never gonna get the fucking belt buckle ending.

  • But, Buck, Okay.

  • What if I don't hide?

  • There you go.

  • Hey, did you drop this?

  • It's a lady this time.

  • Oh, uh, yes, I did.

  • I'm very sorry.

  • You see, I Oh, my pervert.

  • Rapidly press space.

  • Here's your purse.

  • Back creep.

  • Goodness, what an emotional roller coaster.

  • I gotta go cam down the purse just stuck there in You can't smoke on airplanes.

  • Although there is a ghost purse floating around.

  • So, you know, do whatever you want.

  • Enjoy the bold flavor.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, there you go.

  • Should I have done that?

  • I don't know if I should have done that.

  • Ah, nothing like a trip through flavor Country to take the edge off.

  • Sir, you cannot smoke on an airplane.

  • Put it out right this second.

  • Okay.

  • Shit.

  • Oh, God.

  • All the power of my flick.

  • Oh, what an amazing flick.

  • She's gonna burn the whole Amazon Rain Forest.

  • Oh, no.

  • How that it lasts.

  • All that way down, the world's on fire.

  • How about yours?

  • Smoking?

  • Not even once.

  • The Okay.

  • These endings air quite quick.

  • I have to get the belt buckle.

  • Give me the fucking belt.

  • Booker?

  • Yes, That building 20 minutes later.

  • Hello, sir.

  • My interest may a drink.

  • Oh, what the Hey, give me some of the good stuff.

  • Certainly, sir.

  • That'll be 5 50 please.

  • 5 50 in this economy.

  • Oh, shit.

  • What the fuck do you know?

  • I can t and t apparently restarted.

  • Fuck it.

  • Anyway, I was so close to salvation.

  • You know what?

  • We're not gonna let you smoke this time, though.

  • Smoking kills on.

  • I don't want you burning down the rainforest again and effectively the entire planet.

  • Okay, We've heard that a couple of times over the last couple of years.

  • We don't need it again.

  • Marty, put the cigarette out or I put you out.

  • Thank match.

  • Supposed be a draft in here.

  • It must be a draft on my neck.

  • There you are.

  • You're in trouble now.

  • Pervert point.

  • You been all bowling more woman, huh?

  • That's a still calm, Aaron.

  • It's all now, City boy.

  • Over the top.

  • Rapidly press space.

  • Okay.

  • What a fucking monster!

  • Okay, I want Congrats, Chef.

  • Here's your prize.

  • Enjoy being the king of the roads.

  • So Murdy set out on his great journey never to return home again.

  • The end.

  • That's a sad ending.

  • I had the boat book of one.

  • I'm gonna keep going until I get the belt again.

  • This is the most impressive space clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.

  • Okay.

  • I need to be a little faster than that.

  • Yes, I did it again.

  • OK, now pay attention to the rules for how I get the money.

  • Okay.

  • Time to get a drink.

  • Okay.

  • So I have to price wst and space.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • So the money is in that one.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Shit.

  • Damn it.

  • Did I fuck it up?

  • I'm sorry, sir.

  • That's not enough.

  • Here's a complimentary Ruby Cola instead, sir.

  • You miss it?

  • It just brought the world in.

  • Wait, I've got the money.

  • Right.

  • Dang, My vacation's ruined.

  • Think I'll call and complain now where they put that phone?

  • What's this?

  • What?

  • Cigarette cravings.

  • Shit.

  • This have earned a little break.

  • No, no more smoking.

  • Maddie, stop screwing around.

  • How much longer until we land?

  • Uh, well, I think we just took off.

  • Typical.

  • Go tell the pilots are Hurry up.

  • Sure, they honey.

  • Okay, this one's going on a little longer.

  • Get to the cockpit.

  • Fuck!

  • Fuck!

  • I'm bad at this.

  • Just who I wanted to see.

  • A couple of drinks with road, if you please.

  • Six hours later.

  • What?

  • I said, find the topic of conversation.

  • Oh, gods.

  • Oh, no.

  • I know it's moving.

  • That's so unfair.

  • Fuck!

  • Did you come back?

  • Here it is.

  • Get it?

  • Yes, 10 hours later, I fucking love is this light.

  • So I say to him, That's no oven.

  • That's my wife.

  • Anyway, Larry!

  • Levan, remember to turn off the dang.

  • All of them is the oven off?

  • Oh, oh, my house apart that Oh, no, wait.

  • You have it on in the first place.

  • Open his Reciever school.

  • I destroyed humanity again.

  • That might be my bad.

  • But also, who made the earth out of such who made the art of border anyway?

  • Oh, I could continue and just go to any fucking parts.

  • Oh, stay.

  • Oh, my God.

  • They're so many.

  • Okay, so where was?

  • I just know I did the belt and I needed the money.

  • Okay, let's do the money.

  • Give me some of your finest drinks, please.

  • Okay, this one I can't fucking remember, man.

  • Damn it.

  • I get to the pilot this time.

  • Easy, easy.

  • You were just in the back.

  • How did you come up the front?

  • This plane makes no sense.

  • It's like an M C.

  • Escher plane.

  • Okay, open type.

  • Click, click, click, click.

  • I took too long to find the topic of conversation.

  • And that's what started my love affair with knitting.

  • Anyway, Larry, are you okay looking so hot there?

  • Oh, no, not again.

  • Guess it's time to see if those CPR lessons paid off alcohol and want to kill a man who already burned the earth down twice.

  • Save a life.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Come on, big guy.

  • Breeze me.

  • That is the sound of broken bones.

  • Uh, what what's happening?

  • Hey, mister, you just sexually assaulted me lawsuit later.

  • Oh, my God.

  • This gives ridiculous.

  • Hey, att!

  • Least I got off the plane this time because they did.

  • When I got my truck to Andre Landen went much a man.

  • Randy Savage.

  • Hulk Hogan.

  • All right, I want to get to the cockpit.

  • I want to see what the pilots up to.

  • Okay, Got it.

  • Got it, Got it, Got it, Got it.

  • Got it.

  • Stay in the middle of the state of them in a bowl.

  • Yeah, baby, No!

  • Yes!

  • Hi.

  • Hello, Martin speaking.

  • Say I need shines, you boys.

  • Good.

  • Freeze!

  • Fuck!

  • United States Air Marshal, Put your hands up.

  • Put your hands up and step away from the door.

  • Marry you better not be making a scene over here.

  • What?

  • You're Oh, shit, I'm innocent.

  • What A couple of losers grow up.

  • Is that two babies in a man outfit?

  • Oh, don't mind her.

  • That's just part of her.

  • She's right.

  • I am a loser.

  • I can't even crack this stupid case.

  • If only I had a partner, Wild friend today.

  • Must be your lucky day One you partner right here.

  • Oh, you think so?

  • You have to win me over first.

  • Okay?

  • I hit him in love.

  • Nope.

  • For a fucking love.

  • Come on, sir, I know you love to love with his passion for justice.

  • Rekindle The air Marshal takes on a new partner together.

  • They spend countless hours poring over case files.

  • Desperate for clues.

  • Hours spent invade.

  • Oh, we died anyway, but I cracked the case too late.

  • Is there another ending to that?

  • Because if I don't put my hands up, don't put your hands up this time and see what happens is you just going to shoot me dead?

  • United States Air Marshals.

  • One terrorism, zero skeptical Murdy.

  • Now's my chance.

  • Oh, no, you don't!

  • Come back here.

  • Hey, what the hell?

  • Escape this mortal coil!

  • What the fuck This is so weird.

  • No.

  • Don't you fucking dare drag me back down!

  • This is my treads.

  • What is happening?

  • Enjoy some families.

  • I'm Wait.

  • This is the vacation.

  • I got the vacation anyway.

  • Jesus Christ.

  • Okay, well, I'm gonna leave this episode of Air Merete here.

  • This is really fun.

  • I like these types of games that reminds me of old school YouTube or the types of games I would play in class, in school, at the computer room or on new grounds or something.

  • It's just a good old classic jaunt through money, different endings.

  • I might come back and actually try and find all the endings.

  • Now that I know, I can just go to these sections and I play every single scenario over and over and over again, which really sped up the process there towards halfway.

  • Look at all these ones that I haven't even gotten yet.

  • I need to get the money one, but that's it.

  • That's a hard one to do because you have to keep track of three different things.

  • But I'll try my best.

  • But for now, that's gonna be it from me and Merete.

  • Don't forget to leave a light on the video if you liked it.

  • And also don't forget to subscribe.

  • If you want to see more of it on, you want to see more videos on this channel.

  • We upload every single day.

  • But until then, Mark he's going to give you.

  • Ah, fun, Fashionable farewell.

  • All I wanted to do was go on vacation.



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B1 中級

我不小心毀了這個世界|Air Marty--------。 (I Accidentally Destroyed The World | Air Marty)

  • 2 1
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