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  • I'm a 21 year old college senior graduating with a degree in entrepreneurship, living in New York City.

  • My income Berries month to month.

  • But I make about $40,000 a year.

  • I made $626 working as a cocktail waitress at an upscale lounge, plus $1000 in tips, $1700 for selling my lightly used underwear and socks on Craigslist and $2496 from the other side gigs like selling clothes on D pop, working retail on walking dogs.

  • Last but not least, after one of my regular underwear clients opened up to me about his armpit fetish and made an extra 500 bucks by allowing him to smell my armpit.

  • We met up and I was pretty much fully clothed and just let him smell it for like, 15 minutes.

  • This month was particularly lucrative for me because I took home about $6322.

  • I spend $1300 a month for rent, $141.76 on average for my utilities, $252.56 on monthly subscriptions, $30 a month Thio charity donations.

  • Which leaves me about $4597.68 to spend.

  • I do have around $2500 in credit card debt, my parents said, if a savings account for me when I was younger for my college education that I also contribute to now I'm so, so, so lucky that my parents were able to help me out and it's not lost on me.

  • And what a great privilege this is, cause I know not everyone has their parents that are able.

  • We're willing to help them out with their education.

  • And I have about $10,000 in my savings account.

  • Here's my last statement.

  • My largest purchased was Too fun Ari Fashion for $2745.60 which is a consulting slash manufacturing agency.

  • And I'm trying to start my own laundry company Really comfy que organic cotton?

  • They've just been helping me put my business together.

  • I hired them to go over some manufacturing stuff and technical design.

  • This was four samples I was creating for a photo shoot.

  • I needed the samples created a stop and they were kind of expensive.

  • I spent $40 at body and pole, Body and Pool is a fitness studio specializing in pole dancing and Ariel Arts.

  • I donated $5 to the human rights campaign.

  • I donated $10 to the A C l U.

  • That I do every month.

  • I feel like donating monthly Thio charities and nonprofits is really important to me because I feel like it's a small but impactful way I can try and make a difference.

  • I just try and find every little small way that I can show my support for things that I care about.

  • $25.50 on uber eats, $27.42 on uber eats $19.85 on over Eats.

  • I have ovaries for every meal dry bar.

  • I spent $58.20 to get my hair blown out.

  • Basically, the whole cocktail waitress job is based on what I look like, so I have to make sure those standards are really high up because that's how you differentiate yourself is by looking nice.

  • So I have to get my hair done and my makeup done.

  • I have to make sure I'm in tip top shape all the time.

  • $14.14 at Duane Reade, So I have a routine every week.

  • I have to do it are also really grumpy.

  • I have to take a bath with Epsom salt and light candles and eat my dinner in the bathtub while I watched Bob's burgers.

  • It's like myself care routine.

  • 20 hours.

  • Planned Parenthood It did at extra donation that month.

  • I value my reproductive rights and I want them to be protected.

  • I spent $37.80 for cents at Target to buy underwear in bulk.

  • They eagle out to like a dollar $2 a pair, and that's what I use for my dirty underwear business.

  • I started selling my underwear on Craigslist when I was a cam girl.

  • At that time, customers would bid on the underwear I would wear during the show, and I would mail it to them.

  • And once I stopped scamming, I realized that that was still a thing that I could do.

  • So I went on Craigslist and I realized that there were other girls out there that we're putting ads out to sell their used underwear and socks.

  • And so that's how I got into that.

  • Officially, To be honest, selling my underwear has made me feel really empowered because I feel like I'm in control of my body.

  • It feels really awesome to be able to provide a healthy outlet for people with these fetishes.

  • I never feel like I'm in danger.

  • You always use a fake name and a fake email to contact me customers.

  • I meet them in public places, and sometimes I don't meet them at all.

  • I just mail it to them.

  • Using a fake return address, I spent $38.44 a target.

  • I was buying command hooks for my apartment.

  • I had to hang up some stuff, but I didn't know which ones were gonna work best.

  • So I bought of lunch $275 on Eggs studios.

  • I booked a studio space to do the photo shoot that I got the samples for for the company I'm trying to start, and it was really awesome.

  • I'll probably used to use again $82.51 son's at forever $2119.59 up US by $204.70 at H and M, $89.40 at Victoria's Secret, $47.25 on Whole Foods on $76.20 off the Geek Squad.

  • And all of those were for the photo shoot.

  • I was buying some accessories and closed to go with the laundry day.

  • I had to get a new SD card, and then my computer was having some issues.

  • So I wanted to make sure it was all good and ready before we did the shoot.

  • And that's why I had the Geek Squad fix it.

  • I spent $125 on American Airlines that was actually for a pet ticket.

  • I was flying my ex boyfriend's dog out to see him because I'm a really good ex girlfriend triggered I highly recommend everyone read.

  • You are a bad ass at making money, mastering the mindset of, well, five, Jen's and Sarah that I think has really helped me thio be financially independent and make money.

  • The book is all about developing a healthy relationship with money and creating a mindset that will let you get rich not wanting to make money to make money but wanting to make money, to do something good for the world and creating a mindset that will help you create energy for the universe to bring you money.

  • It sounds really like Foo Foo like, oh, energy universe.

  • But it really makes sense.

  • I would love the underwear brand.

  • I'm trying to launch to be my main source of income.

  • I know it's gonna take a few years to get Thio that point but my goal is to have my own business and have that be my life.

  • I hope that I can sell the venture, start something new, make that big start something new so that I'm very on treatable by nature I always have been.

I'm a 21 year old college senior graduating with a degree in entrepreneurship, living in New York City.


B1 中級

大學生如何花掉她的4萬塊錢的收入 - 誠實的賬戶 - 魅力無窮 (How This College Student Spends Her $40K Income | Honest Accounts | Glamour)

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